08-05-2003, 03:22 PM
Okay, here's the log. It took me like an hour to clean it out, and I missed some of it because it's Bob's log and he moved around a lot. Also about halfway through I went hunting, so I didn't know about a lot of the things that happened, heh.
>Simp just arrived.
>Simp rubs a crystal amulet.
Simp gets an odd look on his face.
>As Simp pulls on his crystal amulet, his expression grows darker.
Simp whispers, "HI BOBMUTHOL IT'S ME PEAM."
>Wariquan says, "Dat think couldnt hurt Waridiothm"
wt app simp
>Simp should be easy, yet still give you some experience.
>Simp squeals.
Wariquan swings a closed fist at Edaarin!
AS: +144 vs DS: +45 with AvD: -5 + d100 roll: +51 = +145
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Love tap upside Edaarin's head!
>Alisin shuffles her feet.
>Edaarin gasps.
Lord Edaarin just went south.
Wariquan snickers.
Simp asks, "Can I play?"
Simp slings a heavy crossbow off from over his shoulder.
Simp frowns.
Wariquan says, "You can try"
Lord Edaarin just arrived.
You frown at Simp.
You see Simp.
He appears to be a Halfling.
He appears to be very young and short. He has almond-shaped black eyes and alabaster skin. He has raggedly cut, tangled white hair. He has a round face, a broken nose and frown lines.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a heavy crossbow in his left hand.
He is wearing a crystal amulet, a well-oiled canvas knapsack, some fitted greenish-black trousers, a dark green leather belt, a veniom threaded harness, some myklian scale gauntlets, some rugged spike-soled boots, and some light leather.
Simp frowns at you.
Alisin tries to pull Edaarin towards her.
Simp waves a heavy crossbow around.
>Simp kneels down.
>Edaarin says, "I think I might just wind up selling the falchion I just bought."
>Edaarin snickers.
Bisco says, "How'd I see that comin"
Simp says, "I thought someone was getting beaten up."
Simp knocks his spike-soled boots against each other in turn and manages to dislodge some of the mud and dust clinging to his heels. Well, it's a start.
Simp slings a heavy crossbow over his shoulder.
Simp frowns.
Simp sits up.
Simp hums distractedly to himself.
Edaarin searches around for a moment.
Edaarin searches around for a moment.
>Wariquan searches around for a moment.
Edaarin crouches, sweeps a leg at Wariquan and connects!
MS: +309 - MD: +327 + MAvA: +21 + d100: +6 == +9
Edaarin futilely whacks Wariquan's legs!
Edaarin splutters.
Wariquan comes out of hiding.
Wariquan crouches, sweeps a leg at Edaarin and connects!
MS: +327 - MD: +309 + MAvA: -21 + d100: +41 == +38
Wariquan futilely whacks Edaarin's legs!
>Edaarin stands up.
>Simp stands up.
>Simp hisses.
>Simp just went south.
>Edaarin crouches, sweeps a leg at Wariquan and connects!
MS: +309 - MD: +223 + MAvA: +21 + d100: +22 == +129
Wariquan falls to the ground! Edaarin deftly regains his footing.
Wariquan gasps.
>Edaarin hums distractedly to himself.
Edaarin swings a closed fist at Wariquan!
AS: +200 vs DS: -10 with AvD: -23 + d100 roll: +86 = +273
... and hits for 2 points of damage!
Glancing blow to Wariquan's right leg!
>* Misty returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Wariquan tucks his chin towards his chest and falls to the ground in an elegant roll. He tumbles smoothly and springs to his feet, ready for action!
>Edaarin nods to Wariquan.
>Wariquan crouches, sweeps a leg at Edaarin and connects!
MS: +327 - MD: +206 + MAvA: -21 + d100: +15 == +115
Edaarin falls to the ground! Wariquan deftly regains his footing.
att edaa
I could not find what you were referring to.
>Wariquan snickers.
>Edaarin leaps from hiding to attack!
Edaarin swings a closed fist at Wariquan!
AS: +200 vs DS: +149 with AvD: -23 + d100 roll: +44 = +72
A clean miss.
*Journeyman Balaa joins the adventure.
>att edaa * Silnan Mourngale joins the adventure.
>* Doroon Torvikson joins the adventure.
You swing a closed fist at Edaarin!
AS: +184 vs DS: +45 with AvD: -5 + d100 roll: +64 = +198
... and hit for 1 point of damage!
A feeble blow to Edaarin's left arm!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>Wariquan sticks out his tongue and lets loose with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from his lips!
>Edaarin swings a closed fist at you!
AS: +200 vs DS: +15 with AvD: -7 + d100 roll: +48 = +226
... and hits for 5 points of damage!
Glancing blow to your right leg!
>stance dYou are now in a defensive stance.
>Edaarin says, "Ack"
Alisin says, "Rolton1"
Edaarin slings a burled oak light arbalest off from over his shoulder.
>Alisin gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>Alisin gestures.
An invisible force guides Alisin.
Edaarin swings a burled oak light arbalest at a rolton!
AS: +118 vs DS: +4 with AvD: +20 + d100 roll: +77 = +211
... and hits for 58 points of damage!
Vertebrae in neck disintegrate from impact!
Neck sinks into shoulders.
The rolton collapses to the ground, emits a final bleat, and dies.
Edaarin says, "Me first."
>Edaarin whistles tunelessly to himself.
>Edaarin slings a burled oak light arbalest over his shoulder.
>Alisin glances at Edaarin and begins to wail!
Alisin raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Alisin gestures.
A pearlescent emanation extends outward to encompass Alisin and those nearby.
>Alisin taps Edaarin lightly on his shoulder.
Alisin swings a closed fist at Edaarin!
