View Full Version : Hsup B Tceles

04-10-2011, 09:48 PM
...a magic spell?

04-10-2011, 09:49 PM
select b push?

04-10-2011, 09:56 PM
Robococopicles? Shoutouts to DR (source: mugoth on Smelly Cat, their unofficials).

The world grows blurry and indistinct. After a moment everything becomes clear again. Looking about, you see...

[Consultation Suite] Large comfortable chairs are arranged in a circle about a small oak table. A vase of brightly colored flowers brightens an otherwise dreary room.
Also here: GameMaster Strindt.
Obvious paths: none.

Strindt says, "Hello."

You say, "Yo."

Strindt says, "You know, you and your friends are becoming a problem."

You ask, "Which friends?"

Strindt smiles.

Strindt asks, "Would they all these accounts be you?"

Strindt says, "We run a friendly game here."

You say, "Maybe this game is friendly, yes."

You say, "But the other one isn't."

Strindt says, "Family fun."

Strindt asks, "Well then why did you log in with the name Thisgamesucks?"

You say, "Because you wouldn't let me be Robocop."

Strindt asks, "That's not indicative of someone who is willing to abide by rules, is it?"

Strindt says, "That's correct."

You say, "Robocop will abide by the rules."

You say, "It's part of his programming."

Strindt says, "This is a fantasy game set in the time period of ancient Greece."

You say, "He can adapt."

Strindt looks over at you and shakes his head.

Strindt says, "It's unacceptable."

You ask, "Serve and protect?"

Strindt asks, "Have you read our rules?"

You say, "Not as such."

Strindt says, "Type policy."

Usage: POLICY <page>

Hercules & Xena Player Policy

Topics Page Topics Page

------------------------------ ------------------------------ Introduction.................1 Score Lists.................11 General......................2 GameMasters.................12 Abusive/Disruptive Behavior..3 Repair/Replacement Of Items.13 Player vs Player Conflict....4 Unique Items................14 Solicitations................5 Game Mechanics..............15 Character Names..............6 Quests And Special Events...16 Bug Abuse....................7 Privacy.....................17 Delays Or Slowdowns..........8 Violations Of Policy........18 Transferring Characters......9 Miscellaneous...............19 Character Purges............10

To read the policy, type POLICY <page>.

You say, "I don't see anything about Robocop."

Strindt says, "Discruptive behaviour."

Strindt says, "Disruptive."

Hercules & Xena Player Policy: Abusive Or Disruptive Behavior

Hercules & Xena is designed for the enjoyment of everyone, and as a general rule, any behavior which is specifically targeted to lessen that enjoyment for another player, may be in violation of Hercules & Xena policy.

Hercules & Xena is known as a "Roleplaying Game" which means that it is assumed that the player will present their character in a manner that is consistent with the medieval fantasy environment. This type of play is termed

"in character" (IC) and means that the player is acting out the part in a believable manner. The term "out of character" means that the player is behaving in a manner which would be inconsistent with his or her character's situation in the game. Generally, it is up to the player to decide how much he or she wants to remain in character while playing Hercules & Xena. However, there can exist situations where being blatantly out of character can be considered abusive behavior: for example, an individual who insists on remaining out-of- character, even when associating with a group of other players which is trying to remain in-character. When one individual is reducing the enjoyment of other players by out-of-character behavior (be it by speech, actions, ESP messages, or any other method of communication within Hercules & Xena), this may be considered as disruptive behavior. Judgment of what is and is not disruptive is entirely at the discretion of Simutronics.

You say, "Generally it is up to the player to decide how much he or she wants to remain in character while playing Hercules & Xena."

Strindt says, "Generally."

Strindt nods.

Strindt says, "But not all cases."

You say, "But Robocop just wants to help people."

Strindt says, "And any use of out-of-character behaviour can be judged aas disruptive."

You ask, "What if I conformed to the standard Herculian behaviour, but stayed as Robocop?"

