View Full Version : Who regrets it?
06-13-2011, 01:46 PM
Any old warriors here that regret making the change to being a paladin? Wondering if I'm the only one.
06-13-2011, 01:59 PM
For a paltry $250 SIMU will do a one-time conversion back to your old char...
(one who did that)...
That's scandelous to have to pay so much. They should have just made it a two way initial option so you can revert back up to 30 days into it.
After that charge, of course but $250? That's fucking unbelievable.
06-13-2011, 02:17 PM
I may be wrong, but if you did pay to be changed back didn't they take your char back to the level that you converted at, therefore losing any levels you may have gained as a paladin?
06-13-2011, 02:26 PM
yes, that's absolutely correct.. and yes, what a rip!
06-13-2011, 02:26 PM
I wrote Simu to see about if I'm still eligable. After reading the page on it, there are restrictions. Waiting to hear back, I might just do it. I remember when Paladin was in the discussion, I was one of the most excited but was on break when they came. When I came back I jumped into it.
I like being a Paladin, but really I miss being a warrior more. The one thing I can think of that I'll miss is the bonding with my blade.. but with a self-charging blessing sheath, it's not a big worry to have a perma-blessed weapon. ... That brings up a question, I know the sheath won't work with weighting, but will the bonds perma-bless work with weighting?
06-13-2011, 02:27 PM
I may be wrong, but if you did pay to be changed back didn't they take your char back to the level that you converted at, therefore losing any levels you may have gained as a paladin?
Yes. And you get guild fucked.
That brings up a question, I know the sheath won't work with weighting, but will the bonds perma-bless work with weighting?
The blessing sheaths act as a normal 304 blessing, and thus won't work on weighted or flaring weapons.
Paladin bonding allows you to sanct any weapon. Even a claidhmore or something with flares. If you paladin bond a blessable weapon, you get Guiding light flares (1608) and sanct the weapon.
Warriors can bond too, but get different abilities and it does not make the weeapon permablessed.
I converted my warrior at lvl 45 or so and now am capped, so going back is out of the question. I converted him for RP purposes and do enjoy being a paladin as it goes much more with his storyline and personality.
I have, however started a new warrior or three and still toy with them and enjoy them. I just don't let myself think about the guild master status I threw away... ugh.
06-13-2011, 03:15 PM
I think I'm probably one of the few people who have honestly not regretted converting a warrior to a paladin.
My gal, as a warrior, was a guild master, level 48, 2x'd in MOC, etc. etc.... converted beginning of 2008, and would not go back to being a warrior for the life of me. Still haven't capped with her, but that's because I have waaay too many characters, and not nearly enough time (or patience) for all of them.
It probably helps that I just enjoy paladins too much (have three of them, now)...
Anyway, most of what I've heard is that people, in general, have regretted their warrior-to-paladin conversions, which I find sad... but, also understandable. Whatever floats people's boats, for which class is their favorite. :shrug:
06-13-2011, 03:15 PM
I miss being able to solo grimswarm camps and use berserk but I don't regret switching.
I miss being able to solo grimswarm camps and use berserk but I don't regret switching.
I can still solo camps... granted, I have haste up non-stop and a mage spellup and healer on standby.
When I add ranger spells or above average armor I have very few issues.
06-13-2011, 03:22 PM
I've got to admit though that I like the combat spells.. but spells aren't my thing. I converted for story reasons too. Til has always been a Paladin of Koar, and being a paladin works for him. I just like being a warrior. And I miss the guild. I've always said a good solution for paladins was to let them join the warrior guild. I'm still undecided what I'll do if I'm eligable to revert back. Paladins and warriors both have good points and bad points.
Not sure what level your Paladin was/is at. But if you go back to warrior, you lose any levels you gained as a paladin.
Also, Paladins tend to have a lot more growth they can do post-cap. My current goals mean I need to get up to about 15-16mil exp... I'm at a whopping 7.8m
Warriors pretty much stack DS and redux post cap or additional weapon types. (Generally)
06-13-2011, 03:36 PM
I'm not worried about the exp loss, I barely played after the switch, I'll only lose a half dozen levels. It's the loss of my guild skills and having to start over from scratch that I'm not looking forward to.
