View Full Version : 2h or Poles
05-19-2011, 11:40 AM
That is the question...
I have asked a couple others on what I should do with my fixskill on the paladin.
The issue for me is not being able to be 2x in dodge, and I am not sure what his defense would be like. I worry about getting hit in OTF by the crystal weapons.
So right now the fix skill would produce:
150 Armor
202 Pole/202 THW
202 CM
101 PT
175 Dodge with poles/197 dodge with THW
24 MIU
101 Harness Power
24 Spirit Mana Control
20 Minor Spirit
35 Paladin Spells
25 religon lore
6 spirit lore
20 climb
40 swim
Any thoughts would be appreciated!
05-19-2011, 11:48 AM
I'd personally ditch some of the CM to get full 2x in Dodge... my lancer paladin (who, granted, 1x's in Dodging & 2x's in Brawling for Voln) can't like-level hunt without wizard spells, which really kinda blows.
05-19-2011, 01:46 PM
Poles, you get extra DS for using them.
05-19-2011, 02:46 PM
I liked both a lot, its a tough decision. The +DS from poles is nice, and they do outrageous damage which is really nice against cons or other non-critable things. I found THW with a maul to be a faster hunt because 1 shot to the head is faster than 2 shots with the pole, but the difference wasn't that big.
If I had to vote I think I'd say poles with a lance. Something about seeing 225 damage per hit makes me giggle.
05-19-2011, 02:55 PM
Not to mention cman charge = love. Perfect lance + 1605 = winning.
The amount of death crits from charge makes me giggle. Or getting a double flare when it doesn't.
Now I'm rethinking my fixskill. :lol:
05-19-2011, 03:11 PM
Not to mention cman charge = love. Perfect lance + 1605 = winning.
The amount of death crits from charge makes me giggle. Or getting a double flare when it doesn't.
Now I'm rethinking my fixskill. :lol:
05-19-2011, 03:12 PM
Charge is great, but for a halfling it will be slightly less, or so I heard.
05-19-2011, 03:17 PM
I imagine halflings deal with a penalty to most disabling cmans due to their size.
I was THW, mauls and claids for a long while until I switched to polearms. I won't switch back.
05-19-2011, 09:12 PM
Go THW and get that 7x MCW greataxe.
05-19-2011, 10:06 PM
Maul + Aim Head/Neck is more efficient than swinging a lance unaimed; at least, that's what my data showed.
Also, you'll save 3/0 PTPs per level to spend as you please if you go THW.
05-19-2011, 11:05 PM
Being halfling, I think I would aim the lance in 7 and the maul in 6.
I also don't think I will be able to hit the head of the Ithzir, being too short.
Anyone able to confirm that?
I always 1615ed and then hit the head.
05-20-2011, 03:05 AM
You won't be able to hit the head of ithzir without making them kneel, sit, or proning them.
05-20-2011, 11:27 AM
nice thread, i was thinking the same thing.
05-20-2011, 01:13 PM
In general, I would say polearms over THW because of Cman charge. Bullrush is honestly a poor substitute for a real knockdown. Going to cost you a little as a halfling, but you should still be able to take down "pure" creatures with relative ease. It will be the semi class sorts that may sometimes be hard to hit.
The only time I would rather have THW is if I was playing a race that could not swing a lance in 5. The middle poles (jeddart, HoK, halberd) are pathetic when measured against the same speed type THWs.
05-20-2011, 04:01 PM
What bonus do you need for lances?
Maul + Aim Head/Neck is more efficient than swinging a lance unaimed; at least, that's what my data showed.
Also, you'll save 3/0 PTPs per level to spend as you please if you go THW.
How is that even effective research? What is the data on maul + aim head/neck vs. lance + aim head/neck? Or am I missing something? Because I aim for head, neck, and eyes with my lance without ambush training, though I am 2x CM, and hit my target 60% of the time, everytime....Ok that last part was an Anchorman quote, but I hit what I aim for a good amount.
05-20-2011, 07:34 PM
How is that even effective research? What is the data on maul + aim head/neck vs. lance + aim head/neck? Or am I missing something? Because I aim for head, neck, and eyes with my lance without ambush training, though I am 2x CM, and hit my target 60% of the time, everytime....Ok that last part was an Anchorman quote, but I hit what I aim for a good amount.
crit randomization +100% Crush + easier aiming RT7 weapon = efficiency
EDIT: just simply from the fact that you can't guarantee death with a lance (head/neck rank5 puncture != death) should be proof enough. Also, you're 1-2 second slower, dependent on race dex/agi.
05-20-2011, 07:49 PM
Even with a combined 67 agi + dex bonus, uncencumbered I ambushed with a lance in 8 seconds.
05-20-2011, 10:38 PM
Charge, currently, has 0 RT. Unless you get a crit kill with it, then its 7 seconds. Its probably a bug. I've bugged it, assisted about it, posted on the officials.
