View Full Version : 2nd Annual PC NYC Meetup Thread 1/1
06-05-2011, 05:45 PM
Let's do it again. Everyone from last year is required, but everyone else on this message board should probably think about buying tickets to New York to attend this.
I'm going to throw an IM out to the participants from last year that got too balls-nuts on this one night to ever regularly post on the PC again (Nikki, Cel, Brad). If anyone is in position to influence them more meaningfully definitely point them here!
LM is deploying again or is there a phantom yankees game in our future?
Everyone cool with doing, in general, the same thing we did last year? I am almost positive every establishment we visited last year definitely wants us back.
So what day/weekend works?? I am most fresh between the first week in July and the second week in August but am open to anything that works for the most people.
Lastly, Rob is required to attend before shipping off to big-kid's school.
06-05-2011, 05:52 PM
It would have to be in July. I head down to Charlottesville July 31st.
Any time works. Partyyyyy...
Any time works for me. And if you still want to stuff yourself silly in Little Italy with me and your gay lover, Jay, I think we're going this next week sometime.
06-05-2011, 05:56 PM
I quit my job July 15th. So...Saturday, July 16th?
Gnome Rage
06-05-2011, 05:56 PM
could you... not go to a bar?
(haha funny joke right?)
could you... not go to a bar?
(haha funny joke right?)
Drinking heavily is essential to the NYC meet up.
06-05-2011, 06:26 PM
Drinking heavily is essential to the NYC meet up.
It's the only way to inure yourself to getting punched repeatedly by Dex.
Gnome Rage
06-05-2011, 06:31 PM
but. but. but... I'm only 19 until August... and even then...
whores. </3
As long as no one asks for it (literally says, "Dex, please punch me in the balls") and no one gets grabby, they're safe.
06-05-2011, 06:37 PM
As long as no one asks for it (literally says, "Dex, please punch me in the balls") and no one gets grabby, they're safe.
I liked it the last time I got grabby.
Either that or you thought it was Jay and punched him instead.
but. but. but... I'm only 19 until August... and even then...
whores. </3
Do they check IDs at the door in most bars in NYC?
Gnome Rage
06-05-2011, 06:41 PM
Not a clue. I don't go to NYC :(
Yea July works better than August for me, just let me know.
Do they check IDs at the door in most bars in NYC?
Not unless you're going to a club or lounge. It also helps to get places before 10pm.
06-05-2011, 06:44 PM
What day of the week do you have in mind, Ryvicke?
06-05-2011, 06:47 PM
I'll be around starting the last week of July.
Gnome Rage
06-05-2011, 06:48 PM
Yeah but if they happened to check IDs. I'd be outside and you'd all be having fun inside.
Poor sad me :( OUTSIDE IN THE RAIN
06-05-2011, 06:48 PM
Day of the week is a Saturday, and most places don't card if we get there before 7-ish.
06-05-2011, 06:49 PM
I think if we were rolling around with underagers we'd be cool enough to find a place to accomodate. I THINK!
06-05-2011, 06:49 PM
Day of the week is a Saturday, and most places don't card if we get there before 7-ish.
Which means that Jay will be wasted by 9.30. I nominate Sean to act as the Blaster to his Master.
Pretty sure they've never checked any of our IDs at the "usual" place.
Gnome Rage
06-05-2011, 06:50 PM
I'd go if I wasn't afraid of being left in the RAIN.
(and I'd probably bring the boyfriend because... that's what I do.)
Pretty sure I'll be leaving my boyfriend out of this one. He drank waaaaaay too much last time.
The answer the under age thing is just goto any chain restaurant and booze it up there.. anyone ever been to a TGIFridays that carded? But on the flip side do we really want to party it up at a TGIFridays?
The answer the under age thing is just goto any chain restaurant and booze it up there.. anyone ever been to a TGIFridays that carded? But on the flip side do we really want to party it up at a TGIFridays?
Please god no.
Edited to add: There's always the Asian drag show. Heh heh heh.
06-05-2011, 06:54 PM
The answer the under age thing is just goto any chain restaurant and booze it up there.. anyone ever been to a TGIFridays that carded? But on the flip side do we really want to party it up at a TGIFridays?
No, I have not.
And no, I do not.
06-05-2011, 06:56 PM
If it's July 23 or 30 I can prob make it. Out of the country until the 19th. Also have an apt in a pretty good location in union sq if people need a place to pre-game and/or crash.
Gnome Rage
06-05-2011, 06:59 PM
Also, I wouldn't be drinking so I don't worry about being carded for drinks - just for getting into the place.
06-05-2011, 06:59 PM
Also, I wouldn't be drinking so I don't worry about being carded for drinks - just for getting into the place.
So basically we don't need to worry about you at all?
Gnome Rage
06-05-2011, 07:00 PM
As long as I can get into the building, no.
If we do this before Rucca gets here, I'll be up for round two for her. <3.3
06-05-2011, 07:01 PM
The weekend of the 29th or 30th would be sweet. I'd be so down for drinks at that point.
06-05-2011, 07:06 PM
I might have to hit up some New York this time. Been a while since I've actually hit drunk.
06-05-2011, 07:07 PM
It would have to be in July. I head down to Charlottesville July 31st.
Any time works. Partyyyyy...
06-05-2011, 07:07 PM
Been a while since I've actually hit drunk.
06-05-2011, 07:08 PM
Yes, sir. Turned down Georgetown and Cornell. NYU told me to piss off. Darden it is. Happy with the choice.
