View Full Version : Playershop Discussion - Location vs. Success

07-31-2011, 03:49 AM
Hey guys,

Wondering if anyone is willing to share their experience with owning player shops in different towns. I'm interested to know if you found that the location of the shop dramatically affected sales volume or even the inventory that would move.

I owned a 3-room shop in the Landing and couldn't keep gems on the tables, but other than gems, the weapons/armor got dusty quick.

Any major reason to own a shop in one town vs. another, or has ;go2 "globalized" the lands and flattened out prices across the board? Four Winds shops more valuable because the ease of access? Landing because of the population?... etc.

I understand that no one wants to give away the keys to the kingdom, but general thoughts or anecdotes would still be interesting.

07-31-2011, 04:37 AM
Location doesn't matter because no one goes to the shop areas without having already searched the various websites. You can't window shop in a text-based game.

07-31-2011, 05:46 AM
But if there's a shop in your realm it's easier than going cross-realm for something.. even if it's more expensive, no?

So theoretically some realms should be more active. But I don't know if it pans out.

07-31-2011, 08:13 AM
I sell the same items in Zul for 10k less than I sell them for in the Landing.

07-31-2011, 02:46 PM
Landing/Icemule/Sol are the most valuable because of population density. Landing is obviously the most valuable but you can make money in any of them as long as you stock things people want.

07-31-2011, 04:27 PM
Drew, you think Landing shops make more money than FWI shops stocking the same stuff? It's all interesting to me. I'm going to wind up owning shops in all towns just to satisfy my damn curiosity.

Heh, I wish I could see the behind-the-scenes data of what shops are selling what. I bet there are some counter-intuitive, but interesting things going on.

07-31-2011, 04:44 PM
when they opened the shop area in the Landing I intentionally went after the furthest room from the entrance, originally had 3 other people that did the same, since then in the entire district I think only my shop and Plur's are still the same, though the unaltered ones dont stand out when walking thru, in many ways the shops signaled the beginning of the end of the great days of merchanting in GS, Seems like most people basically rent them sell the items they want to move then resell the shop. On the four winds thing, judging by how many people ask me to make exchanges of items I'd say those shops make less based on availability of patrons.

07-31-2011, 05:21 PM
Ardwen, thanks for that info. Very interesting.