View Full Version : List of known thieves, scammers, and worthless merchants

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06-17-2011, 01:17 PM
Since we have the merchant feedback, which seems to just be all good sales, I wanted to make a list of known thieves, scammers, shady people, and people that are in denial about being such that are here on the PC. I'll try and update the first post with names threads, if applicable.

Plays Tycine and Kizun, among others
Too many threads to link



Plays Querthose


Plays Jukes, Kyal, and Hicclestub

Need who he plays

06-17-2011, 01:35 PM
zim is around? thought he was banned

06-17-2011, 01:36 PM
You forgot Gizmo/Widgets/Kyal

06-17-2011, 01:37 PM
You forgot Gizmo/Widgets/Kyal

No he didn't

06-17-2011, 01:39 PM
You forgot Gizmo/Widgets/Kyal

I considered adding him, but I've never seen where anyone came out and said that he had stolen from them or where he admitted to stealing himself. While I think he is really shady and would never do business with him myself, I don't know the truth of the situation. If you have links, please provide them.

06-17-2011, 01:44 PM
Add all aliases and maybe character names?

06-17-2011, 01:44 PM
I considered adding him, but I've never seen where anyone came out and said that he had stolen from them or where he admitted to stealing himself. While I think he is really shady and would never do business with him myself, I don't know the truth of the situation. If you have links, please provide them.

You did business with me twice though, so I dunno why you say you didn't

The issue is this, the people I've done business with, have never flat out and said so, nor given me any positive rep in the process.

All (The majority) of people claiming I'm a thief, I've never even done business with to start with....Just like you Drew, so you calling me a thief has no grounds whatsoever. That's like me saying you are a horrible merchant and a thief too.

So, can I call you a thief too since you call me one? I mean, clearly you are a thief since others say you are, so I'm allowed to also right?

06-17-2011, 01:51 PM
Isn't Gizmo No Gnomes is Good News?

There is this thread:


I never had the vambraces when I left, as I told Paul this and another person here knows. That person, who did had the vambraces, I told to give back to Shenye when I left, or in return would give him the coin as well.

Granted, I don't remember which or the exacts were said, however that deal, when I left was secured on my end. As to whether or not the other person followed thru with it, is beyond me.

I'm guessing it never occurred since I've been accused of stealing from him too...You will have to take it up with that person, whome i gave everything else I had to before I left and who I told to finalize the thing with Shenye with or return the vambraces in either situation. I was under the impression they were returned, but clearly they were not then.

It's mildly complicated, as at that time, said person and I were sharing accounts and so forth.

It's too late for me to even attempt at explaining the whole deal, but that in the end of it all, when I left, the other person had them still and was (at least I thought) told to give them back if they didn't want to keep them, or give Shenye the other 50mil owed. At that time I was under the impression he opted to keep them and was going to give Shenye back the coin, and I think I may have even told Shenye that, but like I said this happened a bit ago and it's a bit late for me now since I work during the days

Worst case scenario he's making up this story about a friend who he supposedly gave everything to in order to steal 50 million silvers from someone.

Best case scenario he's telling the truth but still admits he made an agreement to trade robes+50 million silvers to someone for vambraces, he receives the vambraces and only hands over the robes.

06-17-2011, 01:51 PM
The issue is this, the people I've done business with, have never flat out and said so, nor given me any positive rep in the process.

I've done business with you on several occasions (and would again in a heartbeat, for the record), openly gave you credit in the merchant feedback thread, and repped you... before I realized that you routinely use multiple screen names. That might be part of the problem?

06-17-2011, 01:56 PM
You did business with me twice though, so I dunno why you say you didn't

If I did business with you, I didn't realize it. That's also another shady thing that you and Inspire do. You hide behind characters and handles so people don't know who you are. Welcome to the list.

06-17-2011, 02:04 PM
If I did business with you, I didn't realize it. That's also another shady thing that you and Inspire do. You hide behind characters and handles so people don't know who you are. Welcome to the list.


06-17-2011, 02:11 PM
I'm confused by that Meureii link. Where do people call him a scammer/thief? I didn't see it.

06-17-2011, 02:12 PM
I'm confused by that Meureii link. Where do people call him a scammer/thief? I didn't see it.

It takes place later in the thread when it comes out he lied about what he sold and has no remorse about it.

06-17-2011, 02:13 PM
I went through both pages of that thread and I didn't see any of that? WTF

06-17-2011, 02:14 PM
Isn't Gizmo No Gnomes is Good News?

There is this thread:


Worst case scenario he's making up this story about a friend who he supposedly gave everything to in order to steal 50 million silvers from someone.

Best case scenario he's telling the truth but still admits he made an agreement to trade robes+50 million silvers to someone for vambraces, he receives the vambraces and only hands over the robes.

Durg was the other "Story Telling" person involved. So I guess I can call him a thief too, since well, he did juke Inspire out of gear, but that is heroic as opposed to negative if I would say so lol

06-17-2011, 02:16 PM
If I did business with you, I didn't realize it. That's also another shady thing that you and Inspire do. You hide behind characters and handles so people don't know who you are. Welcome to the list.

And you knew damn well who I was when I bought those coins, don't fucking try not to act like you didn't

But it's ok, I expected you to be shady as fuck like everyone that admits you to be, just a typical two faced person like alot of people here.

It's all gravy. You can keep thinking you are mightier than others if you want, whatever gets you through the day

06-17-2011, 02:18 PM
You're really not helping yourself here, Gizmo.

06-17-2011, 02:19 PM
And you knew damn well who I was when I bought those coins, don't fucking try not to act like you didn't

But it's ok, I expected you to be shady as fuck like everyone that admits you to be, just a typical two faced person like alot of people here.

It's all gravy. You can keep thinking you are mightier than others if you want, whatever gets you through the day

You bought them under the handle NoGnomesIsGoodNews, before you had been outed. The paypal account had a chicks name, I think Susan, attached to it. I didn't even realize you were Jukes or Kyal until days afterwards.

06-17-2011, 02:22 PM
Linked the wrong thread for Meureii. You should remember it DieThx because you are all up in that thread.


06-17-2011, 02:23 PM
You're really not helping yourself here, Gizmo.

As if anything I say would help myself?

PC leeches will always be PC leeches. It's funny to glance at my User CP, to see how important repping is for people here.

The people that matter most, still do business with me, those that don't. Oh well, not really my lose in any case unless someone utterly has the one thing I would kill for...Which in the case of a text game, isn't anything really, cause well, it's fictional.

06-17-2011, 02:27 PM
As if anything I say would help myself?

PC leeches will always be PC leeches. It's funny to glance at my User CP, to see how important repping is for people here.

The people that matter most, still do business with me, those that don't. Oh well, not really my lose in any case unless someone utterly has the one thing I would kill for...Which in the case of a text game, isn't anything really, cause well, it's fictional.

Is that why you hid behind a name to buy two daggers from O?

06-17-2011, 02:27 PM
Linked the wrong thread for Meureii. You should remember it DieThx because you are all up in that thread.


Holy balls, 21 pages (at 50 posts per page). Yeah I don't remember that thread at all. I guess I will read some, haha.

eta: Nevermind, only 5 pages. For some reason clicking on that thread automatically logged me out. That's never happened before, weird!

06-17-2011, 02:29 PM
But it's ok, I expected you to be shady as fuck like everyone that admits you to be, just a typical two faced person like alot of people here.

Please provide evidence of me being a shady merchant and I'll add my name to the list.

06-17-2011, 02:30 PM
Please provide evidence of me being a shady merchant and I'll add my name to the list.

I never said shady merchant, I said shady...Two faced etc.

Loss of hair must have given you a loss of brain power too

06-17-2011, 02:41 PM
Hell, the majority of PCers I liked are gone. You're all a bunch of assholes, especially CrystalTears. <3

But seriously though, most of you are assholes who vehemently try to outwit each other. My kind of people.

06-17-2011, 02:42 PM
I never said shady merchant, I said shady...Two faced etc.

Loss of hair must have given you a loss of brain power too


06-17-2011, 02:48 PM
Thanks for this thread. Now I won't accidentally make deals with any of these scammers. You should probobly add Gizmo to the OP since I didn't realize he was a Widgets/Kyal/NoGnomes until he started posting in here.

06-17-2011, 02:51 PM
Added some character names. I know Inspire has been using Gnorble or something like that, to buy stuff recently. Anyone know the exact name?

06-17-2011, 02:59 PM
Hey I made a list!

I've sold things to plenty of people. (and for other people.) And only one time has anyone said anything bad about me. Which was his own dumb fault for pretending to be me. If he hadn't of done that, I wouldn't have done what I did.

06-17-2011, 04:04 PM
I like the part of the story where you didnt give a shit about him pretending to be you for 3 months until cata was being released and suddenly you decided you had been wronged.

06-17-2011, 04:07 PM
I like the part of the story where you didnt give a shit about him pretending to be you for 3 months until cata was being released and suddenly you decided you had been wronged.

Bro timing of a new release where tons of people activated their old accounts has nothing to do with it bro. Totally bro I was just getting back at him for pretending to bro it up with my bros.

06-17-2011, 04:08 PM
Please note I have no idea if Nattor talks/acts/is a bro but it felt right in the above post. Thank you.

06-17-2011, 04:33 PM
I considered adding him, but I've never seen where anyone came out and said that he had stolen from them or where he admitted to stealing himself. While I think he is really shady and would never do business with him myself, I don't know the truth of the situation. If you have links, please provide them.



You also forgot how DREW will FLAT OUT LIE ABOUT HIS ITEMS to sell them.


or was it


06-17-2011, 04:34 PM
I like the part of the story where you didnt give a shit about him pretending to be you for 3 months until cata was being released and suddenly you decided you had been wronged.

"Technically", that might be a coincidence.

06-17-2011, 04:35 PM
And you knew damn well who I was when I bought those coins, don't fucking try not to act like you didn't

But it's ok, I expected you to be shady as fuck like everyone that admits you to be, just a typical two faced person like alot of people here.

It's all gravy. You can keep thinking you are mightier than others if you want, whatever gets you through the day

Rogane is a DRUNK who LOST HIS LICENSE because of a DUI.