06-05-2011, 07:10 PM
Depending on the date I'd offer a booze cruise on my boat for those that don't get seasick ;)
06-05-2011, 07:14 PM
Yes, sir. Turned down Georgetown and Cornell. NYU told me to piss off. Darden it is. Happy with the choice.
congrats. get ready for two years of vacation. it's like college only with money to do stuff. i wish i wasnt going back to the real world
I might have to hit up some New York this time. Been a while since I've actually hit drunk.
We can fix that for you.
06-05-2011, 07:15 PM
We can fix that for you.
Depending on the date I'd offer a booze cruise on my boat for those that don't get seasick ;)
This idea is a no for me because it sounds like the opening to a teen slasher flick. A bunch of people who know each other only from the internet get together on a boat to drink heavily. And then shit gets real.
Just for Rob because I will probably never see him again, I will only be drinking unmixed hard liquor.
06-05-2011, 07:20 PM
Just for Rob because I will probably never see him again, I will only be drinking unmixed hard liquor.
You and I. Dirty martinis.
06-05-2011, 07:22 PM
Just for Rob because I will probably never see him again, I will only be drinking unmixed hard liquor.
It is, how they say, on.
06-05-2011, 07:23 PM
This idea is a no for me because it sounds like the opening to a teen slasher flick. A bunch of people who know each other only from the internet get together on a boat to drink heavily. And then shit gets real.
Pretty sure we could handle the slashers but no worries, just an offer :)
Pretty sure we could handle the slashers but no worries, just an offer :)
I bet everyone would think it was Rob but it would wind up being Jay and we would all learn of our mistake too late.
06-05-2011, 07:28 PM
I bet everyone would think it was Rob but it would wind up being Jay and we would all learn of our mistake too late.
Scream 5 just got written.
06-05-2011, 07:49 PM
Sean is the true surprise pick.
But I do owe Dex for that face-slashing I got at the Packer victory party... oh and for making trannies celebrate my birthday... hmmmm...
for making trannies celebrate my birthday... hmmmm...
You fucking loved it. You even got a new boyfriend.
06-05-2011, 07:56 PM
You fucking loved it. You even got a new boyfriend.
I do miss asian-bitch. Definitely let me know whenever you guys decide which day this week for little italy!
06-05-2011, 07:59 PM
Day of the week is a Saturday, and most places don't card if we get there before 7-ish.
I work saturdays!!!!!!!!!!
06-05-2011, 08:07 PM
I work saturdays!!!!!!!!!!
Just show your employer the PC: the $7 gas thread, the boob thread, the Tabor thread, the Methais thread. Tell them you really really care about getting off work to meet these people. It's like a doctor's note that makes sure you don't have a job anymore.
06-05-2011, 08:07 PM
If this is later in the month ill try to swing by. Will be moving in early july though.
06-05-2011, 09:22 PM
could you... not go to a bar?
(haha funny joke right?)
Drinking heavily is essential to the NYC meet up.I also would prefer not a bar, because bar drinks are offensively expensive. However, I can offer no worthwhile alternative. :(
I'm really intimidated that Warriorbird might come. Is that weird? It feels kind of weird.
I'm really intimidated that Warriorbird might come. Is that weird? It feels kind of weird.
Heh! It's not what I would expect. Conan is a nice guy. Or maybe I miss shit 'cause I don't read or post in the politics folder.
06-05-2011, 10:16 PM
I'm really intimidated that Warriorbird might come. Is that weird? It feels kind of weird.
I imagine Rob's more intimidating than me. The only real danger is I feel the ability to dance just about anywhere when drunk.
06-05-2011, 11:03 PM
This is intriguing.
06-05-2011, 11:05 PM
Sure. Someone else bring a camera.
I still wonder what happened to that camera. I'm sure someone at the bar or on the street found it. And who WOULDN'T look through a strange camera? I wonder what conclusions they drew about us.
This idea is a no for me because it sounds like the opening to a teen slasher flick. A bunch of people who know each other only from the internet get together on a boat to drink heavily. And then shit gets real.
Fuck that I know what happens to the minorities in those movies.
06-06-2011, 12:07 AM
Fuck that I know what happens to the minorities in those movies.
Lol, we got bait!
06-06-2011, 12:16 AM
I would like to try to make it to this. July 16th?
Dex: I am going to touch you. You're going to like it.
Jay: I am staying with you, you fucking asshole. Thx.
06-06-2011, 12:38 AM
I'd come, but I don't know if I want to be/get lost in NYC with the lot of you :P
Plus two weeks prior, I'm already going to CT for the weekend since it's my mothers birthday and sneaking out for drinks with Paul
I would like to try to make it to this. July 16th?
Dex: I am going to touch you. You're going to like it.
Jay: I am staying with you, you fucking asshole. Thx.
Heh, I'll make an exception for you.
Stanley Burrell
06-06-2011, 07:44 AM
Well now.
Extremely important edit:
I'm really intimidated that Warriorbird might come. Is that weird? It feels kind of weird.
Not weird at all. Ladies all the time be asking him, "Coach WB, how come you don't dance no more?"
Guilty feet have got no rhythm Stanley.
06-06-2011, 09:29 AM
Guilty feet have got no rhythm Stanley.
He should have known better than to cheat a friend.
06-06-2011, 09:55 AM
Well now.
Extremely important edit:
Not weird at all. Ladies all the time be asking him, "Coach WB, how come you don't dance no more?"
