05-25-2011, 05:35 PM
Wehnimer's Landing Frontier Days
What is it?:
For the last five years Moonshine Manor has hosted the gathering of a variety of organizations, both CHE and MHO, for a two week long festival to celebrate Wehnimer's Landing called Frontier Days! Well, it's that time again! During the 6th Annual Frontier Days, week one will be chalk full of events hosted by CHE's and MHO's of Elanthia, while week two is filled with merchant activity and special events!
Who is invited?:
All Landing-based CHE's and MHO's and any other organization that heavily contributes to Wehnimer's Landing in the way of support or events or protection, even if they're housed in another city.
Why the heck would we do this?:
To invite all of the Landing citizens to partake in two weeks of fun and festivities, provided by the established organizations of the city as well as merchants from afar. The purpose is to unite and celebrate Wehnimer's Landing and its people and to give back to the community!
When is it?:
Week 1 MHO's/CHE's Sunday, August 21st to Saturday, August 27th.
Week 2 GM Merchants Sunday, August 28th to Saturday, Sept 3rd.
Where will it be?:
In the past, groups were limited to a range of rooms, but that rule is gone this year. Now it just needs to be within or right around Wehnimer's Landing!
What do I need from you?:
It's simple! Communication! Last year we had 19 groups, both CHE's and MHO's, come out and participate in the festivities. This year we'd like to see even more! If your group would like to participate in the Wehnimer's Landing Frontier Days, please send an email to with the subject line "Frontier Days - Your Organization's Name."
In your email, please include this additional information as it is vital to the process.
1.Name of your organization
2.Name of your character
3.Name of the character to be the "contact" for your group's involvement. ( If different from above. )
4.The email address of your group's contact. A Yahoo Group has been set up for the Frontier Days and all those who sign up will be set up in the list to help in the effort of organizing, announcements, picking dates, etc. ( If you signed up for this list last year, please note that a new list has been formed and you will have to sign up again. )
The DEADLINE to sign up for the Wehnimer's Landing Frontier Days is Thursday, June 30th, 2011.
Once the deadline has passed and all groups have signed up, then detailed organizing and planning will begin via the Yahoo Group.
Below are some frequently asked questions that I encourage everyone to read to help with pre-planning. If you still don't have your answer, please feel free to contact me at
Moonshine Manor
Lord of the Forbidden Dance
Q: Will there be tents available?
A: Yes! There's 16 different tents available for rent at a 250k charge per 12 hours. These tents are available via the MHO. Recent updates allow CHE's to rent their own custom tent as well. Starting this year, it will be the responsibility of each group to have their tent setup before the event.
Q: We're only a Tier 1 MHO, can we still rent a tent?
A: Yes! I will rent a tent for any organization, regardless of Tier status. All it takes is 250k.
Q: Why such an early deadline for an event in August/Sept?
A: Because of the size of the turnout each previous year, it's 15+ groups requesting prizes, event support, etc from the GM's involved with CHE's and MHO's. To allow for a better flow of support and not clog the pipeline, we're making sure we have a good enough advance notice to ensure everyone can get prepared in time.
Q: My organization is based out of another city, can we join?
A: Yes. If your group is in another town, but is active in Wehnimer's Landing in the way of defense, or events, etc, then by all means, let's celebrate the town!
Q: If we need prizes, items, props, etc for our events, do we email you?
A: No. I will only be responsible for your Calendar Items and your News Items. You will have to be responsible for your organization's own criers, tent and prize creations with the appropriate GameMasters. I will be submitting one giant NEWS item for the entire festival as well as Calendar items for each group and date.
Q: We're a CHE group, are there special rules applied to us?
A: Yes! As part of the new CHE Influence system, "requests" for any CHE support, in this case events, can only be done on a quarterly basis. So if you're a CHE, you best get to planning pronto! Because any request for prizes or event support you need for an August event, will need to be submitted to GM Alyias by Midnight, June 30th.
Q: We're a MHO group, are there special rules applied to us?
A: Yes! If your group is a Tier 3 MHO and you wish to create special prizes, etc for your event during the Frontier Days, you will need to give GM Kenstrom at least a month of advance notice! But keep in mind, with 15+ groups, a lot of them may be MHO's requesting prizes for the same week. So the earlier you can submit them, the less headache on the GameMasters!
Q: What's the purpose of the Yahoo Group?
A: The purpose is to create one contact per each organization involved. From there, each organization will need to submit their requests for what Day and what Time they'd like to hold their event during the festival. I will organize and juggle the best I can to try to spread out the events so there is no overlapping. We've done an incredible job of this the last five years and most organizations are quite flexible and understanding in trying to pick unique times during the days, so not much overlap happens.
