View Full Version : Twined Faenor Ivy Vine Band

04-10-2011, 10:11 PM
Full description: a twined faenor ivy vine band studded with tiny ruby berries.

The faenor ivy vine band contains the spell Dauntless, from the Paladin circle.

*You also feel a faint drawing sensation from it, as though when its charge is depleted, it may be refilled.

The band resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 4 to Two-Handed Weapons Bonus.
The band looks to have more than your average giantman could count charges remaining.

You sense that the faenor ivy vine band will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended.

You sense that the faenor ivy vine band will persist after its last magical charge has been expended.

MB: 50k

CB: 6m, WRoss, SOLD!

04-10-2011, 10:13 PM

04-10-2011, 10:18 PM
Nice ring! Is it rechargeable?

04-10-2011, 10:34 PM

04-10-2011, 10:46 PM
If it's rechargeable, then 5.

04-10-2011, 10:57 PM
It is rechargeable. I had to double check the loresong.

04-10-2011, 11:06 PM
can you post it?

04-10-2011, 11:13 PM
You sing ethereally in Guildspeak:

"Band that I hold
Let your purpose now be told"

Roundtime: 6 sec.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the faenor ivy vine band in your hand, and you learn something about it...

You sense a faint aura of magic around the faenor ivy vine band. You also feel a faint drawing sensation from it, as though when its charge is depleted, it may be refilled. From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the band is to cast a spell or perform some magical purpose. Also, it seems to have some sort of enhancive properties.

You sing ethereally in Guildspeak:

"Band that I hold
Let your magic now be told"

Roundtime: 6 sec.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the faenor ivy vine band in your hand...

This is a magical item, which casts spells from the Spirit sphere. It has several charges.
The band resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus to Two-Handed Weapons Bonus.
You think that you could probably find out something more about the band's enhancive properties if you tried.

You sing ethereally in Guildspeak:

"Band that I hold
Let your special ability now be told"

Roundtime: 7 sec.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the faenor ivy vine band in your hand...

The faenor ivy vine band contains the spell Dauntless, from the Paladin circle.

The band resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 4 to Two-Handed Weapons Bonus.
The band looks to have more than your average giantman could count charges remaining.

You sense that the faenor ivy vine band will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended.

You sense that the faenor ivy vine band will persist after its last magical charge has been expended.

That's the loresong. Pretty much what I already posted.

04-10-2011, 11:18 PM

04-11-2011, 01:19 AM

04-11-2011, 01:22 AM
10 mil

04-11-2011, 02:21 AM
Updated before bedtime.

04-11-2011, 05:30 PM
Updated again!

04-11-2011, 05:42 PM
So really, no capped mage can reliably put a charge in a dauntless rechargable over and over again without green'ing it?

04-11-2011, 05:43 PM

04-11-2011, 05:46 PM
Thought I was in the other thread with an MR where someone asked about going to Melgo's and recharging it there.


So are capped mages cool at recharging 1606?

04-11-2011, 05:52 PM
No, recharging that over time with a capped mage would green it sooner or later.

04-11-2011, 05:53 PM
Most that want it either have a charging crystal or will wait until a charging merchant comes around.

04-11-2011, 05:55 PM
So short of charging crystals and merchants on even a 6th level out of circle spell a capped wizard is useless?


04-11-2011, 10:06 PM
You know, I really thing Charge Item gets more of a bad rap than it deserves. Yes, eventually a mage rechargeable item being recharged by a mage will eventually stop working. This doesn't mean that it will turn green but it might and the end result will be the same, it will stop working.

But, a capped wizard trained properly for charge item can re-charge a Dauntless item without greening it. Maybe it's not a good idea to take it all the way to 40 charges each time but it shouldn't be that risky and you should get pretty close to 40 if not 40 since it's so low mana, spirit spell or not.

The big question is, how many charges do you get out of the item before the mage either gets unlucky and it greens or it just degrades all the way and can't be charged anymore? I really never see anyone actually back up any of the claims that charge item is useless with facts. If you could recharge it 10 times before it died would that be good, 20 times? What's the magic number? Granted, I doubt people would be willing to pay 10+ mil for one when they know eventually it will stop working of course, but if you know about how many charges you would get, what would the value be then?

I happen to have a MR dauntless item that I will be recharging with my capped mage and it's currently still completely fresh so I will endeavor to keep track of exactly how many charges I get out of it and we shall see.

04-11-2011, 10:17 PM
I'd be interested in seeing that research for sure, Herachio. Just use it sparingly and give the orb one rub with each recharge. Use ;charge and ;cstatus to keep track and don't try to push it to 40 every time. I would think a capped mage could keep a 1606 item running for awhile, unless 517 truly truly sucks the balls.

04-11-2011, 10:57 PM
Xorai has unfortunately retracted his bid of 10 mil so I am going back to the next highest bid and starting back from there.

04-11-2011, 11:32 PM
Yeah, it really doesn't suck. It only sucks when you compare it to a capped mage before the changes and well, that can be said about a lot of things.

I guess I really need to figure out Lich, I assume those are Lich scripts you mentioned.

04-11-2011, 11:34 PM
Oh, sorry for highjacking your thread Ltlprprincess. I'll stop talking about charge item here, forgot this was a sale thread.

As for your item I've seen almost anyone who has a Dauntless MR want 10 mil for them, so the price is right on and yours in an enhancive to boot.

04-11-2011, 11:36 PM
Dauntless is a spell that is in a spell enhancive item. That same person also has a box that makes mage rechargables. If you know said person, all you need to do is use your bounty points to recharge the item and they'll make a rechargable or ten for you. To be fair, though, the amount of bounty points you'd spend would be worth about 4-5m.

04-12-2011, 12:48 AM
Updated before bedtime.

04-12-2011, 04:56 AM
I've been recharging--SUCCESSFULLY--a dauntless rod of mine for a few *years* now.

Just rubbing it once, etc. It's still over 30 charges. 517 does get a bit of a bad rap, but if you're trained properly for charging, it's not all bad.

Being a level 6 spell helps a lot.

04-12-2011, 11:35 PM

04-13-2011, 12:38 AM
Sold to WRoss for 6 mil