Strindt says, "No."

Strindt says, "The name is not acceptable."

You say, "I could be Robocopicles."

Strindt says, "Right now, here is what I have to do."

Strindt says, "With the vulgar and disruptive names you have used so far....."

Strindt says, "I'm gonna have to be forced to keep you out of the game for 48 hours."

Strindt says, "During that time...."

Strindt says, "You will be expected to read our entire set of policies, and agree to them."

Strindt says, "You don't seem very remorseful."

Strindt says, "That's too bad."

You say, "Robocop does not know remorse."

You say, "Robocop just knows the law."


You are Robocop the Giant Warrior. You are aligned with the Olympian god Zeus. Strength: Above average (216) Coordination: Average (149) Intelligence: Average (134)

You say, "I am Robocop the Giant Warrior. You are under arrest."

Strindt says, "I hold intent of behaviour above and beyond any rule or law."

You say, "Nothing is above the law."

Strindt says, "Good is more important that some person's word."

Strindt says, "And if you won't be good, I have no choice...."

You say, "Serve and protect."

You feel yourself being pulled away...

[The Cell] You are in a specially-created exitless room. You have been placed here because of your unacceptable activities in Hercules and Xena: Alliance of Heroes, which will no longer be tolerated. Please contact us at hxfeedback@simutronics.com for more information if you so desire. Do not call Simutronics offices regarding this situation. If you do so you will be referred to the e-mail address listed above.
Obvious exits: none.

A cloud of golden sparks suddenly appears in the air, forming the outline of a male Human before resolving into Strindt himself.

Strindt says, "To keep you here until further notice."

You say, "I am confined."

You say, "I cannot leave."

Strindt says, "'Have fun reading."

Strindt winks at you.

You ask, "How will I serve and protect?"

Strindt says, "Read the web site policies, too."

Strindt says, "They're more extensive."

You say, "I have access to the website through my computer brain."

Strindt says, "somehow I get the feeling you already know them."

You say, "Allow me a moment to access."

You say, "Accessing."

Strindt says, "You think in English remarkably well for someone accessing from a German service provider."

You say, "Thank you."

Strindt waves.

You say, "I have access to over 400 different languages."

You say, "Serve and protect."

Strindt says, "And to quote you, 'Have a nice day.'"

Strindt dissolves in a shower of golden sparks as he heads off.

You say, "Yes. Have a nice day."

04-10-2011, 10:00 PM
That was hysterical.

04-10-2011, 10:06 PM
when will Robocop RPG be released?

04-10-2011, 10:18 PM
when will Robocop RPG be released?

New movie in 2013. Statue in Detroit before that.

04-10-2011, 11:11 PM
Fucking great, WB. I almost pooped myself laughing.

04-10-2011, 11:14 PM

04-10-2011, 11:14 PM
Fucking great, WB. I almost pooped myself laughing.

Quite old but every once in a while it rocks.

04-10-2011, 11:17 PM
I'm wondering if anyone else remembers being in Matoyas cave? .... I'd rep you Delias but it wont let me right now..

04-10-2011, 11:18 PM
I'm wondering if anyone else remembers being in Matoyas cave? .... I'd rep you Delias but it wont let me right now..

All she wanted was her damn crystal...

04-10-2011, 11:20 PM
I'm wondering if anyone else remembers being in Matoyas cave? .... I'd rep you Delias but it wont let me right now..

...and she became a man on the PlayStation!

Yep, I'm that much of a geek.


04-10-2011, 11:35 PM
I actually just recently RE bought it with Wii points.. 100% straight transfer of the old game.. none of the REVAMPED ez mode stuff... all the way down to the 4 letter names.. I'm getting my youngest son into it... FF1 is like the most nostalgic crack ever

04-10-2011, 11:42 PM
I actually just recently RE bought it with Wii points.. 100% straight transfer of the old game.. none of the REVAMPED ez mode stuff... all the way down to the 4 letter names.. I'm getting my youngest son into it... FF1 is like the most nostalgic crack ever

I still play mine on my original working NES from time to time. It's honestly something of a miracle that both still function.

