View Full Version : Droughtman Prize: H4h chest w/ 4x hcw rolaren dagger + accessories

05-21-2011, 02:39 PM
an eahnor and purple mithril chest, with a bunch of stuff inside, sold as a set

>read my che
A small brass plaque on the front of the chest reads, "The Nalfein."

CB 10.5m loagan twice, will call it sold tonight if no more bids.

In the purple mithril chest:
uncommon (2): a rolaren-clasped case, a keenly-edged rolaren stiletto.
other (1): a brocaded silk and haon fan painted with a series of blossoming stargazer lilies.

keenly-edged rolaren stiletto.

>insp stil
You carefully inspect your rolaren stiletto.

After a careful inspection you determine that a keenly-edged rolaren stiletto requires skill in edged weapons to use effectively. It appears to be a modified dagger.

It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of rolaren.
>anal stil
You analyze your rolaren stiletto and sense that there is no recorded information on that item. It may or may not be able to be worked on by a merchant alterer.

You can tell that the stiletto is as light as it can get.

You sing:

"Oh, stiletto in my hands,
Reveal thy purpose in the lands!"

The room begins to blur as you sing, everything in your periphery washing away as you regard the stiletto in your hand with new eyes. As you look back up, you notice your surroundings have changed and it dawns on you that you are witnessing a scene long-since past, through the eyes of another.

Roundtime: 8 sec.

You sing:

"Stiletto thou'st power, this much is clear
Sing now they power into mine ear!"

The room is dark, lighted by torches on the walls that sputter in an unseen draft. A dark-clad elf keeps watchful eye by the only door leading into the room, his hand resting on the hilt of the sword at his side. Several fresh-faced elven youths sit in a semicircle before you, their eyes raptly attentive, as if seeking to absorb your words and actions. You feel yourself standing, then watch yourself stealthily approach a straw-stuffed mannequin set on the edge of the room. Glancing over your shoulder to confirm your students are watching, you slip into the shadows, then, when in position, your hand extends from the shadows with a well-placed stab to the mannequin's back.

Roundtime: 10 sec.

You sing:

"Stiletto I sense thou hast some power
Sing it now, thy magic dower!"

The scene shifts with the next blink of your eyes and you see yourself running a whetstone almost lovingly over the stiletto in your hand, drawing the hard, fine-grained stone slowly over the diamond-shaped facets of the blade until it gleams. You see your students again before you, each with a stiletto and whetstone in hand, adeptly imitating your movements as they sharpen their blades. You sense yourself smiling at each one, complimenting them on their hard work and diligence as you pace slowly around the semicircle. Taking your time, you observe and mentally critique each individual's hand movements and angle. With the inner knowledge that every youth is prepared, you lay a hand on each shoulder and nod.

Roundtime: 9 sec.

You sing:

"Oh, stiletto that I see,
Reveal thy value unto me!"

Again, you blink, and as you open your eyes once more, the scene has changed. This time, your students stand before you, stiff and formal with obvious anticipation. You see yourself take hold of a dark velvet cloth laid upon a table, throwing it back to reveal several gleaming rolaren stilettos. Each blade has been honed to a startlingly sharp edge, and polished until the metal glints in the torch light. One by one, you caress and grasp each stiletto, facing one of your students and hearing their vow. As the words are spoken, you hand each youth their stiletto, handle-first.

Roundtime: 7 sec.

a rolaren-clasped case

You sing:

"Oh, case in my hands,
Reveal thy purpose in the lands!"

As you begin to sing, everything in your periphery begins to wash away as you regard the case in your hand with new eyes. As you look back up, you notice your surroundings have changed and it dawns on you that you are witnessing a scene long-since past, through the eyes of another.

Roundtime: 7 sec.

You sing:

"Case thou'st power, this much is clear
Sing now they power into mine ear!"

Your sight begins to adjust to the blackness of your surroundings, and you find yourself standing before a heavy maoral door. From behind you, a soft whisper in your ear coaches you, helping dispel some of the fear and nervousness you feel. Hands shaking slightly, you unclasp the case at your belt carefully, mentally cringing when the chain rasps against the button, echoing in the silent hallway. Your fingers delve into the contents of your case, selecting your tools by touch.

