View Full Version : Giantman - Polearms Vs Twohanders

06-01-2011, 10:44 AM
As a giantman warrior what are the odds of being able to swing a Polearm such as a Naginata in a decent RT?

Am i simply fighting myself with the limited agi / dex bonus from racial choice and should stick with Mauls?

06-01-2011, 11:04 AM
Lance + berserk = win.

06-01-2011, 11:11 AM
As a giantman warrior what are the odds of being able to swing a Polearm such as a Naginata in a decent RT?

Am i simply fighting myself with the limited agi / dex bonus from racial choice and should stick with Mauls?

I can't access it now, but Krakiipedia can likely provide you with the AGI/DEX thresholds needed for each point of RT. With enhancives, any race can conceivably swing any weapon at its minimum RT. Don't let that stop you if you're truly set on one style over another.

06-01-2011, 01:28 PM
as a giant warrior I do TWC with handaxes and I can do 10 swings in 9 seconds with 155 ranks of MoC and no agi/dex enhancives. (level 100)

if you berserk with heavier weapons, such as a lance or a claid, does it increase the stamina cost within the berserk?

06-01-2011, 02:33 PM
I can't access it now, but Krakiipedia can likely provide you with the AGI/DEX thresholds needed for each point of RT. With enhancives, any race can conceivably swing any weapon at its minimum RT. Don't let that stop you if you're truly set on one style over another.

AGI + DEX Bonus||Roundtime Reduction
8 - 22|| 1 sec
23 - 37||2 secs
38 - 52||3 secs
53 - 67||4 secs
68 - 82||5 secs
83 - 96||6 secs
98 - 112||7 secs
113+||8 secs

Note: Roundtime reductions above 5 are not achievable without enhancive items.


06-01-2011, 02:37 PM
Off the top of my head lances have a 9 second RT so you will need enhancives to get you to 53 dex/agi to swing it in 5 seconds.

06-01-2011, 09:49 PM
Just to fill in the blanks in this thread:

The threshold for 4 seconds is a minimum of 53 Agi/Dex. Giantmen with capped Agility and Dexterity stats produce 40 bonus, 13 shy of the required 53 to swing a Lance in 5 seconds.

Optimally, without powerful enhancives, you'll find yourself stuck just being slow. Giantmen are slow. We have big HP pools and higher AS than any other race, but we are slooooow.

Where the extra RT bonuses come into play in a big way are on MSTRIKEs and AMBUSHes. The RT penalty for both actions (even with the bonus seconds removed during an MSTRIKE) can be pretty crippling as a Giantman when swinging large weapons.

Lances have intensely gruesome Damage Factors, so the speed loss may well not matter.

06-02-2011, 11:55 AM
Well I am currently a maul swinging twohanded warrior. Since I am not capped I currently have right around a 90 in both agility and dexterity stats. Those are growing quickly. It sounds like unless I want a bunch of enhancive gear maul is the way to go. If I was a smaller race like an elf a lance wouldn’t be a big deal.

Question on enhancive gear. I know there is gear that enhances both agility stat or agility bonus. I’m assuming you can’t have a stat score of more than 100 so I would need to stack only bonus enhancives?

06-02-2011, 12:00 PM
Question on enhancive gear. I know there is gear that enhances both agility stat or agility bonus. I’m assuming you can’t have a stat score of more than 100 so I would need to stack only bonus enhancives?

You get +1 Bonus for every 2 STAT.

You can combine stats and bonus for maximum results.

The maximum is +40 to STAT/+20 to Bonus.

A +10 STAT item would provide +5 Bonus.
A +4 Bonus item would provide +8 Stat.

They would combine for a total of +18 to STAT/+9 Bonus.

06-02-2011, 01:26 PM
So you can add +40 to any stat with enhancives. So effectively if i had a 100 in strength i could have a 140 with maximum enhancives. Or an additional 20 bonus in that case?

06-02-2011, 01:39 PM
So you can add +40 to any stat with enhancives. So effectively if i had a 100 in strength i could have a 140 with maximum enhancives. Or an additional 20 bonus in that case?


06-02-2011, 01:56 PM
Well I am currently a maul swinging twohanded warrior. Since I am not capped I currently have right around a 90 in both agility and dexterity stats. Those are growing quickly. It sounds like unless I want a bunch of enhancive gear maul is the way to go. If I was a smaller race like an elf a lance wouldn’t be a big deal.

Question on enhancive gear. I know there is gear that enhances both agility stat or agility bonus. I’m assuming you can’t have a stat score of more than 100 so I would need to stack only bonus enhancives?

At level 100 you can put +5 Bonus (or +10 stat, same thing) into both Agi/Dex from your Adventurer's guild badge, giving you +10 total towards that Agi/Dex threshold. At level 90-99 you can do +4 to both, I think. It shouldn't be too hard to round up another +3-5 to the bonus of either stat. Just keep up with your guild work.

06-02-2011, 02:41 PM
I use my badge, my giftbox vest and a pair of the giantman agi/dex bracers to get my total agi/dex bonus to 53. That's what you need to swing a lance in 5 seconds and that's what I recommend.