Lady Lightning
04-10-2011, 11:45 PM
You say, "I have access to the website through my computer brain."


04-10-2011, 11:52 PM
there's an incredible log floating around somewhere where the last chance renaming place was FUCKING PACKED... I think Jesus was there

04-11-2011, 05:02 AM
Jypsies web site had a small snap shot of it posted, but i dont see the full log.

Guess it was from back in 98?

What she had:

Also in the room: Allonrick who is seated, Thief, Yum, Wicked, Smooth, Wench,
GameMaster Lady Aelsidhe, Lol, Spring, Iknowoj, Bite, Lady Vaalkyrie, Satanie,
Vaalkyrie says, "Satan, it is viewed as Satan-ism...particularly with your
last name."
Donjuan moves to the wooden desk to get her key from the proprietor. With
a yawn, Donjuan wanders off to her room.
Popeye moves to the wooden desk to get his key from the proprietor. With
a yawn, Popeye wanders off to his room.
Bowtothe says, "and names like"
Bowtothe says, "dill dough"
Goat exclaims, "Aw..popeye!"
Prissy just arrived.
With a slightly embarrassed look, Phallic suddenly appears.
You see Phallic Symbol the Human Rogue.
Phallic asks, "whats wrong with my name?"

With a slightly embarrassed look, Dracula suddenly appears.
You see Monkey Business the Sylvankind Cleric.
You see Canyoufind Waldo the Giantman Rogue.
You see Eazy Doze'it the Giantman Warrior.
You see Boundforthe Lastchanceinn' the Human Warrior.
With a slightly embarrassed look, Elvis suddenly appears.
You see Elvis P'resley the Half-Elf Bard.
With a slightly embarrassed look, Duracell suddenly appears.
You see Smooth Operator' the Human Warrior.
You see Wench D'Tavern the Elf Rogue.
You see Flash N'DaShadows the Half-Elf Rogue
You see Wicked Sinful the Human Warrior.
You see Spring Showers the Human Warrior.
You see Thief O'pockets the Giantman Rogue.
You see Bite Me' the Human Warrior.
You see Somebodyplease Helpme the Half-Elf Wizard.
You see Yum Dumpling the Halfling Rogue.
With a slightly embarrassed look, Superman suddenly appears.
With a slightly embarrassed look, Jesus suddenly appears.
You see Jesus Christ the Human Cleric.
Iknowoj says, "wench, yer name's gotta go"
Iknowoj says, "it offends me"
Iknowoj says, "i know someone you can go after "
Iknowoj says, "Ohr"
You see Iknowoj Did-It the Human Warrior.

04-11-2011, 05:07 AM
Found a better/longer version ON krakii

Kinda long:

This is what goes on in the Last Chance Inn and it was dated August 12, 1998. The following is all true, with nothing added and parts deleted for clarity.

************************************************** *******************

Your name is considered too modern for a medieval fantasy setting. Please avoid references to modern technology, celebrities, science fiction, recent history, or slang.

************************************************** *******************

Snackpack Puddingcup, you have been moved to another room so that you can pick an appropriate name for your character. Your silver, experience, fame, deeds, and any equipment have all been saved, and will be returned to to you when you haved a new name. Please type CHECK IN and select the RETIRE FAMILY option. Please note that you have 1 week to reroll. After that time your items, exp, deeds and silver will be lost.

************************************************** *******************

You are healed.
[The Last Chance Inn, Front Desk]
Also in the room: Lol, Spring, Goat, Bowtothe, Iknowoj, Bite, Lady Vaalkyrie, Satanie, Shaandril
Iknowoj asks, "lol?"

Popeye just wandered down the stairs but has not properly renamed his character.

Goat exclaims, "Aw..popeye!"