06-17-2011, 04:38 PM
Rogane is a DRUNK who LOST HIS LICENSE because of a DUI.


06-17-2011, 04:38 PM
It's Utch, not Ukyt. That's someone else. You forgot Etrect and Jandue. And yes, I used to drink every day, all day, for almost 3 years until it almost killed me. That last DUI, four years ago, saved my life because without it, I wouldn't have stopped drinking. Not that any of that has anything to do with my merchanting.

06-17-2011, 04:39 PM

It's all stuff I've said before quite a few times. He's just trying to get under my skin because his attempts to prove I'm as bad as he is haven't worked.

06-17-2011, 04:41 PM
It's Utch, not Ukyt. That's someone else. You forgot Etrect and Jandue. And yes, I used to drink every day, all day, for almost 3 years until it almost killed me. That last DUI, four years ago, saved my life because without it, I wouldn't have stopped drinking. Not that any of that has anything to do with my merchanting.


06-17-2011, 04:41 PM
Not that any of that has anything to do with my merchanting.

Winner winner chicken dinner.

If being a RL loser screw-up had an influence on GS merchanting, pretty sure Inspire would be THE WORST MERCHANT EVER (extra true with caps).

Against my better judgement I'm going to write the following and tell you the truth about my life.

I'll start by saying that I'm a very private person. I grew up a Jehovahs Witness and unless you were part of the church you were considered to be a "worldly" person and a bad person. So growing up I had no friends because I was not allowed to play with anyone outside of the church.

When I became a teenager I found Gemstone and got hooked. It was an escape from a life that I didn't agree with. I was only allowed to play for an hour here or there and spent most of my time being a twat dragging bodies out of TSC to decay and whatnot. But having a place where I could be someone different than who I was forced to be was salvation.

Eventually I got out on my own and came back to GS. I played on and off for a few years, never really making any close friends. I was part of the Trophy Room gang when Debia, Jubuls, the original Tijay, Xak, etc used to hang there.

Anyway, fast forward about 9 years from there and it brings us to last year. I guess I should also tell you that I am a 28 year old bisexual male, I'm not a girl but it's sometimes fun to play around. I have been in a relationship for 4 years now with someone I care about very deeply. Unfortunately that person had a drinking problem and it got out of control. One night he decided to swallow a tube of pills and drink himself to death. I woke up at 4am to find him barely breathing. I called 911 and they rushed him to the hospital where he stayed for awhile. He went into rehab from there and got help for his drinking problem but I wasn't alright. His suicide attempt affected me in ways that I wasn't prepared for. I became severely depressed myself and sunk into gemstone like a tick. It was getting harder and harder for me to get out of bed in the morning and I started missing more and more work. I eventually was let go, which made me sink even further into GS.

Thankfully I was able to make silvers in the game and sell them to the PC community. Had it not been for all of you, I wouldn't have made it over the last year, financially or mentally. That is also part of the reason why Myklians changing was hard on me. I was using gemstone to survive and to pay my bills. It became a full time job. When Myklians were changed I realized my life was about to become much more difficult and I freaked out. I was already in a bad place because of the suicide attempt and I no longer knew how to deal with anything.

So where does that leave me now. Unfortunately I have a drug problem. I smoke marijuana every day. I don't like taking pills to be normal, so I turned to drugs to stabilize my mood and help me feel better. Most of the time I am alright, but every now and then I turn into an ugly monster, which is what you see from time to time on lnet.

So, this is the mess that is my life. Feel free to make fun of me now in typical PC fashion. I'm sorry if I have insulted you personally. Please know that it wasn't personal if I went off on you. I have a lot of problems that I don't know how to deal with or overcome. I have become someone that I don't want to be, so I am sorry if I have affected you negatively because of it.

06-17-2011, 04:43 PM
Winner winner chicken dinner.

If being a RL loser screw-up had an influence on GS merchanting, pretty sure Inspire would be THE WORST MERCHANT EVER (extra true with caps).

Says the whore who stalks an internet message board for a game she no longer plays.

06-17-2011, 04:44 PM
As if anything I say would help myself?

PC leeches will always be PC leeches. It's funny to glance at my User CP, to see how important repping is for people here.

The people that matter most, still do business with me, those that don't. Oh well, not really my lose in any case unless someone utterly has the one thing I would kill for...Which in the case of a text game, isn't anything really, cause well, it's fictional.

I don't really get caught up in who ripped who off but I will say that having positive reputation here has come in handy for some of the sales I've made. Especially things that come to trust.

06-17-2011, 04:45 PM
Says the whore who stalks an internet message board for a game she no longer plays.

You never fail to amuse. (by being a pathetic mongoloid)

06-17-2011, 04:47 PM
I like the part of the story where you didnt give a shit about him pretending to be you for 3 months until cata was being released and suddenly you decided you had been wronged.

Think what you'd like but I never had the intention of playing Cata. I haven't played it either. I just wanted to get the stupid account banned.

Also, back to the topic in this thread.. I don't care if I'm on the list or not, but if you want to make it a complete list my other characters name is Rylaarn.

06-17-2011, 04:49 PM
Says the whore who stalks an internet message board for a game she no longer plays.

It's just not the same without capitalizing key words.

06-17-2011, 04:49 PM
I don't really get caught up in who ripped who off but I will say that having positive reputation here has come in handy for some of the sales I've made. Especially things that come to trust.

I can honestly say that the "bad rep" from the PC hasn't hurt me one bit.

Everyone knows this place is a loud, crude, trollfest and you can't believe anything you read here.

Several scammers such as Rogane, Drew and Diethx just stalk these boards looking for people to take advantage of.

06-17-2011, 04:50 PM
I can honestly say that the "bad rep" from the PC hasn't hurt me one bit.

Everyone knows this place is a loud, crude, trollfest and you can't believe anything you read here.

Several scammers such as Rogane, Drew and Diethx just stalk these boards looking for people to take advantage of.

lol how can I be a scammer when I don't even play?! Holy shit your retardation is without boundaries.

06-17-2011, 04:51 PM
I never said shady merchant, I said shady...Two faced etc.

Loss of hair must have given you a loss of brain power too

Rogane is very two-faced.

He paid me $800 for the 604 skinning knife, then tried to say I'm a bad merchant. LOL

06-17-2011, 04:52 PM
I can honestly say that the "bad rep" from the PC hasn't hurt me one bit.

Everyone knows this place is a loud, crude, trollfest and you can't believe anything you read here.

Several scammers such as Rogane, Drew and Diethx just stalk these boards looking for people to take advantage of.

I'm definitely not a psychiatrist but I really do hope that you seek out a good one to help you.

06-17-2011, 04:57 PM
I don't really get caught up in who ripped who off but I will say that having positive reputation here has come in handy for some of the sales I've made. Especially things that come to trust.

Nah I know that Sean.

My rep is still positive to those who matter, was more or less what I was getting at etc.

My rep is mostly "negative" from all the band wagon kiddies who yell rip off, even though I bought nothing from them.

Those who have been yelling it, I've purchased items from and had no troubles with at all, Rogane for starters and a few others. But they'll still shout out thief even if they have never personally had any issues.

Always the negative, never the positive with most rejects of society here. That is the reason why so many still frequent the boards, playing the actual game or not...I don't think they honestly have anywhere else to go

06-17-2011, 04:58 PM
I can't give any more positive rep to the contributors here, so a bump will have to do.


06-17-2011, 05:04 PM
Nah I know that Sean.

My rep is still positive to those who matter, was more or less what I was getting at etc.

My rep is mostly "negative" from all the band wagon kiddies who yell rip off, even though I bought nothing from them.

Those who have been yelling it, I've purchased items from and had no troubles with at all, Rogane for starters and a few others. But they'll still shout out thief even if they have never personally had any issues.

Always the negative, never the positive with most rejects of society here. That is the reason why so many still frequent the boards, playing the actual game or not...I don't think they honestly have anywhere else to go

Their lives are so pathetic they have to F5 as fast as they can so their empty, miserable existence has a purpose.

(Die thx should be responding in about 3...2...1....)

06-17-2011, 05:06 PM
My rep is mostly "negative" from all the band wagon kiddies who yell rip off, even though I bought nothing from them.

Yeah like all those assholes that hop on the bandwagon and say that Charles Manson is a murderer EVEN THOUGH he never murdered one of them. Amazing.

06-17-2011, 05:10 PM
So Inspire is now accusing me of murdering a 4 year old.

[LNet]-GSIV:Quallander: "Did everyone hear about Rogane getting in a drunk-driving accident and killing some little girl?"
[LNet]-GSIV:Jadah: "Hmmm."
[LNet]-GSIV:Jadah: "Are you Inspire?"
[LNet]-GSIV:Yaldin: "and what is your source for that quall?"
[LNet]-GSIV:Yaldin: "if you say the friend of a friend I'm a gonna smack you"
[LNet]-GSIV:Jadah: "A friend of a friend of a friend of a friend..."
[LNet]-GSIV:Gellert: "He's trying to make an allusion to Glen Beck, except for the fact that whatever he is, Ross still isn't the sort of scam artist Inspire is."
[LNet]-GSIV:Baniktin: "Definitive proof posted by someone who knows him irl or shutup."
[LNet]-GSIV:Jadah: "Yeah, ask a question like that with a Yes, No answer..."
[LNet]-GSIV:Chanska: "so we meet again Lonestar!"
[LNet]-GSIV:Illaris: "He treats everyone like shit"
[LNet]-GSIV:Jadah: "You feel impelled to answer Yes or No, but there are other ways to answer his question."
[LNet]-GSIV:Jadah: "compelled* my bad."
[LNet]-GSIV:Tycine: "The information about Rogane killing a 4 year old girl while drunk-driving can be found on the illinois clerk of courts."
[LNet]-GSIV:Yaldin: "gee and he used his gemstone name? how about a link"
[LNet]-GSIV:Jadah: "*researches Rogane 4 year old girl drunk driving*"
[LNet]-GSIV:Jadah: "Hmm, didn't see anything."
[LNet]-GSIV:Derryen: "Can you do a search on their site for "intoxicated empath"?"
[LNet]-GSIV:Jeril: "Ross has been throwing his real name around the pc for years, I don't think it would be hard to figure it out"
[LNet]-GSIV:Chanska: "what are you talking about Derryen? you won't find anything on me!"
[LNet]-GSIV:Vivaldi: "Boobs"
[LNet]-GSIV:Yaldin: "*Intoxicated scumbag, the defendent, known in arcane MUD as "rogane" is hereby accused of maliciously running over a child""
[LNet]-GSIV:Derryen: "Guilty!"

