View Full Version : 5 Decent non-maze items

05-20-2011, 01:09 AM
All items are as marked or best offer so if you're interested shoot me a price. Will deliver to FWI, maze run sunday at noon or will arrange a landing meeting.

1.) a weathered green oilskin cloak fastened with a tarnished copper chain. 2m

Has always said max light/deep but I was able to use premium points to shave 2lbs off it. weighs 5lbs now. Holds 100lbs. unable to inspect. worn on shoulders.

>l cloa
The faded green oilskin has been softened from years of use, draping to allow the wearer perfect freedom of movement. A copper chain, bearing a gentle patina of age, runs from one side of the cloak to the other, acting as a fastener. A glance at the inner lining reveals pockets fastened by elk-horn buttons.

Heavily scripted:
>wear cloa
You drape a weathered green oilskin cloak fastened with a tarnished copper chain from your shoulders.

>rub cloa
You run your hand over the green oilskin of the cloak, adjusting the fit.

>tap cloa
You run your fingertips over the tarnished copper chain of your weathered green oilskin cloak.

>poke cloa
You brush a bit of dirt off of a weathered green oilskin cloak fastened with a tarnished copper chain

>push cloa
You throw the green oilskin cloak back over your shoulders, freeing your arms.

>pull cloa
You pull the green oilskin cloak close, protecting yourself from the elements.

>turn cloa
You turn quickly, the green oilskin cloak swirling in your wake.

>tickle cloa
You brush your fingers lightly against your green oilskin cloak.

>open cloa
You unbutton a pocket inside of the green oilskin cloak.

>close cloa
You button a pocket inside of the green oilskin cloak, securing the contents.

2.) pair of elegant platinum-framed spectacles with dark-tinted lenses. 500k

While holding:

>rub my spec
Using a stray bit of cloth, you carefully polish the lenses of your spectacles.

>open my spec
You unfold the earpieces of your spectacles.
:Must be opened first before being worn:

>close my spec
You fold up the earpieces of your spectacles.

While worn:

>rub my spec
You reach up and brush a speck of dust from one of the lenses of your spectacles.

>tilt my spec
You reach up and tilt your spectacles to one side, leaving them sitting at a funny angle.

>push my spec
You reach up with one finger and push your spectacles higher on the bridge of your nose.

>press my spec
You reach up with one finger and push your spectacles higher on the bridge of your nose.

>pull my spec
You pull your spectacles lower on the bridge of your nose.

3.) a faenor-runed spidersilk sack, 3lbs, holds 45lbs. max light/deep 1m

>l sack
This fine sack is testament to the spider's outstanding thread which has been tightly woven to produce a sleek, translucent container. The sack has been generously crafted from pure spidersilk, affording its caressing touch and allowing thick, supple folds to glide effortlessly over any contour. A loose rope of vaalorn solemnly fastened with a gleaming faenor rune is used to cinch the sack's opening.

4.) some discolored elven chain mail +22, max light to 13lbs. 1.5m.

>l mai
Crafted in the elven style from red-speckled invar links, the chain mail appears strong and flexible. Caught in the links and caked in by time and exposure is a thick layer of dirt that discolors wide swaths of the armor. As one swath approaches the chest, the remnants of a partial hand print is faintly cast in the dirt. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

>touch mail (1st person)
You briefly place your hand over the chest of your mail, closing your eyes and breathing evenly. Steadying your nerves for the task ahead, you open your eyes with determination.

(3rd person)
Relvar places his hand over the chest of his mail, closing his eyes and breathing evenly. After a moment, his eyes open with a look of focused determination.

5.) a gold-hinged rosewood kit painted with coins on the cover. (got 2 of these) 200k.

The rosewood kit is unlocked, but not fully unlocked.

This item must stay a case or kit of some sort. When altering, keep in mind that the kit's messaging references it having a small, large, and secret compartment, a cubbyhole, and a narrow slot. This item cannot be lightened or deepened.

You can tell that the kit is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

>l in kit
In the rosewood kit you see a pair of blackened bone dice, a glossy stiff paper card, a triangular copper coin, some gold and purple darts and a smooth wooden marker.

>l in kit
In the rosewood kit you see a smooth wooden marker, a bent alum coin, a pair of blackened bone dice, a dog-eared stiff paper card and a dark purple wooden token.

>push my kit
You push at the secret compartment door inside your rosewood kit, exposing any weaponry.

>pull my kit
You pull at the secret compartment door inside your rosewood kit, concealing any weaponry.

>close my kit
You close the rosewood kit, securing the contents.

>open my kit
You open the rosewood kit, being careful not to spill the contents.

>wear kit
You unfasten the strap on the side of the rosewood kit and sling it over your shoulder.

No Gnomes Is Good News
05-20-2011, 09:11 AM
FYI, your kit is way overpriced since it's not fully unlocked.

I sold mine, the same as yours, for like..200k

05-20-2011, 01:02 PM
thanks, I was wondering what they were worth. Many of these things I wasn't certian of their value. So anyone who would like one of them but doesn't have or doesn't feel it's worth the price listed let me know and we can likely work something out.

05-22-2011, 12:36 AM
For whomever negative rep'd me about the spectacles. You could simple PM and talk to me about it. I bought them 6 or so years ago and if they are currently sold in some shop somewhere I'd like to know about it.