View Full Version : Enchanting Fusion items?

06-27-2011, 01:28 PM
Silly question, but I can't find the answer on krakiipedia...

What's involved with enchanting a fusion item? Special potion? Greater chance of failure? Extra steps of some kind? Do I take the orbs out first?

Just... lookin for some info as I start on my bow.

06-27-2011, 01:54 PM
It requires an additional potion, Ave'shek or something like that, I forget off hand. They usually run about 300k in player shops, and there is an increased chance of failure. It's much more difficult to enchant fusion items.

06-27-2011, 01:56 PM
ayvenah potions I believe. Sorry.

06-27-2011, 01:56 PM
The extra potion you need is the ayvaneh potion. Pour that potion, then pour the normal tempering potion.

The difficulty of enchanting enhancives is based on the bonus granted. Thus... take the orbs out before you start, else you're needlessly making your life more difficult.

06-27-2011, 01:58 PM
FYI: Enchanting enhancives, even fusion pieces, is a bitch.

You gesture at a pale silvery ruic longbow.
The layers of essence permeating the silvery ruic longbow unfold before you to reveal the familiar patterns of a tempering enchanting project, which you recognize as one of your own. It is currently tempered and ready to be enchanted. It is on the third step of the enchanting process. You recognize the vibrant green aura surrounding it as indicating a moderate level of enchantment.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

You gesture at a pale silvery ruic longbow.
Slender wisps of essence form around the silvery ruic longbow, but quickly take on a dark, greenish-black hue. The wisps twist about each other, writhing in discordant response to your chant. Suddenly, the tendrils coalesce around the longbow, forming a shell of black, crackling energy. With a burst of static, the longbow falls from your hands and the roiling energy sinks into the longbow, leaving their surface blackened.
Roundtime: 20 sec.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

You gesture at a blackened longbow.
The underlying patterns of essence within the blackened longbow indicate that it has been enchanted, and you notice your own enchanter's mark on it. You notice a chaotic, shadowy aura surrounding it which you are sure indicates a corrupted enchantment.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Mid-way through the 4x-5x cast. In a workshop, familiar present, +40 aura bonus, +33 logic bonus, level 44 wizard with 65 wizard ranks and 20 ranks each of MjE and MnE.

06-27-2011, 02:10 PM
FYI: Enchanting enhancives, even fusion pieces, is a bitch.

You gesture at a pale silvery ruic longbow.
The layers of essence permeating the silvery ruic longbow unfold before you to reveal the familiar patterns of a tempering enchanting project, which you recognize as one of your own. It is currently tempered and ready to be enchanted. It is on the third step of the enchanting process. You recognize the vibrant green aura surrounding it as indicating a moderate level of enchantment.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

You gesture at a pale silvery ruic longbow.
Slender wisps of essence form around the silvery ruic longbow, but quickly take on a dark, greenish-black hue. The wisps twist about each other, writhing in discordant response to your chant. Suddenly, the tendrils coalesce around the longbow, forming a shell of black, crackling energy. With a burst of static, the longbow falls from your hands and the roiling energy sinks into the longbow, leaving their surface blackened.
Roundtime: 20 sec.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

You gesture at a blackened longbow.
The underlying patterns of essence within the blackened longbow indicate that it has been enchanted, and you notice your own enchanter's mark on it. You notice a chaotic, shadowy aura surrounding it which you are sure indicates a corrupted enchantment.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Mid-way through the 4x-5x cast. In a workshop, familiar present, +40 aura bonus, +33 logic bonus, level 44 wizard with 65 wizard ranks and 20 ranks each of MjE and MnE.

Shit Fire... I was lookin to take my 4x up to 5x with my 59 wizard, without the enhancives. Jeebus. Well, thanks for the warning. I'm not touching that.

06-27-2011, 03:59 PM
didn't naos nerf wizard circle overtraining? Better off putting it in mje

06-27-2011, 04:08 PM
didn't naos nerf wizard circle overtraining? Better off putting it in mje

Yes, wizard circle overtraining was nerfed, however Naos also said that 1 rank of wizard spells is still always worth more than 1 rank of any other skill.

06-28-2011, 12:03 AM
Actually, I believe he said that even with the diminishing returns it was never worth less than 1 rank of anything else which isn't the same thing Droit. I can't find where the post is saved though so can't be certain. Memory and all.

As to fusion items, you just need higher level wizards is all. These wizards under 50 trying to enchant fusion gear probably won't have great success.