View Full Version : Weapon Weighting vs. Sunfist Weighting?

07-27-2011, 01:14 PM
I have a paladin in Sunfist and was wondering about how weighting is applied.

I am currently swinging a 5x DCW War Hammer and using Sigil of Minor Bane for Damage Weighting.

My main question is how and what get's put into play first or is it all independent based on the end roll?

as a side question for future reference, when I achieve Sigil of Major Bane what will be the impact of using my DCW War Hammer while using Major Bane (which adds Crit Weighting)?

:thanx: in advance.

07-27-2011, 01:53 PM
Based on how you've phrased the question, I'd suggest reading the weighting and padding articles on KP. Ultimately, the two simply stack (i.e. if you have 7 points of weighting with the hammer and 10 from the sigil, you have 17 points). There was a huge discussion about whether or not they stack a while back. If you can find that thread it might also be useful.