View Full Version : a braided faewood and ora rod

04-29-2011, 01:35 AM
Picked it out of the pile.

Droughtman says, "That rod casts different spells based on the gem inside of it."

Havent been able to test what spell goes with what gem on account of not having MIU to activate it.

04-29-2011, 01:38 AM
Need to know the spells before any idea of its value can be ascertained.

04-29-2011, 09:16 AM
Alright I'll find someone with MIU or train up into some and go blow myself a way a few times with gems.


04-29-2011, 09:50 AM
I'll be around in a bit, either landing or illistim and can help you test.

04-29-2011, 01:53 PM
Once you learn your spells, if you want to trade rods for different spells, let me know.

Mine is:

a vibrant crimson rolaren rod

Intricate runes intertwine, encircling the crimson rolaren rod from end to end. The rod seems awkwardly incomplete with an empty gem setting at its tip.

Droughtman whispers, "Your rod casts - 906, 914, 111, 602."

I know how to cast half of those already, so I am looking to trade with someone for a different rod, maybe end up swapping for spells we both enjoy. Just throwing that offer out there, or for any of the other rod winners.

04-29-2011, 03:47 PM
He said that I could test it when he gets off work. What gems did you use to get those spells, so I know where to start looking. I figured emerald, diamonds, rubies, and sapphires was a good place to start.

04-29-2011, 05:11 PM
Kinna wish I had the droughtman tell me what was in it. Was too busy laughing about being stuck in the maze and pulling ropes.

Threw a diamond in the rod during a work break, apparently casts WoF with a diamond. Will test more this evening with Meeester Ross.

04-29-2011, 05:32 PM
wall of force? sick

04-29-2011, 09:01 PM
uncut diamond/white sunstone: 140, Wall of Force
Can be waved at others
1 use

white starstone/white pearl: 313, Prayer
self cast only
4 uses

white opal: 306, holy bolt
5 uses

clear tourmaline: 304, bless item
4 uses

04-29-2011, 09:16 PM
Thanks for the testing!

04-29-2011, 10:03 PM
ohh yeah, here is the loresong

The first thing that strikes you about the rod is the weight, which is about 1 pounds. You feel it's quite valuable.

The aura of magic surrounds the rod as if it was an artifact of great power. You also sense that it has more than one ability.

A strong aura of magic radiates from the the rod. An especially fine clear tourmaline glows as you sing to it as if it is the source of power for the rod. The harmonics generated tell you that the runic symbols are holy symbols related to the pantheon of Liabo.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the faewood and ora rod in your hand...

A vision slowly forms before your eyes...
Smoke slowly wafts from censers set at the four corners of a silvery square, and you see four robed figures standing in the center of the hazy scene. On a marble pedestal in the midst of the figures rests a braided faewood and ora rod, an artifact that seems incomplete with its empty setting.

A spectacled dwarf shuffles to the edge of the scene, cupping a precious jewel in both hands as if terrified of dropping this treasure. One of the robed figures glides over to the short fellow and gently lifts the jewel from the dwarf's trembling grasp. You can barely see the robed man's mouth begin to move within his thick grey beard as he slowly moves to the center of the square, and you notice the three other figures have begun speaking or chanting as well.

The man raises the jewel over his head while the smoke from the censers seems to draw in, obscuring his form. Suddenly there is a brilliant flash of light, and when the smoke clears you see the four figures bowed and kneeling toward the pedestal, where the jewel within the faewood and ora rod pulses with mysterious magic!

The vision slowly begins to fade...