View Full Version : an asp-framed dark emerald pendant - bonus of 7 to stalking and hiding.

06-14-2011, 06:13 PM
Part of one of my Droughtman prizes. I had thought I could use it, but I just don't have the time for a new character. Wondering what it's worth.

an asp-framed dark emerald pendant - Age has tarnished the crevices between the intricately wrought scales of the golden asp, though the surface remains smooth and brightly polished. The snake winds its way around the edge of a large round dark green emerald, with the tip of its tail forming a loop to allow the pendant to dangle from a chain. The depths of the gloomy green gem are further shadowed by a black steel backing. Inscribed on the back of the black steel is a phrase in stylized Tehir writing.

In the Tehir language, it reads:
Those who seek Doom often find it.

Loresong :

A vision emerges of several Tehir children sitting near a stand of tents. "I could walk in there and take the pendant. Who would stop me? I am the shaman's daughter," boasts a girl with semiprecious metal bangles lining her arms. One child gasps and says, "Stealing from the tribe is serious! You shouldn't!" Another scowls and exclaims, "I am sick of your boasting! You would never do it, anyway." The girl with the bangles glares at the second child and scrambles to her feet as the vision ends.

An image emerges of a black-clad Tehir shaman standing over the girl with the bangles as she lays on the ground crying, still clutching an asp-framed dark emerald pendant. "You little fool," he screams, "how could you do such a thing? You have shamed me, and shamed the entire family. If I do not kill you, they will extinguish us all to purge the uncleanliness you have brought to the tribe!" She leaps up as he approaches, and as the image fades you notice a glint of steel in the hands of both father and daughter.

A scene unfolds before you of a black-veiled figure riding a fast-moving yierka over the rolling dunes by the pale light cast by a crescent moon. As the figure passes, you can see the small, slender hands that hold the reigns and notice that they are bedecked by semiprecious metal bangles -- and streaked with blood. An asp-framed dark emerald pendant dangles from the figure's neck over the black robes. The image fades as the figure moves away, into the night.

You squint to adjust your eyes to the dark as an old dark-skinned woman stands in a darkened bedroom of a modest home. Her shoulders shake with silent sobs as she places an asp-framed dark emerald pendant into a basket along with a folded note. She raises her eyes to the slumbering figure in the bed and whispers, "Every day I stay is a day I endanger you. Your life has been the highlight of mine. I love you, gtuy of my gtiere." The woman looks back once as she stops at the doorway, then moves silently into the night.