Prissy just arrived.
Bite asks, "What's wrong with Lol?"

A shaft of scintillating light suddenly pierces the ceiling and strikes the ground next to you. The beam of light then explodes in a shower of sparks and Aelsidhe is standing in its place.

Aelsidhe coughs.

Popeye moves to the wooden desk to get his key from the proprietor. With a yawn, Popeye wanders off to his room.

Lol laughs!

Aelsidhe says, "OK the lot of you."

Prissy moves to the wooden desk to get his key from the proprietor. With a yawn, Prissy wanders off to his room.

Bite says, "I got Sun Shine"

Popeye just wandered down the stairs but has not properly renamed his character.

With a slightly embarrassed look, Wench suddenly appears.

Aelsidhe smiles.

Gldenmoose just arrived.

Vaalkyrie says, "Bite ME...go"

Bowtothe says, "and names like"

Bowtothe says, "dill dough"

Popeye moves to the wooden desk to get his key from the proprietor. With a yawn, Popeye wanders off to his room.

Bowtothe says, "that guy was a rebel"

With a slightly embarrassed look, Smooth suddenly appears.
Smooth says, "heh"

Bowtothe moves to the wooden desk to get his key from the proprietor. With a yawn, Bowtothe wanders off to his room.

Smooth says, "Doh"

Aelsidhe says, "Change em."

Aelsidhe smiles.

Iknowoj says, "hmph"

Wench says, "alright..I just want a tiny explanation..I'm a serving wench..I'll change it but I'd like to know why"

Donjuan moves to the wooden desk to get her key from the proprietor. With a yawn, Donjuan wanders off to her room.

Smooth says, "Now what's wrong with Smooth Operator"

look wen

You see Wench D'Tavern the Elf Rogue.
She appears to be in her 30's, has very long sandy blond hair, blue eyes, and tanned skin.
She is in good shape.She is wearing nothing special.
Iknowoj says, "mine's just a true statement"
Wench says, "I find a fabulous role playing name"

Wench sighs.


Wench says, "and it's been taken from me"
look smooth

Smooth exclaims, "Wench!"
You see Smooth Operator' the Human Warrior.

He appears to be in his 30's, has long, straight light brown hair, brown eyes, and lily white skin.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing nothing special.
Aelsidhe blinks.

Goat exclaims, "Wench!"

With a slightly embarrassed look, Duracell suddenly appears.
Vaalkyrie says, "Satan, it is viewed as Satan-ism...particularly with your last name."

Aelsidhe says, "If you wanted to play a wench, I'd believe it more if your name was 'Bambi'"

Wench says, "Bambi was taken, my daughter has it"
Smooth exclaims, "heh!"
Aelsidhe chuckles.

Aelsidhe laughs!

Bite says, "heh"

Iknowoj says, "that's a fine name"


Wench says, "ah but Wench..a wench arrives, bring drinks"

Aelsidhe says, "Hmm how bout Brandu"
Vaalkyrie says, "or Debby"

Aelsidhe exclaims, "brandi!"

[The Last Chance Inn, Front Desk]

Also in the room: Wicked, Duracell, Flash, Smooth, Wench, GameMaster Lady Aelsidhe, Lol, Spring, Goat, Iknowoj, Bite, Lady Vaalkyrie, Satanie, Shaandril

Obvious exits: none.
Duracell moves to the wooden desk to get his key from the proprietor. With a yawn, Duracell wanders off to his room.

Vaalkyrie whistles tunelessly to herself.
Aelsidhe giggles.

Iknowoj asks, "duracell?"

look flash

You see Flash N'DaShadows the Half-Elf Rogue.
She appears to be in her 30's, has long, braided black hair, dark eyes, and dark skin.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing nothing special.
Aelsidhe grins.