Maybe its not a bug. Maybe its intended. Still...a maneuver with no risk? Sounds like a bug.
So as of right now? Polearm >>>>>>> 2hw. 0 RT charge. 0.
05-20-2011, 10:53 PM
Charge, currently, has 0 RT. Unless you get a crit kill with it, then its 7 seconds. Its probably a bug. I've bugged it, assisted about it, posted on the officials.
Maybe its not a bug. Maybe its intended. Still...a maneuver with no risk? Sounds like a bug.
So as of right now? Polearm >>>>>>> 2hw. 0 RT charge. 0.
05-20-2011, 10:55 PM
Not a crit kill:
>cman charge
You rush forward at a cyclops with your silver vultite pike and attempt a charge!
[Roll result: 104 (open d100: 45) Penalties: 15]
Mediocre charge and a cyclops is knocked over by the blow.
... 10 points of damage!
Nice shot to the head gouges the cyclops's cheek!
The cyclops is stunned!
>att cyc
You thrust with a polished silver vultite pike at a cyclops!
AS: +242 vs DS: +102 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +69 = +246
... and hit for 112 points of damage!
[You have earned 65 recognition points.]
The cyclops falls to the ground and dies.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
A crit kill: >cman charge
You rush forward at a cyclops with your silver vultite pike and attempt a charge!
[Roll result: 240 (open d100: 181) Penalties: 15]
Awesome charge and a cyclops is sent crashing to the ground!
... 30 points of damage!
[You have earned 65 recognition points.]
The cyclops rolls over and dies.
Roundtime: 7 sec.
Again: As long as its not a) already knocked over or b) insta killed, charge has 0 RT. I distinctly remember it having RT in the past. It might still have RT on superfails, I havent rolled a super fail yet though.
05-20-2011, 11:07 PM
I even made me a macro for my cyclops killing: stance off\r cman charge\r stance def\r
The result?
A cyclops just arrived.
>stance off
> cman charge
> stance def
You are now in an offensive stance.
You rush forward at a cyclops with your silver vultite pike and attempt a charge!
[Roll result: 101 (open d100: 67) Penalties: 15]
Mediocre charge and a cyclops is sent crashing to the ground!
... 5 points of damage!
Glancing strike to the head!
The cyclops is stunned!
You are now in a defensive stance.
05-20-2011, 11:11 PM
Smile, nod and touch the rod.
05-21-2011, 03:01 AM
Update: Apparently its a specific bug with Bubble flaring weapons.
05-21-2011, 07:54 AM
Greater elemental flared poles also do odd things with Cmans. To address some other comments.
You need a combined agility and reflex bonus of 53 to swing a lance in 5 seconds. You need 68 to ambush with one in 7. If you cannot make 68, it is worth considering either going spear or THW. If you cannot make the 53, I would not advise using a lance.
A maul to the head or spear to the eye will crit more than a lance in general. The real advantage to the lance comes when you fail to crit kill. The increased DF lets you bleed things out faster, even on a missed or missmapped crit.
crit randomization +100% Crush + easier aiming RT7 weapon = efficiency
EDIT: just simply from the fact that you can't guarantee death with a lance (head/neck rank5 puncture != death) should be proof enough. Also, you're 1-2 second slower, dependent on race dex/agi.
Alright, yea I will give you that. I can definately hit something in the head or neck for 200+ damage and not kill it. To be fair though, aiming at eyes with a lance would probally be just as effective. And as Menos said, killing things by bleeding them out is definately effective on things that can't be critted.
05-21-2011, 05:03 PM
Alright, yea I will give you that. I can definately hit something in the head or neck for 200+ damage and not kill it. To be fair though, aiming at eyes with a lance would probally be just as effective. And as Menos said, killing things by bleeding them out is definately effective on things that can't be critted.
You'll hit the eye far, far, far less often than the head/neck. Furthermore, crush is only fatal to the eye on rank 7. If you're looking to simply attrition mobs, lance wins heads down. Then again, don't hunt those creatures.
05-21-2011, 05:12 PM
Charge hits the eye more than ambushing does.
(Not based on actual facts, just biased observation.)
05-21-2011, 05:28 PM
Tried out poles and I just couldn't get the defense needed to survive in OTF. So oh well. Charge seemed super gimped for a halfling.
05-21-2011, 05:33 PM
I got eye crits left and right when I was using a lance.
05-22-2011, 09:10 PM
I got eye crits left and right when I was using a lance.
Hahahahahaha!!!! did you really just say that!? Ok growup me.
05-22-2011, 09:22 PM
Hahahahahaha!!!! did you really just say that!? Ok growup me.
What did I miss??
05-22-2011, 11:21 PM
Just me being dumb, pay no mind to the freak on this end of the keyboard.
05-22-2011, 11:36 PM
Shes talking about your meat lance!
05-27-2011, 10:21 PM
I got eye crits left and right when I was using a lance.
I think "eye crits left and right" was a double entendre (although probably unintentional)...
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