View Full Version : Stormfront Runtime Error C++

06-13-2011, 10:52 AM
I can't access the officals at present but had an issue this morning I'm hoping perhaps someone here can help me with.

I was online earlier this morning, sitting at the docks in Ta'Vaalor got distracted and eventually disconnected from inactivity. I use Lich and Stormfront by the way.

In either case, now I can't log back on. Every time I try it enters the game, loads the character then gives me a C++ Runetime Error related to Stormfront and closes.

I tried uninstalling ruby/lich, and stormfront, reinstalled, and still having the same issue. I tried logging on from the website and it won't fully load the character, it brings up Stormfront, I can see the room he's in from the room window but the game window never fully loads. Just locks up there.

I can log in any other character with no issue, just seems to be this one hanging. Any thoughts or suggestions on how to remedy this?

06-13-2011, 11:05 AM
Also for reference, I installed the wizard front end and am able to log in using this front end. I tried Stormfront again after that to see if it cleared the issue but still getting the runtime error.

06-13-2011, 11:07 AM
Do you have your scripts stored locally or on the server?

Can you login to another character and change the preference to local if its on the server, then login with the other character and change it back?

06-13-2011, 11:34 AM
I imagine they are stored on the server, how do I change it to local?

06-13-2011, 11:35 AM
Well I changed the scripts to Local and tried logging in with my other character but still get the same error

06-13-2011, 11:46 AM
Oh well. That fixed the login errors for me before. Sorry it didn't work for you.

06-13-2011, 11:49 AM
another strange thing, I tried logging on a third character, this one also in Ta'Vaalor and got the same error. I tried several others not in Ta'Vaalor and they all work...maybe completely unrelated but I find that interesting. I'm taking Q out of Ta'Vaalor via wizard to see if I can log him in from another location without this issue.

06-13-2011, 12:13 PM
Ok, took Q back to Ta'Illistim via Wizard, and am able to log back on through Stormfront now that I'm not in Ta'Vaalor. *shrugs*

06-13-2011, 12:16 PM
so Ta'Vaalor is broken? possibly the strangest GS bug I have ever seen

06-13-2011, 12:34 PM
so Ta'Vaalor is broken? possibly the strangest GS bug I have ever seen

I betcha it could be related to that stupid Vaalor in-game map they have made, and Stormfront