View Full Version : Fixskill time!

05-16-2011, 05:41 PM
So... wanting to move my empath from 100% healing-oriented to more battle-oriented, and after trolling around, here's what I came up with:

Half-Elf Profession: Empath
Expr: 3895951 Level: 64
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 82 (16) ... 82 (16)
Constitution (CON): 84 (17) ... 84 (17)
Dexterity (DEX): 83 (21) ... 83 (21)
Agility (AGI): 83 (26) ... 83 (26)
Discipline (DIS): 84 (12) ... 84 (12)
Aura (AUR): 93 (21) ... 93 (21)
Logic (LOG): 94 (22) ... 94 (22)
Intuition (INT): 93 (21) ... 93 (21)
Wisdom (WIS): 94 (22) ... 94 (22)
Influence (INF): 82 (21) ... 82 (21)
Mana: 196 Silver: 0

Armor: 8 ranks (doubles)
PF: 1x
Climbing: 40 ranks
Swimming: 20 ranks
Perception: 1x
First Aid: 2.25x
Survival: 1x
AS: 1x
MIU: 1x
Harness Power: 1.5x
Spell Aim: 2x
SMC: 1x
MMC: 1x
200s: 40
100s: 30
Empath Spells: 74
(2.25x spells)
SL: Summoning: 1x

My worry is that I'm trying to do too much. I'd love to have a good bolter with a still fairly strong 1106 attack (for post-wrack hunting), who can also skin like a motherfucker for bounty tasks / coins. Am I too all-over-the-place?

Also, is a lack of any other lores going to hurt me? I'll hardly ever be doing any healing, so I don't really care about that, more concerned with hunting viability. I started with Nilandia's build that she posted here, then tweaked it so I could get more skinning (at the cost of her 2x HP and extra lores).

Thanks all for any assistance.

05-16-2011, 08:40 PM
You get more benefit towards skinning at a lower TP cost if you 3x First Aid and 0.5x Survival. This has the nice side-benefit of making herbs a great way to save time instead of using spells to heal scars.

While having 240 is nice, putting 7 of those spell ranks into Empath ranks to hit level+21 for a higher base CS will probably help more. If DS is an issue at all I'd get 140 before 240 also since the extra MnS ranks get you some DS.

If you plan on using 1110 for bolts get at least 5 ranks in Telepathy lore.

Going over 1x in HP never seemed worth it as an empath to me, even less so if you're in GoS or CoL for extra mana. We have a LOT of spells where 10-20 ranks of mental lores can make a nice difference. (5 or 20 ranks Telepathy for 1110, 10+ ranks in Manip lore for 1101, 1106, 1110, 1115 and 1150... etc)

Keeping exactly enough Transformation lore to heal bleeders with no hard RT can also be nice to have while hunting, and Transformation lore also helps the DF on 1110. (I think you only need about 15 ranks at your level, 3 ranks per second.)

http://carabele.com/odds/LoreBenefits.htm (not 100% up to date but covers most things)

05-17-2011, 07:42 AM
Thanks for the information, Kithor. I whipped out the spreadsheet and went back to tinkering, and I think I'm closer...

I upped my empath spells to 85 (level + 21, as suggested), dropping my Major Spirit to 30 ranks, with the intention of getting up to 240 as soon as possible. The lore benefits of it, considering I'm 1x-ing Summoning anyway, seem like too much to ignore.

I also threw 20 lore into Manipulation and Telepathy, to get those thresholds for 1110 (and the tertiary stuff that goes with it). I dropped my HP ranks down to 1x... I'm in CoL currently, and thinking hard about transferring to GoS. If I decide to do that, I need to find room in my training plan for Blessing lore, but as it stands I should be good on mana.

I'm thinking I'll be bolting until I have to wrack, then 1106-ing post-wrack. Fire Spiriting in troll warcamps (and in Pinefar, probably), and stockpiling wizard wands as a backup system.

Thanks for the help!