View Full Version : a thick-bladed argent imflass wakizashi

05-05-2011, 11:30 PM
Min Bid of 4M
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It would be nice for someone to finish the set

a thick-bladed argent imflass wakizashi
+12 Short Sword, +5 OHE Bonus, Heavy Damage Weighted, 3 lbs.

Has very nice scripts: example of a few,

Holding Only One Hand
>push my wak
You thrust your argent imflass wakizashi forward.

>raise my wak
You raise your argent imflass wakizashi in a formal salute.

>tap my wak
You rap your argent imflass wakizashi sharply.

>wave my wak
You swing your argent imflass wakizashi wildly about.

Same with Two Weapons Held:
>push my wak
You thrust your argent imflass wakizashi forward threateningly while holding your razern troll-claw close to your body.

>raise my wak
You raise your argent imflass wakizashi and razern troll-claw high and twist both weapons in an intricate salute.

>tap my wak
A loud clang resonates as you rap your razern troll-claw sharply against your argent imflass wakizashi.

>wave my wak
With a mad look in your eyes, you swing your argent imflass wakizashi and razern troll-claw wildly about, creating an unpredictable whirlwind of metal.

cover my wak
You cross your argent imflass wakizashi and razern troll-claw in front of yourself, ready to ward off blows

Other Scripts reported by Vender who had a sister weapon which was thin bladed type:

twist, turn, bow, wave, raise, dip, tap, push, cover. They change depending on if another weapon is in the other hand.

Stepping to one side, Farliegh lifts his invar katar to eye level and arcs his left arm to hold his verdant imflass wakizashi at a higher parallel.
Farliegh sweeps his invar katar and verdant imflass wakizashi up in a pair of mirrored arcs, tracing a circle through the air.
Moving both hands in perfect synchrony, Farliegh pulls his invar katar close against his chest in a stiff, vertical position and twists his verdant imflass wakizashi to rest in a similar stance against his back. After making a graceful bow, he returns his weapons to his sides.
With a mad look in his eyes, Farliegh swings his invar katar and verdant imflass wakizashi wildly about, creating an unpredictable whirlwind of metal.
Farliegh raises his invar katar and verdant imflass wakizashi high and twists both weapons in an intricate salute.
Farliegh lets his invar katar and verdant imflass wakizashi dip downward, though he keeps his muscles tense and poised.
You feel more refreshed.
A loud clang resonates as Farliegh raps his verdant imflass wakizashi sharply against his invar katar.
Farliegh thrusts his invar katar forward threateningly while holding his verdant imflass wakizashi close to his body.
Farliegh crosses his invar katar and verdant imflass wakizashi in front of himself, ready to ward off blows.
Farliegh lifts his verdant imflass wakizashi to eye level, parallel to the ground.

Farliegh sweeps his verdant imflass wakizashi through the air, tracing a half-circle.
Farliegh holds his verdant imflass wakizashi to his chest and bows gracefully.
Farliegh swings his verdant imflass wakizashi wildly about.

Farliegh raps a thin-bladed verdant imflass wakizashi sharply.

Farliegh thrusts his verdant imflass wakizashi forward.
Farliegh readies his verdant imflass wakizashi to parry.

05-06-2011, 07:00 PM
price reduced...