View Full Version : Script to the node in the bog in Ta'Vaalor.

05-08-2004, 10:34 PM
If u have 1, I need 1, so post it plz. Thx.


05-08-2004, 11:15 PM
It's not a node, just a safe spot. But, uh, I can make one just from Tsoran's maps.

Here it is, leaves from inside the NW Gate. Make sure you have a weapon set (READY WEAPON weaponname), a sheath set (STORE SHEATH sheathname), and that the weapon goes in the sheath (STORE SET WEAPON SHEATH) when you use the right verb. If you have a shield, make sure you set that too (READY SHIELD), as well as a STOW container to put it in if you don't wear it (STOW SET containername). A note: since I hunted in the bog (back when clerics still had Repel Undead) I think there's been climb checks put on the gully where you climb, I dunno. If so, just give me a capture, and I'll adjust the script as necessary. At the GO MUD bit, insert the right message in the match for going through the mud, I'm not sure I got it right (Working from memory).

put gird
put go gate
move nw
move nw
put go bridge
move nw
move nw
move n
move nw
move n
move nw
put search
put go crev
move n
move n
move nw
move nw
move n
move n
move nw
move n
move nw
move e
put store weapon
put store shield
pause 1
put climb gully
put ready weapon
put ready shield
pause 1
put go arch
move se
move e
put go mud
match continue You slog

pause 1
move sw
move sw
move e
put go opening

And you're done

05-09-2004, 06:41 AM
Originally posted by TheEschaton
It's not a node, just a safe spot. But, uh, I can make one just from Tsoran's maps.

Ya, thats what I was gonna do if I couldnt find a script, LOL. Thanks for doing it for me.