With a slightly embarrassed look, Yum suddenly appears.

look wic
look spring

You see Wicked Sinful the Human Warrior.
He appears to be in his 20's, has long, straight light brown hair, brown eyes, and lily white skin.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing nothing special.
Wench says, "tis not as if I'm going to train mahself much, just have some fun with the role playing aspect in helgas"

look bite
You see Spring Showers the Human Warrior.

She appears to be in her 20's, has long, straight light brown hair, brown eyes, and lily white skin.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing nothing special.
You see Bite Me' the Human Warrior.

She appears to be in her 30's, has long, straight light brown hair, brown eyes, and lily white skin.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing nothing special.
Wench sighs.

Iknowoj says, "wench, yer name's gotta go"

Bite says, "Yum Dumpling..."

With a slightly embarrassed look, Thief suddenly appears.

Flash moves to the wooden desk to get her key from the proprietor. With a yawn, Flash wanders off to her room.

Wench says, "If mah name offends ye then I surely will retrain"
look wen
Iknowoj says, "it offends me"

You see Wench D'Tavern the Elf Rogue.

She appears to be in her 30's, has very long sandy blond hair, blue eyes, and tanned skin.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing nothing special.
Thief says, "My name ain't bad"

Thief sighs.

look thief
Vaalkyrie just gave Aelsidhe a smooch.

You see Thief O'pockets the Giantman Rogue.

He appears to be in his 20's, has very long dark brown hair, blue eyes, and pale skin.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing nothing special.
Vaalkyrie says, "it's like Wench, Theif...it's not a name, it's a job classification"

Thief says, "Ya can't know my real name"
Yum asks, "Can someone tell me what is wrong with Yum please?"
Bite asks, "Is Bite okay if I have another last name?"

Aelsidhe says, "Snackpack.. you gotta go tho."

Thief says, "Or ye'd catch me"
look ikno

Iknowoj says, "i know someone you can go after "
Wench exclaims, "But people call mah mommy a wench all the time!"

Iknowoj says, "ohr"

Aelsidhe grins.

You see Iknowoj Did-It the Human Warrior.

He appears to be in his 30's, has long, straight light brown hair, brown eyes, and lily white skin.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing nothing special.
'Smooth is a nice name...

You say, "Smooth is a nice name..."
'It kinda rolls off my tongue.

You say, "It kinda rolls off my tongue."

Smooth says, "heh, I thought so too"
[The Last Chance Inn, Front Desk]

Also in the room: Allonrick who is seated, Thief, Yum, Wicked, Smooth, Wench, GameMaster Lady Aelsidhe, Lol, Spring, Iknowoj, Bite, Lady Vaalkyrie, Satanie, Shaandril

Obvious exits: none.
With a slightly embarrassed look, Boundforthe suddenly appears.

With a slightly embarrassed look, Somebodyplease suddenly appears.

Wench says, "hrm"

look smo

Somebodyplease says, "somebodyplease helpme"
You see Smooth Operator' the Human Warrior.
He appears to be in his 30's, has long, straight light brown hair, brown eyes, and lily white skin.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing nothing special.
With a slightly embarrassed look, Jesus suddenly appears.

Iknowoj asks, "boundforthe lastchanceinn?"

Iknowoj says, "hahaha"

Wench says, "now there's a good one"

Boundforthe says, "hee hee"

Jesus grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.

Iknowoj says, "jesus? "

Somebodyplease says, "aelsidhe...whenever I make new characters"

Somebodyplease says, "it doesn't save them"

Somebodyplease says, "that's why I need youtopleasehelpme"

look bite

You see Bite Me' the Human Warrior.
She appears to be in her 30's, has long, straight light brown hair, brown eyes, and lily white skin.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing nothing special.
look somebo

You see Somebodyplease Helpme the Half-Elf Wizard.
He appears to be in his 20's, has very long dark brown hair, blue eyes, and fair skin.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing nothing special.
With a slightly embarrassed look, Jesus suddenly appears.

look jesu

You see Jesus Christ the Human Cleric.