AS: +233 vs DS: +45 with AvD: -5 + d100 roll: +88 = +271
... and hits for 2 points of damage!
Thumped Edaarin's chest.
The guiding force leaves Alisin.
>Edaarin stares off into space.
wt app alisin
Alisin gawks at Edaarin.
>Alisin could probably wipe the floor with you.
Wariquan says, "Heh"
>Edaarin asks, "Did you see Barumples shoot me?"
Alisin nods to Edaarin.
>Wariquan snickers.
>Wariquan says, "Pfft"
Wariquan says, "He's pansified wit redux"
Alisin asks, "Yours is better?"
>You clearly say, "I bet I can injure you with a knife."
You nod to Edaarin.
Edaarin says, "A rogue my training could kill me."
Edaarin says, "I could probably kill Boomsplat."
Wariquan says, "Jes by a lil bit"
>Edaarin says, "If he didn't have a shield out."
>Wariquan nods to Alisin.
>You clearly say, "I did kill Boomsplat."
>Edaarin says, "Without feras."
>Edaarin chuckles.
You smirk.
Alisin asks, "I've raised Boomsplat, that count?"
Wariquan just handed Edaarin some coins.
Wariquan says, "Dropped that"
Wariquan nods to Edaarin.
Edaarin says, "Get some coins"
>Edaarin kicks Wariquan!
Alisin says, "He did, he had yours."
couple minutes later....
You clearly exclaim, "Kill Bekke!"
>Grendeg says, "Greetings, Bekke."
Grendeg nods to you.
Wariquan kisses Bekke on the hand.
You might be able to take on Grendeg, but with some risk to your health.
Bekke smiles at Wariquan.
You clearly say, "Not interested."
>Wariquan says, "Madam waggler"
You wave a hand at Grendeg, dismissing him indifferently.
>* High Lord Starsnuffer Sunslayer joins the adventure.
Starsnuffer just arrived.
>Bekke says, "Good evening Wariquan."
>Grendeg says, "Greetings, Starsnuffer."
Bekke glances at you.
Wariquan nods to Starsnuffer in greeting.
Bekke says, "I'd really rather you didn't kill me."
Starsnuffer says, "Good evening."
Bekke smiles at Starsnuffer.
Wariquan begins chuckling at Bekke!
>Strands of lightning burst from the silver staff as Starsnuffer waves it at
>a velnalin!
>Grendeg sighs.
>The web of electricity encasing the velnalin savagely shocks it!
... 20 points of damage!
Electric shot gives the velnalin a really bad cramp.
The velnalin is stunned!
>The web of electricity encasing the velnalin savagely shocks it!
... 10 points of damage!
Mild electric jolt sends the velnalin into spasms.
The web of electricity encasing the velnalin savagely shocks it!
... 10 points of damage!
Mild electric jolt sends the velnalin into spasms.
The velnalin is stunned!
>The web of electricity encasing the velnalin savagely shocks it!
... 10 points of damage!
Mild electric jolt sends the velnalin into spasms.
>Edaarin says, "Sure is taking al long time to kill a velnalin."
The web of electricity encasing the velnalin savagely shocks it!
... 20 points of damage!
Electric shot gives the velnalin a really bad cramp.
The velnalin is stunned!
>Edaarin slings a burled oak light arbalest over his shoulder.
A velnalin trots south.
You quietly whisper to Simp, "I <3 U"
>Rorac arrogantly says, "I feel so outclassed here."
Grendeg nods to Starsnuffer.
Simp whispers, "LOL U <3Z MEEE"
Starsnuffer says, "That Eahlstan fellow is getting married in a few days, perhaps you can dance there"
>Starsnuffer nods to Bekke.
>Grendeg asks, "What sort of gown?"
>You quietly whisper to Rorac, "Simp whispers, "LOL U <3Z MEEE""
>Meritis just arrived.
>Rorac glances at Simp.
>You quietly whisper to Rorac, "It's Peam."
Simp raises an eyebrow in Rorac's direction.
Rorac arrogantly says, "Crossbows are weak"
Simp says, "Not when you shoot someone in the eye."
>Starsnuffer grins.
>Simp shrugs.
Grendeg says, "I chose not to say it though."
>You are now in an offensive stance.
>You hurl yourself at Simp and connect!
MS: +88 - MD: +12 + MAvA: -11 + d100: +49 == +114
You knock Simp flat and jump to your feet. Smooth!
Roundtime: 7 sec.
>Simp says, "Halp."
You clearly say, "No, crossbows are weak."
Simp sits up.
Bekke says, "this was made for me, I had no say. But I do like it."
>Simp moves to a kneeling position.
>Simp slings a heavy crossbow off from over his shoulder.
Simp nods.
You clearly say, "Don't be surprised if I kill you for it."
Alisin's group just arrived.
Alisin's group went up the porch steps.
Simp says, "I'm not going to do it."
You clearly say, "Oh, that's a relief."
>Simp says, "The key to using a crossbow properly is being sneaky."
Simp shrugs.
Starsnuffer asks, "what happens when someone pulls the cord?"
>Simp fires his heavy crossbow at Bobmuhthol but the shot flies wide of the target!
The heavy crossbow bolt flies off to the south!
Simp says, "Like so."
You draw the vultite longsword. It makes a strange sound as it slides from your harness, like the distant scream of a forlorn soul.
You are now in an offensive stance.
>amb simp l leg
I could not find what you were referring to.
Simp comes out of hiding.
Simp stands up.
You deftly twirl your vultite longsword around your finger and stuff it in your leather weapons harness.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Simp just arrived.
>Simp hugs you.
>Rorac arrogantly says, "Simp, shoot me in the eye so I have a reason to hit you with my brawling weapon, or tackle you once."
>Grendeg glances at Rorac.
Heidi just punched Rorac!
