View Full Version : self-healing morphing vaalin lockpick w/ loresong

04-28-2011, 09:36 AM
a twisted-wire vaalin bracelet/a wire-wrapped vaalin lockpick

MB: 20m CB: 25m Prance1520 SOLD

Cash valued at $8/million

4/30 12:26am edit: GM Tamuz is the man, pick has been assessed and is now a full-on vaalin lockpick with all vaalin stats. Going to restart this auction.

Wear it in bracelet form to activate self-healing.

EDIT: testing: purposefully jammed it in a lock. 90 minutes of wearing as a bracelet to go from "repaired two times" to "never been repaired" in LFM assess.

Scripts below. Has a neat loresong on the halfling magical crafting workshop where it was made, PM me if you'd like the whole thing.

>rub brace
Your vaalin bracelet begins to stretch and writhe as you rub it, almost as if its alive. It elongates and slithers down into your right hand leaving a wire-wrapped vaalin lockpick in its place.

As Ryvicke rubs his vaalin bracelet, it begins to stretch and writhe, finally elongating and slithering down into the palm of his right hand leaving a wire-wrapped vaalin lockpick in its place.

You glance down to see a wire-wrapped vaalin lockpick in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.

>pull lockpi
As you pull on your vaalin lockpick its shape begins to flow, filling in the cracks and imperfections in its structure. It begins to gather heat and glows with an intense golden light. The glow stretches out in golden streamers, the streamers wrapping themselves around your wrist. The glow fades and disappears with one last bright flash. Momentarily blinded by the flash, when you open your eyes again the lockpick is gone and a twisted-wire vaalin bracelet now encircles your wrist.

Ryvicke pulls on his vaalin lockpick. As he does so, it begins to glow with an intense golden light. The glow stretches out in golden streamers and wraps around his wrist, then with a bright flash the glow disappears.

04-28-2011, 10:34 AM
So it is a self-repairing lockpick and you won't ever need to buy another vaalin again? If yes, then I bid 20,000,000.

04-28-2011, 10:46 AM
So it is a self-repairing lockpick and you won't ever need to buy another vaalin again? If yes, then I bid 20,000,000.

According to the Droughtman last night, when worn in bracelet form it heals "1 point per hour." According to some others I've talked to due to a problem in the script it heals itself instantaeously in bracelet form. I've posted on the officials to see if they can be more clear on this. I'm also doing a little testing in game on the timeframe of how long it takes to repair itself. I'll post the results of what I find.

EDIT: does not appear to heal itself instantly when worn--although my LFM rogue options able to assess this morning have been pretty slim. Wearing it now and will keep assessing throughout the day.

04-28-2011, 11:52 AM
The original versions of these were golvern. Looks like someone altered the look of it without altering the actual script to make it morph into a real vaalin lockpick. Have you assisted to get it looked at?

04-28-2011, 11:54 AM
The original versions of these were golvern. Looks like someone altered the look of it without altering the actual script to make it morph into a real vaalin lockpick. Have you assisted to get it looked at?

I have an assist and a bugitem in about a typo on the loresong--I'm hoping to ask a few other questions on it when that happens.

04-28-2011, 11:56 AM

04-28-2011, 12:09 PM
I have an assist and a bugitem in about a typo on the loresong--I'm hoping to ask a few other questions on it when that happens.

Sounds good. Because I'm sure it's an oversight that it says it's vaalin, but it's actually a golvern lockpick. Hopefully they'll change it into being a real vaalin lockpick instead of making it look like a golvern one. :)

04-28-2011, 12:23 PM
Where are you I can assess it with my LM rogue.

04-28-2011, 12:25 PM
yeah lookin at the modifier it's only 2.3 compared to vaalin which is 2.5. Hopefully they'll upgrade it to true vaalin instead?

04-28-2011, 12:49 PM
Where are you I can assess it with my LM rogue.

Hey Buck thanks that would be great--I'm in RR but can make it to FWI if that works. I can also pass it off and be in any other town as well. I'll go hang in gcommons, feel free to message me on ;lnet or at birdbrains82 on aim.

04-28-2011, 01:08 PM
Thanks a ton to Buckwheet--

So this thing currently holds the modifier/quality stats of a golvern lockpick. I have an assist in and a post in the DM thread to have it changed. I'll keep thread updated on that.

The good news is 90 minutes ago I jammed it into a lock and bent the tip and had an LFM readout of having been repaired twice. When Buck just assessed it said it had never been repaired. So that function is apparently working.

I'll just put the pause on the sale until I get a final answer on my assist.

04-28-2011, 01:50 PM
is this lockpick gone forever in a Acid trap? or it repairs that too?

04-28-2011, 01:52 PM
is this lockpick gone forever in a Acid trap? or it repairs that too?

I'll ask. I'm guessing from the thread on Tsin's bracelet like this (that was supposedly lost to an acid trap), that it will get eaten by an acid trap.

04-28-2011, 02:19 PM
It will get eaten like any other pick.

04-29-2011, 02:33 AM
25m on the pick please

04-29-2011, 05:38 PM
Thanks for bid, Prance. Updated first post with a bit of new info, got a [SEND] from Sirina; just waiting to see if they're going to make any changes to the pick.

04-30-2011, 12:31 AM
GM Tamuz is a hero. Pick is now full-on vaalin with all vaalin modifiers/stats. Auction back on, 25m to Prance!

04-30-2011, 07:33 PM

05-01-2011, 06:49 PM
Two times

05-02-2011, 03:11 PM
Last call, sold at 10pm eastern to Prance if no further bids.