There's rumors that I sleep in one of these lockers but I actually sleep on this bench right here.
He should have known better than to cheat a friend.
Gripping that rope meant nothing, too. I also regret revealing the 15 foot yacht in the video.
Mighty Nikkisaurus
06-06-2011, 10:48 AM
I haven't been posting largely because when I'm not working, attending classes, and playing some video games, I'm trying to get a start-up off the ground!
I would like to go to another meet-up, but I can't commit at this point to July 16 one way or the other because that's my birthday. And I may be doing awesome birthday stuff. Like playing laser tag.
06-06-2011, 10:56 AM
I would like to go to another meet-up, but I can't commit at this point to July 16 one way or the other because that's my birthday. And I may be doing awesome birthday stuff. Like playing laser tag.
Our surprise birthday party trickery has been unearthed!
06-06-2011, 12:30 PM
Guilty feet have got no rhythm Stanley.
LIKE. :thumbup:
06-06-2011, 12:58 PM
I haven't been posting largely because when I'm not working, attending classes, and playing some video games, I'm trying to get a start-up off the ground!
I would like to go to another meet-up, but I can't commit at this point to July 16 one way or the other because that's my birthday. And I may be doing awesome birthday stuff. Like playing laser tag.
I take it my invitation was lost in the mail?
06-06-2011, 01:04 PM
I take it my invitation was lost in the mail?
What was his name?
06-06-2011, 01:13 PM
brooklyn. no one cards out here because no one gives a shit.
06-06-2011, 01:15 PM
brooklyn. no one cards out here because no one gives a shit.
they only give a shit ironically and THEN only because it's so passé and classist to actually give a shit.
06-06-2011, 01:17 PM
they only give a shit ironically and THEN only because it's so passé and classist to actually give a shit.
we can meet for afternoon dungeons and dragons at the unironic dungeons and dragons cafe.
06-06-2011, 01:22 PM
we can meet for afternoon dungeons and dragons at the unironic dungeons and dragons cafe.
As long as we can drink PBR, smoke American Spirits, and talk about underground music so obscure that we're basically just making up bands as we go along.
06-06-2011, 01:26 PM
As long as we can drink PBR, smoke American Spirits, and talk about underground music so obscure that we're basically just making up bands as we go along.
Do I know you Rob? Are you the dude who sells used wingtip shoes out of the pop-up covered wagon on Bedford?
Sad I'm gonna miss this. Leaving July 14 and coming back the 27th.
06-06-2011, 01:26 PM
You and I. Dirty martinis.
I want in on the dirty martinis!
06-06-2011, 01:28 PM
Do I know you Rob? Are you the dude who sells used wingtip shoes out of the pop-up covered wagon on Bedford.
No, but that guy sounds awesome.
Sad I'm gonna miss this. Leaving July 14 and coming back the 27th.
It sounds like it'll be done twice. Or at least, I'll do it twice. One meet up in the middle of the month and then another at the end.
06-06-2011, 03:13 PM
we can meet for afternoon dungeons and dragons at the unironic dungeons and dragons cafe.
Brooklyn makes me kind of ill. I can tell you're from Brooklyn, too, by your avant garde disregard for capitalization. You're a real trailblazer, just like e e cummings and all the billions of hipsters after him.
06-06-2011, 03:14 PM
I also now want to look at that hipster bashing website, but I can't remember its name.
06-06-2011, 03:19 PM
I also now want to look at that hipster bashing website, but I can't remember its name.
06-06-2011, 03:25 PM
Brooklyn makes me kind of ill. I can tell you're from Brooklyn, too, by your avant garde disregard for capitalization. You're a real trailblazer, just like e e cummings and all the billions of hipsters after him.
Maybe he's just lazy?
06-06-2011, 03:27 PM
No Sleep till Brooklyn makes me kind of Licensed to ill Communication.
06-06-2011, 03:30 PM
True hipster fuckheads liked it better when it was called dos and don'ts and you had to bug the dude at american apparel to give you your free issue of Vice.
06-06-2011, 03:31 PM
Maybe he's just lazy?
Lazy is the currency of douchebag hipsters.
06-06-2011, 03:32 PM
you brilliant bastard
True hipster fuckheads liked it better when it was called dos and don'ts and you had to bug the dude at american apparel to give you your free issue of Vice.
If you promise to wear pearl buttons I'll wear a vest (assuming I can get Dex to color coordinate with me)
06-06-2011, 03:42 PM
If you promise to wear pearl buttons I'll wear a vest (assuming I can get Dex to color coordinate with me)
It's too hot for the camel hair overcoat, but I'll figure something out.
06-06-2011, 04:03 PM
Lazy is the currency of douchebag hipsters.
for someone who has an imagine of MLK on his profile pic, you sure are a presumptious cockface.
not sure why all the brooklyn hate. brooklyn didn't hurt you. or did it???!
that's all.
06-06-2011, 04:04 PM
for someone who has an imagine of MLK on his profile pic, you sure are a presumptious cockface.
not sure why all the brooklyn hate. brooklyn didn't hurt you. or did it???!
that's all.
06-06-2011, 04:05 PM
I'll be representing Brooklyn, yo.
I spent a good 30 seconds trying to determine if that was a guy I knew or not.
06-06-2011, 04:11 PM
I spent a good 30 seconds trying to determine if that was a guy I knew or not.
It's hard to tell when he's got his clothes on, huh?