>Rorac thumps Heidi!
You quietly whisper to Rorac, "Please kill Heidi. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE."
You see Heidi Sherae.
She appears to be a Halfling.
She appears to be immature. She has mischievous green eyes and freckled skin. She has long, braided bright red hair worn in two pigtails. She has a big mouth.
She has developed slurred speech.
She is holding a backpack in her right hand.
She is wearing a dainty pink crown, a princess-cut chrysoberyl pin, a thin veil iron chain, a dainty crystalline amulet, some pearly pink half-gloves, a deathly black halfcloak emblazoned with the image of a flaming tart, a princess-cut blue dreamstone buckle, some buffed halfling leathers, and a small pink mushroom bag.
Heidi says, "eeeeeeeeeeeee"
>* Spender returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Zorcous returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Khitajrah returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
You hear the voice of Simp say, "Kailani was crusty."
>wt app heidHeidi would have a slight advantage over you.
>Heidi giggles.
>Heidi says, "crustified"
>Alisin's group just arrived.
Shirkon just arrived.
>* Anneus joins the adventure.
Shirkon just went south.
>Alisin's group just went south.
>* Satrn returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Lady Alixi Cheysu joins the adventure.
Rorac arrogantly asks, "May I do it again?"
>You hear the subdued thoughts of Drizzient echo in your mind:
"Im waiting for someone to drop 20k in my lap "
>Heidi stands up.
You hear the subdued thoughts of Moordock echo in your mind:
Rorac arrogantly asks, "Please?"
>Simp comes out of hiding.
Simp snuggles Heidi, who responds by cradling an arm around him.
Bekke smirks.
You are now in an offensive stance.
>tackle simpYou hurl yourself at Simp and connect!
MS: +88 - MD: +7 + MAvA: -11 + d100: +29 == +99
You fail to bring Simp down, but manage to scramble back to your feet.
Roundtime: 7 sec.
Simp comes out of hiding.
Simp kneels down.
You are now in a defensive stance.
>Simp fires his heavy crossbow at Bobmuhthol but the shot flies wide of the target!
The heavy crossbow bolt flies off to the south!
>Heidi kneels down.
Heidi kisses Simp deeply.
>Simp squints.
>You draw the vultite longsword. It makes a strange sound as it slides from your harness, like the distant scream of a forlorn soul.
>You are now in an offensive stance.
Heidi giggles.
>att simI could not find what you were referring to.
>Grendeg smirks.
>stance dYou are now in a defensive stance.
Heidi says, "yah you are really sneaky"
Rorac searches around for a moment.
You hear Simp yell, "Boo!"
Heidi yells, "hi"
Starsnuffer asks, "Did you hire these jesters that run around my knee?"
Starsnuffer peers quizzically at Grendeg.
>Rorac arrogantly asks, "may I Heidi?"
>You hear Simp yell, "Heidi, come love me like a proper lover!"
Heidi just arrived.
>Heidi just went north.
You hear the voice of Simp say, "Back off, spanks. I haven't even hit you."
You clearly say, "You attempted murder."
Rorac arrogantly says, "You never gave my a direct answer."
>Heidi yells, "Simp!"
>Heidi just went south.
>Rorac grumbles.
Rorac arrogantly says, "I feel like killing someone"
Starsnuffer says, "pardon me a moment"
>You hear Heidi yell, "Siiiimp!"
High Lord Starsnuffer went up the porch steps.
>Rorac sighs.
Alisin's group just arrived.
>Rorac arrogantly exclaims, "Heidi!"
>Heidi exclaims, "HI!"
Tarisse kisses Devilslove tenderly on the forehead.
>* Starrak Lirief joins the adventure.
Heidi says, "Hi di"
>Rorac arrogantly asks, "Yes or no?"
>Rorac shifts his weight.
Heidi says, "ok"
>Rorac hurls himself at Heidi and connects!
MS: +297 - MD: +40 + MAvA: +11 + d100: +66 == +334
Rorac hammers Heidi to the ground. 48 hits! Rorac quickly jumps to his feet.
Rorac drools.
Heidi stands up.
>Heidi giggles.
>Rorac frowns at Heidi.
>Rorac arrogantly says, "So what"
Rorac arrogantly says, "once more"
Grendeg glances at Rorac.
>Rorac arrogantly exclaims, "third time is a charm!"
Heidi says, "life is beautiful"
>Heidi says, "beautiful gift"
>High Lord Starsnuffer just arrived.
>Heidi takes a bite of her acantha leaf.
Heidi looks a little better.
>You hear the voice of Simp say, "You my beautiful gift."
>Grendeg asks, "What precisely are you doing?"
>Grendeg scowls at Rorac.
Heidi takes a bite of her acantha leaf.
Heidi looks a little better.
>* Jortann returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Heidi smiles.
>Tarisse asks, "Good evening, sir. I don't suppose you remember me?"
Grendeg asks, "And more importantly, can you do it somewhere else?"
>Heidi says, "oh simp"
>Rorac arrogantly says, "Back down, human."
>You hear the subdued thoughts of Siendrel echo in your mind:
"anyone want to impress there friends and cast guards from a scroll?"
Heidi takes a bite of her acantha leaf.
Heidi looks a little better.
>Rorac scowls at Grendeg.
>Tarisse smiles at Rorac.
>Heidi exclaims, "oh SIMP!"
Heidi giggles.
Alisin leans on Edaarin.
Heidi says, "simp the simp"
You hear someone giggling.
Heidi says, "hehehe"
>You hear the voice of Simp ask, "Where's Yap a Snap?"
>* Lord Loclan Mar'Kanos joins the adventure.
>Heidi says, "i not know"
>Rorac arrogantly says, "I'm suddenly disgusted."