06-17-2011, 05:11 PM
Just when you thought Inspire's fantasy world couldn't get more insane...

06-17-2011, 05:12 PM
Impossible, Inspire says he doesn't use lnet chat.

06-17-2011, 05:18 PM
Yeah like all those assholes that hop on the bandwagon and say that Charles Manson is a murderer EVEN THOUGH he never murdered one of them. Amazing.

Remember when you screwed Helsfeld, twice?

06-17-2011, 05:26 PM
A catholic priest and a rabbi are walking down the street behind a young boy. The priest leans over to the rabbi and says "don't you just want to screw him?!" The rabbi turns to the priest and asks "out of what?"

06-17-2011, 05:28 PM
Yeah like all those assholes that hop on the bandwagon and say that Charles Manson is a murderer EVEN THOUGH he never murdered one of them. Amazing.

Ok cool, so like you.


06-17-2011, 05:38 PM
Using an alt to buy something from someone when you know damn well they don't want to do business with you definitely falls under shady merchanting practices. Inspire did this when I sold a bow I had, and widgets/gizmo/whatever did it when I sold something else, can't remember at the moment. And I wouldn't be surprised if when I was selling silvers the other week and one of the paypal transactions got reversed on me, one of you was behind the bullshit name. But, that's unconfirmed as of yet.

06-17-2011, 05:44 PM
This thread is perfect for an old quote...

"the fool who plays the fools game is fooler"

06-17-2011, 05:45 PM
Just from an outsider's perspective, creating multiple handles and characters to hide your real identity is at worst an admission of guilt and an attempt to dodge the consequences. At best, it's still lying and shady. Just sayin'.

06-17-2011, 05:49 PM
Remember when you screwed Helsfeld, twice?

Remember when Helsfeld told you to STFU?

06-17-2011, 05:49 PM
This thread is perfect for an old quote...

"the fool who plays the fools game is fooler"

Wisdom from our most august of posters.

06-17-2011, 05:57 PM
Think what you'd like but I never had the intention of playing Cata. I haven't played it either. I just wanted to get the stupid account banned.

Also, back to the topic in this thread.. I don't care if I'm on the list or not, but if you want to make it a complete list my other characters name is Rylaarn.

Back on topic you stole 70 dollars and are a thief.

06-17-2011, 06:03 PM
Yes.. I stole 70 dollars. It was an elaborate scheme that took 3 months to fully unfold!

In that same 3 month period I made 450 dollars selling shits in gemstone that no one ever complained about. I honestly don't think it matters to the majority of people on here. I could be wrong.

06-17-2011, 06:09 PM
Wisdom from our most august of posters.

:lol: what a great descriptor for him

06-17-2011, 06:09 PM
Yes.. I stole 70 dollars. It was an elaborate scheme that took 3 months to fully unfold!

In that same 3 month period I made 450 dollars selling shits in gemstone that no one ever complained about. I honestly don't think it matters to the majority of people on here. I could be wrong.

Out of curiousity why do you think that it wouldn't matter?

06-17-2011, 06:13 PM
Out of curiousity why do you think that it wouldn't matter?

Go look at the original thread Solkern posted about this. Its been around since December or something. And people have bought stuff from me since.

06-17-2011, 06:17 PM
Go look at the original thread Solkern posted about this. Its been around since December or something. And people have bought stuff from me since.

So does that make you an honest merchant? Or... does the fact that you did scam someone make you a dishonest merchant?

06-17-2011, 06:20 PM
So does that make you an honest merchant? Or... does the fact that you did scam someone make you a dishonest merchant?

I've agreed with you for the most part on other things, but I think that got taken the wrong way there.

I didn't say either of those things.

I've admitted to what I did. We aren't debating that.

All I ment by that comment was some people didn't care.

06-17-2011, 06:23 PM
As if anything I say would help myself?

PC leeches will always be PC leeches. It's funny to glance at my User CP, to see how important repping is for people here.

The people that matter most, still do business with me, those that don't. Oh well, not really my lose in any case unless someone utterly has the one thing I would kill for...Which in the case of a text game, isn't anything really, cause well, it's fictional.

How about that time you got friendly with a few of my friends as Jukes, and then bought some daggers from me? Guess you didn't want them bad enough to create a completely different persona, get introduced to me via your new handle, and buy the daggers I never responded to you in PM about.

And then offer to sell me them back under the guise of, "how things turned out?" when you really just wanted to buy something else that was on the market at that time.

You're a lying, thieving piece of shit.


06-17-2011, 06:24 PM
Alot of people do care. Thats why I added my other characters name a few posts ago.

If you want to avoid dealing with me, its that much easier. You've now got both of them.

06-17-2011, 06:27 PM
Go look at the original thread Solkern posted about this. Its been around since December or something. And people have bought stuff from me since.

To be fair that was a WoW thread and not a merchant market thread. I can see how a lot of people would have missed that. But I see what you're getting at.

06-17-2011, 06:45 PM
Plays Querthose
need link

That would be Reltov420


06-17-2011, 06:45 PM
How about that time you got friendly with a few of my friends as Jukes, and then bought some daggers from me? Guess you didn't want them bad enough to create a completely different persona, get introduced to me via your new handle, and buy the daggers I never responded to you in PM about.

And then offer to sell me them back under the guise of, "how things turned out?" when you really just wanted to buy something else that was on the market at that time.

You're a lying, thieving piece of shit.


You are so paranoid lol

My true goal was to create Jukes, just to befriend some of your friends, who I didn't know who the fuck was at the time, solely to buy daggers from you.

Yeah, thats it....You caught me.

06-17-2011, 06:50 PM
My true goal was to create Jukes, just to befriend some of your friends, who I didn't know who the fuck was at the time, solely to buy daggers from you.

Yeah, thats it....You caught me.

Sounds about right.

Answer me this (i've asked it before): If you are totally trustworthy, why do you use 6 or 7 handles to do business?

06-17-2011, 07:08 PM


06-17-2011, 07:46 PM

Sorry, I don't sit here all day and watch for edit'd posts.

6-7 is an embellishment.

I have 3, I think. Most of which are always created to reflect a character I am playing when I left GS and decided to come back, not to be shady like people do here on the PC to hide from other e-thugs

06-17-2011, 09:32 PM
If you have to think about how many you have, you've already lost.

06-17-2011, 11:07 PM
You are so paranoid lol

My true goal was to create Jukes, just to befriend some of your friends, who I didn't know who the fuck was at the time, solely to buy daggers from you.

Yeah, thats it....You caught me.

paranoid (ˈpærəˌnɔɪd)

— adj
1. of, characterized by, or resembling paranoia
2. informal exhibiting undue suspicion, fear of persecution, etc

To reiterate, for those interested...

Gizmo/Widgets/Kyal/whoever the hell else this guy is:

A) Bought SD vambraces for the agreed upon value of 100 mill, 50 was 10x HCPed robes, 50 in silvers.

B) Gives Shenye the robes, Shenye being a nice (a shame that this turned out to be at take advantage of by "Gnome-fucker" as I shall refer to him forever more), gave him the vambraces.

C) Shenye never heard from Gnome-fucker again.

D)END OF FUCKING STORY. I don't give a shit if your "friend" was suppose to pay him or not, it never fucking happened. And is probably one of your BS lies.

You may have paid Khal back the 50 mill you also were "loaned" from him at an earlier date (he's too nice of a guy to cause conflict), I will admit I am not knowledgeable on whatever happened between you two, and only heard rumors.

But, how about that whole shady ass Tsin selling thread you pulled?

Or how you keep creating pseudonyms?

Or how you always conveniently can shuffle off whatever blame someone has on you to "your friend"?

Or how about the same shit you pulled in Plat?

You're just a cheap low-rent piece of shit internet sociopath that likes to prey on this community. Who despite many of our personal differences and conflicts, generally tends to enjoy our self-policed interactions here on the PC.

I've been creeped out by the vibe I got from you from day one, and then you continue to prove yourself true time and time again.

And this is the last time I am ever going to acknowledge you exist, so consider this community warned.


06-17-2011, 11:30 PM
Boom headshot.

06-18-2011, 12:25 AM
Yes.. I stole 70 dollars. It was an elaborate scheme that took 3 months to fully unfold!

In that same 3 month period I made 450 dollars selling shits in gemstone that no one ever complained about. I honestly don't think it matters to the majority of people on here. I could be wrong.

Stealing $70 or stealing $700 doesn't make a difference, you stole my money and you are a thief.

Also 3 months i played never a word from you, but your friends gave me lots of shit for buying rethon, yet they are telling you I'm pretending to be you? Then you try to get your account back for cata, why else would you attempt to get your account back, gquit my guild and rejoin yours and play all night and the next few days till I got it perma banned?

No one believes your lies.

You are a fucking scammer

06-18-2011, 12:45 AM
Hmm, this is funny, I was pretending to be you, you claim you never played, you just got my account banned. So explain this

http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/8601/nattor.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/204/nattor.png/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

Looks like my guild knew, I was not you, so obviously I wasn't pretending to be you, you claimed you never played, looks like you did. Nattor is a liar and a thief, don't buy from him. You wanted your account back for cata, plain and simple. you scammed me out of my money.

06-18-2011, 01:36 AM
Russian email...you gotta be some sort of criminal yourself.

06-18-2011, 02:17 AM
I think threads like this are bullshit. I'd have a different opinion if the real goal was to educate new purchasers in these here forums, but that couldn't be further from the truth.

Truth is, folks just use these type of posts to lash out. Maybe the original post had the right idea.. but much of that which followed. Lame. Same type of folks who troll other threads and drop anonymous reps on folks for offering their own silvers for an item.

