View Full Version : Best Going-It-Solo Profession

07-25-2011, 03:07 AM
Any thoughts? I haven't played to any higher levels yet and was curious what profession does best hunting solo.

07-25-2011, 04:41 AM

07-25-2011, 04:42 AM

07-25-2011, 05:23 AM

07-25-2011, 05:48 AM

Squares need more outside spells, pures do pretty well, but nothing beats a semi, especially post cap.

07-25-2011, 07:19 AM

07-25-2011, 07:22 AM
I vote for sorcies

07-25-2011, 07:27 AM
dwarven empath. You're spiritual defense will be good because you're an empath, your elemental defense will be good because you're a dwarf, and when you get wounded you can heal yourself. You also have kickass manuever defense making other outside spells, such as mobility, less necessary.

07-25-2011, 08:20 AM
Any profession but warriors, and to a lesser extent rogues should do fine completely on their own. Warriors need the most "outside" help between gear and spells. Rogues need less depending on their build, but still are better off walking around glowing. Beyond that, it is about what you want to be able to do on your own, and how strict about it you want to be.

07-25-2011, 10:24 AM
Fleshlights...Oh wait what?

I'd double what Sheikh said. Semi's are the mix between the two, and can hold their own either way.

07-25-2011, 01:19 PM
dwarven empath. You're spiritual defense will be good because you're an empath, your elemental defense will be good because you're a dwarf, and when you get wounded you can heal yourself. You also have kickass manuever defense making other outside spells, such as mobility, less necessary.

Nevermind! I'm constantly confused about what adds to Evasion and Dodging and DS. I get them mixed up.

07-25-2011, 01:23 PM
anything except warrior, rogue, and a cleric, which are the 3 classes I play

07-25-2011, 01:56 PM
Sorcerer...if you don't care about loot.

07-25-2011, 02:29 PM
It sort of depends on what you're thinking of as higher level as well. All professions have stretches of it being a bit challenging to be completely on their own. The highest level of pure self reliance over the greatest number of trains (0-100), wizards and sorcs.

Truthfully though, any profession can effectively solo hunt given the right target selection. I think that's where semis have a slight edge in the long run, they are more adaptable in combat and can better deal with things that have extreme resistance to magical or physical attacks.

Even squares can do alright on their own. Scrolls and magical items are easy enough to come by if you prefer to not constantly seek folks out for spells. And honestly, I think spells are sort of like training wheels for squares, at some point they need to come off. I'm not saying they aren't useful, for sure they are absolutely needed at times (by and large because the system now expects everyone to be spelled all the time anymore), but I would say that anything essential spell wise could be carried on your person via scrolls/magic items. As previously mentioned though, gear selection is a bit more vital to the success of squares, especially squares who fight in the open.

My advice would just be to experiment with the different classes, and see which one you have the most fun with. If you want to be a pure solo hunter though, but not a pure caster, it's probably best to choose the hardier races. Or be prepared to either a) leave a lot of treasure behind because your round time has become deadly when swinging, or b) cut hunts shorter than you'd like for the same reason.

07-25-2011, 02:36 PM
I have felt that the most self reliable profession has been a bard.

The primary reason being you get 7x free stuff.

I really like ranged rangers, as a second option, but arrow management was annoying to me, maybe not to you.

And finally an empath would be my third choice.

07-25-2011, 02:51 PM
I think Lich dealt with any arrow management issues I had

07-25-2011, 02:51 PM
Rangers, in my biased opinion, even without lots of expensive gear. Worst problem a ranger at cap has is eTD, and that's easily solved by making some rods and getting 508 imbedded in them.

07-25-2011, 03:00 PM
Rangers, in my biased opinion, even without lots of expensive gear. Worst problem a ranger at cap has is eTD, and that's easily solved by making some rods and getting 508 imbedded in them.

Or by being a dwarf/halfling

07-25-2011, 03:09 PM
Or by being a dwarf/halfling

That, too, and halfling is also good for maneuvers.

07-25-2011, 03:17 PM
I meant making sure you had arrows on you that were ebladed.

Only because I found it very annoying to fletch while resting.

But yeah GoS Dwarf Ranged Ranger would probably be my choice if there was better arrow management tools. I am too lazy to write my own.

07-25-2011, 08:04 PM
Sorcerer...if you don't care about loot.


I will preface my remarks with I have never whipped my treasure in front of everyone to see who has the biggest, but I personally find it hard to believe that anyone can out treasure a sorcie in a hunt. Below is a little on the low end of average that I get on a typical hunt.

In the leather satchel:
box (11): a shifting battered silver box, a shifting iron box, a shifting maoral chest, a shifting tanik chest, a shifting haon chest, a shifting silver coffer, an enruned tanik strongbox, a shifting monir strongbox, a simple haon strongbox, a shifting brass strongbox, a battered mithril trunk.

Your shoulders are beginning to sag under the weight of your gear, and your reactions are not very fast. Time to unload, perhaps?

And that does not include the additional 10k in coins (big deal), 20 - 40 gems and other misc items which can be sold in various shops.

Can another profession carry this much stuff and still hunt effectively?

Phase is an incredible spell that lets me hunt with significatly less encumbrance. Maybe my hunting tactics and training are a bit abnormal, once again I really don't compare my training or tactics with others. But I trained myself for a hunting style I am comfortable with.

Throw in scroll infusion and you have nearly every spell available to you without bothering anyone.

Anyways, this is just my two cents.

07-25-2011, 08:45 PM
I think he mostly meant due to implosion, Darc ;)

Suppressed Poet
07-26-2011, 12:22 AM
Any thoughts? I haven't played to any higher levels yet and was curious what profession does best hunting solo.

That question is far too broad for any kind of real answer.

Does solo imply not asking other players for spells? Do you mean not hunting in a group? Do you intend to include everything from level 0 all the way to post cap?

If you were to exclude the word hunting and if what you mean by solo is self-reliant, I would choose empath.

If by solo you mean no outside spells from other characters from 0 to post-cap, I would choose wizard.

If by solo you mean to never hunt in a group and be able to effectively hunt the most/widest variety of critters from 0 to post-cap, I would choose Bard.

My answers do not imply that those classes are in fact the best, but rather the most likely to succeed.