View Full Version : Obama to Introduce Controversial Immigration Reform

05-10-2011, 11:55 AM
President Obama plans to unveil a “blueprint” on Tuesday of what he wants Congress to include in a comprehensive immigration reform bill, according to senior administration officials.

More... (http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/160117-obama-stakes-his-claim-on-immigration-law-reform)

With the economy bad and terrorists at the door, now is not the time.

A senior administration official told reporters in a conference call Monday evening that Obama’s renewed push for an immigration bill was not merely a political move attempting to paint Congress as the inhibitor and the White House as the doer in the eyes of Latino voters ahead of the 2012 elections.

What a long complicated sentence.

Former President George W. Bush’s effort to pass comprehensive immigration fell short in his second term. Obama helped push a scaled-back immigration bill through the House last year, but it died in the Senate.

If Bush couldn't do something, then Obama certainly won't be able to.

05-10-2011, 12:18 PM
If Bush couldn't do something, then Obama certainly won't be able to.

Bush wasn't able to increase the deficit by 1.7 trillion dollars in a single year... so your stupid assumption has been proven wrong.