View Full Version : a brass and gold disk

04-30-2011, 08:32 PM
This glittering disk is small enough to fit comfortably into a human's hand and about as thick as a finger. An exquisite piece of metalsmithing, the disk is crafted of gold and brass intricately engraved with interlocking whorls. A faceted crimson ruby is set at the center of the disk, and a ring of gold along the outer rim, inset flush with the body of the disk, appears to be able to rotate to move a narrow window around the circumference. Currently, the text "Wehnimer's Landing" shows in the window.

The voice of an announcer echoes, "Nascosto just won a brass and gold disk in Droughtman's Challenge!"

Speaking to you, Droughtman says, "Your disk is a chronomage ticket creating device."

Droughtman says, "It does have a cool down period."

I haven't tested it, but I've seen them around.

What they worth?

05-01-2011, 02:22 PM
this question remains up here.

im logging in right now and see how fast you can print them.

You turn the ring around the edge of the disk, causing its window to shift from "Wehnimer's Landing" to "Solhaven".
>"Solhaven" to "River's Rest"
"Zul Logoth" to "Ta'Illistim"
"Ta'Vaalor" to "Cysaegir"
"Kharam-Dzu" to "Icemule Trace".

Weyneidra the clerk pauses for a moment before she says, "The next departure will be in 58 minutes."


05-01-2011, 02:26 PM
You've got to find the cooldown and if it's every town in game or just a selected few. Those will determine the value.

05-01-2011, 02:28 PM
You've got to find the cooldown and if it's every town in game or just a selected few. Those will determine the value.


05-01-2011, 02:30 PM
If you can change it to every town, it's 2x a week and the tickets are attuned to the one who rubbed it.

05-01-2011, 02:39 PM
Best thing is just to put it up for auction with that info. It might get 5m or so.

05-01-2011, 02:39 PM
If you can change it to every town, it's 2x a week and the tickets are attuned to the one who rubbed it.

If it is to every town I'll throw out an offer of 20m on it. So it is worth at least that.

05-01-2011, 02:44 PM
on that note lets move it to high-end and start with lordbacl cb of 20 mil

05-01-2011, 02:46 PM
on that note lets move it to high-end and start with lordbacl cb of 20 mil

Er. Is it to every town from every town, then? The choices you posted were very limited.

05-01-2011, 02:48 PM
Er. Is it to every town from every town, then? The choices you posted were very limited.

If it is not, there's not bid from me.

05-01-2011, 03:04 PM
Er. Is it to every town from every town, then? The choices you posted were very limited.

How are the choices very limited? It looks like every town is an option based on what he posted. Only the destination town matters as the initial town is based on wherever you are when you use the orb.

05-01-2011, 03:05 PM
i was able to select any of those towns in icemule, sol'haven and landing.

i continue to try and figure it out..

>open disk
You open your gold disk, revealing a small, circular indentation within.
You remove a scratched gold ring from in your spidersilk cloak.
As you place the scratched gold ring into your gold disk, it is pulled irresistably into the circular socket within.
>close disk
You close your gold disk, which shuts with a soft click. The disk tingles your hand slightly.
>tap disk
You tap a faceted crimson ruby at the center of the disk. The disk vibrates sharply in your hand for a moment and then goes still.
>open disk
You open your gold disk, revealing a small, circular indentation within that contains a whorled gold torus.
You remove a whorled gold torus from in your gold disk.
>look at torus
Twisting currents of brass and gold swirl across the surface of the torus, obscuring a bird's-eye view of a tiny township trapped within. The torus emits a faint golden glow.
>read tor
Written in a simple and elegant script, your torus reads, "26 minutes." The letters quickly fade from the surface of the torus after only a second.
>clo disk
You close your gold disk, which shuts with a soft click.

05-01-2011, 03:08 PM
How often can you put a ring in to get a torus?

05-01-2011, 03:24 PM
I love how Bacl has just had enough of having silvers.

05-01-2011, 03:34 PM
I love how Bacl has just had enough of having silvers.

Screw silvers. What have they ever done for me except weigh me down and drown me in rivers, lakes, ponds, shallow streams, swamps, and twice in the bathtub.

05-06-2011, 07:47 PM
Quick question.... If it's 2x/week... Can you use each of those in the same day? And then 7 days from the first ticket created?..

Say, I want to go to Teras, I rub it on Monday 5pm, get a ticket, go to Teras... Then I want to leave on Monday 10pm, can I get a ticket, and go back to the Landing?

If that's true, then is it safe to assume that it's 7 days from Monday at 5pm that the next ticket can be created?