View Full Version : Vimp's auction no.1 - 25 x ruby amulet MB 1 coin!

05-26-2011, 07:07 PM
To replenish funds from recent purchases, I'll be auctioning off a number of grab bags full of magical trinkets collected from the last decade or so from the treasure system. Each grab bag will have seperate thread, others to follow later when inventoried.

1st up is "an elegant black silk gem pouch set with whorls of sylvarraend ruby chips"

Within the pouch are 25 already DUPLICATED ruby amulets that have never been charged, thus in their present state they are currently single rub WoF. This is a great bulk buy as a charging project for a skilled wizard to get many uses of wall of force or for charged up resale potential!

Auction will be updated once daily, and will go once, twice, sold. I may add an end date in if dragging out too long or BO at anytime. Delivery will be to Icemule or FWI - Teras a possibility whilst a compatriot remains there but no guarantee.

Bid high and often!

MB = 1 coin
CB = 300k Herachio - Sold

05-26-2011, 10:29 PM
i'll go 5k

05-26-2011, 11:11 PM

05-26-2011, 11:17 PM
I thought they killed the charging on ruby amulets. No?

05-27-2011, 04:57 AM
I thought they killed the charging on ruby amulets. No?

Can anyone confirm this is fact? If so it's a change I missed and I do not wish to misrepresent what I am selling, I am not familiar with charging to try.

05-27-2011, 05:23 AM
I thought it was still possible just required a crazy amount of mana.

05-27-2011, 08:45 AM
You can still charge them. The problem is it is a spirit spell, and they cost a ridiculous amount of mana unless you have SMC as a wizard. If you have a mana battery it wouldn't be too bad, though.

Could a bard use these with unraveling song for a nice boost of mana?

05-27-2011, 08:58 AM
I'll go 50k. And yes, it is a HUGE pain in the ass to charge these.

05-27-2011, 09:13 AM
You can still charge them. The problem is it is a spirit spell, and they cost a ridiculous amount of mana unless you have SMC as a wizard. If you have a mana battery it wouldn't be too bad, though.

Could a bard use these with unraveling song for a nice boost of mana?

Good question. I can test one shortly.

Ahh, here we go:

You change your tune slightly, adding the element for Song of Unravelling to your song...
Your spellsong is ready.

You weave another verse into your harmony, directing the sound of your voice at a ruby amulet.
Faintly visible threads of mana begin to unravel themselves from the ruby amulet and wind towards you.
You gain 20 mana!
Sing Roundtime 3 Seconds.

You sing with renewed vigor!
The faint silvery threads continue to snake between you and the ruby amulet.
You gain 20 mana!
The amulet begins to shake violently and disintegrates into a thousand tiny particles of dust!
Your concentration on unravelling the threads of mana is broken.
Sing Roundtime 3 Seconds.

40 mana. I'd rather strip a siren or nearly any Nelemar critter given enough time. To me, that's the only real benefit to singing to a magical item over a creature. The only trick to singing critters is to find the one type in your hunting area that grants the most consistent mana returns.

05-27-2011, 09:32 AM
True, but if the item was charged up, you could pull quite a bit from that same item I think.

05-27-2011, 09:52 AM
True, but if the item was charged up, you could pull quite a bit from that same item I think.

This is very conditional, though.

I'll take the solo Nelemar critter. They all have plenty of mana to share. This would probably be more helpful to a non-capped or non near-capped bard, say levels 40-75.

05-27-2011, 02:28 PM
You can still charge them. The problem is it is a spirit spell, and they cost a ridiculous amount of mana unless you have SMC as a wizard. If you have a mana battery it wouldn't be too bad, though.

Could a bard use these with unraveling song for a nice boost of mana?

SMC doesn't have anything to do with mage recharging. Maybe it should but it doesn't currently.

Currently it requires a base of 120 mana per charge on a ruby amulet and you can negate that down to 80 per charge with 200 ranks EMC. If you could get another 48 ranks via enhancive you could bring it down to 70 mana per charge at a total of 250 ranks.

