View Full Version : Gem Message box: min bid 1 coin

05-03-2011, 09:52 PM
Had some interest in this at flat price but looking to move it so we'll do it 1 coin min bid.

This really cool box makes holographic message gems containing whatever message you whisper into them. Takes any gem (finally a use for clear zircons). Great for MHOs and CHEs. Will be fun to mail when the pmail system comes in. Mark you gems and leave messages around town.

a small enruned fel chest banded with thin rolaren strips -

Minimum bid: 1 coin

Weighs less than 2 pounds. Requires somewhere between 12-16 ranks of MIU (haven't quite pinned down the exact).

First person:

J>rub sapp
You rub the yellow sapphire and it suddenly glows a brilliant emerald green!

The image of Chivalrous suddenly forms before you in a pale ghostly green light and whispers, "Help me Obi-Wan Nuadjha, you're our only hope" to you.

The image of Chivalrous fades away, and the yellow sapphire in your hand crumbles to dust.

Third Person:

The image of Chivalrous suddenly appears in front of Nuadjha and whispers to him!

The image fades just as quickly as it appeared.

Has a cool loresong of a maiden rubbing her box:

Your vision suddenly clouds, the magic of the box mingling with the sound of your voice and creating a vision that slowly unfolds before you...

In a large and opulent chamber, a young maiden sits at a table, weeping. A much older man, who could only be her father, storms out of the scene, slamming a large gilt oak door behind him. The poor girl, obviously brokenhearted, picks up a small silver box and places a small star ruby within it and closes the lid. Although hard to see because of how close she holds it to her body, it appears that her delicately pale fingers have toggled a small switch recessed into the bottom of the box. She then rubs the box and whispers a name, slowly and with precision to the box...

Your vision begins to clear, and suddenly you find yourself as you were.

Your vision suddenly clouds, the magic of the box mingling with the sound of your voice and creating a vision that slowly unfolds before you...

The young maid still sits at her desk holding the box as before. She glances around; perhaps nervous at the magic she is even now practicing, and toggles the switch again. Once more she rubs the box, and then whispers something, a message, to her beloved. The box pulses with magic in response to her words, and then settles.

Your vision begins to clear, and suddenly you find yourself as you were.

Your vision clouds again, the sensation becoming more normal. The scene unfolds again...

The young maid rubs her box again, and this time she listens intently. A silent voice from within suddenly repeats back the very words she just spoke to it! With a smile on her face, and a content nod, she removes the star ruby and sets the box aside. Moments later, she calls a messenger, and tells him to deliver this gem to someone with all expediency.

Your vision clears again, and suddenly you find yourself as you were.

Your vision clouds rapidly, but you are staring into a different scene. A courtyard, wide and green with flowering bushes and roses surround a great fountain in the middle of the carriage drive.

The messenger from before hands the ruby to a young man, who removes to another part of the courtyard. He rubs the ruby, and it suddenly glows an eerie pale green revealing the image of the maiden from before! Her pale and beautiful form whispers something quietly to the young man, and he smiles as only a young man in love would. The ruby seems to turn to dust in his hand as the image fades.

You vision rapidly clears, and you find yourself as you were.

05-03-2011, 09:53 PM
Ah, what the hell. Let's do 2 mil.

05-03-2011, 10:18 PM
3 mil

05-03-2011, 10:44 PM
This thing is undeniably cool.

05-03-2011, 10:46 PM
Yeah I've been having a ton of fun with it and I don't even really like fluff items usually.

05-03-2011, 10:47 PM
3.5 mil

05-03-2011, 11:04 PM
5 mil

05-05-2011, 04:54 PM
Sorry was busy with work yesterday. Luriella, 5 mil once.

05-05-2011, 10:17 PM
I will go to twice tomorrow and sold the day after.

05-07-2011, 08:01 PM
Sold to Luriella for a song. Please PM me with your AIM.