06-06-2011, 04:24 PM
It's hard to tell when he's got his clothes on, huh?
Print the picture off and hold it up so the bottom edge is at eye level and look up at him.
Either is ZING!
06-06-2011, 04:37 PM
for someone who has an imagine of MLK on his profile pic, you sure are a presumptious cockface.
not sure why all the brooklyn hate. brooklyn didn't hurt you. or did it???!
that's all.
Nah, I just used to live in Manhattan and hated when my friends wanted me to come to Brooklyn. One of my good childhood friends is involved with all the bike crazies in Brooklyn and once invited me to a spontaneous flash mob pillow fight or something super hipster. He told me I'd have to be ready to drop everything and grab a pillow as soon as he got the text. LOLWUT?!?
06-06-2011, 04:39 PM
Nah, I just used to live in Manhattan and hated when my friends wanted me to come to Brooklyn. One of my good childhood friends is involved with all the bike crazies in Brooklyn and once invited me to a spontaneous flash mob pillow fight or something super hipster. He told me I'd have to be ready to drop everything and grab a pillow as soon as he got the text. LOLWUT?!?
Most of them just took the pillow out of their mouths.
06-06-2011, 04:53 PM
Most of them just took the pillow out of their mouths.
:takes the pillow out of his mouth:
brooklyn ain't all hipsters and/or haters. I did the manhattan to brooklyn thing and just prefer brooklyn as a lot more laid back, while still being new york goodness. and to be honest, when you're chatting about how sick your veil iron falchion is over beers, you're less likely to be doing it next to the patrick bateman type and more likely to be doing it next to the zack galifanakis type
BUT word to the wise: when you hear the distant screech of bare testicle against vintage bike seat, don't think, just run.
for someone who has an imagine of MLK on his profile pic, you sure are a presumptious cockface.
not sure why all the brooklyn hate. brooklyn didn't hurt you. or did it???!
that's all.
If you ever went to Red Hook before they built the IKEA the answer to your question is Yes.
06-06-2011, 04:55 PM
BUT word to the wise: when you hear the distant screech of bare testicle against vintage bike seat, don't think, just run.
I thought that was just the hipster mating call...ooooh, I see. Gotcha.
06-06-2011, 04:56 PM
If you ever went to Red Hook before they built the IKEA the answer to your question is Yes.
been to sunny's once, but it was already post ikea. I feel for ya man, but red hook is still pretty neat.
<insert anti-capitalism gentrification rant here>
06-06-2011, 04:57 PM
I thought that was just the hipster mating call...ooooh, I see. Gotcha.
Oh, sorry you misunderstood. I meant run, run TOWARD anorexic fixed-gear fornication.
been to sunny's once, but it was already post ikea. I feel for ya man, but red hook is still pretty neat.
<insert anti-capitalism gentrification rant here>
Where else was I supposed to get my crack they didn't call it the crack capital of America for nothing.
But since you've only been to Red Hook once I guess we can cross starving artist off your possible jobs list.
and to be honest, when you're chatting about how sick your veil iron falchion is over beers, you're less likely to be doing it next to the patrick bateman type and more likely to be doing it next to the zack galifanakis type
Is it just me, or does that make Manhattan sound a LOT cooler? (Also, veil iron falchions? Bitch, please.)
Is it just me, or does that make Manhattan sound a LOT cooler? (Also, veil iron falchions? Bitch, please.)
I'm printing new business cards just in case. Also I'm willing to cross 1 river to hang out with your folks.. 2 is pushing it.
06-06-2011, 06:11 PM
Where else was I supposed to get my crack they didn't call it the crack capital of America for nothing.
But since you've only been to Red Hook once I guess we can cross starving artist off your possible jobs list.
Hah, i'm just a joe everyman, working my joe everyman job. Still smoking that rock. But don't we all have rockstar dreams?
Stanley Burrell
06-07-2011, 05:42 AM
Guilty feet have got no rhythm Stanley.
He should have known better than to cheat a friend.
06-07-2011, 11:01 PM
Nah, I just used to live in Manhattan and hated when my friends wanted me to come to Brooklyn. One of my good childhood friends is involved with all the bike crazies in Brooklyn and once invited me to a spontaneous flash mob pillow fight or something super hipster. He told me I'd have to be ready to drop everything and grab a pillow as soon as he got the text. LOLWUT?!?
Yeah, screw the dirty hipsters!!
Shittttt, I went to that pillow fight...
06-10-2011, 09:54 PM
This thread has gotten too dumb for me to keep up, someone PM with the specifics when it is all decided.
I think there'll be two, one on the 16th and one on the 30th. Unless someone has a bright idea or wants to re-run past Asian tranny awesomeness, we'll probably go to Murphy & Gonzalez and get drunk. And then stumble around looking for pizza, coffee, hookah bars, random hipsters from NJ, et cetera.
Mighty Nikkisaurus
06-11-2011, 02:16 AM
I think there'll be two, one on the 16th and one on the 30th. Unless someone has a bright idea or wants to re-run past Asian tranny awesomeness, we'll probably go to Murphy & Gonzalez and get drunk. And then stumble around looking for pizza, coffee, hookah bars, random hipsters from NJ, et cetera.
Yay! If/once the 30th is confirmed I can make that one :3
06-11-2011, 02:55 AM
Okay, someone add me to this list as an interested party.
06-11-2011, 03:10 AM
Yay! If/once the 30th is confirmed I can make that one :3
Awesome. That's the one I'll be able to make too.