06-13-2011, 03:49 PM
You lose guild skills that you had before converting?
06-13-2011, 03:54 PM
I don't regret it at all.
Paladin is a very interesting profession. Yeah, you're point starved and there's not many opportunities to mutant yourself, but trained properly, survivability is second to none.
Paladins have great crowd control, and can take quite a few hits, even proned, in most situations. Warrior redux is better, sure, but we can still wear plate. We also get the added bonus of minor spirit spells.
And that's not even mentioning divine shield or arm of the arkati. Or dauntless for that matter. Paladins get some great spells.
I say keep playing as a paladin for a while. It took me a while to figure out the best way of playing mine, but now that i know, i enjoy the hell out of it. Far more than my warrior.
06-13-2011, 03:57 PM
For me, Menos as a paladin does everything better than he did as a warrior. I don't regret the conversion at all.
Except, I do really miss Cman mobility and warsalutes. But not enough to give up all I gained.
06-13-2011, 04:09 PM
war salutes? i'm currently a warrior with no plans to switch, trying to figure out the best way to max my AS/DS.
06-13-2011, 04:15 PM
For me, Menos as a paladin does everything better than he did as a warrior. I don't regret the conversion at all.
Except, I do really miss Cman mobility and warsalutes. But not enough to give up all I gained.
I definitely miss a few of the Cmans warriors get, especially mobility and parry mastery.
06-13-2011, 04:15 PM
Paladins have great crowd control
They do?
Stanley Burrell
06-13-2011, 04:18 PM
Any old warriors here that regret making the change to being a paladin? Wondering if I'm the only one.
Fuck. No.
And for my Warrior who's got e-wave, it's sort of working. Fucking DFRedux gay-as-hell nerf. Make it a fucking CMAN for Christ's sake. Oh -- Make alkars easily stackable.
And of course, things involving suction and my reproductive organ.
I'm not bitter. Which really makes sense since I'll probably return. Yeah, that's the ticket.
Seriously, bring back motherfornicating stackable opals and alkars (without ridiculous lore bullshit.) It's not like asking for WoF to be upped to hours. Basically, just ungayify everything that happened after GemStone became the collective sum of MIT equation hard-ons for character dev'ing combined with silver sinks that not-retarded people aren't going to buy into because they're not retarded. Death's Sting potions are basically the mortgage companies allowing vagrants to own mansions and then fuck it up for everyone.
Alright, think I'm done. Everyone have a good day, hope all is well.
They do?
10 ranks of summoning lore, 25 of religion.
Cast 1614, 1630 = 4 kneeling/slowed/lowered AS/DS critters
(Even better with sigil of intimidation etc.)
+ M-strike = win
I've rarely have issues with CC. Only occassionally when a warcamp decided to spit out a lot all at once. I move 1 room if I have to and that's usually enough.
I DID have to fixskills to add more MoC after I went with Sunfist however. Before that the pushdown was ugly. 35 ranks at a min. I prefer 70 ranks.
06-13-2011, 04:27 PM
i've been using 1630 pretty well for crowds. with the right lores, its pretty awesome.
Of course, that's as long as you can ward whatever you're huntinng. A good 1630 and an unfocused mstrike has been decimating things for me.
Your mileage may vary.
06-13-2011, 04:30 PM
I think this question is good, but I would like to hear on conversions from a cleric.
To me if I had done that, I would be more upset than warrior to paladin.
06-13-2011, 04:31 PM
I converted a cleric. Big fucking mistake.
Stanley Burrell
06-13-2011, 04:52 PM
They do?
Grimswarm != crowd control plausibility of Paladins.
If I based my Paladin's crowd control ability on Grimswarm hunting, then, no:
But, I can probably take 5-6x ETs off of my weapons (Paladin) and still go, "Cool man, will I have time to RP if I hammer 1614 and 1602, or should I just 1630 first with casting failure reduced to ~%4; and, if I don't kill everything, should I plink lying down nearly dead shit to death, or just 1615 directly."
