View Full Version : Some cute toy pets

05-07-2011, 10:35 AM
Get yourself a new friend! Brighten up your day.

Typical once, twice, sold.

a fuzzy brown sock monkey with a wide yarn grin wearing a gaudy gold crown

The brown sock monkey is made from torn rags sewn together with thick leather stitches. Its insides are made from some bad smelling plants along with witchwood shavings. Tightly wrapped straw bundles make up the brown sock monkey's arms and legs, and a black amulet hangs around its neck.

You rub your brown sock monkey on the belly, and it spits at you!

A fuzzy brown sock monkey with a wide yarn grin wearing a gaudy gold crown just spit at Misun.

You pinch your brown sock monkey. Its mouth crinkles up into a silly grin as it winks at you.

A fuzzy brown sock monkey with a wide yarn grin wearing a gaudy gold crown gets a silly grin on its face as it winks at Misun.

You poke your brown sock monkey in the stomach, and it opens its mouth very wide allowing you a quick glance at its razor sharp teeth before embedding them into your forehead!

Misun just got bitten on the forehead!

As you pull at your brown sock monkey, its black, lifeless eyes quickly shift to yours. You are unable to look away from its deadly stare. Your eyes glaze over and visions of unimaginable horrors rush through your mind. You can feel the pain of a thousand tortured souls, their hands reaching out to you, but you are frozen in terror and cannot move.
Roundtime: 8 seconds

Misun's eyes suddenly fill with terror.

You turn your brown sock monkey over, and it spits out a stream of green slime that dribbles down your shoulder.

Misun's brown sock monkey spit a stream of green slime at Misun!

Misun's brown sock monkey spit a stream of green slime at Misun!
As you smooch your brown sock monkey, its arms begin to flail wildly. A green mist forms around the brown sock monkey enveloping you in it causing you to choke and gag.
Roundtime: 5 seconds

A green mist envelops Misun causing her to choke and gag.

You hug your brown sock monkey, and it lets out a loud belch!

A foul smelling odor suddenly surrounds Misun.

As you kiss your brown sock monkey, its eyes begin to glow a dark red and white froth oozes from its mouth and drips on your chin.

Misun kisses her brown sock monkey. White, slimy froth oozes from its mouth and drips down Misun's chin.

You begin to tickle your brown sock monkey and notice its face beginning to distort into a very sinister grin. It squirms around in your hands and brings one of its feet up and kicks you in the chin!

Misun's brown sock monkey grins evilly right before it kicks her in the chin!

MB: 500k
CB: 500k Packrat SOLD

a cute striped brindle warcat

A pattern of widely spaced, dark brown stripes adorns the grey-streaked, tawny golden fur of the fluffy toy warcat. Tall, pointed ears taper to feathery tufts above its bright, sea green eyes, and its pale, ruffed cheeks are set with boar bristle whiskers. Its legs are thick, with wide haunches and big paws, each stitched with ebon thread claws. From the tip of its pink velvet nose to the end of its thick, bushy tail, the little stuffed animal is thoroughly huggable. It has a small cloth tag.
There appears to be something written on it.

In the Common language, it reads:

Visit the wild and wooly environs
of Wehnimer's Landing!
Wehnimer's Landing Tourist Bureau

As you rub the golden fur of your fluffy striped brindle warcat, it purrs softly.

As Misun rubs the golden fur of her fluffy striped brindle warcat, it purrs softly.

You give your fluffy striped brindle warcat a warm hug.

Misun gives her fluffy striped brindle warcat a warm hug. How cute!

As you tickle your fluffy striped brindle warcat, it mews and hisses playfully.

As Misun tickles her fluffy striped brindle warcat, it mews and hisses playfully.

MB: 100K
CB: 100k Shannivar SOLD

an adorable stuffed otter

Sleek, reddish brown fur covers the long, slender body of the stuffed toy otter. It has long yarn whiskers on either side of a big, black leather nose and two shiny black button eyes. Its head is a little flat, with tiny round ears perched on either side. Starting just below the ears, the lower part of its face is colored a light beige, causing the sewn on black thread mouth to stand out. The toy has a long tail and four wide paws, the front ones grasping an oyster shell. It is wearing a tiny collar.
There appears to be something written on it.

In the Common language, it reads:

As you rub the sleek, reddish brown fur of your stuffed otter, it chitters cheerfully.

As Misun rubs the sleek, reddish brown fur of her stuffed otter, it chitters cheerfully.

You give your stuffed otter a warm hug.

Misun gives her stuffed otter a warm hug. How sweet!

As you tickle your stuffed otter, you are rewarded with a playful series of barks and whistles.

As Misun tickles her stuffed otter, she is rewarded with a playful series of barks and whistles.

MB: 100k SOLD...actually adopted. Found a great home.

05-09-2011, 09:51 AM
bump and updated

05-10-2011, 11:11 AM

05-10-2011, 06:13 PM
500k on the sock monkey

05-11-2011, 10:10 AM

05-12-2011, 09:15 AM