06-11-2011, 08:46 AM
I'll go to both. Because I'm a fucking warrior. And because I except Jay to buy everything on the 16th. Including tranny hookers for all.
Might attend this bad boy. Need translator.
Might attend this bad boy. Need translator.
Gasp. You're lying.
06-11-2011, 10:33 AM
Might attend this bad boy. Need translator.
Say whaaaaaaaat?
Don't listen to him, he's a shameless, teasing hussy!
06-11-2011, 10:44 AM
Don't listen to him, he's a shameless, teasing hussy!
Which is why I never listen to you. NEVER!
06-12-2011, 12:54 AM
Looks like Stanley!!! I know it's not him tough. He'd be wearing fucking live wolverines. Not fake hipster leather.
06-12-2011, 04:33 AM
I think there'll be two, one on the 16th and one on the 30th. Unless someone has a bright idea or wants to re-run past Asian tranny awesomeness, we'll probably go to Murphy & Gonzalez and get drunk. And then stumble around looking for pizza, coffee, hookah bars, random hipsters from NJ, et cetera.
Hooker bars?
I'll go to both. Because I'm a fucking warrior. And because I except Jay to buy everything on the 16th. Including tranny hookers for all.
I expect nothing less. Warrior face, WHOOOOO.
I was linked to this thread by Julesia. Something going on?
06-12-2011, 12:44 PM
Hit me up with the exact details and I'll come up. All BENNYs will be down at the beach by my house. Thus making the Jersey Shore a self fuffilling prophecy.
And then stumble around looking for pizza, coffee, hookah bars, random hipsters from NJ, et cetera.
Listen...has poor NJ been saddled with enough horrible stereotypes since the advent of MTVs latest cash cow?
Stanley Burrell
06-13-2011, 04:28 PM
Looks like Stanley!!! I know it's not him tough. He'd be wearing fucking live wolverines. Not fake hipster leather.
I was like, "Real alligators."
Okay. People have asked for a ride on the Asian tranny express. How many people want to be a part of that so reservations can be made?
06-16-2011, 10:43 PM
I was like, "Real alligators."
I only have one thing to say.
East coast is for faggles and squares. :(
06-19-2011, 01:03 AM
East coast is for faggles and squares. :(
Says the lameass who was excited about a job at Gamestop.
Shut your clown-ass hole and stop fucking up this thread.
Says the lameass who was excited about a job at Gamestop.
Shut your clown-ass hole and stop fucking up this thread.
Holy shit, did I miss your bar mitzvah while I was away? Is that why you're so angry? Or are you simply menopausing? I'll go with both.
Also, I have friends on the east coast as well, hence my comment. Quit taking shit so personal, good christ.
Gnome Rage
06-19-2011, 01:09 AM
Because I'm lazy - what day are you guys planning?
06-19-2011, 01:11 AM
Holy shit, did I miss your bar mitzvah while I was away? Is that why you're so angry? Or are you simply menopausing? I'll go with both.
Also, I have friends on the east coast as well, hence my comment. Quit taking shit so personal, good christ.
Your sense of humor is about as outstanding as your career ambitions.
06-19-2011, 01:13 AM
Because I'm lazy - what day are you guys planning?
The day when you turn 21?
Gnome Rage
06-19-2011, 01:14 AM
Har. :(
August 18th 2012.
Your sense of humor is about as outstanding as your career ambitions.
I really love how you're criticizing me on getting a job while in college to pay for my degree and bills. Not all of us had the grand opportunity of our parents paying for our college, and the unfortunate opportunity to hide between Allereli's legs and come out a complete rash-ridden asshole in the end.
Quit ruining this thread.
06-19-2011, 02:21 AM
and the unfortunate opportunity to hide between Allereli's legs and come out a complete rash-ridden asshole in the end.
06-19-2011, 02:22 AM
@ ijin Shut the fuck up. You called the East Coast faggles. I would like to show you my Jin in MvsC.
06-19-2011, 02:29 AM
I really love how you're criticizing me on getting a job while in college to pay for my degree and bills. Not all of us had the grand opportunity of our parents paying for our college, and the unfortunate opportunity to hide between Allereli's legs and come out a complete rash-ridden asshole in the end.
Quit ruining this thread.
1) Funny how you assume that my parents paid for my college education because...why? I'm a white male? Fuck off. I paid my own way, like I'm about to do with business school.
2) Hey, I may be an asshole, but I'm clean and honest. Speaking of which...
3) Your saggy, stretch-marked titties. No one wants to see those. I promise. Keep those to yourself. Fat titties on a fat chick are still titties on a fat chick. Fuck off and keep your opinions to yourself. No one gives a shit. It will prepare you for the rest of your life.
Alright, people, let's not poke the badger. I'll leave it up in the air as to who the badger is.
06-19-2011, 02:41 AM
Yeah don't fuck with the honey badger.
06-19-2011, 02:43 AM
Alright, people, let's not poke the badger. I'll leave it up in the air as to who the badger is.
I will cut you.
06-19-2011, 02:46 AM
I've already seen the tranny show so I'll probably meet up with you guys at the bar afterwards. Someone will just have to be responsible enough to keep me in the loop.
06-19-2011, 03:12 PM
... the 30th, huh? That might be doable.
Stanley Burrell
06-19-2011, 10:37 PM
I only have one thing to say.
Last seen ghost riding a Chevrolet sports utility video equiped with multiple liquid crystal display panels attuned to cinematic material, possible gatorskin seats/dash/panels. Be on the lookout.
