View Full Version : looking for my old sorc veiss

06-18-2011, 02:46 AM
title says it all, havent seen the name log on in massive years, if anyone knows where i can find him or who has him, drop me a note. or someone rage deleted him i dunno....oh well let me know, will pay....


06-18-2011, 06:42 PM
I don;t quite think that I ever put together that Polveiss and Veiss were the same person. I miss watching Veiss, Aprildawn and Violentmoon horse around together. Who played those two?

06-18-2011, 07:13 PM
Violenttmoon and Aprildawn were the same player. She no longer plays and I'm not even sure if she is still alive. Her son came to the PC and sold Violenttmoon and Maleek took over Aprildawn after Violent originally quit. From what I understand, Violent's son tried to get back Aprildawn and there was a bit of a drama about it. Haven't seen any of the chars since that time.

06-18-2011, 09:58 PM
vio and aprildawn were the same player, I lived with her and her son in boston, shes alive and well, i have her on my fb, just talked to her a few weeks ago.