Heidi says, "however "
Heidi says, "you seen art"
You quietly whisper to Rorac, "I remember Heidi losing so many arguments that she yelled out, "SHUT FACE!""
Heidi says, "hey i let you tackle me, keep the 'tude to a minimum"
Devilslove says, "Nah nearly as bad as dark elves usually."
Rorac arrogantly says, "There's no "tude"."
You hear the voice of Simp say, "He abused you and used you."
You clearly say, "Stop talking so stupidly or I'll be forced to kill you, Simp."
>Heidi sighs.
>Bekke nods to Starsnuffer.
Heidi says, "as usual"
You hear the voice of Simp say, "You can't even find me, slaps."
You notice Simp who is quite obviously attempting to remain hidden.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Rorac arrogantly says, "Let me attack you once."
Rorac nods to Heidi.
You point at Simp, ruining his hiding place.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
>You see Simp try to tiptoe silently away.
Edaarin just arrived.
Devilslove says, "Nah.. halflings are usually okay, cept the ones that dinna shut up about tarts."
>Heidi says, "you must first love yourself to love others."
>Simp comes out of hiding.
Simp kneels down.
>Simp fires a heavy crossbow bolt at you!
AS: +172 vs DS: +15 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +90 = +281
... and hits for 69 points of damage!
Well aimed strike shatters bone in right arm!
You are stunned for 5 rounds!
The heavy crossbow bolt sticks in your right arm!
Heidi says, "eek"
>Simp frowns at you.
Simp stands up.
Heidi giggles.
>Heidi kisses Simp.
Edaarin blinks at Simp.
>Simp exclaims, "Fight the power!"
>Simp raises his fist defiantly.
Alisin gestures at you.
You are no longer stunned.
Heidi says, "fight oppressors"
Heidi giggles.
Edaarin whispers, "PWNED."
Edaarin gazes up into the heavens.
>Starsnuffer asks, "It does smell like fire and brimstone tonight, does it not?"
>Tarisse grins at Rorac.
>Rorac arrogantly says, "Simp, shoot me so I have an excuse to attack you."
Rorac glances at Tarisse.
Alisin says, "I think Edaarin had eggs."
You clearly say, "He ran away."
>Edaarin searches around for a moment.
>Rorac arrogantly says, "The noble Lady."
>Heidi asks, "hey grendeg, if starsnuffer asked you to, would you get on your knees and let him use your back as a footrest?"
Edaarin nods.
>Edaarin says, "He did."
You notice Simp try to tiptoe silently away.
Heidi just arrived.
>Devilslove chuckles.
>I could not find what you were referring to.
Heidi just arrived.
Heidi kneels down.
Rorac arrogantly says, "Simp, shoot me so I have an excuse to attack you."
>Edaarin searches around for a moment.
>Heidi giggles.
>Heidi searches around for a moment.
>Edaarin searches around for a moment.
>Edaarin searches around for a moment.
Rorac sits down.
>Starsnuffer says, "Now you know why I prefered the Jantalarians."
Edaarin points at Simp.
Starsnuffer nods to Grendeg.
Simp comes out of hiding.
Simp stands up.
Edaarin searches around for a moment.
>Starsnuffer says, "The children had to stay in for curfew."
>wtrick sattack simpI could not find what you were referring to.
>Edaarin says, "Oh man."
Heidi yells, "simp i saw you!"
>You hear Simp yell, "Play fair!"
Edaarin says, "He's horrible."
>Heidi just arrived.
>Edaarin searches around for a moment.
Rorac arrogantly asks, "Anyone feel like dueling me?"
You hear Simp yell, "I'm Simp, and I got a limp!"
Heidi giggles.
Edaarin whispers, "Go whack him."
[Script]>Bekke says, "Cut of tongues."
[Script]>Selania glances at Rorac.
You notice Simp try to tiptoe silently by you.
Edaarin points at Simp, ruining his hiding place.
wtrick sattack simp[Script]>You let out a shrill yell and leap, spinning through the air and into the fracas!
You swing an elegant vultite longsword at Simp!
AS: +230 vs DS: +69 with AvD: +42 + d100 roll: +89 = +292
... and hit for 98 points of damage!
Powerful slash leaves Simp without a left leg!
Simp screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!
* Simp drops dead at your feet!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
* Simp just bit the dust!
Rorac arrogantly asks, "What?"
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp ask, "Bob, sir, may I have my bolt back?"
>Heidi bursts into tears!
>Annalith just went south.
Edaarin snickers.
Heidi falls to her knees beside the body of Simp and wails mournfully!
>Heidi just pulled Simp's lifeless body into her arms.
Edaarin says, "Damn."
Devilslove says, "No it's nah.. they always come back"
>Rorac bursts out in loud, raucous laughter.
A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Nakiro.
>Nakiro put some calamia fruit in his herbalist's satchel.
laughYou laugh out loud!
>Heidi exclaims, "oh simp!"
Rorac arrogantly says, "Bob showed him."
Grendeg nods to Starsnuffer.
>Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
>Heidi exclaims, "you're limp!"
Edaarin whispers, "What the hell was that"
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Bob didn't show me a thing."
Rorac arrogantly says, "I'm not loud."
You quietly whisper to Edaarin, "I owned him."
>You nod to Edaarin.
Heidi says, "hayyyy i thought this was town jurisdiction"
Edaarin whispers, "Berserk?"
>Heidi stands up.
>Heidi went up the porch steps.
Heidi just arrived.
Heidi says, "ohh"
>You quietly whisper to Edaarin, "Wtrick sattack."
Rorac faces Nakiro, closes his eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between them!
Rorac opens his eyes, looking slightly drained.
Selania says, "If you insist, Lord."
Edaarin starts chuckling at you!
Rorac arrogantly says, "I do."
