View Full Version : 5x blood red silk robes zested all weapon resistances with matching hat zested

RaJu Denjik
04-11-2011, 12:18 AM
Currently Taking offers on

some blood red silk robes
-moderately resistant to slashing, crushing, puncturing, impact attacks
conceals 2 daggers in each arm sleeve
-zests listed below

peaked blood red silk wizard's hat
-zested listed below
-pocketed VSA

Robe Zests
>flip robe
With a flick of your wrist, you release your dagger from its hidden location in your sleeve and catch it skillfully in your hand.

>put dag in robe
You discreetly slip your dagger into the sleeve of your red silk robes and deftly secure it with the narrow strap.

>push robe
With a flourish, you cross your arms in front of you, simultaneously releasing the blades from within the sleeves of your red silk robes with practiced ease, and they slide into your waiting hands. You brandish your weapons with an air of confidence.

>raise robe
You raise both arms over your head and bring them around in an arc, while your fingers expertly release the blades concealed within each sleeve. By the time your arms are back at your sides, a weapon is lightly gripped in each hand, and you glance around with a dangerous glint in your eye.

>rub robe
With a small smile, you lightly run your hands down the sleeves of your red silk robes, assuring yourself that you have a weapon easily available.

>pull robe
You gently tug on the sleeve of your red silk robes, straightening the edges and smoothing the fabric. You feel the reassuring weight of the blade concealed within.

>show 3rd person
shows you his red silk robes. Within each sleeve of the robes you see a cleverly concealed strap designed to hold a small weapon in place.

>flip robe
With a discreet flick of the wrist, Nefaru produces a dagger from a concealed location

>push robe
with a flourish, Nefaru crosses his arms in front of him, and suddenly a pair of blades appear in his hands seemingly from nowhere. He brandishes his weapons with an air of confidence.

>stow dagger in robe
you notice Nefaru slip a dagger into the sleeve of his red silk robes.

>Raise Robe
Nefaru raises his arms over his head and brings them around in an arc. By the time his arms are back at his sides, a weapon is lightly gripped in each hand, and Nefaru glances around with a dangerous glint in his eye

>rub robe
With a small smile, Nefaru lightly runs his hands down the sleeves of his red silk robes

>Pull robe
nefaru gently tugs on the sleeve of his red silk robes, straightening the edges and smoothing the fabric

Hat Zests

Droughtman said there was a bow zest but I am unable to figure it out

>kick hat
You reach up and remove your silk wizard's hat, then toss it into the air in front of you. A subtle twist of your shoulders and the hat lands on the center of your chest, quickly spinning down along the length of your body. When it reaches your foot, you give it a fast kick with your toe and it arcs up into the air before you, landing perfectly on your head once again.

>tap hat
You reach up and tip your hat.

>tilt hat
You reach up and tilt your silk wizard's hat so it casts a shadow over your eyes.

>put rh in ha
You reach up and lift one corner of your hat, then quickly stuff a dark grey stuffed rhinoceros inside it.

>get rhino
You reach up and lift one corner of your hat, then rummage around inside it until you find a dark grey stuffed rhinoceros.

>kick hat 3rd person
Nefaru reaches up and removes his silk wizard's hat, then tosses it into the air in front of him. A subtle twist of his shoulders and the hat lands on the center of his chest, quickly spinning down along the length of his body. When it reaches his foot, he gives it a fast kick with his toes and it arcs up into the air before him, landing perfectly on his head once again.

>tap hat 3rd person
Nefaru reaches up and tips his hat.

>tilt hat 3rd person
Nefaru reaches up and tilts his hat so it casts a shadow over his eyes.

>stow Rhino
Nefaru reaches up and lifts one corner of his hat, then quickly stuffs a dark grey stuffed rhinoceros inside it.

>get Rhino
Nefaru reaches up and lifts one corner of his hat, then rummages around inside it until he finds a dark grey stuffed rhinoceros.

Thanks Japhrimel for the singing and information, Also with this Japhrimel was reminded of The Saga of Bloodninja cybering which after reading this site seems to work perfectly for it. Ill link below Rhino will be a part of the set, still haven't figured out what it does though yet

THE SAGA OF BLOODNINJA http://people.ambrosiasw.com/~andrew/funny/bloodcyber.html CTRL +F and type rhino you can see what I'm talking about

MB - 2m

CB- 5M - nichelas GOING THRICE and..... SOLD! PM for pick up

BO - 10m

04-11-2011, 04:20 AM
I can do it.. just contact Japhrimel sometime in the next few days when you're not trying to offer me 1k for my dhe'nar skull

Falling Further
04-11-2011, 04:25 AM
Holy crap ... it really is a Blood Ninja set.

RaJu Denjik
04-11-2011, 07:55 PM

04-11-2011, 08:07 PM
God damn awesome. At least some GM's have a sense of humor.

04-11-2011, 08:51 PM
Hahah WTF!?

04-12-2011, 12:38 AM
Ill link below Rhino will be a part of the set, still haven't figured out what it does though yet [/B]

They fucking charge your ass.

RaJu Denjik
04-12-2011, 09:00 AM
Apprently lol

04-12-2011, 09:38 AM
GMs are people too!

RaJu Denjik
04-12-2011, 10:40 PM
let the bidding begin

04-12-2011, 11:53 PM

04-13-2011, 12:10 AM
3 million silvers!

04-13-2011, 12:21 AM

04-13-2011, 09:34 AM

RaJu Denjik
04-13-2011, 12:41 PM

04-14-2011, 04:26 AM
I steal yo soul and cast Lightning Lvl 1,000,000 Your body explodes into a fine bloody mist, because you are only a Lvl 2 Druid.

RaJu Denjik
04-14-2011, 03:09 PM
5m nichelas going twice.

RaJu Denjik
04-16-2011, 02:30 PM
5M - nichelas GOING THRICE and.....

RaJu Denjik
04-17-2011, 03:44 PM
5M - nichelas GOING THRICE and..... SOLD! PM for pick up