View Full Version : Life appreciation post

05-30-2005, 01:28 AM

05-30-2005, 01:33 AM
Glad to hear everything's goin good for ya, Brattt. :D


05-30-2005, 01:57 AM
Yeah. Life is nice sometimes.

05-30-2005, 02:02 AM
Life *is* good.

Speed bumps are funner anyways when you just speed up and ignore them. Your tires might have popped but WASNT THAT ROLLERCOASTER FUN??!!

05-30-2005, 02:59 AM
I’m glad I didn’t wake up today and throw on mis-matched clothes.

05-30-2005, 03:26 AM
Yay Brattt! I'm so with you girl.

We spent four hours on a train with a screaming child, but who was not mine and at the end of the trip people came up to us to say how sweet and well behaved our daughter was.

The director of the play I was in, asked me to come back for the next one (Which I took to mean I must have a smidge of real talent ;) )

We have friends flying down to spend a week in Italy with us.

We got an awesome voice over IP phone that for $20 a month we can call the states as much and for as long as we want! (and our family can call us for free!)

I'm going skydiving again!

Have the greatest circle of friends here, so many wonderful people we've never not wanted to move so bad.

Life is cool right now.

But I still miss my horse :(

05-30-2005, 03:29 AM
You know, I see so many people complain about their state of affairs so often that it is really nice to see someone who has some very positive things to say about their life!

Today I traveled through a temperate rain forest, I touched a glacier, I stood only a few feet away from wild seals and sea otters, I took a nap in a bed of wildflowers and soft plants, but most importantly I learned today that in nine months I am going to be a father. :)

05-30-2005, 05:45 AM
Life can't be appreciated with an income under one-million dollars... a month.

05-30-2005, 07:29 AM
It's great to hear people appreciate the good things life brings instead of concentrating on the negatives.

Oh, and congratulations, Ebondale, on your upcoming fatherhood. :)

Killer Kitten
05-30-2005, 09:06 AM
You're right, Bratt. Life is very good and we should count our blessings instead of dwelling on our hardships. I'm glad things are going so well for you and yours, and I wish you continued happiness in the years to come.