My only quarrel with Paladins is that unless you're capped, rezzing stuff is dumb. And it's dumb anyway. Clerics rezz crap. Empaths heal or maybe hunt if they have enough brawling and Voln Fu. Etc.
06-13-2011, 05:13 PM
I would probably be upset if I converted over a cleric, if only because the two classes are so radically different. I play my paladin like a very very good tanking warrior (crowd control from guarded, self cast buff spells) with the tradeoff of less damage (no berserking). A paladin from a cleric just does not make sense to my mind.
And +1 to the paladin rezzing is malarki part from me.
06-13-2011, 05:13 PM
When on my paladin, I find it preferable to drag someone to the town cleric if no clerics are available.
06-13-2011, 05:29 PM
Add me to the "regrets it" list. Though I really enjoy Paladins, I enjoyed being a warrior far...far more.
06-13-2011, 05:31 PM
I think this question is good, but I would like to hear on conversions from a cleric.
To me if I had done that, I would be more upset than warrior to paladin.
I converted from cleric. Zero regrets
I would probably be upset if I converted over a cleric, if only because the two classes are so radically different. I play my paladin like a very very good tanking warrior (crowd control from guarded, self cast buff spells) with the tradeoff of less damage (no berserking). A paladin from a cleric just does not make sense to my mind.
I played my cleric like a warrior, so converting was only a boost.
06-13-2011, 05:32 PM
I played my cleric like a warrior also, only because I was still mostly in GS3 mode.
06-13-2011, 10:22 PM
Add me to the list of warrior-clerics from days gone by. My converted cleric was just a mutant in GS3 and was able to keep the same basic training up when we switched to GSIV, just a very physical build that utilized Unbalance (110) like paladins use 1615 now.
Conversion was a no brainer for me and I've never regretted the decision. I basically play my paladin the same way I played my cleric in GS3, just with spells and Cmans now instead of spells and weapon-swapping. And full plate is just so much better than chain of any kind.
06-13-2011, 10:25 PM
Your mom.
Sylvan Dreams
06-14-2011, 07:33 PM
I wrote Simu to see about if I'm still eligable. After reading the page on it, there are restrictions. Waiting to hear back, I might just do it. I remember when Paladin was in the discussion, I was one of the most excited but was on break when they came. When I came back I jumped into it.
I like being a Paladin, but really I miss being a warrior more. The one thing I can think of that I'll miss is the bonding with my blade.. but with a self-charging blessing sheath, it's not a big worry to have a perma-blessed weapon. ... That brings up a question, I know the sheath won't work with weighting, but will the bonds perma-bless work with weighting?
You'll still be able to bond with your weapon as a warrior. You'll just have to do it via CMAN weapon bond instead of a spell.
06-14-2011, 08:22 PM
No regrets for converting at all.
10 ranks of summoning lore, 25 of religion.
Cast 1614, 1630 = 4 kneeling/slowed/lowered AS/DS critters
(Even better with sigil of intimidation etc.)
+ M-strike = win
I've rarely have issues with CC. Only occassionally when a warcamp decided to spit out a lot all at once. I move 1 room if I have to and that's usually enough.
I DID have to fixskills to add more MoC after I went with Sunfist however. Before that the pushdown was ugly. 35 ranks at a min. I prefer 70 ranks.
Never played a warrior, though I think it'd be fun to get more MoC among other things. Was a rogue before in GS3 and now play a paladin and love it.
Here is a bit of paladin CC in action
You gesture at a triton combatant.
You briefly close your eyes, and a faint colorful aura washes over you. A faint multihued light builds up and emanates from your hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal sphere!
A blast of multihued plasma flares out from the center of the ethereal sphere, striking a triton magus!
CS: +420 - TD: +362 + CvA: +25 + d100: +91 == +174
Warding failed!
The triton magus is stricken for 38 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
Streaking blast of plasma fills the triton magus's mouth searing away the tongue!
The triton magus is driven to her knees!
A blast of multihued plasma flares out from the center of the ethereal sphere, striking a spectral triton defender!
