View Full Version : Reactivated Old Account, Auctioning Leftovers as a Lot!

04-28-2011, 09:34 AM
These items are being sold as a group, so you cannot bid on individual items.

I have no idea what most of these items do, but I can tell you that most have properties I haven't listed here. Some of them are extremely old (15+ years).

CB: 300k Middian

a troll king's head [headworn]
a ruby-handled imflass morning star [+24, only 6 lbs]
a pair of web-fingered membranous black gloves [pinworn]
a black hat made of owl feathers with a shiny black opal sewn into the band[ 2 lbs; very small; couple of items]
a dark-stained rosewood staff
some spiders in a vial
a black imflass target shield
a delicate winter rose amulet
some moss-covered white prayer beads strung on a tendril of willow wood
a tiny smooth moon medallion suspended from a gold chain
a wooden wyrdling talisman
a hazy glass ring
a long gleaming wire
a hazy glass ring
a coil of barbed wire
a long gleaming wire
a labradorite towhee charm
a black vest
a silvery swordfish pin
a small rat
a basilisk hide satchel
a small snake
a soft white sack woven from compact strands of rope
a mithril mesh coif
a braided mistwood circlet set with sunstones
a jar of dead slugs
a rune-etched pale green jade pendant
a shimmering silver fish

a watery glaesine globe pendant x10 [A tiny globe of iridescent glaesine crystal has been delicately etched with the continent of Elanith, its shoreline frosted lightly. Encased within the fragile orb is a glowing willow green sphere, floating in pale azure water that sparkles with prismatic shards. A slender cerulean eahnor chain suspends the crystalline charm via a blown-glass loop, allowing the fluid inside to swirl freely and cast tiny waves upon the glaesine.] [You tap your pendant gently, and the willow green sphere within pulsates softly.--not sure what else it does!]

a small patchwork hat [very small, one item] [Covered with several small pieces of patchwork cloth, this hat does not look in the best of shape. Dark and light patches of an unknown fabric cover the hat entirely to the point where one can't tell what's original fabric any more. A single piece of flannel still has a single wisp of straw as if the fabric was only just taken from a scarecrow not to long ago.]


The following items were closed, but the buyers have not contacted me about pickups. I am therefore making them available for buyout offers only (not new bids) while I wait for their purchasers to contact me. The "CBs" shown are not the buyout prices.

a thin-bladed blue vultite handaxe CB: 55k Xanolir
some white feathered angel wings CB: 25k Mr. Dallas
some enruned platinum claws CB: 10k akhann
a vvrael skin quiver CB: 50k BriarFox
a small toad CB: 10k allen
a pair of silly chicken wings CB: 25k Mr. Dallas
a wickedly spiked silver pauldron CB: 50k vprmn123
a silver chrysalis CB: 10k Orp
a blinking fisheye ring CB: 200k Allyxa

a vaalorn faceplate [pinworn; less than 2] [Crafted from pure vaalorn, the faceplate is etched with a gruesome golvern runic design. Intricate and alluring faceted crimson crystals are use for the eyes to give it a mysterious look. The sides refect light, making it glitter ever so lightly. A small but detail crimson flame sigil can be seen near the forehead.] CB: 200k Xorai

a segmented pair of battle boots [4 lbs, very small, couple of items] [The membranous leather lining of these boots has been layered with a carapace-like structure of triangular black leather plates. Each plate in the series curves downward, their points forming a triad of spinal protrusions along the length of each boot reminiscient of some huge insect's exoskeleton. Reaching just below the knee and polished to a gleaming finish, the unique look of these boots combines strange form with elegant practicality.] CB: 100k dszabo

a mistwood ring shaped like a lithe drowned elf maiden CB: 100k Xorai

04-28-2011, 09:38 AM
a troll king's head [headworn] 25k
a pair of web-fingered membranous black gloves [pinworn] 25k
a small patchwork hat 50k

04-28-2011, 09:45 AM
It's being sold as a lot, so you just bid 100k on it.

04-28-2011, 09:53 AM
I was looking for you yesterday in the game, but could not find you in game for my stuff. I'll send you a PM

04-28-2011, 10:00 AM
I'll put a 100k BO on the blinking fisheye ring

04-28-2011, 10:05 AM
I'll go BO on the white feathered angel wings...

04-28-2011, 10:11 AM
I updated the auction description to clarify a few things.

04-28-2011, 10:15 AM
Just make the BO double the Current bid.

04-28-2011, 10:16 AM
I'll pick up that vvrael skin quiver from you later today. Busy atm.

04-28-2011, 10:23 AM
Just make the BO double the Current bid.

That would be a good estimate of how much I'd like, for the most part, exceptions being the more expensive items. For those, a little above the CB would be fine.

04-28-2011, 10:26 AM
Bah, I'm an idiot, was reading fast. I'll go 100k on lot! =p

Gnome Rage
04-28-2011, 10:36 AM
whoever buys the thing, can I get those prayer beads off of you?

04-28-2011, 01:05 PM
So let me get this straight, you're NOT giving me the mace that I won fairly with a 75k bid in your auction that ended on Tuesday night?


Personally, I thought it dumb for him to throw in the 5k increase 2 minutes prior to the auctions closing, so I only posted until 11:59, when all was stated to have ended. After midnight, I was all set. All in all, It's not worth the hassle.


04-28-2011, 01:43 PM
Ya I had a thought on this dispute, if you were upset by his weak 5k upbid, why did you counter with a 5k bid? (shrug)

04-28-2011, 02:40 PM
My pleasure D-R-A-M-A Q-U-E-E-N.

FYI, you put me in the situation by making read your whining on a public folder.

This situation probably could have been resolved with just a PM to Mango. Spiting attitude, “So let me get this straight, you're NOT giving me the mace” and making it public seems unwarranted.

04-28-2011, 02:40 PM
Okay, so to clarify. I'm going to BO on the angle wings for 50k. That right?

04-29-2011, 09:57 AM

Mr. Dallas
04-29-2011, 03:20 PM
I was away on business all week without computer access. I would hope my bids stand.