My honest opinion is I play a game with an elite set of folks, people who aren't woo'd and wow'd by simple software tricks and love the story we create. Some folks sometimes have their shit all backwards and do something that isn't respectable. Certainly that crosses the line, and should be stated objectively by folks who know they fucked up.. no problem there. At the same time, folks make mistakes, and further, folks who get too much into the dollars for game items are in too deep to cast too many aspersions.

I primarily play Cyral. I'm not an uber char, but I stand by my in game actions. I stand by my posts and sales here. I've never ripped anyone off, but going off on my own has indeed landed me criticism from secretive bitches in these forums. Many of the negative backlashes are likely from the folks posting in this thread or silent folks who read it.

I'd just suggest that damn.. enjoy the game. I do. Chime in on what you feel strongly about.. fair enough. But respect folks in general.. because we are not a common lot. And if someone needs to be called out, ok.. but don't lash out on everyone like we're all a bunch of highschool teens. I imagine most of us haven't been that in a decade, on average. Truth is, to most of America, we're all a bunch of dorks given as much as we sink ourselves into this genre.

Don't like my opinion? Post here. Pussonymous rep if need be. I just think sometimes folks go too far in pressing folks.. and let that spill way out of a reasonable line of discourse.

06-18-2011, 02:20 AM
Russian email...you gotta be some sort of criminal yourself.

Well, I do live in Russia. :D

06-20-2011, 02:07 PM

06-20-2011, 02:21 PM
Threads like this make me happy that the nicest item I own in GSIV is a perfect maul and that I'm perpetually amongst the proletariat of game economy.

06-20-2011, 02:30 PM
When all is said and done I'm hoping to move more than 500 million in items.

06-26-2011, 08:10 AM
We have a new entry! Welcome to the list Alski

06-26-2011, 10:57 AM
We have a new entry! Welcome to the list Alski

Maybe we should start a list of drunks so you can be on a list too Rogane.

06-27-2011, 03:50 PM
Threads like this make me happy that the nicest item I own in GSIV is a perfect maul and that I'm perpetually amongst the proletariat of game economy.

4x and lower ftw...

06-27-2011, 04:27 PM
Need who he plays

His main identifying factor is his AIM - ownerofdabillen

He owned Rathmond for a while in prime, and a mage called Maezie. I can't remember his main rogue's name, but he sold all of them back in 2010. Both characters have since been whored out since then to many times to count and I'm not sure he has had a steady prime character for more than a month or two at a time.

I know he was looking for a rogue again in prime about a year ago: http://forum.gsplayers.com/showpost.php?p=1081209&postcount=1

But have no idea if he found anything. Last I knew he was still doing Shattered. Apparently he sold out yet again.

I won't go into details, but I wouldn't deal with the guy with any sort of cash on the line. I would only deal with the guy using EXCHANGE. If at all and I used to talk to him on AIM once in a while. Haven't heard from him in several months.

06-27-2011, 04:28 PM
His main identifying factor is his AIM - ownerofdabillen

He owned Rathmond for a while in prime, and a mage called Maezie. I can't remember his main rogue's name, but he sold all of them back in 2010. Both characters have since been whored out since then to many times to count and I'm not sure he has had a steady prime character for more than a month or two at a time.

I know he was looking for a rogue again in prime about a year ago: http://forum.gsplayers.com/showpost.php?p=1081209&postcount=1

But have no idea if he found anything. Last I knew he was still doing Shattered. Apparently he sold out yet again.

I won't go into details, but I wouldn't deal with the guy with any sort of cash on the line. I would only deal with the guy using EXCHANGE. If at all and I used to talk to him on AIM once in a while. Haven't heard from him in several months.

He just jacked Aethor in a Zimzum fashion. He sold a rogue to Allen, but before he transferred, he told Aethor he'd sell the rogue for 20m. He took the 20m, then transferred the rogue to Allen.

07-02-2011, 09:57 PM
He just jacked Aethor in a Zimzum fashion. He sold a rogue to Allen, but before he transferred, he told Aethor he'd sell the rogue for 20m. He took the 20m, then transferred the rogue to Allen.

Was ONLY 18 million! Give a brutha some credit. :hug2:

07-03-2011, 01:06 PM
He just jacked Aethor in a Zimzum fashion. He sold a rogue to Allen, but before he transferred, he told Aethor he'd sell the rogue for 20m. He took the 20m, then transferred the rogue to Allen.

That sucks. I had a few dealings with him, Iasha weapons and assorted gear. Also bought a character off him and it went well. Good to know though to keep things in prospective for future reference.

07-11-2011, 02:34 PM
Man, you guys got me QQ'n over here. WHERES MY GOD DAMNED RED REP?!

07-11-2011, 02:39 PM
Man, you guys got me QQ'n over here. WHERES MY GOD DAMNED RED REP?!

Yeah, wtf!

02-14-2013, 10:08 PM

02-14-2013, 10:51 PM
Get confirmation on Kyal. That rogue has been sold at least three times now.

02-14-2013, 11:26 PM
Get confirmation on Kyal. That rogue has been sold at least three times now.

Yeah, I don't play Kyal nor Jukes anymore...And never played Hicclestub I am pretty sure.

Kyal I sold to Helsfeld, but last I recall he sold him a bit ago so who knows who he is now.

05-05-2013, 03:05 PM
Inspire is also Deadwind now.

05-05-2013, 03:20 PM
Don't deal with Drew, he left me so poor I can't buy any of the services at RCCF.

05-05-2013, 03:35 PM
Don't deal with Drew, he left me so poor I can't buy any of the services at RCCF.

Drew does rhyme with Jew after all.

I apologize to the Jews.

05-05-2013, 08:46 PM
Don't deal with Drew, he left me so poor I can't buy any of the services at RCCF.

Do you even hunt?

05-05-2013, 09:44 PM
http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv289/fookcc/ceb0b511-b1a5-4bdb-b1a0-06a28b7d2ea5.jpg (http://s692.photobucket.com/user/fookcc/media/ceb0b511-b1a5-4bdb-b1a0-06a28b7d2ea5.jpg.html)

05-05-2013, 10:38 PM
Is this a commercial for giving less than $1 a day to feed the starving child?

11-08-2013, 11:53 AM


11-08-2013, 12:04 PM


Major ugh. I hope you get your money back one way or another.

11-19-2013, 09:54 AM
Just so everyone knows I have updated my post with the previous conversations with MMA RLZ to include the final details of their scam against me. I am pretty sure this scumbag still plays because they had some way to hand coins off to the wizard he sold me.


11-19-2013, 10:39 AM
Be careful, with a name like MMA RLZ I'm sure he'd make quick work of you.

11-19-2013, 02:30 PM
Be careful, with a name like MMA RLZ I'm sure he'd make quick work of you.

If he can dodge bullets like Neo, I would be happy to surrender the $1500+ to witness it.

11-29-2013, 10:24 PM
Just a word of caution to everyone. Three out of the last three cash transactions I have taken part in have not been what they seemed.

I STRONGLY urge caution right now when doing cash transactions. It could just be that I have a target on my back since the MMA issue. But that being said, I am out of the cash business for the near future.

11-29-2013, 10:31 PM
Just a word of caution to everyone. Three out of the last three cash transactions I have taken part in have not been what they seemed.

I STRONGLY urge caution right now when doing cash transactions. It could just be that I have a target on my back since the MMA issue. But that being said, I am out of the cash business for the near future.

That sucks man, what happened?

11-29-2013, 10:33 PM
Just a word of caution to everyone. Three out of the last three cash transactions I have taken part in have not been what they seemed.

I STRONGLY urge caution right now when doing cash transactions. It could just be that I have a target on my back since the MMA issue. But that being said, I am out of the cash business for the near future.

You got to tell us what happened, man.

12-01-2013, 11:08 PM
Man that's a bummer =( I've personally paid cash to Buck because I rarely ever have enough liquid to handle that caliber of purchase he has. What went down that threw you out of it? I mean really, I, as I'm sure many others, want to know who to avoid so we don't get screwed. It sucks you did, but forewarned is forearmed and all that.

12-01-2013, 11:26 PM
Wow, I feel lucky then. All of my leaving GS cash transactions have been legit recently.

12-01-2013, 11:32 PM
Wow, I feel lucky then. All of my leaving GS cash transactions have been legit recently.

Send me USD$100 to an account that I will for you hold. Transfer of funds will the occur to bank of your choice.

12-01-2013, 11:35 PM
Send me USD$100 to an account that I will for you hold. Transfer of funds will the occur to bank of your choice.

Don't be angry that they didn't make you a GM.

12-01-2013, 11:41 PM
Don't be angry that they didn't make you a GM.

They made me a prince of Nigeria though.

12-02-2013, 01:26 AM
They made me a prince of Nigeria though.


12-02-2013, 01:34 AM

How can I get in on that?

12-02-2013, 01:39 AM
How can I get in on that?

Just take his next email seriously and provide your full name, social security number, bank account, routing number, address, cellphone number, and answers to any security questions. He will get back to you very soon.

12-02-2013, 01:46 AM
Just take his next email seriously and provide your full name, social security number, bank account, routing number, address, cellphone number, and answers to any security questions. He will get back to you very soon.

I'm down. I could use a bit of extra cash.

12-02-2013, 04:07 PM
It appears I may have been scammed by a merchant. I paid $50 via Paypal and have not received my item.

Before I go public about the incident, I am giving the merchant 3 more days (he's had 3 days already) to deliver the item. I have logs of every communication with the merchant and will post them if the item is not delivered. In the meantime, if anyone has any suggestions on what else I might do to resolve the issue, I would appreciate the input.


12-02-2013, 04:59 PM
names dates and evidence so we can stone the culprit!!!

12-02-2013, 05:19 PM
names dates and evidence so we can stone the culprit!!!

If I don't get my item, I will post all the info I have on the merchant, including all emails and chat logs.

This is theft. I sometimes wonder if there are a few morons who don't understand the difference between stealing silvers and gems in the game (which is part of the design, whether or not you agree with the concept), and actual theft.