CS: +420 - TD: +317 + CvA: +20 + d100: +46 == +169
Warding failed!
The triton defender is stricken for 59 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
Good hit!
Left shoulder is ripped from its socket then wriggles back into place.
A blast of multihued plasma flares out from the center of the ethereal sphere, striking an ethereal triton sentry!
The dull golden nimbus surrounding an ethereal triton sentry suddenly begins to glow brightly.
d100 == 1 FUMBLE!
A blast of multihued plasma flares out from the center of the ethereal sphere, striking a triton combatant!
CS: +420 - TD: +300 + CvA: +25 + d100: +76 == +221
Warding failed!
The triton combatant is stricken for 52 points of damage!
... 60 points of damage!
Explosive burst wreaths the triton combatant's back in shimmering blue flames!
A blast of multihued plasma flares out from the center of the ethereal sphere, striking a spectral triton defender!
CS: +420 - TD: +305 + CvA: +20 + d100: +21 == +156
Warding failed!
The triton defender is stricken for 60 points of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
Hard strike connects with the triton defender's back!
A thin arc of mist spews forth, evaporating quickly.
The triton defender is driven to his knees!
The ethereal sphere vanishes from sight.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You concentrate intently, focusing all your energies.
With instinctive motions, you weave to and fro striking with deliberate and unrelenting fury!
You thrust with a silver-inlaid cold steel lance at a triton magus!
AS: +666 vs DS: +343 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +78 = +439
... and hit for 198 points of damage!
Blast to hand reduces it to pulp!
You thrust with a silver-inlaid cold steel lance at a spectral triton defender!
AS: +666 vs DS: +275 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +89 = +515
... and hit for 179 points of damage!
Massive blow strikes the triton defender and drives it back!
Good thing those ribs aren't made of bone.
You thrust with a silver-inlaid cold steel lance at an ethereal triton sentry!
AS: +666 vs DS: +475 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +56 = +285
... and hit for 153 points of damage!
Amazing shot cleaves the torso in half at the waist!
You watch agape as the misty form knits itself back together!
The triton sentry is knocked to the ground!
You thrust with a silver-inlaid cold steel lance at a triton combatant!
AS: +666 vs DS: +437 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +64 = +328
... and hit for 120 points of damage!
Awesome shot shatters ribs and punctures lung!
The triton combatant collapses to the floor with a splash, gurgling once with a wrathful look on her face before expiring.
A triton combatant seems slightly different.
You thrust with a silver-inlaid cold steel lance at a spectral triton defender!
AS: +666 vs DS: +219 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +88 = +570
... and hit for 214 points of damage!
Mighty blow rips through the triton defender's chest, causing it to pause as it reforms.
Your flurry of strikes leaves you off-balance and out of position.
Roundtime: 11 sec.
Speaking in Dark Elven, Draithe says, "That spell is nice."
AS: +666
I think you do this on purpose. Heh.
06-15-2011, 01:59 PM
Is anyone considering converting to monk? MONKS!
Naw, not converting. But I'll likely level one up to see how I like it.
Of course I'll be almost ready to retire by the time this happens and will have plenty of extra free time...
I think you do this on purpose. Heh.
Lol, goes well with the aRPees, I guess, what good is looking like a demonic dark elf if your not swinging devil numbers? Just happens when I have strength or bravery up and surge drops.
06-17-2011, 02:45 PM
I can still solo camps... granted, I have haste up non-stop and a mage spellup and healer on standby.
The way the game was meant to be played...
That's why GS sucks nowadays.
The way the game was meant to be played...
That's why GS sucks nowadays.
Why? Multi-accounts?
The empath is a friend. I have two accounts and have never had more. Most people have a mage somewhere these days. I don't really see how that makes GS suck nowadays.
Imo this year has been a high note for GS overall.
07-04-2011, 08:42 PM
Imo this year has been a high note for GS overall.
I'm sorry, call me 'Stuck In The Past' but until the day I type WHO and the Active Players: line contains 4 digits worth of people, it's never going to be a high note again.
That's not a GS slam, I'm just facing facts...
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