View Full Version : Kitsun's Trained Sand Elemental

04-27-2011, 12:05 PM
a qahzumar carapace-cradled crystal shard (neck worn, open and closes)
a small sand elemental

Impress your friends and amaze audiences! I am selling a trained sand elemental that has been trained to perform digging, carving and sandstorms on command. Save yourself countless hours and sapphires. As far as I have ever seen, there are not to many out there fully trained never mind for sale.

"In my opinion, the carving and digging are the most difficult skills to train up. I have been steadily working on this one for over a year and a half to get it to this point (not full time but whenever I remember with materials on hand). It has already eaten a crap ton of sapphires. You can see from the loresong, some other of the skills have had minimal work done on them as well." (Kitsun)

"Carving/digging can be performed sequentially like 3-6 times. I believe it refreshes in either a few hours or next day. One sandstorm can be activate in a room at once, otherwise no timer." (Kitsun)

I have placed about 20-30 stones and have yet to get a similar item.

Carving/Put Smooth Stone on Elemental

>put ston on ele
You place your stone over the coursing, swirling sands of the elemental, attempting to spark its interest.

The sand elemental extends a sandy tendril and snatches the stone from your grasp, then engulfs it into its shifting mass. Tiny whorls of flame chase across its surface as it hovers in the air, spinning rapidly and pulsating ever-quicker as the stone within its heart is ground and spun.

The sand elemental stops its frantic twirling, and slowly extends one of its tendrils as it finishes its shaping, placing a lithe multi-eyed sculpture in your hand.

The sand elemental stops its frantic twirling, and slowly extends one of its tendrils as it finishes its shaping, placing a spiky circular stone sigil wrought with overlapped circles in your hand.

The sand elemental stops its frantic twirling, and slowly extends one of its tendrils as it finishes its shaping, placing a small glassy stone orb scarred with fiery trails of melted stone in your hand.


Your sand elemental suddenly spins and swirls in an ever-tighter vortex, sending out rings of sand in a tiny storm!
The tiny vortex of sand upon the ground begins to weaken slightly.
Waves of pale sand wash over the area, forming a tiny cyclone on the ground.
As quiet as a whisper, the tiny cyclone of sand on the ground dissipates.

Digging -
As long as the ground is soft enough, it will dig up various random items

Loresong training details:

Delving deeply into the elemental, you get a sense that it has mastered carving, isn't very good at holding objects, has mastered digging, has mastered creating a sandstorm, and isn't very good at morphing.

Also, it appears that it isn't very disciplined about flaying a hand, isn't very disciplined about hiding, is fairly disciplined about misbehaving, and isn't very disciplined about casting quakes.

Kitsun's full verb and training guide

MB 5m Vivina TWICE!

BO 8m

Delivery to FWI, RR, ICE, Landing, Ta'Illistim and Vaalor

04-27-2011, 09:50 PM
4m please

04-28-2011, 01:16 AM
Going ONCE!

04-28-2011, 01:39 AM
4.5 mil

04-28-2011, 01:42 AM

04-28-2011, 09:29 AM
Some questions that I answered and bids updates

You analyze your sand elemental and sense that there is no recorded information on that item. It may or may not be able to be worked on by a merchant alterer.

You get no sense of whether or not the elemental may be further lightened.

Is smooth stones the only thing that can be carved? I have tried a few things and the stones are the only thing that worked for me.

Do you have to keep training it? You do not have to keep training it, but sometimes he ll lash out, so I keep water on hand to splash his butt.

Will it forget his teachings?
It will not forget their teachings.

Digging works outside of towns (have not found a spot in a town) and tends to need softer areas to dig, I have a hard time in ICE.

04-28-2011, 10:08 AM
What exactly do they dig for?... Nevermind just read Kitsuns guide..

04-28-2011, 04:19 PM
5m Vivina TWICE! I will end this tonight around 10pm eastern when I get home if no bids.

I just wanted to point out, this took Kitsun over a year to train, countless sapphires and you mostl likely will not see another fully trained one for sale in a while.

No Gnomes Is Good News
04-28-2011, 04:30 PM
Yup, however this one i don't think is FULLY trained. Just trained for the most important stuff if i recall.

It's a bitch to train them in a sense, but if one was wanting I'm sure it could be done easily, I almost was going to work something out on this one with Mid, but I let it go with the Auction to see if anyone would bid before hand. Low and behold, he got bids :)

So now I need to train mine. But definitely fun to have and avoid alot of time with this time since it's trained

04-28-2011, 04:34 PM
Easy is not a term I would use with training them.

I don't think most people know the sheer number of sapphires Kistun produces when his team is out killing things. He ran short.

I, along with others, fed him sapphires. I think I gave him roughly 300 sapphires in a two week period of time, and he still needed more.

I should also mention that my bard sang to bags of gems Kistun pulled while hunting. It was something obscene like 240-250 gems every 3 days and that was after he pulled out the sapphires.

04-28-2011, 04:39 PM
I'll honestly never know if I broke even when I sold this to Mid or not. When I ran short, I was feeding the little bugger the expensive ones.

If it were "easily done" I'm sure you'd have seen more trained elementals on the market than have come up. To my knowledge this is the only one since they were released some 7 years ago now that has had any skills maxed out. These sand elementals break most people, not the other way around.

No Gnomes Is Good News
04-28-2011, 04:43 PM
I'll honestly never know if I broke even when I sold this to Mid or not. When I ran short, I was feeding the little bugger the expensive ones.

If it were "easily done" I'm sure you'd have seen more trained elementals on the market than have come up. To my knowledge this is the only one since they were released some 7 years ago now that has had any skills maxed out. These sand elementals break most people, not the other way around.

Easily done I meant, in respects to it being possible if someone really wanted to train one as best as they could.

With things now, it is possible, although it still takes time. But for someone who was hell bent on training one, and literally doing it for the entire time they log in, it I guess is considered easy.

I'd personally get a sapphire bounty task and keep it if I was going that route. The drop rate would increase as I hunt for them etc and during I'd stockpile t he hell out of them in some alchemy containers heh.

but yes, I agree that is isn't just flat out "Easy", I never said it was, only that it could be easily done for someone wanting to bad enough.

These suckers test the patience, that's for sure, and the guide you made will greatly help others as well.

04-28-2011, 10:01 PM

04-28-2011, 10:04 PM
You only get the amount of gems you require for your bounty on a gem task. This is not easily done as the creature inflicts wounds and roundtime, and I believe you can't just script train it. There may be a diminishing returns system. Finally, Sapphires, while technically infinite, aren't usually available in massive quantities.

No Gnomes Is Good News
04-28-2011, 10:14 PM
You only get the amount of gems you require for your bounty on a gem task. This is not easily done as the creature inflicts wounds and roundtime, and I believe you can't just script train it. There may be a diminishing returns system. Finally, Sapphires, while technically infinite, aren't usually available in massive quantities.

Interesting, cause I thought, and it was said, otherwise.

The rate for said needed gem increases after X amount of it not dropping from looting. The rate will eventually cap off I am sure, but I thought it would still drop them, so long as you never handed them in to complete your task.

But I guess it could work that way as well, if it is the case.

As for scripts, there is one, just not public. I'm fully aware of how the sand elementals work, as I have one as well.