(And yes, this was the greatest thing I have ever seen.)
06-19-2011, 11:08 PM
Last seen ghost riding a Chevrolet sports utility video equiped with multiple liquid crystal display panels attuned to cinematic material, possible gatorskin seats/dash/panels. Be on the lookout.
(And yes, this was the greatest thing I have ever seen.)
Sometimes Chip hits that Biz Markie/ODB combo level.
06-21-2011, 05:02 PM
What was the date on this again?
I might be in the area doing some stuff with your local transit authority.
Two dates, make one or the other. Those of us in the area will probably go to both. 16th or 30th of July.
Two dates, make one or the other. Those of us in the area will probably go to both. 16th or 30th of July.
You're too nice, I'm now curious how many more people can get you to repeat the dates. PBR even quoted a post of yours where you state the dates and then decided to reask.
You're too nice, I'm now curious how many more people can get you to repeat the dates. PBR even quoted a post of yours where you state the dates and then decided to reask.
I want people to come play with us. I have fun with you guys and I'm freaking desperate for a drink these days, but I'm holding it in for July.
06-21-2011, 07:43 PM
You're too nice, I'm now curious how many more people can get you to repeat the dates. PBR even quoted a post of yours where you state the dates and then decided to reask.
I have slept since then, you insensitive clod!
The alligator song blew my mind SO HARD that it destroyed the braincells dedicated to remembering the dates.
True story.
Stanley Burrell
06-21-2011, 11:51 PM
Llyod Brielus, God rest his soul.
So just following up, this weekend what's the deal..
07-12-2011, 06:26 PM
Had to fly out to L.A. Ain't making it.
07-15-2011, 01:14 PM
Don't know who else is still in, but Dex mentioned Murphy and Gonzalez so I'll be there at 7 tomorrow.
Don't know who else is still in, but Dex mentioned Murphy and Gonzalez so I'll be there at 7 tomorrow.
Sounds good, see you there.
07-16-2011, 02:35 AM
I demand SHITLOADS of pics. Thanks.
I'll be there. Might be a little late to M&G 'cause I'm gonna go early and run around the city for a bit. I'll bombard Jay with texts to make sure of him.
Alright cool, I'm sure white Tanisha will be happy to see us.
I'd like to warn everyone who is coming on the 30th that Rob appears to be damn near euphoric at the dual pronged achievement of escaping his job and a Busch Gardens documentary. He's huggy.
07-17-2011, 06:32 AM
Nobody needed warning about Rob and his dual prongs, everyone knows how attached he is.
Gnome Rage
07-18-2011, 02:50 AM
I will be able to make the 30th as long as Matt is feeling up to it - since he'd be my escort to NY (yes I still need a fucking chaperon. :( boo)
If someone could PM me information on meeting places or cellphone numbers would be pretty fucking sweet <3
I will be able to make the 30th as long as Matt is feeling up to it - since he'd be my escort to NY (yes I still need a fucking chaperon. :( boo)
If someone could PM me information on meeting places or cellphone numbers would be pretty fucking sweet <3
You need a what? Aren't you a big girl?
07-18-2011, 11:59 AM
You need a what? Aren't you a big girl?
You need a what? Aren't you a big girl?
To be fair I'm not convinced that Jay doesn't need a chaperone.
07-18-2011, 12:08 PM
To be fair I'm not convinced that Jay doesn't need a chaperone.
I thought you acted as everyone's chaperone?
07-18-2011, 12:17 PM
You're still 20, right, GR?
Gnome Rage
07-18-2011, 12:55 PM
I'm a big girl who needs a chaperon! Plus, this way if I get carded and can't get in I have someone to hang out with so I'm not all ruining your night and shiz.
None of us have ever been carded at M&G's. Ever. At any time. Getting in, getting drinks, nothin'.
I thought you acted as everyone's chaperone?
Only if I like them. I reread this and it makes it seem like I wouldn't be Jay's chaperone, I'll be Jays chaperone but only if he ends his forum bigamy.
That being said, who is in for the 30th we need to pick a venue to fit the people.
Gnome Rage
07-18-2011, 01:18 PM
None of us have ever been carded at M&G's. Ever. At any time. Getting in, getting drinks, nothin'.
Well I'm sure you don't look like the type of person to bring a glitter board to an interview. I get carded for cigarettes 24/7
None of us have ever been carded at M&G's. Ever. At any time. Getting in, getting drinks, nothin'.
It's really more of a restaurant that has a small bar and no patrons. Which is good for GS meetups because it allows people to yell semen shield to only minor odd looks.
07-19-2011, 12:16 AM
Llyod Brielus, God rest his soul.
This made me very happy to see.
It's really more of a restaurant that has a small bar and no patrons. Which is good for GS meetups because it allows people to yell semen shield to only minor odd looks.
You'll be my chaperon again if I come, right?
This made me very happy to see.
You'll be my chaperon again if I come, right?
Only if I collect everyone elses phone number first.
It's really more of a restaurant that has a small bar and no patrons. Which is good for GS meetups because it allows people to yell semen shield to only minor odd looks.
... did we yell "semen shield" at some point?
... did we yell "semen shield" at some point?
If by we you mean Rob.
07-20-2011, 06:20 PM
Dude, those are serious business. Patent pending.
Also, GR, if you show up, I will blow up your spot. Count on it.
Dude, those are serious business. Patent pending.