Heidi says, "Simp simp simp"
Heidi says, "so dead"
Rorac arrogantly says, "Life no more."
>Edaarin whispers, "I think I got up to spit in tricks, is that after?"
You quietly whisper to Edaarin, "It's rank 33."
>You kick some dirt on the dead body of Simp.
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "You, sir, may quit acting like you did a thing."
Heidi sniffs.
>Heidi sits down.
>Heidi just pulled Simp's lifeless body into her arms.
Rorac sets the blade of his warblade into the ground and stands confidently behind it.
>Heidi hugs Simp.
Heidi sobs.
Heidi hugs Simp.
Heidi frowns.
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "I have no clue."
>Heidi smiles.
Edaarin whispers, "drag him away, will ya."
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Let me count the ways."
Heidi giggles.
You quietly whisper to Edaarin, "No."
Heidi says, "yes count them"
>Heidi squeals.
Heidi takes a dainty pink crown off her head.
(Heidi polish crown)
Heidi puts a dainty pink crown on her head.
>Heidi squeaks oddly.
Heidi says, "so many ways to love heidi"
Alisin says, "I really wish silence worked on corpses."
>Heidi hugs Simp.
>Grendeg scowls.
Heidi says, "you're number one simp"
drag simp s>You are unable to drag Simp anywhere.
>You are unable to drag Simp anywhere.
>drag simp sdrag simp sYou are unable to drag Simp anywhere.
drag simp s>drag simp sYou are unable to drag Simp anywhere.
>You are unable to drag Simp anywhere.
>drag simp sYou are unable to drag Simp anywhere.
drag simp s>drag simp sYou are unable to drag Simp anywhere.
>You are unable to drag Simp anywhere.
>drag simp sYou are unable to drag Simp anywhere.
drag simp s>You are unable to drag Simp anywhere.
>You are unable to drag Simp anywhere.
>Heidi says, "and you, sir, are number two, if you follow."
>Grendeg says, "Someone drag him somewhere where he can bother roltons instead of us."
>Heidi frowns at you.
Heidi hugs Simp.
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "I'll be wanting that bolt back, Sir."
wt app heidTarisse comes back into focus.
>Heidi would have a slight advantage over you.
>You gingerly pull the heavy crossbow bolt from its painfully entrenched spot in your right arm. The wound begins to bleed.
Heidi picks up a heavy crossbow bolt.
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "No, I'm find here."
>Heidi smiles.
>Heidi shows Simp her heavy crossbow bolt.
>Devilslove glances at you.
>Devilslove could probably wipe the floor with you.
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "The blood of a demon."
>Selania blinks.
Selania cocks her head at Devilslove.
Selania glances at you.
Devilslove points at you.
Devilslove says, "heal him."
Selania nods.
>l selSelania says, "Yes, Mistress."
Selania touches you.
Selania smiles at you.
>Heidi beams happily at Simp!
Selania says, "Thank you, Lord."
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp exclaim, "Alloooooo!"
Fremie blinks.
(Bekke rubs her temples.)
Edaarin put a translucent glaes falchion set with pale blue crystal shards in his black swordbelt.
>Fremie stares at Simp.
Fremie asks, "Why is a halfling smelling up de place eh?"
Alisin asks, "Maybe someone should preserve him?"
Heidi says, "OH NO"
>Edaarin whispers, "Holy crap he's poor"
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "I'm Simp the friendly ghost."
>Fremie glances at Heidi.
>Faethe just arrived.
>Heidi drops a heavy crossbow bolt.
>You chuckle at Edaarin.
Fremie raises an eyebrow.
Heidi forces Simp's mouth open, and pours in a small amount from her white flask.
Heidi says, "dear wiz"
Heidi says, "that was close"
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp ask, "Heidi, why you so good to me?"
Heidi put a white flask in her mushroom bag.
Heidi smiles at Simp.
Fremie says, "Hrm."
Devilslove asks, "May I be of assistance?"
Heidi exclaims, "you're SIMPly the best, thats why!"
>Heidi laughs!
>Fremie nods to Devilslove.
Heidi says, "heidi ho"
>Grendeg grins.
Heidi hugs Simp.
>Devilslove glances at Faethe.
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp exclaim, "Heidi Heidi Heidi Hooooo!"
>Edaarin nods to Alisin.
>Grendeg says, "Elsewhere."
Heidi giggles.
>Alisin nods to Edaarin.
>Faethe says, "Here is fine."
>Heidi exclaims, "hoooo!"
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "I'm quite fine here."
>Bekke says, "please, elsewhere."
Grendeg says, "Definately elsewhere."
Grendeg nods to Devilslove.
>Faethe glances at Grendeg.
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Don't make me dig in my noncorperal tentacles of doom."
>Heidi says, "noooo"
Heidi giggles.
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp exclaim, "And destruction!"
>Edaarin whispers, "So far, 700 coins and a spinel."
Alisin says, "Raise him so I can silence him."
>Heidi exclaims, "noncorperal!"
>Heidi hugs Simp.
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "That's what I said."
>Fremie raises an eyebrow.
>Devilslove says, "I'm gonna take ye somewhere else."
>Grendeg says, "Better idea."
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp ask, "You know who I miss, Heidi?"
>Heidi exclaims, "no need to silence simp, he's an all right guy!"
Heidi asks, "yaps, sir?"
Devilslove nods to Heidi.
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Well, him too."
Devilslove says, "I'm takin him elsewhere"
>Heidi giggles.
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "But most of all, I miss Melkinor."
Heidi says, "ummm"
>Fremie grins.
>Heidi exclaims, "i was gonna guess that next!!!"
>Heidi says, "i was, i swear"
Fremie raises an eyebrow.
>Devilslove just nudged Simp.
