View Full Version : Wanted, wish and trade lists

04-24-2011, 10:47 PM
I'll keep this updated as I think of stuff. Not too hopeful of landing any of it, but never know with the influx of DM items.

Wanted list:
(Items I might like to pick up for coins if they become available at the right price.)
-music stand ("allmine" scripts)

Wish list:
(Items I'd use cash/coins and trade currently used items to acquire)
-blessed (or bless-capable) arrow-generating quiver (mechanical would work as well)
-perm/self mana/enhancive knowledge spell items useful for a barcher (606, etc)

Trade list:
(These are currently in use, but available for the right trade. Details on request.)
-40/8 multi-tier weightless beltworn
-WD-style heavy crossbow (permablessed self-ammo with damage weighting)
-Jastev cloak
-13m exp mage (dark elf, male)

05-25-2011, 09:33 PM
Updated some stuff.