View Full Version : Fun in the Park

08-06-2003, 12:04 PM
Here's a log of something that happened in the park when I was bored this morning:

A dwarf thief puppet exclaims, "Thanks for your generosity Treyvelant. My kids will feed this evening!"

You blink.

Strezze just arrived.

You exclaim, "Git ou 'ere ya damn thief!"

Strezze quietly asks, "Anyone I can send to for a disk?"

Strezze peers quizzically at you.

Strezze quietly says, "You should talk"

You blink at Strezze.

You reach into Strezze's pockets and pull out nothing.

Strezze starts chuckling at you!

You ask, "wha ya mean?"

You say, "I ainna thief."

Strezze looks thoughtfully at you.

You point at a small silver star.

Strezze scoffs.

You say, "Imma dep'ty."

Treyvelant flashes a wide grin.

You show Strezze your silver star.

Strezze quietly says, "Paid off well, I assume then"

You say, "ya shoul'n assume wha ya don know."

Treyvelant warmly asks, "Can I see the star?"

You show Treyvelant your silver star.

Strezze whispers, "78 member of the guild"

Strezze points at you.

You ask, "an dat means wha?"

You cock your head at Strezze.

Strezze quietly says, "it means you are my subbordinate, so shut up"

You hold your sides and let out a rumbling belly laugh.

Strezze folds her arms over her chest, glancing at you.

Strezze put a light elven-styled translucent buckler edged in silvery runes in her black weapons harness.

You say, "I ain got a superior."

You notice Strezze reach into your infantry backpack and remove a piece of citrine quartz!

You say, "an yer standin on my land.. don make me remove ya."

You reach into Strezze's pockets and pull out nothing.

Strezze shows you a piece of citrine quartz, which she is holding in her right hand.. You see nothing unusual.

You nod to Strezze.

Strezze winces. {she just realized it was cursed :) }

You say, "Le's see wha da constable says 'bou you bein a thief."

{Searching all over town until:}

[Wehnimer's, Dragonsclaw Rd.]
Wagons and carts loaded with a variety of goods pass in all directions, from the center of the busy town to the west to the wharfs and piers along the Locksmehr River to the east. You also see the town constable and a large wooden building with a sign tacked to the door.
Obvious paths: north, south, east, west

You make your accusation to the constable. After a brief moment of consideration, the constable turns to you and says, "I'll issue a warrant for Strezze's arrest immediately!"

You say, "Constable don take kin'ly ta thieves like Strezze"

{Back at the jail I see:}

[Wehnimer's, Constabulary]
The front room of the local constabulary contains the desk of the town constable, and a display case. The oaken floor is scuffed by countless feet dragged across it, obviously most reluctantly. Behind the desk is a weapon rack. A strong, ironbound door with a narrow, barred grate leads east. You also see the town constable (sitting), a yellowed sign and the Constable's desk with the Strezze box on it.
Obvious exits: out

The town constable stands back up and glances at the display case to refresh his memory on who to be watching out for.

You laugh out loud!

{Time to gloat! Off to the Courtroom!}

[Wehnimer's, Courtroom]
The courtroom is uncomfortably chilly and plainly furnished. Several benches are lined up to face a raised platform at the far end of the room. The town magistrate dispenses justice, swiftly and summarily, seated in the straightbacked chair behind a simple table on the platform. An armed guard leans against the wall, next to the door, looking casual but ready for trouble should it arise. You also see a curtained entryway and a mahogany door.
Obvious exits: out

A phalanx of town guards arrived with Strezze in their midst.

The judge studies the prisoner carefully and then motions toward the Bailiff who cries out, "Here before ye is the malefactor Strezze, accused of theft."

The judge turns to the prisoner and says, "There can be no doubt as to your guilt. For the crime specified, the court hereby fines you 500 silver pieces. Your belongings, if any, will be held for an hour. If, in that time, you are unable to claim the items, your belongings will be sold at auction. You are now free to go."