12-02-2013, 05:22 PM
If I don't get my item, I will post all the info I have on the merchant, including all emails and chat logs.

Thank you. Caution should be used by all. It will be good to know the methodology, both from you and Buck, on how these asshats are screwing around. Hopefully others can avoid. I know I'm a little spooked and will be refraining from non-silver bidding for now.

12-02-2013, 05:26 PM
I'm a little surprised by the rash of this bullshit recently. I would trust Buckwheet no problem whatsoever, and having people like him around keeps the market liquid, which is good for all of us who want items to move on occasion, even if we aren't cash buyers ourselves.

12-02-2013, 05:36 PM
This is only the second time I have paid cash for an item. Like the first time, I am just trying to replace a borrowed item that was taken by the janitor. Part of me wants to slap myself, both for losing the item and now for probably losing $50.00.

Is there a list of trusted merchants somewhere? I know several that have strong reputations, but a list would be nice.

12-02-2013, 05:42 PM
it is stickied in the auctions folder


12-02-2013, 05:46 PM
I'd at least dish out the PC name before diverging all sorts of personal information, in case anyone has any insight.

12-02-2013, 05:48 PM
I'd at least dish out the PC name before diverging all sorts of personal information, in case anyone has any insight.

Stone first, ask questions later.

12-02-2013, 06:05 PM
I'd at least dish out the PC name before diverging all sorts of personal information, in case anyone has any insight.

I've actually emailed the question to my lawyer.

This whole thing is really bugging me, perhaps more than it should. I'm going to have a couple beers - I need to calm down.

12-02-2013, 06:08 PM
If you used a credit card, dispute it with them. Credit card is the safest way to purchase, btw. If you dispute that money is pulled from the other party.

If not, you can still dispute it via paypal.

12-02-2013, 06:17 PM
I've actually emailed the question to my lawyer.

This whole thing is really bugging me, perhaps more than it should. I'm going to have a couple beers - I need to calm down.

1) I get it, but it's only $50. Don't go running over an old lady with road rage.
2) Your lawyer can't do shit.
3) Post the PC name right away (IMO the real name too, but I could see why you might want to wait a couple days). This person is probably in the process of scamming a few other people. A $50 scam doesn't seem worth the effort to destroy a character and PC account (unless of course you sent cash to a no-name PC account, and then shame on you).

In future transactions, would it make sense to have contact with the person through their play.net address so we'd know their account name too in a scam? I know Simu wouldn't do shit, but it would it matter to a scammer if their play.net account name = scammer?

12-02-2013, 06:24 PM
1) I get it, but it's only $50. Don't go running over an old lady with road rage.
2) Your lawyer can't do shit.
3) Post the PC name right away (IMO the real name too, but I could see why you might want to wait a couple days). This person is probably in the process of scamming a few other people. A $50 scam doesn't seem worth the effort to destroy a character and PC account (unless of course you sent cash to a no-name PC account, and then shame on you).

In future transactions, would it make sense to have contact with the person through their play.net address so we'd know their account name too in a scam? I know Simu wouldn't do shit, but it would it matter to a scammer if their play.net account name = scammer?

1. Yeah I know, it's only $50 - it's just really annoying.
2. My question to my lawyer has to do with whether the scammer could do anything to me if I post his info. I don't see how, but I asked the question anyway.
3. I am going to wait the 3 days. After that, assuming my lawyer doesn't object, I will post everything I have.

In the future I intend to avoid cash transactions entirely (this is a rare exception anyway - I'm just trying to replace an borrowed item that I managed to lose).

12-02-2013, 09:33 PM
I am still working through one of the issues.

I had two people contact me over AIM and give me their PC handles, which it turns out weren't the people responsible on the PC. One asked for 25m the other for 40m. I think they were either the same person or working together.

I delivered the coins and they disputed through Paypal. Based on the names given on the PC they were trustworthy folks.

So I highly encourage people to actually list a AIM name in their profile. Neither PC poster had AIM showing on their account so I couldn't verify and I didn't want to insult them by saying "prove it".

Since few of us know the character names we play or would be picking up the coins using a AIM handle listed on the PC seems like a next best choice.

They both were replying to my sale thread of coins.

Again, just taking advantage of the system that I have used for a long long time without issues. I can't begin to think of the number of people I have who have said something like 'Hey Buck its So and SO from the PC still have those coins?" to try for faster communication than through PMs.

The third scam is something I just haven't asked Simu about and I didn't want to post because I think it will just facilitate people stealing or scamming.

I was contacted to buy back a wizard I sold, again through AIM so the usernames will mean nothing. They provided me the account information first without any issue. I logged in verified everything looked right and sent the paypal payment.

This was on a Friday, so I was going to call Simu the following Monday to change account information etc. I have never had a problem with this in all the character sales I have done. When I logged in on Monday the character was gone. Apparently they had submitted a character transfer.

12-02-2013, 09:46 PM
You're having a rough go at it lately buck. Anyone who rips you off can eat a dick. What the fuck is wrong with people?

12-02-2013, 10:12 PM
Just people who are a part of the so called pc "community" actually showing their true colors.

Sadly, everyone here is mostly hung up on rep and good/bad rep to realize it doesnt matter what your rep is, it doesnt dictate how holy you are.

In before lol u ghey neg rep...

12-02-2013, 10:17 PM

12-02-2013, 10:30 PM
Just people who are a part of the so called pc "community" actually showing their true colors.

Sadly, everyone here is mostly hung up on rep and good/bad rep to realize it doesnt matter what your rep is, it doesnt dictate how holy you are.

In before lol u ghey neg rep...

Or it's someone who used the good names of people on the PC to steal, and might not be a part of the PC at all except as a silent lurker. I'm not really sure why you felt that Buckwheet's issues were a reason to bash the people here, since the regulars who really make up the community don't really steal from and scam each other...

Also, not sure why you even brought up rep since no one was saying that it holds any water for merchanting. Someone's real rep which is earned has nothing to do with the bars next to their name. I think you're just really hung up on the fact that you're all in the red. At least that's how it seems from your multitude of posts like this. Sorry, bro.

12-02-2013, 10:36 PM
Why do I suddenly think that MMA RLZ knows he's been screwed because Buck outed him as a scammer before he could sell everything off, and now is trying to tripledip on Buck? =(. I feel bad for you man. You've had a rough turn of it. I am sorry you got ripped off.

Edit: Clarification: Stealing usernames/AIM names to screw over an honest man again.

12-02-2013, 10:45 PM
I am still working through one of the issues.

I had two people contact me over AIM and give me their PC handles, which it turns out weren't the people responsible on the PC. One asked for 25m the other for 40m. I think they were either the same person or working together.

I delivered the coins and they disputed through Paypal. Based on the names given on the PC they were trustworthy folks.

So I highly encourage people to actually list a AIM name in their profile. Neither PC poster had AIM showing on their account so I couldn't verify and I didn't want to insult them by saying "prove it".

Since few of us know the character names we play or would be picking up the coins using a AIM handle listed on the PC seems like a next best choice.

They both were replying to my sale thread of coins.

Again, just taking advantage of the system that I have used for a long long time without issues. I can't begin to think of the number of people I have who have said something like 'Hey Buck its So and SO from the PC still have those coins?" to try for faster communication than through PMs.

The third scam is something I just haven't asked Simu about and I didn't want to post because I think it will just facilitate people stealing or scamming.

I was contacted to buy back a wizard I sold, again through AIM so the usernames will mean nothing. They provided me the account information first without any issue. I logged in verified everything looked right and sent the paypal payment.

This was on a Friday, so I was going to call Simu the following Monday to change account information etc. I have never had a problem with this in all the character sales I have done. When I logged in on Monday the character was gone. Apparently they had submitted a character transfer.

What were the PC handles used?

12-02-2013, 10:47 PM
it is stickied in the auctions folder


That's an incomplete listing. I've personally bought millions of silvers worth of shit over the years and I always pay promptly. My names not listed once in that thread.

12-02-2013, 10:49 PM
Or it's someone who used the good names of people on the PC to steal, and might not be a part of the PC at all except as a silent lurker. I'm not really sure why you felt that Buckwheet's issues were a reason to bash the people here, since the regulars who really make up the community don't really steal from and scam each other...

Also, not sure why you even brought up rep since no one was saying that it holds any water for merchanting. Someone's real rep which is earned has nothing to do with the bars next to their name. I think you're just really hung up on the fact that you're all in the red. At least that's how it seems from your multitude of posts like this. Sorry, bro.

Gizmo mainly does that in some hilariously flawed effort to rehabilitate his image, because he has scammed someone before to the tune of $400 and just thinks people forget that shit.

12-02-2013, 10:50 PM
Gizmo mainly does that in some hilariously flawed effort to rehabilitate his image, because he has scammed people before to the tune of $400 and just thinks people forget that shit.

Oh really? I had no idea. Link?

edit: Oh jeez, nm. It's in post one of this thread. lol

12-02-2013, 10:51 PM
Gizmo is sketchy at best. I'd avoid dealing with him.

12-02-2013, 11:10 PM
Gizmo is sketchy at best. I'd avoid dealing with him.

Personally I have never had issues with Gizmo. Then again, I live like.. what 20 miles from him? If I had an issue I would drive over there.

12-02-2013, 11:18 PM
Yea when i meant rep i wasnt referring to the actual rep system here, more so neg rep short for reputation.

As for me and the so called 400 dollars i scammed, i wouldnt mind seeing that 400 dollars myself...but i can't defend myself when i say no one knows what happened. Butt buds will be butt buds...i too could go into long winds about other people here who have scammed people and changed pc names numerous times but i could care less, since i still do large deals with people like chris.

Honestly, if anyone has honest claim to me scamming, its Tisket from the camera issue which seemed sketchy due to not shipping it promptly.

Otherwise, People here need something to hold onto so they can think what they want. Doesnt stop the many others from doing any business with me.

Jarvan got me addicted to DR too

12-02-2013, 11:18 PM
I'd avoid dealing with anyone who has an iffy reputation.

12-03-2013, 12:01 AM
What were the PC handles used?

