View Full Version : This title should just scream, "READ ME!"...

05-21-2004, 08:42 PM
or not...

Now that I have your attention...


Err... umm... hiya.

Just dropping in to say hello, and probably annoy a few of you for the title I gave this, but I figure most of you might forgive me. ... Except maybe Kranar...

Anyhow, on tonight's show we have an update from the world of J. K. Blair, a.k.a. Caels. --

-- I'm officially in college, overworked, and sleep-deprived. But who in college isn't, right? Well it sucks, but I'm glad I'm finally doing it.

Right now I'm running on one hour of sleep within 48 hours and 12 of those hours were spent at work, 8 spent in class, and the rest... well I uh... bullshit them away while pretending to be doing homework (laptops are wonderful fun when you are avoiding composite functions and algorithmic design).

Ooh... I cursed. Silly me.

Anyhow, how's everyone around here doing? Wonderful I hope...



... Sheesh tough crowd.

05-21-2004, 08:44 PM
Binary numbers...dinner...u...moi. Nice to know that you're doing well!

Weedmage Princess
05-21-2004, 08:44 PM
Hey Caels, good to hear from you. Good luck with your classes and that hectic schedule!

05-21-2004, 08:45 PM
Great to hear from you! Our own Caels, a college student. ::sniffs:: He's all grown up. ::sniffs::

Still have the girlfriend?

05-21-2004, 08:47 PM
Erp... How could I forget to mention her? I deserve a beating from hell.

Yes, we are doing great still. We are coming up on the end of our 5th month and begning of the 6th... At 7 it will be my longest relationship ever.

Be afraid... very, very afraid. (I am)

05-21-2004, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by Caels
Yes, we are doing great still. We are coming up on the end of our 5th month and begning of the 6th... At 7 it will be my longest relationship ever.

Be afraid... very, very afraid. (I am)


J/k...Wow at 7 mo. it will be your longest relationship? For some reason I thought you was married or something. Nice to know that you are happy! Yay for you!

05-21-2004, 09:03 PM
Wow! Always great to hear from you, Caels! It's wonderful to know you're in college and doing well, even if you are sleep-deprived. That goes with the territory, eh? It will be worth it!

Hugs, hon. Lotsa hugs!

HarmNone raises a Bailey's to Caels

05-21-2004, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by Lalana
Wow at 7 mo. it will be your longest relationship?

He must have had quite a few of those "Bang em and leave em" relationships, like Peam.

05-21-2004, 09:34 PM
No... not a very sexual person by any means. It takes me months to build up enough trust in a person to feel comfortable with sex.

Most women leave me because of differences of personal views or maybe a lack thereof. I'm a very loving and affectionate man, but when you sit me in front of a computer I become the damn computer often-times. More often than not, I end up annoying a girl to death.

Oh well... someone will love me despite it, hopefully Rebecca will continue to.

05-21-2004, 10:26 PM
My goal in life is to get HarmNone to raise a Bailey's for me. :(

Good to hear from you Caels.

The secret to college is cheating and not studying. Or maybe that's just my secret to being lazy. But yeah... take it easy. Messing up your sleeping like I did/do is bad for you. :lol2:

05-21-2004, 10:50 PM
:HarmNone raises a Bailey's to Tayre, just for being Tayre: :smilegrin:

05-21-2004, 10:52 PM
:blush: My life is now complete.

05-21-2004, 10:55 PM
Hee! You are sooo TOO EASY! :D

HarmNone never realized a glass of Bailey's could mean so much to anybody other than herself....

05-22-2004, 12:43 AM
Good to see you're doing well Caels.. and congrats on your 7 month anniversary and I hope you have many more. :)

Also, :lol: at Tayre because HN called him easy.

05-24-2004, 03:19 AM
[i]I'm officially in college, overworked, and sleep-deprived. But who in college isn't, right? Well it sucks, but I'm glad I'm finally doing it.

Know that when you hold that degree in your hand, it was all worth it. The money is phenomenal, but the accomplishment and knowledge is a bigger trophy. It's amazing the high a piece of paper can give you. I don't know if you're on the 2 year (AS/AA) plan or the four year (BA/BS) plan. I did the later with multipile minors. And, it's odd... you can know you graduated and it's all good. But when you finally get that stupid piece of paper to prove it... whoa. Things just fall into place after that and one tends to find higher worth in their own being (as should.... skilled, educated, put in the time, higher income potential, etc.), which lends to a different outlook for the better, on life.


P.S. Ok ok, not saying a non-college grad isn't income worthy or skilled. But something inside ticks when you've lent your time to so many courses ranging from philosophy to sociology, to speech, to whatnot... and you endure the years and the hardships, and finally get that paper that says you did it... and succeeded. It's a phenomenal personal accomplishment, a high no drug can beat... I know, I did them all ;)

05-24-2004, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by Lalana
Binary numbers...dinner...u...moi. Nice to know that you're doing well!



05-24-2004, 01:50 PM

05-24-2004, 02:36 PM


(too bad I don't remember ASCII codes).


05-24-2004, 02:42 PM
From base 2 to base 10 the number is 190634. (yes, I acutally found out what 2^17 is)

Is there some kind of significance to it?

05-24-2004, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by Kadumi
From base 2 to base 10 the number is 190634. (yes, I acutally found out what 2^17 is)

Is there some kind of significance to it?

He just wants to "score" in a big way with Lalana. :spaz:

05-24-2004, 03:10 PM
I was using hex.


05-24-2004, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by LadyLuck
Insert italic post here

It shows commitment, that's it. It doesn't show you learned anything, it doesn't show you have skills.

Caels, keep doing what you do bro.

06-16-2004, 07:37 PM
Heh, sorry I've not replied in so long... been kinda busy, of course.

Today I took my final exam for College Algebra, MAC1105... I feel like I did okay, but I won't know until Monday. Last I saw, my grade was an 88.5% a week ago, hopefully I brought that up some.

A high B is fine but I'm not happy with it. If it lowers, I'll just sink quietly into the shadows and accept defeat in the face of mathematical tyrrany. All I have to say, is THANK the GODS I only have to have this one math class.

I'm going for the two year Associate's in Science. I'm wanting to get my degree and get a real job, then work towards my bachelor's and very possibly a master's later in life.

Right now I'm more worried about getting my financial problems secured, and college is only increasing that burden.

Thanks for the encouragement everyone, I really do appreciate it.

06-16-2004, 07:46 PM
Nice to see you still around Caels. An 88.5 isn't a B+ for you? Weird. Hope you get all your financials straightened out, I always get headaches myself filling out FAFSA's and loan information. Makes my head spin. Keep on swinging by when you have a few minutes, we're rooting for you.

06-16-2004, 07:53 PM
lol, It is a B+, but I'm not satisfied with just a B+.

I know I can do better.

06-16-2004, 07:55 PM
I know you can too, but the question is, is it worth the effort! I'll take a B+ and a lot less effort any day :whistle: Kidding, but not to say it hasn't crossed my mind...

I hope you got rid of the mullet!