View Full Version : Odds and ends. 4x/1x shield, etc...

05-14-2011, 12:26 PM
Please be patient, I can't always get to the boards in a timely fashion, but I will always do my best to make sure that you get what you buy. I'll be adding a couple enhancives later as soon as I find a bard to tell me more about them.

1: A blackened ora chain hauberk: 2x and SWCP MB: 75k

2: Some soft black leather boots: CB: 5k to Zaigh SOLD

3: A pair of dragonfire opal dice: CB: 5k to Zaigh SOLD

4: A pair of hammered silver dice: CB: 5k to Clintonia SOLD

5: A pair of heron-carved dice: CB: 5k to Zaigh SOLD

6: A plumed vultite warhelm: Head and neck MB 1k

7: A thick vultite aegis: Large shield, weighs 5 lbs, +20DS/+5TD MB: 500k

Loresong info given to me:

XXXXXX whispers, "5 pounds, +20 enchantment, "The harmonics generated tell you that the aegis serves to protect from magical attacks."

8: A sapphire set sterling silver ring: has 8 charges of tremors, mage rechargable, +1 to spiritual lore religion bonus, must have trained 2 times, huge number of charges remaining. Non crumbly. CB: 35k to Clintonia SOLD

9: A princess-cut aquamarine torc: +7 to influence, must have trained 19 times, more than your average giantman could count charges, crumbly. MB: Sold on buyout

Delivery to landing/sol/mule area. Thank you for your patience.

05-19-2011, 07:26 PM
Bump and added the enhancives.

05-19-2011, 08:29 PM
Torc delivered. Lets see if we can move some more stuff. I'll be ending the auction on any items that're bid on tonight by 11 P.M. Central

05-20-2011, 01:59 AM
I'll go MB on the 8: A sapphire set sterling silver ring, MB on the silver dice. So 35k and 5k respectively.

05-20-2011, 01:59 AM
is that shield permanent? can you post the loresong?

05-20-2011, 03:40 AM
If you're still going.... I'll bid the following:

2: Some soft black leather boots: 5k

3: A pair of dragonfire opal dice: 5k

5: A pair of heron-carved dice: 5k

05-20-2011, 06:09 PM
I don't have the loresong on the shield, but it is permanent. I'll see if I can get another bard to give me the goods.

Everything is still up for sale, was just trying to move stuff while I was motivated. Since all bids were after 11, I'll move the end of this to tonight at 11 Central.

Note: Aegis was field (read: I asked for someone to sleep me repeatedly) tested to ensure that it was a full +5, no more, no less.

05-21-2011, 11:16 PM
Sold sold and sold. Sorry for the delay, my schedule is.... Erratic... PM me to let me know how you wish to handle delivery.

The shield, hauberk and warhelm are still up for sale, And will be going once, twice sold..... If anyone shows any interest...