View Full Version : Stormfront color palette

06-19-2011, 11:53 PM
I've just started playing again after a few months away and am having an awful problem trying to read the blue on black in Stormfront. One of the medicines I'm taking, methotrexate, causes blurred vision and a loss of color acuity. Is there any way to change the default colors in Stormfront?

06-20-2011, 12:11 AM
I've just started playing again after a few months away and am having an awful problem trying to read the blue on black in Stormfront. One of the medicines I'm taking, methotrexate, causes blurred vision and a loss of color acuity. Is there any way to change the default colors in Stormfront?

Yes, right click on the screen. Click settings. Color palette is right there. You need to manually change the colors in each window. You can change font size in each window to help, too.

Alternatively, you can click options in the upper right. Click Highlights, then mess with the Preset text highlights, too. Both ways have their upside. Mine are all changed around.

06-20-2011, 12:29 AM
Also you can change both the text color AND background color for each window. I think everyone has different tastes, but I go with black text on a light gray background for the story and thought windows, and white on black for everything else.

06-20-2011, 12:33 AM
Thank you both!