View Full Version : Merchant in Illistim right now!

05-18-2004, 10:54 PM
Merchant named Baszhan is outside the dais, doing work on light armors and clothing in exchange for gems from the Illistim area.

Hurry word is getting around. I'm getting my boots done hell yeah!

05-18-2004, 10:58 PM
a pair of black traveling boots

These well-used yet durable boots have been fashioned for comfort and, albeit old, the subtle sheen of the leather shows they are well cared for. The leather tongue of each boot, pulled high to protect the shins, is held in place by sturdy laces ladder-threaded through gleaming onyx eyelets and knotted in the middle in the traditional Ishan fashion. The heels have been seared with miniature symbols of V'tull and small onyx rivets have been punched through the fabric at the seams to ensure a snug fit.


05-18-2004, 11:02 PM
So like I saw him wayyyyyy ealier. Tell me what gems are illistim gems, hurry!

05-18-2004, 11:05 PM
I told you, hyacinth, glimmerstone, dragon-tear's, etc.

05-18-2004, 11:08 PM
Shit...tell me the moonstone is one.

05-18-2004, 11:10 PM
any Dragon's-tear gem would qualify, i think moonstones can be found in the nations and teras, might work. I remember awhile back there was a cauldron where if you put a gem of the night(moonstone, dreamstone...) in then it would give you a full head of exp. That took place in Vaalor so id guess they are native to the nations as well.

05-18-2004, 11:13 PM
<< I remember awhile back there was a cauldron where if you put a gem of the night(moonstone, dreamstone...) in then it would give you a full head of exp.>>

That was a storyline. It was something like a bunch of mages fucked up and cursed Elanthia to never see the sun set and the moon rise. Eventually, when enough night items were gathered, the normal day was restored. That is also the origin of those shimmering glaesine orbs.

05-18-2004, 11:18 PM
They need to do cool stuff like this in RR. Except only for people whose name starts with Ao and ends with ne. You know, so it doesn't take forever.

05-18-2004, 11:26 PM
I dunno, but Drakam just got picked and I told him about this! :cry:

He's gonna use a moonstone though, so lets see, LOL.

05-18-2004, 11:35 PM
teehee. this site has finally come to some use. I got picked for an alter and got me some shoes.

some square-toed shoes with scuffed and worn heels

05-18-2004, 11:55 PM
This site also brought me...

05-19-2004, 01:00 AM
Hmm, so I'm reading the boards while scripting to the Nations.

He doesn't happen to still be working, is he?

05-19-2004, 01:24 AM
I hear he might do another spin

05-19-2004, 01:27 AM
Merchant has just spun the last four names for the night.

05-19-2004, 01:48 AM
Yeah he sucks! He chose a whole bunch of people who just walked in!!! I was there all night! I'm hatin', lolz. He made me cry.

You exclaim, "I protest!"
>Baszhan frowns at you.
>You frown at Baszhan.
>You fold your arms over your chest.
>Speaking to Baszhan, you say, "You make me sad."
>You start to cry all over the place.

05-19-2004, 01:50 AM
You cry too often! Eeeesh!

05-19-2004, 01:51 AM
LOL! Well if you are just like everyone else in GS...it would be boring! I cry to make you feel bad and try to kill yourself or something like that. yeah, that!

05-19-2004, 01:52 AM
So basically, you're manipulating all of us with your tears?


05-19-2004, 02:01 AM
Are there usually secret midnight merchants that show up in that town or something?

05-19-2004, 02:07 AM
Not really, but if it works it works.

Speaking to Baszhan, you say, "I'll do yer laundry and take ya out to dinner if you do an alter fer me."


05-19-2004, 04:16 AM
I saw him for like 60 seconds, and helped get Surgla what he wanted, so whatever, whatever.


05-19-2004, 04:21 AM
But I did not get what I want! And I was quite entertaining. Pssshaw!

05-19-2004, 04:23 AM

I got Baszhan's amulet offa him! :grin: Dont ask me why i wnatd it so bad, but i did for some reason, when i saw it i was just like, thats gotta be mine befrore he leaves...and well, it is now mine:

You are wearing a star-cut emerald amulet


P.S. Theres no way i would have gotten that if it wasnt for Finis, thus Finis is the man, and if you talk shit to him, i'll crush your face. :)

[Edited on 5-19-2004 by J-Tech]

05-19-2004, 04:45 AM
Finis smells like spoiled cheese!!!! :bleh:

05-19-2004, 04:47 AM
Hah - I already put you through enough shit in game, Lala.


05-19-2004, 04:49 AM
Not really...you've been nothing but sweet. I thought you was gonna crush me or something? ;)

05-19-2004, 08:10 AM
He was spinning? I just walked in, talked to him, got him a gem he wanted and he did my boots. Of course he walked onto the dais and no one but me and Pastoya followed him out.....

05-19-2004, 08:46 AM
I remember once, in Ta'Vaalor, a merchant walked in, and dropped a list.

He stood there for 10 minutes, with all three slots open, no one signed up.

I walked in, didn't notice the list at first. Then I see something like "You see something pulsating with a soft white glow on the ground." I look around, see the list, sign up.

The GM gives me a [SEND] to not tell anyone. I don't. I just sit in VC looking impatient. Still no one signs up.

I decided to be fair. I gave the n00bs in VC ten more minutes, plus 2 more of those messages, before I IMed two of my friends.


05-19-2004, 09:36 AM
I could have logged in my rogue but I didn't feel like taking 2 alters. Damn my scruples!!

05-19-2004, 09:39 AM
Lousy alterers.

05-19-2004, 01:10 PM
I had my fan done..

he wouldn't do my nalea gown... grumble..

05-19-2004, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by Lalana
Finis smells like spoiled cheese!!!! :bleh:

Ouch! Damn that almost hurts. :lol:


05-19-2004, 01:14 PM
I try my best hon. :)