Just posting it here so it's easier to refer back to when necessary.
What is it?:
For the last five years Moonshine Manor has hosted the gathering of a variety of organizations, both CHE and MHO, for a two week long festival to celebrate Wehnimer's Landing called Frontier Days! Well, it's that time again! During the 6th Annual Frontier Days, week one will be chalk full of events hosted by CHE's and MHO's of Elanthia, while week two is filled with merchant activity and special events!
Who is invited?:
All Landing-based CHE's and MHO's and any other organization that heavily contributes to Wehnimer's Landing in the way of support or events or protection, even if they're housed in another city.
Why the heck would we do this?:
To invite all of the Landing citizens to partake in two weeks of fun and festivities, provided by the established organizations of the city as well as merchants from afar. The purpose is to unite and celebrate Wehnimer's Landing and its people and to give back to the community!
When is it?:
Week 1 MHO's/CHE's Sunday, August 21st to Saturday, August 27th.
Week 2 GM Merchants Sunday, August 28th to Saturday, Sept 3rd.
Where will it be?:
In the past, groups were limited to a range of rooms, but that rule is gone this year. Now it just needs to be within or right around Wehnimer's Landing!
What do I need from you?:
It's simple! Communication! Last year we had 19 groups, both CHE's and MHO's, come out and participate in the festivities. This year we'd like to see even more! If your group would like to participate in the Wehnimer's Landing Frontier Days, please send an email to with the subject line "Frontier Days - Your Organization's Name."
In your email, please include this additional information as it is vital to the process.
1.Name of your organization
2.Name of your character
3.Name of the character to be the "contact" for your group's involvement. ( If different from above. )
4.The email address of your group's contact. A Yahoo Group has been set up for the Frontier Days and all those who sign up will be set up in the list to help in the effort of organizing, announcements, picking dates, etc. ( If you signed up for this list last year, please note that a new list has been formed and you will have to sign up again. )
The DEADLINE to sign up for the Wehnimer's Landing Frontier Days is Thursday, June 30th, 2011.
Once the deadline has passed and all groups have signed up, then detailed organizing and planning will begin via the Yahoo Group.
Below are some frequently asked questions that I encourage everyone to read to help with pre-planning. If you still don't have your answer, please feel free to contact me at
Moonshine Manor
Lord of the Forbidden Dance
Q: Will there be tents available?
A: Yes! There's 16 different tents available for rent at a 250k charge per 12 hours. These tents are available via the MHO. Recent updates allow CHE's to rent their own custom tent as well. Starting this year, it will be the responsibility of each group to have their tent setup before the event.
Q: We're only a Tier 1 MHO, can we still rent a tent?
A: Yes! I will rent a tent for any organization, regardless of Tier status. All it takes is 250k.
Q: Why such an early deadline for an event in August/Sept?
A: Because of the size of the turnout each previous year, it's 15+ groups requesting prizes, event support, etc from the GM's involved with CHE's and MHO's. To allow for a better flow of support and not clog the pipeline, we're making sure we have a good enough advance notice to ensure everyone can get prepared in time.
Q: My organization is based out of another city, can we join?
A: Yes. If your group is in another town, but is active in Wehnimer's Landing in the way of defense, or events, etc, then by all means, let's celebrate the town!
Q: If we need prizes, items, props, etc for our events, do we email you?
A: No. I will only be responsible for your Calendar Items and your News Items. You will have to be responsible for your organization's own criers, tent and prize creations with the appropriate GameMasters. I will be submitting one giant NEWS item for the entire festival as well as Calendar items for each group and date.
Q: We're a CHE group, are there special rules applied to us?
A: Yes! As part of the new CHE Influence system, "requests" for any CHE support, in this case events, can only be done on a quarterly basis. So if you're a CHE, you best get to planning pronto! Because any request for prizes or event support you need for an August event, will need to be submitted to GM Alyias by Midnight, June 30th.
Q: We're a MHO group, are there special rules applied to us?
A: Yes! If your group is a Tier 3 MHO and you wish to create special prizes, etc for your event during the Frontier Days, you will need to give GM Kenstrom at least a month of advance notice! But keep in mind, with 15+ groups, a lot of them may be MHO's requesting prizes for the same week. So the earlier you can submit them, the less headache on the GameMasters!
Q: What's the purpose of the Yahoo Group?
A: The purpose is to create one contact per each organization involved. From there, each organization will need to submit their requests for what Day and what Time they'd like to hold their event during the festival. I will organize and juggle the best I can to try to spread out the events so there is no overlapping. We've done an incredible job of this the last five years and most organizations are quite flexible and understanding in trying to pick unique times during the days, so not much overlap happens.
Just posting it here so it's easier to refer back to when necessary.