Also, GR, if you show up, I will blow up your spot. Count on it.
I know thats why I didn't want to take credit... eventually the only weapon man will have left is semen and those shields will be invaluable.
Gnome Rage
07-20-2011, 11:02 PM
Oh thanks Rob.
07-20-2011, 11:18 PM
Oh thanks Rob.
You can take that thanks and shove it up your ass. GOOD DAY.
Gnome Rage
07-20-2011, 11:22 PM
How'd you know that's what I like ;)
07-20-2011, 11:29 PM
You can take that thanks and shove it up your ass. GOOD DAY.
How'd you know that's what I like ;)
07-20-2011, 11:31 PM
I am confused.
eta: nm. Did he originally typo that?
eta2: no he didn't. Shut up.
Such is Rob's charm that I can't tell if he hates GnomeRage or he's flirting with her.
07-21-2011, 02:45 PM
Such is Rob's charm that I can't tell if he hates GnomeRage or he's flirting with her.
Can't it be both?
This is Robs going away party the least we could do is get him 1 last hate fuck.
Gnome Rage
07-21-2011, 03:03 PM
I'll chip in, exactly how much are prostitutes in NY?
I'll chip in, exactly how much are prostitutes in NY?
At murphy and gonzalez they are free you just have to tell them you were a MTV VJ in the 80s.
So what's the deal for this get together. It's 2 days away do we have a time or location?
So far as I know the people who are in are Me, Rob, Jay, Dex, and GR+1.
The unknowns are the CT/Mass people.. Nikki, Kellen, Brad, Ben, Jessa & Big Sexy, or Eric (I know he said no but maybe someone paid him to figure out their redux so he can come).
Then theres the random people Ayamei, Rucca (did she move there yet?), Rosewater (we're not going to brooklyn though), WB was claiming a maybe when the thread came out, Wrymx (if he's not luring strangers to his boat), Anebriated, EasternBrand, or Blackmagic
Anyway peoples make up your minds!
07-28-2011, 10:46 AM
So what's the deal for this get together. It's 2 days away do we have a time or location?
So far as I know the people who are in are Me, Rob, Jay, Dex, and GR+1.
The unknowns are the CT/Mass people.. Nikki, Kellen, Brad, Ben, Jessa & Big Sexy, or Eric (I know he said no but maybe someone paid him to figure out their redux so he can come).
Then theres the random people Ayamei, Rucca (did she move there yet?), Rosewater (we're not going to brooklyn though), WB was claiming a maybe when the thread came out, Wrymx (if he's not luring strangers to his boat), Anebriated, EasternBrand, or Blackmagic
Anyway peoples make up your minds!
Nope, unfortunately i'm out on travel for work. No boat for you! I'll make one of these eventually.
07-28-2011, 03:08 PM
GR, come with a backup plan.
07-28-2011, 03:29 PM
(I know he said no but maybe someone paid him to figure out their redux so he can come).If only.
Have a beautiful time!
I'll be there. My boyfriend's coming, so Jay doesn't accuse me of "not letting" him attend. If he tries to tell anyone about me keeping him gagged in a metal cage, don't listen to him. He's a joker. Ha ha.
Gnome Rage
07-28-2011, 05:02 PM
Well I'm sooo not bringing Rob a present now. Everyone else gets one though :)
Dunno if Rob is even going to make it. Rob, did you move already or not yet?
Gnome Rage
07-28-2011, 05:10 PM
P.S. does anyone have food allergies?
Er. I'm allergic to poison given to me by strangers from the internet.
Gnome Rage
07-28-2011, 05:21 PM
Good thing I don't plan on poisoning anyone. :)
Er. I'm allergic to poison given to me by strangers from the internet.
She's also allergic to appropriate touching, inappropriate is ok though.
Do we have a venue in mind? Murphy and Gonzalez sadfest 2011?
07-28-2011, 05:45 PM
1) Everyone here is allergic to shitty cookies/brownies/baked goods.
2) I've already moved, but I'm in NYC for the weekend.
3) Sean, I command you to wear a vest and a flat cap.
eta: GR, bring them anyway so I can throw them at you when you get kicked out of M&G.
Gnome Rage
07-28-2011, 05:46 PM
I'm not making anything, I'm buying something and you don't get any.
Also Rob.. I'll swag it up just for you.
Despite being internetless, Rucca (and her boobs, I assume) is also a go for Saturday.
Gnome Rage
07-29-2011, 04:53 PM
Good thing I got a half pound of truffles/assorted chocolates :)
07-30-2011, 12:53 AM
Good thing I got a half pound of truffles/assorted chocolates :)
You don't go out much, do you?
Aww. No Jessa and Big Sexy after all. They decided to go to Tijuana instead. Jessa promised to go see a donkey show for me. (She was already going to go see it for herself, I'm sure.)
07-30-2011, 02:00 PM
You don't go out much, do you?You can eat what society expects you to eat, or you can have delicious truffles. NOT A HARD CHOICE, ROBERT.
You can eat what society expects you to eat, or you can have delicious truffles. NOT A HARD CHOICE, ROBERT.
I'm pretty sure you met Rob a couple of weeks ago...
07-30-2011, 02:29 PM
I'm pretty sure you met Rob a couple of weeks ago...
Preach on, Dex!!
Alright since no one said it.. 7pm Murphy and Gonzalez. Be there. 21 waverly place, right off washington square park.