Donut - 40m
Regallis - 25m

Through talking with other merchants I know it wasn't them, I always wait to scream scam and ask around because it can really mess with people if its just a communication issue. The names were John Mittele for Regallis and Elena Saldivaria for Donut.

12-03-2013, 12:27 AM
I've only done around $5000.00 in cash sales over the years and as unimportant as the reputation system may seem I would never conduct a transaction with a red reputation individual without some serious consideration/background investigation.

12-03-2013, 12:29 AM
I hate, hate, hate this. Now I never want to do a cash transaction for anything again. Again. The population in game is small enough this doesn't help things.

12-03-2013, 12:33 AM
Sounds like someone is on a rampage. These are big enough sales to constitute grand larceny, if I understand correctly. That's no laughing matter.

12-03-2013, 12:34 AM
And widgets....

sd vambs, 10x hcp robes, 50m silvers, and Shenye. Ring a bell, asshole?

12-03-2013, 12:39 AM
And widgets....

sd vambs, 10x hcp robes, 50m silvers, and Shenye. Ring a bell, asshole?


12-03-2013, 12:41 AM

Oh, was I unclear?

12-03-2013, 12:55 AM

Don't forget Jukes, and Kyal, and Tsin oh and Chojo too!

Ps, talk to Durgrimst/Sheikh/Senorgurdoburro about Shenye and the failed deal we were going to do..


12-03-2013, 01:00 AM
Widgets is Gizmo, no?

12-03-2013, 01:00 AM

He also used a hashtag in a post, so I hope a meteorite destroys his car.

12-03-2013, 01:06 AM

He also used a hashtag in a post, so I hope a meteorite destroys his car.

Lol...Hey ya bastard, i have a jeep...although i havent been home in 2 weeks anything is possible :(

12-03-2013, 01:11 AM

He also used a hashtag in a post, so I hope a meteorite destroys his car.

Pound sign, number sign, NEVER hashtag.

12-03-2013, 01:13 AM
Pound sign, number sign, NEVER hashtag.

Hey buddy, I move on with the times ever so much.

Edit to add: Maybe I'm being international on it too! Outside of North America the symbol is called hash and the corresponding telephone key is called the "hash key" (and the term "pound sign" often describes the British currency symbol "£")

12-03-2013, 07:54 AM
It's a shame the degree of anonymity one can keep. The recent activity in this thread certainly has made me more cautious of any cash deals, or at least motivates me to put a bit more effort into confirming peoples information.

It also makes me appreciate the few people I've recently done cash transactions with.

12-03-2013, 10:02 AM
I just took a step back to blink when Donut's name was thrown down. Just wow. I am taken aback by it all, but Donut's a pretty regular poster. Where is he now?

12-03-2013, 10:02 AM
Let's talk a hypothetical here: Say I have someone who's been active (but not REAL active) on the PC for three years. Been called out once or twice as a good buyer, but not by anyone that immediately leaps out (Buck, Briarfox, Ardwen, etc). This person wants to send me cash for a character, and I want to be protected.

Reading over the PayPal documentation, they don't cover the sale of digital goods, essentially. What if the agreement was made for a package, to be shipped to the buyer's house, containing the security information for the account? That package could be tracked, and the receipt of it confirmed. At that point, would I be protected if the prospective buyer decided to attempt to cancel the sale? After all, the sale wasn't for a digital good, it was for a piece of paper with information printed on it, which I can confirm was shipped, tracked, signed for, and received.

Anyone with PayPal-fu out there know if this would work?

12-03-2013, 10:10 AM
Let's talk a hypothetical here: Say I have someone who's been active (but not REAL active) on the PC for three years. Been called out once or twice as a good buyer, but not by anyone that immediately leaps out (Buck, Briarfox, Ardwen, etc). This person wants to send me cash for a character, and I want to be protected.

Reading over the PayPal documentation, they don't cover the sale of digital goods, essentially. What if the agreement was made for a package, to be shipped to the buyer's house, containing the security information for the account? That package could be tracked, and the receipt of it confirmed. At that point, would I be protected if the prospective buyer decided to attempt to cancel the sale? After all, the sale wasn't for a digital good, it was for a piece of paper with information printed on it, which I can confirm was shipped, tracked, signed for, and received.

Anyone with PayPal-fu out there know if this would work?

I believe this has been tried before with WoW accounts saying you get a pencil with a piece of paper with the account info. You would need to contact Paypal and ask them how they would handle like one of the scratch off game code cards people sell on Ebay. Its a piece of paper with a code to redeem a digital download. So one could argue that is what you are selling. Additionally you have to be afraid of "unauthorized" purchases. This was a new one to me, and that is how they "charged back" for the 40m and 25m coins. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how I got the right amount of money, but then a friendly person pointed me to a "reverse fee" Paypal calculator. Looking at the transactions they "paid" me for an item like a regular sale but sent me enough money to cover the fee. So when I reviewed the transaction at a quick glance I got the full amount which usually only happens when someone "gifts" you the money.

I don't know what Paypal would do if someone claimed unauthorized access on a Paypal gift payment. You also don't see how they funded your gift and Paypal does give the option of using credit cards. Paypal was not overly informative with my research and honestly I hate even talking about this because I am learning new things that I "thought" were fairly safe but are turning out not to be.

I really hate posting the information in general because I feel like we are writing the "how to scam GS sellers/players" guide and not the "how to protect cash transactions" guide.

12-03-2013, 10:11 AM
Let's talk a hypothetical here: Say I have someone who's been active (but not REAL active) on the PC for three years. Been called out once or twice as a good buyer, but not by anyone that immediately leaps out (Buck, Briarfox, Ardwen, etc). This person wants to send me cash for a character, and I want to be protected.

Reading over the PayPal documentation, they don't cover the sale of digital goods, essentially. What if the agreement was made for a package, to be shipped to the buyer's house, containing the security information for the account? That package could be tracked, and the receipt of it confirmed. At that point, would I be protected if the prospective buyer decided to attempt to cancel the sale? After all, the sale wasn't for a digital good, it was for a piece of paper with information printed on it, which I can confirm was shipped, tracked, signed for, and received.

Anyone with PayPal-fu out there know if this would work?

Couldn't someone just say it was the wrong information or that the box was empty?

12-03-2013, 10:26 AM
Would it be possible to just do a direct e-transfer from their bank? Give it a day or so after the transaction and I'm not sure they can reverse it.

12-03-2013, 10:41 AM
I believe this has been tried before with WoW accounts saying you get a pencil with a piece of paper with the account info. You would need to contact Paypal and ask them how they would handle like one of the scratch off game code cards people sell on Ebay. Its a piece of paper with a code to redeem a digital download. So one could argue that is what you are selling. Additionally you have to be afraid of "unauthorized" purchases. This was a new one to me, and that is how they "charged back" for the 40m and 25m coins. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how I got the right amount of money, but then a friendly person pointed me to a "reverse fee" Paypal calculator. Looking at the transactions they "paid" me for an item like a regular sale but sent me enough money to cover the fee. So when I reviewed the transaction at a quick glance I got the full amount which usually only happens when someone "gifts" you the money.

I don't know what Paypal would do if someone claimed unauthorized access on a Paypal gift payment. You also don't see how they funded your gift and Paypal does give the option of using credit cards. Paypal was not overly informative with my research and honestly I hate even talking about this because I am learning new things that I "thought" were fairly safe but are turning out not to be.

I really hate posting the information in general because I feel like we are writing the "how to scam GS sellers/players" guide and not the "how to protect cash transactions" guide.

I have never gotten shafted by a GS player, but I did get shafted in another game for 500$ once. They guy went on a buying rampage and bought like.. 2k worth of goods. Then called paypal and told them that "he" didn't make the purchases. So Paypal reversed the charges, even though paypal confirmed that it was his home ip addy that was used. But since it was digital goods, paypal didn't care, though they did say that if he continued to do this, they would ban his paypal account.

I should probably be more careful myself with cash sales, to be honest. Tho I usually sell to the same people, making it easier.

12-03-2013, 10:53 AM
I have never gotten shafted by a GS player, but I did get shafted in another game for 500$ once. They guy went on a buying rampage and bought like.. 2k worth of goods. Then called paypal and told them that "he" didn't make the purchases. So Paypal reversed the charges, even though paypal confirmed that it was his home ip addy that was used. But since it was digital goods, paypal didn't care, though they did say that if he continued to do this, they would ban his paypal account.

I should probably be more careful myself with cash sales, to be honest. Tho I usually sell to the same people, making it easier.

Weird, I have a matching story of some guy with MTGO. He bought thousands of dollars in cards and just said it wasn't him.

12-03-2013, 11:18 AM
I am still working through one of the issues.

I had two people contact me over AIM and give me their PC handles, which it turns out weren't the people responsible on the PC. One asked for 25m the other for 40m. I think they were either the same person or working together.

I delivered the coins and they disputed through Paypal. Based on the names given on the PC they were trustworthy folks.

So I highly encourage people to actually list a AIM name in their profile. Neither PC poster had AIM showing on their account so I couldn't verify and I didn't want to insult them by saying "prove it".

Since few of us know the character names we play or would be picking up the coins using a AIM handle listed on the PC seems like a next best choice.

They both were replying to my sale thread of coins.

Again, just taking advantage of the system that I have used for a long long time without issues. I can't begin to think of the number of people I have who have said something like 'Hey Buck its So and SO from the PC still have those coins?" to try for faster communication than through PMs.

The third scam is something I just haven't asked Simu about and I didn't want to post because I think it will just facilitate people stealing or scamming.

I was contacted to buy back a wizard I sold, again through AIM so the usernames will mean nothing. They provided me the account information first without any issue. I logged in verified everything looked right and sent the paypal payment.

This was on a Friday, so I was going to call Simu the following Monday to change account information etc. I have never had a problem with this in all the character sales I have done. When I logged in on Monday the character was gone. Apparently they had submitted a character transfer.

Not necessarily. I've had a character transferred to my account that I didn't request. The name was one letter off. Could have been a typo. Always wondered what the other person thought about that besides, "Hey where's my char?" Here's hoping for the best resolution.