That being said the best even a capped wizard max trained for re-charging could do is probably 15 charges in a ruby amulet and really that would probably be lucky. They would probably start greening around 12 charges.

05-27-2011, 02:34 PM
And, I'll go 100k just for the fun of seeing how many charges I can put in using some enhancives.

05-27-2011, 05:13 PM
Yes, I was curious as well. I think you could probably get a few more than 15 in there. I thought krakii said 80 mana per at 200 EMC.

Mostly I thought the bag was neat. So if you don't want it after you get the amulets let me know and we'll figure something out.

EDIT: on that note actually, 150k. I can toss one your way if you're interested in forcing some charges into one.

05-27-2011, 05:16 PM
Bid updated -

Also cheers to all for the clarification on the charging implications.

For what it's worth if these fetch over a 1M, I'll assist with an hours charging session by providing mana (timezone permitting a hook up, I am GMT) - this will be via 3 characters, 74 cleric heavily skilled in SMC - a 59 wizard with some ranks in SMC to act as a conduit, and a.n.other magically inclined toon.

05-27-2011, 05:17 PM
SMC doesn't have anything to do with mage recharging. Maybe it should but it doesn't currently.

Currently it requires a base of 150 mana per charge on a ruby amulet and you can negate that down to 110 per charge with 200 ranks EMC. If you could get another 50 ranks via enhancive you could bring it down to 100 mana per charge.

That being said the best even a capped wizard max trained for re-charging could do is probably 15 charges in a ruby amulet and really that would probably be lucky. They would probably start greening around 12 charges.

Bah. I don't know where I got SMC, as I was remembering this passage from Krakiipedia: "In the case of a ruby amulet (Wall of Force (http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/Wall_of_Force)), 40*3 = 120 mana is required to increase its charge by one. However, using the equation 40*3 - x/5 = 40, where x is the amount of ranks needed to reduce the mana cost, x turns out to be 400! This means you would need 400 ranks of Elemental Mana Control to reduce the cost to its minimum. However, since you can at maximum only have 200 ranks, the minimum cost is 80 mana. The absolute minimum cost for Wall of Force would be 70 mana if you had an additional 50 ranks of EMC from enhancives, putting you at 252 max ranks of EMC"

05-27-2011, 11:26 PM
The absolute minimum cost for Wall of Force would be 70 mana if you had an additional 50 ranks of EMC from enhancives, putting you at 252 max ranks of EMC"

Whoops, when I wrote earlier that ruby amulets were 150 mana per charge I was thinking of WoF back at spell level 150, not 140. So, now you are correct!

200k on the ruby amulets and bag!

05-28-2011, 03:08 AM

05-28-2011, 07:19 AM
bid updated - grab bag 2 now available in seperate thread, 47 blank wearable imbeddibles, look gaudy if somewhat magical whilst you can! More to follow...

05-28-2011, 10:33 AM

05-29-2011, 05:15 AM

05-29-2011, 05:38 PM
Going twice!

05-29-2011, 10:24 PM
To fully charge a ruby amulet with full training benefits I believe it's like 3120 mana if memory serves. Not duplicating the ruby amulets would be the way to go if this were even worth while to do. I wouldn't personally touch these to charge but would make a nice set for someone to use them on the fly until they run out.

06-03-2011, 11:51 AM
Yes, I was curious as well. I think you could probably get a few more than 15 in there. I thought krakii said 80 mana per at 200 EMC.

Mostly I thought the bag was neat. So if you don't want it after you get the amulets let me know and we'll figure something out.

Well, unless getting more than 99 MjE ranks helps a ton with recharging I'd say no capped mage is going to be putting more than 15 charges in a ruby amulet. I tested 5 so far and the failures started at 9-10 charges in. I didn't green any but I did receive the failure where no charge goes in and and all the mana in my head is lost, so continuing to try would just end up with greening them. So, with 190 ranks EMC, 99 MjE ranks and at the time max mana of 524 and still only able to do 10-11 total charges I'd say it's pretty safe to say you won't see any mage putting more than 15 charges in a ruby amulet.

I'll PM you about the pouch as I didn't want it so you can have it.