Roundtime: 10 sec.

You sing:

"Case I sense thou hast some power
Sing it now, thy magic dower!"

You sense yourself kneel silently before the lock in the door, carefully removing a lockpick from your case. With practiced precision, you slip the lockpick into the lock and set to work, and within moments, you smile to yourself as you hear the *click* of the lock's tumblers falling exactly where you want them. You replace the lockpick into your case, cautiously closing it and securing the clasp. With ease, you stand in one graceful movement and, glancing behind you at your companion, you slowly turn the knob of the door and slip inside.

Roundtime: 8 sec.

You sing:

"Oh, case that I see,
Reveal thy value unto me!"

The scene shifts, and a great sense of accomplishment washes over you. You find yourself in a dark room, lighted by several torches that line the walls, this time all fear and apprehension gone from you, replaced by a feeling of pride and comfort with your surroundings. A dark-clad elf stands watch over the room's only door, his eyes occasionally flicking between you and the entrance, hand resting on the sword at his side. Your companion, an older elf, sits propped against his desk in front of you, nodding approvingly as he drums his fingers on the sleek black case at his belt, identical to yours in detail and design. As he begins to critique your performance, offering suggestions and pointers, you feel yourself remove a stiletto from within the cuff of your left glove, and set about carefully cleaning all traces of blood from its blade.

Roundtime: 6 sec.

>insp case
You carefully inspect your rolaren-clasped case.

You estimate that a rolaren-clasped case can store a medium-sized amount with enough space for any number of items.

You determine that you could wear the case, attaching it to your belt. The case appears to serve some purpose.

It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of wood.
>anal case
You analyze your rolaren-clasped case and sense that there is no recorded information on that item. It may or may not be able to be worked on by a merchant alterer.

You can tell that the case is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.
>weigh case
You carefully examine the rolaren-clasped case and determine that the weight is about 2 pounds.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

a brocaded silk and haon fan painted with a series of blossoming stargazer lilies

>insp fan
You carefully inspect your silk and haon fan.

You determine that you could not wear the fan. The fan appears to serve some purpose.

It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of wood.
>anal fan
You analyze your silk and haon fan and sense that there is no recorded information on that item. It may or may not be able to be worked on by a merchant alterer.

You get no sense of whether or not the fan may be further lightened.
>weigh fan
You carefully examine the silk and haon fan and determine that the weight is less than 2 pounds.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

You sing:

"Oh, fang in my hands,
Reveal thy purpose in the lands!"

As the power of your voice reaches into the fan, you hear a second song come from the silk and the haon. The cadences of the song are Common, though you mysteriously cannot understand the words. Along with the voice comes an image: a young human clad in stark black and green, seated at a table with a row of other humans. His ankles are chained, and a double-triangle brand marks the back of his right hand, highly visible as he carefully stitches a line of delicate loops to secure a piece of brocaded silk to a series of haon swathes. As an elven overseer comes into view, the human slave stops singing, but the whip cracks across his arm anyway. A set of strong elven fingers clamp around his wrist and pull him backward, tumbling him from the bench, so that he will not bleed on the silk.

Roundtime: 7 sec.

You sing:

"Fang thou'st power, this much is clear
Sing now they power into mine ear!"

The vibrations from the silk and haon fan awaken an image in your mind: two elven women speaking together across the crystal counter of a small shop. One is slightly pudgy, and a bit shorter; her pale blue silks match her eyes, but this unfortunately brings out the circles beneath her eyes as well. The other is elegantly coiffed in emerald silk and pearls, and she walks escorted by a pair of elven servants. A box lies open on the counter between them, and a beautifully brocaded silk fan rests within the box. As they conclude their brief discussion, one of the servants pays the merchant, and then the ivory-skinned noblewoman sweeps grandly out of the store with her entourage following quietly behind.

Roundtime: 10 sec.

You sing:

"Fang I sense thou hast some power
Sing it now, thy magic dower!"

The noblewoman's face returns to your mind. Her pale hair is unbound, now, and it courses over her shoulders like a cloak, concealing the collar of her dark green nightrobe. She knocks gently on an ebony door and calls out quietly to the occupant. In the next moment, the door is opened by a young elven girl with hair of the same pale hue. The noblewoman enters her daughter's room, bearing the fan case in her hand, and presents the girl with the fan as a gift. The girl's eyes light up as she opens the fan, closes it again, and runs her fingertips over the beautiful brocade.