12-03-2013, 11:46 AM
Donut - 40m
Regallis - 25m

Through talking with other merchants I know it wasn't them, I always wait to scream scam and ask around because it can really mess with people if its just a communication issue. The names were John Mittele for Regallis and Elena Saldivaria for Donut.

I don't remember either of those handles or any of their posts. They were high profile posters you say? Weird. Maybe I am getting early onset alzheimers after all.

12-03-2013, 11:50 AM
Jesus Buckwheat...I just checked and both of them have like 200 posts TOTAL. How does that make them solid PC members?

12-03-2013, 11:53 AM
Someone accused me of being self absorbed in a rep comment for not remembering someone who has 200 posts. That made me laugh for real. lmao.

12-03-2013, 12:01 PM
Someone accused me of being self absorbed in a rep comment for not remembering someone who has 200 posts. That made me laugh for real. lmao.

How dare you not know everyone who posts here!11!

12-03-2013, 12:01 PM
Tisket why do you not remember me?! /loses memory and green reps you thinking it's bad.

12-03-2013, 12:02 PM
Who are you?

12-03-2013, 12:02 PM
Jesus Buckwheat...I just checked and both of them have like 200 posts TOTAL. How does that make them solid PC members?

Look at their sales threads. I don't care about post count just business history.

Not necessarily. I've had a character transferred to my account that I didn't request. The name was one letter off. Could have been a typo. Always wondered what the other person thought about that besides, "Hey where's my char?" Here's hoping for the best resolution.

I could see how that is possible from Simu's side of things, but as I said previously I do quite a bit of due diligence before calling scam.

12-03-2013, 12:19 PM
Personally I have never had issues with Gizmo. Then again, I live like.. what 20 miles from him? If I had an issue I would drive over there.I hope he has plenty of spare wires for his jaw.
It's a shame the degree of anonymity one can keep.I have a proposal that can help with that... :)

12-03-2013, 12:46 PM
I hope he has plenty of spare wires for his jaw.

I wonder if he owns a cat.

Someone accused me of being self absorbed in a rep comment for not remembering someone who has 200 posts. That made me laugh for real. lmao.

Become self absorbed in my dong juice.

12-03-2013, 01:44 PM
Would it be possible to just do a direct e-transfer from their bank? Give it a day or so after the transaction and I'm not sure they can reverse it.

This is often possible. You would need to provide your name and your bank's routing number, (but not your account number). I've done it myself about half a dozen times and it has worked every time. This doesn't necessarily mean you're 100% safe though.

12-03-2013, 04:13 PM
Wait, someone named Tisket posts on the PC?

12-03-2013, 04:19 PM
What's the "PC"?

12-03-2013, 04:24 PM
What's the "PC"?

Players Corner. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious

12-03-2013, 04:29 PM
Players Corner. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious

The WoW Forums were worse.

12-03-2013, 04:34 PM

12-03-2013, 04:36 PM
I haven't been on them in about 5 years, so I can't speak for their current state.

12-03-2013, 04:40 PM
People can't post on anonymous alts anymore, so it's not as bad as it used to be.

12-03-2013, 05:18 PM
This is often possible. You would need to provide your name and your bank's routing number, (but not your account number). I've done it myself about half a dozen times and it has worked every time. This doesn't necessarily mean you're 100% safe though.

Most banks don't even require that much anymore. You can usually set it up with a full name and email address or phone number.

My bank at least tells me when doing the transfer that it's non-refundable. No take-backs once it's posted to the account, as it's from checking/savings instead of credit.

Not saying it's air tight, just an order of magnitude more difficult to dispute. It also has a more lasting effect than a paypal ban. If your bank gets pissy with you about disputing charges, it's a much bigger thorn in your side.

12-03-2013, 06:24 PM
I am nearly certain that my scammer is reading this thread...so heads up buddy, you need to check the email account you gave me for a message.

I am the CEO of my own company and I employ a fulltime lawyer who has an extensive IT background. Guess what buddy, you made a mistake and my lawyer noticed it. I now know you who are...check the email I sent you for proof.

Either you make good on the exchange, or I post your name, address, Paypal account info, and some other public details about you on this board. Your choice.

Please be stupid about this. It will be worth the $50 as I want to see the reaction of everyone on this board.

12-03-2013, 06:27 PM
I am nearly certain that my scammer is reading this thread...so heads up buddy, you need to check the email account you gave me for a message.

I am the CEO of my own company and I employ a fulltime lawyer who has an extensive IT background. Guess what buddy, you made a mistake and my lawyer noticed it. I now know you who are...check the email I sent you for proof.

Either you make good on the exchange, or I post your name, address, Paypal account info, and some other public details about you on this board. Your choice.

Please be stupid about this. It will be worth the $50 as I want to see the reaction of everyone on this board.

Shit just got real.

12-03-2013, 06:27 PM
He'll also burn down your house to the ground

12-03-2013, 06:27 PM
I am nearly certain that my scammer is reading this thread...so heads up buddy, you need to check the email account you gave me for a message.

I am the CEO of my own company and I employ a fulltime lawyer who has an extensive IT background. Guess what buddy, you made a mistake and my lawyer noticed it. I now know you who are...check the email I sent you for proof.

Either you make good on the exchange, or I post your name, address, Paypal account info, and some other public details about you on this board. Your choice.

Please be stupid about this. It will be worth the $50 as I want to see the reaction of everyone on this board.

Fight! Fight! Fight!

12-03-2013, 06:29 PM
He'll also burn down your house to the ground

No. I will do nothing illegal. Please no jokes in this regard.

12-03-2013, 06:31 PM
I now know you who are

Ha. Way to let your lawyer know how easy you are to rip off.

12-03-2013, 06:33 PM
I'm not joking when I say the last guy who got backtraced by Candor learned first hand how consequences would never be the same. The bit when Candor forced him to emigrate to Russia and nail his testicles to the ground was particularly vicious. I want to stress again that this is not a joke.

12-03-2013, 06:44 PM
Ha. Way to let your lawyer know how easy you are to rip off.

He employs a full time lawyer so what difference would it make if his lawyer knows he was ripped off. I would think that the cost would be greater at this point though if he's using said lawyer to work on this when he can work on other things...

12-03-2013, 07:07 PM
He employs a full time lawyer so what difference would it make if his lawyer knows he was ripped off. I would think that the cost would be greater at this point though if he's using said lawyer to work on this when he can work on other things...

My lawyer friends are usually happy to help if someone is trying to dick me over. Especially if it's a lawyer on staff! Candor is his boss. Once got scammed out of $5k and ruined the dude's life. I'm still filing judgments on him every time he moves to another state and this happened like 5 years ago. Fuck cheaters and scammers.

12-03-2013, 07:21 PM
I am nearly certain that my scammer is reading this thread...so heads up buddy, you need to check the email account you gave me for a message.

I am the CEO of my own company and I employ a fulltime lawyer who has an extensive IT background. Guess what buddy, you made a mistake and my lawyer noticed it. I now know you who are...check the email I sent you for proof.

Either you make good on the exchange, or I post your name, address, Paypal account info, and some other public details about you on this board. Your choice.

Please be stupid about this. It will be worth the $50 as I want to see the reaction of everyone on this board.


12-03-2013, 07:26 PM
I am nearly certain that my scammer is reading this thread...so heads up buddy, you need to check the email account you gave me for a message.

I am the CEO of my own company and I employ a fulltime lawyer who has an extensive IT background. Guess what buddy, you made a mistake and my lawyer noticed it. I now know you who are...check the email I sent you for proof.

Either you make good on the exchange, or I post your name, address, Paypal account info, and some other public details about you on this board. Your choice.

Please be stupid about this. It will be worth the $50 as I want to see the reaction of everyone on this board.

We'll all give you a dollar each until you reach $50. I'd like to have the reaction you are predicting!

12-03-2013, 07:30 PM
You dun goofed! He backtraced that shit! He knows who's been emailing who and he reported it to the cyberpolice! You'll be arrested! Consequences will never be the same, Candor is on that shit!

12-03-2013, 07:37 PM
IT'S OVER! It's over. Candor used the nuclear option.

12-03-2013, 07:39 PM
IT'S OVER! It's over. Candor used the nuclear option.

Not the nuclear option!

12-03-2013, 08:55 PM
Joking aside, fuck this guy, even for 50 bucks. I'm rooting for Candor to follow through. I'd like all of these recent scammers to get fucked. It's bad for the community.

12-03-2013, 09:00 PM
Joking aside, fuck this guy, even for 50 bucks. I'm rooting for Candor to follow through. I'd like all of these recent scammers to get fucked. It's bad for the community.

I just want Candor to out him already, the suspense is killing me :(

12-03-2013, 09:03 PM
I don't remember either of those handles or any of their posts. They were high profile posters you say? Weird. Maybe I am getting early onset alzheimers after all.

I remember Donut from waaay back (like 2008 or so). Not sure if it'd be the same one who posted here, but he was a friend of Zimzum IRL.

12-03-2013, 10:01 PM
Not a friend of Zimzum's. I remember him in game but little else. Also, as Buck already pointed out, this was not me. My name is also not Elena or whatever.

--Not a scam artist--

12-03-2013, 10:07 PM
Bah, did he actually post it?

12-03-2013, 10:08 PM
I did a cash transaction with Donut a couple of months ago and the name on the Paypal payment wasn't the name that did the transaction with Buckwheet.

12-03-2013, 11:03 PM
Donut - 40m
Regallis - 25m

Through talking with other merchants I know it wasn't them, I always wait to scream scam and ask around because it can really mess with people if its just a communication issue. The names were John Mittele for Regallis and Elena Saldivaria for Donut.

My emphasis added

12-03-2013, 11:15 PM
I was just asked what PC handles were used so that is the handles that were used. And yes I know it wasn't them.

12-03-2013, 11:18 PM
My emphasis added

Calm down guy.

12-03-2013, 11:21 PM
Not the nuclear option!

Nucular.... k duh.

12-04-2013, 12:26 AM
Calm down guy.

Sorry you didn't understand.

12-04-2013, 12:29 AM
Sorry you didn't understand.

