View Full Version : Damage Weighting Check

07-03-2011, 01:33 AM
Just trying to confirm some damage weighting. The DF in question is .250.

1. "kinda make knees weak" crit (+5 raw damage), end roll was 150, did 47 damage. This came out as +30 damage weighting (with my math).

2. "Strike pierces thigh" crit (+9 raw damage), end roll was 146, did 51 damage. This came out as +31.

3. "Grazing blow to the stomach" crit (+10 raw damage), end roll was 189, did 60 damage. This came out as +28.

4. "Blow raises a welt on arm" crit (+3 raw damage), end roll was 152, did 50 damage. This one came out as +34.

PS: Down with weighting randomization!

If someone could confirm that I got the numbers/formula right I would appreciate it, or let me know if you need some actual attacks to determine it. Thanks in advance!