>Fremie lets out a flaming volley of invective that makes your ears burn.
Selania says, "Are you sure you want to exert yourself so, Mistress? I'd be glad to drag the corpse."
You clearly say, "Not my fault."
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Oh, a cleric will come along eventually."
>(Fremie rolls Simp's dead body towards the hollow tree stump.)
Fremie hums distractedly to himself.
You clearly say, "It's very much not my fault. You managed to hit me before your death."
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "I didn't just hit you."
You clearly say, "So you got the Bobmuhthol Special."
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "I pounded you like a two-dollar.."
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Silver."
Fremie glances at Edaarin.
Heidi giggles.
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "I'd be red in the face, if my blood were pumping."
>Grendeg says, "If he gets raised, please bind and silence him."
>Grendeg nods to Selania.
>Heidi says, "simp ya limp gimp"
Fremie raises an eyebrow.
>Heidi says, "no silence simp. he is golden"
>Selania says, "I'd have to get permission from Mistress."
>Selania nods to Grendeg.
>Edaarin sighs.
>Heidi asks, "silence is golden?"
Edaarin just gave you 1408 coins which you quickly pocket.
>Fremie snickers at Edaarin.
Heidi says, "wat"
Heidi hugs Simp.
Edaarin offers you a smoky topaz. Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
>acc * You accept Edaarin's offer and are now holding a smoky topaz.
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Slimy bastard, robbing the dead."
>Edaarin offers you a violet spinel. Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
Fremie says, "If silence is golden, ye pay in silver or gold."
>Fremie snickers.
>Heidi says, "hey stop being slimy bastard ok"
>Mikhyzabela asks something in guild speak.
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "He's quite slimy."
Alisin looks over at Simp and shakes her head.
Grendeg asks, "Could you give her permission to bind and silence that small irritating halfling?"
>Grendeg raises an eyebrow in Devilslove's direction.
>Grendeg points at Heidi.
Fremie says, "Kill de halfling..."
Heidi exclaims, "he needs those gems for precious deeds!"
>Fremie glances at Simp.
>Fremie says, "Wait..."
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "I'm glad I had just stolen all of that myself."
>Alisin asks, "Which one?"
>Devilslove asks, "Me?"
>Alisin peers quizzically at Grendeg.
>Devilslove says, "Oh.. her"
>Devilslove says, "aye"
Devilslove says, "Go ahead"
>Heidi says, "im not irritating"
>Devilslove nods to Selania.
>Fremie says, "Damnit! It's already dead."
You frown at Edaarin.
Heidi says, "hay get off simp's case, he's a great guy. charming, articulate, sexy."
>Fremie says, "Let's drag it through town until its legs come off"
>Lady Mikhyzabela just went south.
>Selania asks, "That one?"
>Jipsi just went south.
>Selania points at Heidi.
>Shilara just arrived.
Selania cocks her head at Devilslove.
Alisin begins chuckling at Edaarin!
>Heidi giggles.
>Fremie cackles!
Heidi asks, "that one?"
>Grendeg nods to Selania.
>Ashleigh just arrived.
You clearly say, "Simp is stupid."
>Heidi points at Selania.
>Selania murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Selania gestures at Heidi.
CS: +93 - TD: +81 + CvA: +12 + d100: +7 == +31
Warded off!
Heidi frowns at Selania.
Grendeg blinks.
>Alisin taps Selania lightly on her shoulder.
Selania glances at Heidi.
Alisin traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
>Fremie grins.
>Alisin gestures at Heidi.
CS: +356 - TD: +81 + CvA: +12 + d100: +92 == +379
Warding failed!
Apall of silence settles over Heidi.
>Alisin nods to Heidi.
>Selania beams happily at Alisin!
>Heidi stands up.
>Selania kisses Alisin tenderly on the cheek.
Devilslove nods to Alisin.
>Bekke says, "Ah, much better."
>Fremie says, "Alright, now you have to do the talking"
>Selania fidgets.
Fremie says, "You shouldn't ask why."
>Fremie grumbles.
>Selania says, "I'd succeed eventually."
>Alisin says, "It's peaceful."
The air stops shimmering around Ashleigh.
>Heidi rubs her chin thoughtfully.
Selania nods to Devilslove.
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp exclaim, "I'll be alright!"
>Fremie grins.
Grendeg says, "A pity that corpses cannot be silenced as well."
>Grendeg nods.
Fremie grins.
Fremie says, "Hrm."
Alisin ponders.
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "It's a pity that your face doesn't rot."
>Heidi removes a golden wand from in her black halfcloak.
>Fremie says, "Eh."
>Fremie tugs at his beard, lost in thought.
Heidi waves a golden wand at Selania.
Heidi hurls a stream of fire at Selania!
AS: +194 vs DS: +97 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +88 = +219
... and hits for 124 points of damage!
Flame burns through Selania's abdomen. Greasy smoke billows forth.
* Selania drops dead at your feet!
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Selania.
Selania seems a bit less imposing.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Selania.
Selania comes back into focus.
The bright luminescence fades from around Selania.
>You quietly whisper to Edaarin, "And he missed. So I said I'd kill him."
>stance oYou are now in an offensive stance.
>Heidi just went south.
>Alisin says, "Oh dont worry your lifekeep will wear off in about two and a half minutes."
get long>You draw the vultite longsword. It makes a strange sound as it slides from your harness, like the distant scream of a forlorn soul.
>Grendeg drops an iron-bound haon chest.
>* Wolfessa joins the adventure.
Fremie frowns.
>Grendeg removes a small razor-sharp hatchet from in his wolf-hide cloak.
Alisin raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Edaarin says, "Well."
>Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
>Alisin gestures at Selania.
A luminescent web briefly forms around Selania, then fades into the body.
