View Full Version : 1101

04-13-2011, 08:59 PM
So, I am new to the game and want to enjoy it without scripting early on. If I want to hunt with my spells how long can I get by using 1101? I have 27 days left in my first month and I'm sure I want to be a pure caster/healer who heals for the most part and hunts when no one is around.

I could pump my manipulation lore higher for a bit so that it does more damage right? Is there anyone here that has done something like this?

04-13-2011, 09:02 PM
So, I am new to the game and want to enjoy it without scripting early on. If I want to hunt with my spells how long can I get by using 1101? I have 27 days left in my first month and I'm sure I want to be a pure caster/healer who heals for the most part and hunts when no one is around.

I could pump my manipulation lore higher for a bit so that it does more damage right? Is there anyone here that has done something like this?

I remember Jamus testing this a while back. He pumped a ton of ranks into manipulation and didn't notice a huge difference. I don't remember the exact numbers, but I don't think it is worth it. You'll be able to hunt rats until 10 using it. You could probably get by with some higher level stuff, but you'll need to figure out what has fairly low health.

04-13-2011, 09:17 PM
Should I be looking to just be using a runestaff or what?

04-13-2011, 09:27 PM
If you want to go pure, I'd recommend shield use. Runestaff users tend to have a lower DS and will be subject to disarm later on. The easiest way to get through the first 20-30 levels is to swing, whether it be THW or OHE. Though if you are really stuck on going pure, picking up shield use with .25-.5x brawl will suffice.

04-13-2011, 09:28 PM
Should I be looking to just be using a runestaff or what?

Runestaff. And wands. Lots of wands. Hunting as a low-level empath can be rough, so you'll want to make good use of twisted wands as well as the various wizard bolt ones. I believe empaths with a certain level of alchemy training can also make 1106 wands.

04-13-2011, 09:34 PM
any archer heal emps that cast here?

04-28-2011, 01:44 PM
I'd actually be interested to, to know if that was possible. I have a feeling it would be much harder, seeing how to optimize your archery you need to focus on ambush skills and perception (although perception could be in your wheel-house already). I think it would be hard to balance it in your high levels trying to maintain being both, an archer that casts that is. The other problem would probably be the initial lack of AS from your spells that boost swinging AS versus bolt AS *ranged bolt that is*. So while its possible for a while it's probably not healthy to pursue long run as it will taper and fizzle. I guess I kind of answered my own question in this rant...but still thoughts?

04-28-2011, 02:04 PM
The empath archers I have known have not trained in ambush due to the fact that empaths get 211, 215, and 1130. Training in blessing lore would be much more efficient to raise your AS.

04-28-2011, 02:10 PM
Do those spells apply to all AS forms though? I'm guessing yes since you left out the empath AS and DS boost spell that's name escapes me

04-28-2011, 02:39 PM
1101 = 13.