View Full Version : 5500 Premium Points

06-01-2011, 12:15 PM
So... I have this armor here, see? And it'd go from being really nice to REALLY nice with some of that there premium padding (because my luck when it comes to raffles and stuff is not-so-great). And my rudimentary math skills lead me to believe that I could add heavy padding to it for 5500 of them there premium points (7x armor). And when I check my personal Premium Points, I'm about 5200 shy of that there total. So theretoforewhereas alluhtheabovestated...

Lookin to possibly acquire the use of 5500 PPs. Please let me know if you have them, and what you'd want for them.

***EDIT: Made another purchase, so am not looking to do this right away. It's next on my list, however, and therefore I'm still interested in tracking down someone willing to make a deal. Thanks.