He appears to be in his 20's, has long, straight light brown hair, brown eyes, and lily white skin.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing nothing special.
With a slightly embarrassed look, Phallic suddenly appears.
Phallic asks, "why am I here?"

look yum

You see Yum Dumpling the Halfling Rogue.
She appears to be in her 20's, has shoulder length, wavy light brown hair, hazel eyes, and tanned skin.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing nothing special.
Phallic asks, "whats wrong with my name?"

Aelsidhe pokes Iknowoj in the ribs.

look phal

You see Phallic Symbol the Human Rogue.
He appears to be in his 30's, has long, straight light brown hair, brown eyes, and fair skin.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing nothing special.
Vaalkyrie says, "Phallic, if you have to ask..."

Aelsidhe stares at Phallic.

Iknowoj says, "not only do i know Oj"
Iknowoj exclaims, "i know he did it!"

Iknowoj says, "damn lawyers"

Somebodyplease says, "we should make names of people from AD&D books, like I could be - David "Zeb" cook"

Aelsidhe says, "it's bad. Go change it, or we will call your mom."

Aelsidhe nods to Phallic.

Boundforthe asks, "whats phallic?"

Iknowoj says, "hehe"

Aelsidhe says, "If you dont want us to call your mom...."

Aelsidhe says, "Best change it."
With a slightly embarrassed look, Elvis suddenly appears.

Smooth says, "I hope Spy gets away"

Iknowoj exclaims, "he lives!"

look elvis

You see Elvis P'resley the Half-Elf Bard.
He appears to be in his 20's, has short, straight black hair, dark eyes, and tanned skin.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing nothing special.
Lol points at Elvis.

Lol exclaims, "!!"

With a slightly embarrassed look, Eazy suddenly appears.

look bound

You see Boundforthe Lastchanceinn' the Human Warrior.
He appears to be in his 20's, has long, straight light brown hair, brown eyes, and lily white skin.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing nothing special.
Smooth says, "aww Eazy"

With a slightly embarrassed look, Dracula suddenly appears.

look eazy

Iknowoj says, "elvis lives"
With a slightly embarrassed look, Superman suddenly appears.
You see Eazy Doze'it the Giantman Warrior.

He appears to be in his 20's, has shoulder length, wavy black hair, green eyes, and tanned skin.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing nothing special.
Iknowoj says, "well he did"

Superman asks, "what?"

Superman grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.

Bite says, "aww"

Satandood says, "hey"

Satandood says, "I wanted Superman"

With a slightly embarrassed look, Canyoufind suddenly appears.

With a slightly embarrassed look, Spira suddenly appears.

look can

You see Canyoufind Waldo the Giantman Rogue.

He appears to be in his 20's, has shoulder length, wavy dark brown hair, green eyes, and tanned skin.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing nothing special.
Iknowoj says, "no i don't know oj"

Iknowoj says, "i know oj DID IT"

Canyoufind asks, "whats wrong with me name?"

With a slightly embarrassed look, Monkey suddenly appears.

look monk

You see Monkey Business the Sylvankind Cleric.
She appears to be in her 20's, has very long light brown hair, green eyes, and tanned skin.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing nothing special.
With a slightly embarrassed look, Dracula suddenly appears.

Monkey says, "hmph"

Smooth says, "Whew"
Dracula says, "that was quick"

Monkey moves to the wooden desk to get her key from the proprietor. With a yawn, Monkey wanders off to her room.

04-11-2011, 04:56 PM
both of those are hilarious...

04-11-2011, 05:00 PM
Did anyone else notice the GM in the robocop log left in a golden shower?

04-11-2011, 05:00 PM
You see Iknowoj Did-It the Human Warrior.

04-11-2011, 10:13 PM
So, Vaalkyrie was in the LCI WITH the GM and not being renamed? Niiice.

04-11-2011, 10:15 PM
Even better, that was one of the enforcers.