View Full Version : Simucon, Edge, Thrilla, Sean?

08-06-2003, 05:41 AM
I just know this topic will get buzzing for at least a little while, yes?

In my morbid curiosity I find my self remembering that Edge said he was going to go to Simucon this year. Did you do that, Edge? If so then please tell us how it went? Do you have pics? Can we see them? hehe..

Next question. This month is that "Thrilla" event, yes? I wonder if that lil weanie seanie is still going? Edge, you guys still gonna duke it out? If so will it be webcast? Plz??? Oh and please ask someone to put sean screaming like a tortured little school girl please? I want to put it in my midi files and add the sound to when I thrash roltons in the game. It will be most funny! Yes lets do that. Mwahahaha :lol::lol::lol:

08-06-2003, 06:32 PM
I went to Simucon. Edge wasn't there.

I remember distinctly, because he was supposed to come and beat the crap out of Jael's player, but didn't.

08-06-2003, 07:06 PM
I guess we'll wait until Thrilla and see if Sean shows up. I'm gonna be there, anyone else from these boards going?


[Edited on 8-7-2003 by SpunGirl]

08-06-2003, 07:09 PM
I was going to, but it's a bit late for me to go now. If you see Sepher's player, Brian, there -- punch him in the arm good and tell him Beth wins.

08-06-2003, 07:16 PM
As I've stated before, there will be no fights at Thrilla. That is all. :)

Ashemu's player

08-06-2003, 07:19 PM
Ashemu -
You couldn't be more right. Even if Sean DID show up, it wouldn't be a fight. It would be a pick him up and throw him out on his ass sort of deal:)

Maimara, I think you should come anyway. Dalboz and I are snagging a hotel room for us and anyone else who wants to have a nice long shower and not sleep on the floor:)


08-06-2003, 07:21 PM
The plan was to go, but I doubt I can now anyway, what with the N for Newly Employed inscribed on my forehead, plus I just moved into a fairly expensive apartment. Missing work would be un-good.

I have the plane ticket though. When is it?

08-06-2003, 08:28 PM
I didn't want to go to Simucon. I almost did but I started a business and I can't afford another assault charge. Jael screwed me out of 900 dollars and I wanted to go collect. But the last assault charge I had took 6 grand to get out of. So not worth it.

As for Sean. He thinks I am cool now and doesn't want to fight me. Plus, the Thrilla is going to fall on my sons Bday so I don't think I am going to go now. I enjoy the boards, but those Gemstone events hold nothing for me anymore since I no longer play. Plus, my business is keeping me really busy.


08-06-2003, 08:43 PM
What assault charge? Who'd you fuck up?

08-06-2003, 11:48 PM
From Sean (since he IM'd me):

myaolnamewhichyouwillnothave: Check that out on the PC, a post about you
Seany Digital: lol
Seany Digital: Ok, one second.
Seany Digital: I want you to post this so they can see it, tell them this...
myaolnameyouwillnothave: Ok, go ahead and tell me what you want me to say.
Seany Digital: First of all, Edge would not kick my ass in any way, shape, or form. Second of all, I am still going to Thrilla as planned... As you can see I am registered to go... Third of all, I have not played GS in months, Fourth of all... Edge and I are cool now, we had a very interesting discussion... Does that mean I won't beat the shit out of anyone at the thrilla who fucks with me? NO... Fuck with me, get beat. Disrespect me, get beat. And just cuz I like Edge now doesn't mean I wouldn't fight him for fun. Heh.
Seany Digital: Fuck all ya'll

There you go, don't blame me. Just the messenger.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-07-2003, 12:49 AM
Why do I feel like I'm back in junior high?

08-07-2003, 12:49 AM
Hmmm interesting. So what made Edge and Sean make up? How dissapointing. Oh the owner of the house that Thrilla is at said it was alright if they did have a boxing match if you remember. Or at least thats what Edge told us while back. Gah Edge why would u even like Sean now? I just cant even comprehend that. Ick!

08-07-2003, 12:59 AM
Originally posted by Apollyon
From Sean (since he IM'd me):

Seany Digital: lol
Seany Digital: Ok, one second.
Seany Digital: I want you to post this so they can see it, tell them this...
myaolnameyouwillnothave: Ok, go ahead and tell me what you want me to say.
Seany Digital: First of all, Edge would not kick my ass in any way, shape, or form. Second of all, I am still going to Thrilla as planned... As you can see I am registered to go... Third of all, I have not played GS in months, Fourth of all... Edge and I are cool now, we had a very interesting discussion... Does that mean I won't beat the shit out of anyone at the thrilla who fucks with me? NO... Fuck with me, get beat. Disrespect me, get beat. And just cuz I like Edge now doesn't mean I wouldn't fight him for fun. Heh.
Seany Digital: Fuck all ya'll

There you go, don't blame me. Just the messenger.


08-07-2003, 01:20 AM
<< Third of all, I have not played GS in months >>


08-07-2003, 01:53 AM
It was never "alright" to fight at Thrilla. That was a misunderstanding.

Ashemu's player

08-07-2003, 01:27 PM
You're fighting over a computer game? HAHAHAHA

08-07-2003, 04:54 PM
500 bucks. That was the bet. I could not last 3 rds with gloves on for 500 bucks. The fight was never over a game either. But hey.

As for you Methais! Don't beat up the car along with the person.


08-07-2003, 06:25 PM
Maaan. I totally understand why Sean was banned from the boards, but he's SO entertaining. I was hoping he'd post more pictures of his "ripped" bod and Vanilla Don't hairdo.


Reading posts from Sean makes me feel smart the same way a glimpse of Jerry Springer makes me feel like I have the best life on the planet.


[Edited on 8-7-2003 by SpunGirl]

08-08-2003, 02:01 AM
Hey EDGE dont make me come kick your arse, ill do it for a nickel to ell with 500 bucks!!