I understood fine. I was just confirming Donut's story. I'm sorry you didn't understand though.

12-04-2013, 12:34 AM
I understood fine. I was just confirming Donut's story. I'm sorry you didn't understand though.

No, you didn't understand in several ways. First being that I wasn't even responding to you as there were several people in the thread that didn't catch the part I added the emphasis to (another part you didn't understand) in Buckwheet's post.

My fault for forgetting that we all need to slow it down for you. And we were just talking about that too!

12-04-2013, 12:38 AM
No, you didn't understand in several ways. First being that I wasn't even responding to you as there were several people in the thread that didn't catch the part I added the emphasis to (another part you didn't understand) in Buckwheet's post.

I didn't know "several" meant just one. Thanks for educating me.

My fault for forgetting that we all need to slow it down for you. And we were just talking about that too!

You got a mouse in your pocket or something?

12-04-2013, 12:39 AM
Poor guy. Let's just leave it at - I'm sorry. In so many ways.

12-04-2013, 12:40 AM
Poor guy. Let's just leave it at - I'm sorry. In so many ways.

Lighten up buddy, play some GS.

12-04-2013, 02:20 AM
Who is poloneus and why is she on her period?

12-04-2013, 02:21 AM
I remember Donut from waaay back (like 2008 or so). Not sure if it'd be the same one who posted here, but he was a friend of Zimzum IRL.

Yeah, apparently he posts mostly in the merchant folder, which I seldom check unless I'm looking for something specific.

12-04-2013, 03:50 AM
Donut is 100% trusthworthy. Buck, posting their pc account names was kinda pointless and did nothing but cause swirl for the two innocent bystanders... and I always verify with someone on aim by making them PM me here.

Sorry you got scammed bud.

12-04-2013, 03:54 AM
I remember Donut from waaay back (like 2008 or so). Not sure if it'd be the same one who posted here, but he was a friend of Zimzum IRL.

Example of stupid swirl. He is not a friend of zimzum and certainly doesn't know him IRL. Cut out the random speculation on two people Buck said had nothing to do with it.

I've know Donut for 10 years and he is 100% trusthworthy.

12-04-2013, 06:44 AM

12-04-2013, 07:35 AM

Your signature gives me nightmares...

12-04-2013, 09:03 AM
Donut is 100% trusthworthy. Buck, posting their pc account names was kinda pointless and did nothing but cause swirl for the two innocent bystanders... and I always verify with someone on aim by making them PM me here.

Sorry you got scammed bud.

I don't think it was "pointless". I believe the question was asked so that if someone else was approached saying "Hi, I am XXX from the PC let me steal your shit" someone could say hmm PM me on the PC to verify that. Either way I said they weren't involved and I was directly asked for the information. You must not have fully read what I said, or other people didn't which isn't my problem. I am the one out over two grand and I don't think this is going to cause either of the two people who had their PC handles used in this fashion damage in excess of that cash amount.

Additionally, I posted up I got scammed and people demanded details and criticized me for not posting ALL the details. I post more details and then I get told what I am doing is pointless. You can never win with this crowd. So how about this, how about the PC elect a "SCAM COMMITY" where all the details are provided to them and they post up what they feel is relevant or not. Jesus.

12-04-2013, 09:09 AM
Who is poloneus and why is she on her period?

Who is Tisket and why do I picture a sixteen year old girl so busy putting cock in her mouth that it's amazing she still finds time to post in every single thread on the PC? Oh right....

12-04-2013, 09:23 AM
I am the one out over two grand and I don't think this is going to cause either of the two people who had their PC handles used in this fashion damage in excess of that cash amount.
Last edited by Buckwheet; 12-04-2013 at 09:03 AM.

You didn't cause any damage, people just didn't read all of what you said. You are 100% right on that front. If it were me, I'd be grateful you made it public someone was pretending to be me.

I do take issue with the justification you used to dismiss the "damages". It's something that bugs me, regardless of the situation, when people justify things with "I didn't hurt them nearly as bad as I've been hurt". It's exceptionally shitty that you've been had, but that's not a reason to ignore damaging others (Which I don't think you have in this case, and are in fact very careful of). Crappy time to nitpick you, most likely. Having not been around PC very long you're one of the few people I would trust with cash dealings. :sorry:

I'm grateful you've raised awareness of the recent rise in scams. A number of people have, and will continue to, benefit from the bit of extra caution taken as a result.

12-04-2013, 09:40 AM
Okay, if they can quantify the cash damages we can discuss a settlement and I will turn their request in to my liability policy.

12-04-2013, 10:42 AM
I don't think it was "pointless". I believe the question was asked so that if someone else was approached saying "Hi, I am XXX from the PC let me steal your shit" someone could say hmm PM me on the PC to verify that. Either way I said they weren't involved and I was directly asked for the information. You must not have fully read what I said, or other people didn't which isn't my problem. I am the one out over two grand and I don't think this is going to cause either of the two people who had their PC handles used in this fashion damage in excess of that cash amount.

Additionally, I posted up I got scammed and people demanded details and criticized me for not posting ALL the details. I post more details and then I get told what I am doing is pointless. You can never win with this crowd. So how about this, how about the PC elect a "SCAM COMMITY" where all the details are provided to them and they post up what they feel is relevant or not. Jesus.

I would rather go by the title of "Scam Czar" and I humbly accept your nomination.

12-04-2013, 11:45 AM
I would rather go by the title of "Scam Czar" and I humbly accept your nomination.

You've got my vote!

12-04-2013, 11:59 AM
Who is Tisket and why do I picture a sixteen year old girl so busy putting cock in her mouth that it's amazing she still finds time to post in every single thread on the PC? Oh right....

Yes, I am sixteen. You are absolutely correct.

You hear that everyone?? I AM SIXTEEN. Oh and I like cock!

Polonius seriously doesn't know how to insult someone.

12-04-2013, 12:02 PM
So how about this, how about the PC elect a "SCAM COMMITY" where all the details are provided to them and they post up what they feel is relevant or not. Jesus.

Rotary Club for Gemstone?

No, Jesus can't be part of it.

12-04-2013, 12:03 PM
Example of stupid swirl. He is not a friend of zimzum and certainly doesn't know him IRL. Cut out the random speculation on two people Buck said had nothing to do with it.

I've know Donut for 10 years and he is 100% trusthworthy.

What Sorcausus said. I'd want it posted for sure if someone was claiming to be me.

Why would an honest person fear the light of day?

12-04-2013, 12:07 PM
Someone just pointed out that polonius probably thinks I'm a guy and that by calling me a girl he's somehow insulted me.


12-04-2013, 12:09 PM
Yes, I am sixteen. You are absolutely correct.

You hear that everyone?? I AM SIXTEEN. Oh and I like cock!

Polonius seriously doesn't know how to insult someone.

He's not very creative at all, he probably just looked at your avatar and said "Cock sucking girl! I'm so good!"

Kind of surprised he didn't call me a magazine reading dog.

12-04-2013, 12:10 PM
His "insult" failed on so many levels I feel a bit sorry for him/her.

12-04-2013, 12:25 PM
I would rather go by the title of "Scam Czar" and I humbly accept your nomination.

I officially nominate PB.

12-04-2013, 12:26 PM
I officially nominate PB.

I also nominate Back so we can insure the Scammer Committee is bipartisan.

Suppressed Poet
12-04-2013, 01:56 PM
Tisket for...

Oh wait, this not the "List of known sluts, cunts, and worthless annoyances to society" thread?

12-04-2013, 02:14 PM
First post of yours without a misspelling. That or you learned how to use spell check finally.

12-04-2013, 03:48 PM
Someone just pointed out that polonius probably thinks I'm a guy and that by calling me a girl he's somehow insulted me.


Nope, I knew you considered yourself a woman. An attention whoring woman that supplies the PC with a endless supply of drivel to be more precise. Kind of like tgo1. Although at least you usually appear to have some basic intelligence. He just goes on and on looking completely retarded in countless threads. Even when people point out in plain English how retarded he sounds, he just goes on oblivious to the fact. At least it gets everyone a good chuckle every day.

Was your initial post a reaction to that one time I think we actually interacted on this board? I got that weird friend request or whatever you call it from you some time back and I was confused and figured you just were looking for attention so I politely ignored it. Wasn't posting in every single thread on the PC enough attention? Instead you felt the urge to send creepy requests to complete strangers?

12-04-2013, 03:52 PM
Someone's in luuuuuuuv.

12-04-2013, 03:53 PM
Nope, I knew you considered yourself a woman. An attention whoring woman that supplies the PC with a endless supply of drivel to be more precise. Kind of like tgo1. Although at least you usually appear to have some basic intelligence. He just goes on and on looking completely retarded in countless threads. Even when people point out in plain English how retarded he sounds, he just goes on oblivious to the fact. At least it gets everyone a good chuckle every day.

Oh oh! This is fun. Everyone thinks poloneus is a giant douche bag. The entire forum. The entire planet. My "point" sounds better if I act as if I speak for everyone.

Was your initial post a reaction to that one time I think we actually interacted on this board? I got that weird friend request or whatever you call it from you some time back and I was confused and figured you just were looking for attention so I politely ignored it. Wasn't posting in every single thread on the PC enough attention? Instead you felt the urge to send creepy requests to complete strangers?

Weren't you the one crying on here because someone undercut his skinning business because you felt you had a monopoly on that forever? Time to let it go man, move on :/

12-04-2013, 04:05 PM
Polonious thinks I'm smarter than you, Tg. Take that!

Also I went through a stage where I sent friend requests to anyone who showed up as a visitor to my profile page because I figured they were trying to view my albums. Maybe you shouldn't have been stalking me?

12-04-2013, 04:14 PM
Polonious thinks I'm smarter than you, Tg. Take that!

Also I went through a stage where I sent friend requests to anyone who showed up as a visitor to my profile page because I figured they were trying to view my albums. Maybe you shouldn't have been stalking me?

So I was stalking you and you responded by sending a friend request?

I surrender.

12-04-2013, 04:16 PM
Someone's in luuuuuuuv.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Ceyrin again.