"You are old enough now to help Mama," the woman says softly. "Listen to me now, and I will teach you the first signals."

The woman takes the fan, closes it, and tilts her head slightly to the right as she rests her cheek against the haon slats. "This is the sign for 'ally'," she says. "Now, you do the same..."

Roundtime: 8 sec.

You sing:

"Oh, fang that I see,
Reveal thy value unto me!"

In the vision, the noblewoman's daughter wanders through a magnificent chandelier-lit hall, exchanging greetings, smiles, and curtsies with elves ranging in age from youth matching her own to many years her senior. Despite her elegance and mastery of the social graces, she glances away every now and then to watch her mother's progress through the crowd.

When the daughter catches the noblewoman's eye, the girl closes her fan, rests her left cheek upon it, and runs her thumb lightly along the haon slats as she gazes at an adolescent elven man. Although her lips do not move, you hear a soft whisper of, "Is he an ally?"

The noblewoman is already turning away to beam a greeting at a new companion, but, as she does so, she closes her own fan, lowers it to her side, and shifts her grip to grasp it by the wrong end. You hear a soft whisper of, "He is a foe, one to be harmed."

The shifting crowd eventually brings the daughter face to face with the singled-out young man, and she exchanges a few words with him as she flashes a bright smile and takes his arm. The girl guides the boy off to a more secluded corner of the ballroom, and then, when no one is looking, she abruptly screams and slaps him hard across the face.

With the shock of the scream, the vision shatters from your mind.

Roundtime: 6 sec.

Only scripts I've found

>close fan
The flawless silk folds elegantly into place and the haon slats click softly together as you close the silk and haon fan in one smooth motion.
>open fan
You snap open your silk and haon fan with a practiced flick of your wrist.

mb on the whole chest: 1m
cb 6m

05-21-2011, 02:41 PM
1m please

05-21-2011, 02:59 PM

05-21-2011, 09:22 PM
"I don't always bid, but when I do bid, I don't dick around."

5m to coldd.

05-21-2011, 09:23 PM
Since apparently these things are named... this chest is the Nalfein chest...

>read my che
A small brass plaque on the front of the chest reads, "The Nalfein."

05-21-2011, 09:38 PM
6 mil

05-22-2011, 09:27 AM
i'll go 7m

05-22-2011, 02:07 PM
Shameless thread hijack here..

I've a set of the H4H somewhat crit padded Nalfein scalemail (4x brig) I'd part with for the right price if the winner of this chest wanted to fill out their set... Has a nice show and an elaborate loresong that compliments the stiletto.

PM me if you want full song and show details along with offers.

05-23-2011, 08:13 AM
7m twice to coldd

No Gnomes Is Good News
05-23-2011, 10:02 AM
I'll go 7.5m V

05-23-2011, 12:09 PM
7.5m once

05-24-2011, 07:57 AM

05-24-2011, 01:36 PM

No Gnomes Is Good News
05-24-2011, 01:51 PM

05-24-2011, 02:12 PM
Shameless thread hijack here..

I've a set of the H4H somewhat crit padded Nalfein scalemail (4x brig) I'd part with for the right price if the winner of this chest wanted to fill out their set... Has a nice show and an elaborate loresong that compliments the stiletto.

PM me if you want full song and show details along with offers.

....Forgot to mention I also have this Nalfein main gauche if you wanted to go TWC....

The blade of this main gauche has been polished and honed to a razor-sharp edge, indicating the weapon has been meticulously maintained. The hilt is crafted of a smoothly sanded dark wood that has been tightly wrapped in supple leather to provide a sure grip. The weapon's blade bear's the stamp of the sigil of Ta'Nalfein

5x somewhat damage weighted.

05-25-2011, 08:45 AM
10m to jukes twice

05-25-2011, 09:12 AM

05-25-2011, 09:33 AM
10.5m once

05-26-2011, 10:06 AM
10.5m twice, will call it sold tonight if no more bids.

05-26-2011, 08:54 PM
calling it sold