You hear the ghostly voice of Selania say, "That's the second time in a week."
>Alisin blinks.
>Lady Mikhyzabela just arrived.
* Hippolatamus returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Edaarin says, "She's dying."
Bekke traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Mikhyzabela blinks.
Alisin says, "Find that witch"
>Alisin scowls.
>Fremie says, "Well bloo'y 'ell."
>Bekke gestures.
After a moment's silence a hawk swoops into the area, lands, and glances up at Bekke intelligently.
You quietly whisper to Edaarin, "Gotta love mechanics abuse."
>Fremie asks, "Simp, you want a drag outa here?"
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Reap the rewards of being a lap dog."
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "No, I'm fine."
>Lord Edaarin's group just went south.
>You clearly ask, "Where is she?"
Grendeg searches around for a moment.
>Fremie asks, "Do you plan on living anytime soon?"
>Edaarin says, "Hiding."
>Edaarin shrugs.
Fremie cocks his head at Simp.
>fYou frown.
>You hear the subdued thoughts of Villhi echo in your mind:
"or weighted, or somethin"
Bekke says, "Hiding."
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Not too concerned about it, really."
>Alisin asks, "Anyone here that can unstun?"
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "I don't know what you all are ruffled about."
>Fremie removes an oaken wand from in his elven mariner's cloak.
Alisin raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
>Alisin gestures at Selania.
A silvery translucent thread extends from Alisin encompassing Selania's corpse.
>Devilslove just arrived.
Alisin grins.
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "She attempted ordered thuggery and was promptly put down."
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Honestly."
Fremie asks, "Anyone sanct?"
Edaarin asks, "So are all halflings gutless cowards who run after they swing?"
Edaarin asks, "Or just you two?"
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Oh, there's a good number."
Devilslove says, "dinna sanct"
>Devilslove asks, "can anyone find the coward?"
>Mikhyzabela quietly asks, "No?"
Mikhyzabela peers quizzically at Devilslove.
>Simp seems slightly different. The stench of decay is growing more pervasive.
Fremie says, "I didn't want Selania being killed again right after being raised."
;You hear the ghostly voice of Simp exclaim, "Huzzah!"
>Fremie says, "Simp, I'll drag you to a cleric willing to help you, if you want"
>Heidi is very, very stupid.I don't understand what you typed.
Mikhyzabela quietly says, "May I ask why this one lies here dead for so long? An innocent question."
Selania says, "He's too arrogant to accept the help of a cleric."
>Selania nods to Mikhyzabela.
>Mikhyzabela quietly asks, "He doesn't wish to be given life, then?"
>Soilir asks, "Where is Heidi?"
Selania glances at Simp.
>Selania shrugs.
Alisin gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Bekke makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
>Bekke gestures.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Bekke.
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp ask, "How the hell would I know where Heidi is?"
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "I've been here."
(Devilslove leans over and whispers to Ceracy.)
>Ceracy nods.
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Oh, honestly, shove off."
Ceracy gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "I don't know where she went."
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "I don't know why you're so riled, anyway."
>Soilir says, "heidi is shivering in fear and crying because she said some people were picking on her."
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "The pet rat over there attempted some magic or another on my Fair Heidi and was dropped like a rock."
>Devilslove says, "damned friggin cowards"
>Alfador asks, "The hell's goin on here?"
Fremie says, "Most folks I've killed usually ain' te happy wit' me"
>Fremie snickers.
Alfador asks, "Hm?"
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp exclaim, "My savior!"
>Selania says, "It's fine, Mistress. I'll take care of it."
>Fremie says, "Doubt Heidi made a friend tonight."
>Selania nods to Devilslove.
Selania glances at Simp.
Alisin nods to Fremie.
Devilslove frowns at Selania.
Mikhyzabela quietly says, "Lil' Simp, it doesn't seem that you're in a position to be giving orders, sir."
>Mikhyzabela rubs Simp.
>A pained expression crosses Mikhyzabela's face.
Edaarin says, "Ankle biters are making a nuisance of themselves."
>Edaarin shrugs.
>Alfador glances at Mikhyzabela.
>Alfador says, "All of you shut your mouths."
>Soilir says, "Heidi's a great girl"
Alfador says, "Before I really get pissed."
Devilslove says, "Apparently purposely."
Mikhyzabela blinks at Alfador.
>Soilir says, "simp's a great guy"
>Fremie peers quizzically at Alfador.
>Selania says, "If Heidi was anything but a cowered, she would have at the very least challenged me to a duel, instead of shooting fire at me while I was sitting here, defenseless."
>Edaarin rolls his eyes.
Fremie says, "Right."
Fremie nods to Alfador.
Alfador glances at Fremie.
Devilslove asks, "And who the hell are ye?"
Soilir asks, "weren't you trying to silence her for no good reason?"
Soilir says, "im pretty sure you cast first"
Devilslove asks, "How would ye know?"
Soilir says, "from the way i hear it."
Selania says, "My Mistress asked me to silence her, that's a very good reason."
Devilslove says, "Ye weren't here"
>Alfador says, "I was"
Sherrill's group just went south.
Alfador traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
>Devilslove says, "So go away"
>Alfador gestures.
Alfador suddenly disappears.
>Alfador lunges forth and ambushes an unsuspecting porch steps mercilessly but to little effect.
Fremie raises an eyebrow.
>Alfador snickers.
Alisin rubs Selania tenderly.
Soilir says, "okay and casting silence and threatening to bind someone is a pretty good reason to get yourself killed, right"
Bekke gets a distant look on her face.
>Alfador glances at Devilslove.
Alfador says, "Looked like a lot of jaw-flapping"
>Selania glances at Soilir.
>Fremie says, "Odd..."
>Alfador says, "and a buncha idiots trying to flex power."