07-30-2011, 05:07 PM
I can't wait to show up at one of these things. Too bad it's "West Haven Day". It's an important day here!
07-30-2011, 06:14 PM
I can almost hear the eye rolling.
07-30-2011, 06:30 PM
07-30-2011, 06:34 PM
07-30-2011, 07:13 PM
The word of Rob, as spake by ... Rob: let there be Jack and Cokes. And they were strong.
Jay is full of shit.
07-31-2011, 01:39 AM
The word of Rob, as spake by ... Rob: let there be Jack and Cokes. And they were strong.
Jay is full of shit.
Dex and Sherwin peaced out way early. Oh the stories I could tell.
07-31-2011, 01:47 AM
Are you guys still out? Where you at?
07-31-2011, 01:50 AM
Dublin 6 west village
Dex and Sherwin peaced out way early. Oh the stories I could tell.
We did indeed. My tolerance for Jay's "Guys! We should go to this place!" was reached early. Good night and good luck.
ETA: I'm going to refrain from telling the stories. I'm mature enough for that. But not mature enough not to mention that there are stories I could tell.
Gnome Rage
07-31-2011, 04:02 AM
I wish we didn't have to come back to CT tonight. :( Boo.
Finally home, god damn brooklyn!
07-31-2011, 04:46 AM
Hahahaha...dude...weak. But you're a good guy for it.
07-31-2011, 08:10 AM
If you guys ever do a meet-up in NJ I'll come. I'm too much of a wuss to travel into NYC by myself. :moon2:
Or you could just meet up with Dex or myself and travel in with one of us Jersey folk.
Gnome Rage
07-31-2011, 01:02 PM
Or bring a non-gemstoner, I did that.
Smoochin (
Rob's Duckface (
bad-ass glasses (
That's all Matt and I got with both phones. There were a few really blurry ones, but I saved you the headaches. :( Sorry guys.
Those pictures are great. The juxtaposition makes them particularly awesome. But it's back to Jersey for us now. My boyfriend says bye and he liked meeting all of you/seeing you again.
Gnome Rage
07-31-2011, 01:48 PM
I'm upset we didn't get any pictures of you guys.
07-31-2011, 02:06 PM
So, inquiring minds want to know if you all suck as much in real life as you do here.
07-31-2011, 09:25 PM
Or you could just meet up with Dex or myself and travel in with one of us Jersey folk.
This is true. I have no excuse.
08-04-2011, 04:51 PM
Then theres the random people Ayamei, Rucca (did she move there yet?), Rosewater (we're not going to brooklyn though), WB was claiming a maybe when the thread came out, Wrymx (if he's not luring strangers to his boat), Anebriated, EasternBrand, or Blackmagic
Anyway peoples make up your minds!
Sorry I missed it but i got VIP passes for the Dropkick Murphys show. Ill catch you guys next time since im right here in Jersey
This reminds me who else took pictures other than GR? If you did, mind sending them to me (PM if you don't want to post)... I'm looking at you Rob, moving is no excuse!
Gnome Rage
08-04-2011, 05:05 PM
Seriously! Wtf bro, I want picturess
08-04-2011, 06:16 PM
I have a bunch. And a video...
I have none. I'd prefer to have my real memories of each night gracefully fade into obscurity while I make up new, more fantastic ones. Like the way Rob and Jay made out for a whole seventeen minutes (I timed them) that one night. It was crazy. And Sean turned out to be a VJ from MTV in the '90s. Kennedy, I believe. Yeah. Good times.
I have a bunch. And a video...
Send them to me or I'm arming myself with a fresh batch of french fries
08-04-2011, 07:46 PM
I guess I really only have about 10 pictures and 6 of them are of the same thing. Sean if you want the videos I'll throw them on a dropbox folder and share it with you, PM me!
I really don't remember taking any of these. Did you guys know I was drunk?
I have no recollection of Rob getting glossed
I do remember these two girls...
I remember Sean being SUPER FUKKIN TUFF all night
And these fucking drunks
I'm totally smiling in that photo.
08-04-2011, 08:39 PM
I'm totally smiling in that photo.
Yet, you always look like a complete badass. Congrats on pulling that off in every photo! What is it with Rob and his lips? Is he trying to french himself? He'd actually be quite smashing if it wasn't for the constant duck face (he's doing that for Jay's benefit I guess). Instead it makes him look like a Beverly Hills debutante. Girls kissing was ace. We need more of that moment.
08-04-2011, 09:45 PM
I'm totally smiling in that photo.
Like a boss.
Did you guys know I was drunk?
Yeah. We knew. It happened early and it was adorable, as usual.
Gnome Rage
08-05-2011, 02:09 AM
How hard was I grabbing her arm, I must have cut off some circulation.
and yes, Jay - we all knew you were drunk. I was positive when you agreed to give me a piggy back ride.
08-05-2011, 02:56 AM
We should have a Mohegan Sun meetup. Yes.
08-23-2011, 10:15 PM
Just dropping a quick note that I'm going to be in New York for a couple weeks in early September, if anyone's of a mind to get together and do something. Lemme know!
01-10-2012, 02:22 AM
Would totally be up for another NYC meetup. Just sayin' :D
01-10-2012, 03:02 AM
Can it be on a Sunday, plz?
It puts the lotion on its skin.
Yeah, I am def coming to this abduction party.
02-22-2012, 06:22 PM
If there is another one of these, I am going to try coming...You can never have enough Jays.
And maybe we can drag the woman up from the south too if we harass her enough
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