The judge then stands and says, "Court is adjourned!" He bangs a battered gavel upon the table and retires to his chambers.

You say, "Superior eh? Seems yer nothin butta common thief. An notta good one at dat."

You laugh out loud!

You see Strezze the Stalker.
She appears to be a Sylvankind of the Lassaran D'ahranal.
She appears to be very young and shorter than average. She has jade green eyes and tanned skin. She has long, unkempt sandy blonde hair worn in two ponytails.
She has a shooting star tattoo on her ankle, and a ring of silver stars tattoo on her neck.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a piece of citrine quartz in her right hand.
She is wearing nothing special.

Strezze quietly says, "you are done, a--"

You laugh out loud!

Strezze just went out.

{Not quite enough fun.. how about back to the jail to see her get her stuff}

[Wehnimer's, Constabulary]
The front room of the local constabulary contains the desk of the town constable, and a display case. The oaken floor is scuffed by countless feet dragged across it, obviously most reluctantly. Behind the desk is a weapon rack. A strong, ironbound door with a narrow, barred grate leads east. You also see a yellowed sign and the Constable's desk with the Strezze box on it.
Obvious exits: out

Strezze just arrived.

You say, "ifn I 'ad a silver e'erytime I 'eard tha threat.. I'd be richer den I am now."

Strezze quietly says, "Leave"

You laugh out loud!

You point at a small silver star.

Strezze quietly says, "you will die, trust me"

You nod to Strezze.

Strezze quietly says, "No leave"

You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.

Strezze quietly says, "Now"

You say, "One day prolly.. jes not by you."

Strezze breaks the seal on the box, and opens it.

Strezze quietly says, "Trust me, you will, you cannot hide forever"

You laugh out loud!

You say, "I 'ave ta be 'ere."

You say, "keep track o known convicts like yerself."

You say, "crime ne'er pays."

Strezze quietly says, "whatever, you are bad, I am not going to stand for it, you will pay for your crimes"

Strezze quietly says, "traitor to the guild y'are"

You say, "I ain a criminal.. you is."

You say, "Dey don teach stealin in da guil.."

You ask, "so 'ow am I a traitor?"

Strezze quietly says, "they do teah us ass whippin though"

Strezze points at you.

You laugh out loud!

You ask, "should I lay down fer ya lass?"

You ask, "an mebbe give ya me weapon?"

You ask, "anna blue crystal?"

You ask, "mebbe gitta wizard ta give ya strength?"

You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.

Strezze puts some slouched black half-boots onto her feet.

Strezze glances at you and yawns.

You say, "ave a good day lass.. an make sure ya stay outta trouble."

You point at an ironbound door.

Strezze quietly says, "you bore me, leavem boeore I get this curse removed"

You nod to Strezze.

You laugh out loud!

Strezze babbles something unintelligible.

You say, "An ya stole a cursed gem."

You say, "I kin't breath."

You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.

You say, "ya really are inept aincha"

You laugh out loud!

You say, "I'll be lookin fer dat gem back when yer don 'andlin it."

You nod to Strezze.

08-06-2003, 12:08 PM
hehe, thats great.


08-06-2003, 04:13 PM
<<She is holding a piece of citrine quartz in her right hand.>>

They actually uncurse your items in GemStone IV. They also charge a fee to do it.

08-06-2003, 06:06 PM
Shadap Bob.. no retarded comments in my topic allowed.

Lord Deprav
08-06-2003, 07:02 PM
That is hilarious! Whered yah get that batch/star from? heh I am jealous. I stole for the 2nd time since I was back. The first time I stole a diamond from a 76 empath just messin around with her. and yesterday I tryed stealing and got a gem, 47 coins, and caught the third time. I was doing it on the fly so I don't think he truely caught me. Can't wait till I title just so I can go back to stealing!

Lord Deprav

08-06-2003, 07:36 PM
Classic. Keep us informed if Strezze comes along to 'collect'.