>Alfador rolls his eyes.
Devilslove says, "Dead serious, idiot."
Selania looks over at Soilir and shakes her head.
Fremie asks, "Who would that be, again?"
Fremie peers quizzically at Alfador.
>Fremie grins.
>Alfador says, "I'm Alfador."
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "The mighty."
>Fremie asks, "The idiot that flexes power?"
Alfador says, "Current commander of Jantalarians forces."
Devilslove grins at Fremie.
>Selania says, "He's a Jantalarian, Mistress, left over from the occupation. He should be killed."
Fremie says, "That's quite a title."
>Selania nods to Devilslove.
>Grendeg just arrived.
Alfador glances at Devilslove.
>Devilslove asks, "Really?"
Grendeg mutters under his breath.
>Soilir says, "alfador cannot be killed"
>Alfador says, "Well Bob flexed his power."
Fremie asks, "Bob?"
Alfador says, "Then the rest of you jumped in and started being ninnies."
>Fremie blinks.
Fremie glances at you.
Bekke says, "Neither can I."
>Fremie asks, "Ah, Bobmuhthol?"
Devilslove says, "That's what I smelled. I was wonderin. Was gonna accuse Fremie of nah bathin again."
Fremie asks, "Flexing power again are we?"
Fremie chuckles.
>Devilslove grins at Fremie.
Alfador shakes his head.
>Alfador says, "It's funny how you all talk a big game when I'm invisible."
Devilslove leans against a huge willow.
Edaarin gazes up into the heavens.
You hear the voice of Heidi exclaim, "please dont pick on the halflings!"
>Fremie says, "The oceans waters are cleansing for a lifetime, Devilslove."
Grendeg begins to meticulously examine an iron-bound haon chest.
>Alfador says, "But when you know I'm going to kill you, you all shut up."
Devilslove searches around for a moment.
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp exclaim, "Heidipie!"
Grendeg says, "I'll hunt her down later when she isn't expecting it."
>Grendeg nods.
Grendeg says, "Meanwhile... I might as well open these."
>Grendeg shrugs.
Fremie asks, "I'm sorry, did you say something?"
Fremie turns to face Alfador.
Grendeg jumps forward, looking hastily in all directions while rubbing the back of his head. How odd.
You hear the voice of Heidi say, "no you wont"
Fremie cocks his head at Alfador.
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Hunting down and killing unsuspectedly."
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Sounds like fun."
>Alfador sighs.
Alfador says, "I would HATE to kill you,"
Alfador frowns at Fremie.
>Soilir says, "sounds like cowardice"
>Alfador says, "I'm tired."
>Grendeg removes a small razor-sharp hatchet from in his wolf-hide cloak.
Alfador says, "I will, stun you if you speak down on my again."
Fremie says, "De halfling refused our help"
Alfador points at Grendeg, ruining his hiding place.
>Devilslove says, "She's gone."
>Bekke asks, "What?"
>Soilir says, "grendeg, you're like 20 trainings older than heidi, why dont you let the person who cast on her and got killed defend herself? you just wanna go kill someone you know poses no challenge to you"
Grendeg glances at Alfador.
>Bekke peers quizzically at Alfador.
>Grendeg raises an eyebrow in Alfador's direction.
>Soilir says, "or go hunt something you can actually learn on"
Selania asks, "You're very annoying, you know that?"
>Selania peers quizzically at Soilir.
>Devilslove says, "Oh shut up. Ye dinna know what happened. Ye were nah here."
Bekke asks, "And who the hell are you?"
>Devilslove glances at Soilir.
>Grendeg says, "She irritates me. She killed a friend. That's reason enough."
Soilir says, "why dont you try to silence me"
Devilslove says, "She killed my property."
>Soilir smiles at Selania.
Selania says, "I was not asked to."
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Your friend got in return what she was trying to dish out."
>Fremie cackles!
Devilslove says, "She's gonna pay"
>I am testing this line to see how well 'Heidi' is highlighted.
Alfador says, "Until you can see the invisible... shut your yap, peon."
I do not understand, please rephrase that.
Alfador glances at Devilslove.
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "It's a compromise of one's freedom, either way."
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Don't bite off with your alligator mouth what your butterfly ass can't handle."
>Selania says, "The Lady.."
Selania taps Alisin lightly on her shoulder.
>Bekke asks, "Know what my biggest question is?"
>Bekke peers quizzically at Grendeg.
>Selania says, "Succeeded in silencing Heidi."
>Selania says, "I did not."
Grendeg asks, "No? What is it?"
>Fremie glances at Simp.
>Grendeg nods to Bekke.
>Selania says, "In all right, she should have been assaulted, not I."
>Soilir says, "you cast at her, and then asked if you could bind her"
>Grendeg says, "Ah. I do have to wonder that myself."
>Devilslove asks, "How do ye know?"
Grendeg loses some awareness.
>Devilslove glances at Soilir.
>Mikhyzabela rubs Selania tenderly.
>Devilslove loses some awareness.
Devilslove asks, "What makes ye such an authority?"
>Selania says, "And she responded with a golden wand."
Grendeg begins to meticulously examine an iron-bound haon chest.
Soilir asks, "hey selania, wanna go out with me?"
End log part 1
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the porch steps and a hollow tree stump.
Also here: Grendeg, Lord Brimzstone, Aeillien, Fremie, Soilir, Lady Mikhyzabela who is kneeling, the body of Simp who is lying down
Obvious paths: south
** Heh, this is where Alfador major e-waved **
* Alisin was just vaporized!
>* Ceracy just bit the dust!
* Fireblaze just bit the dust!
* Selania just bit the dust!
* Alisin just bit the dust!
* Kristis just bit the dust!
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "The idea of never seeing someone before equating into their level of power or prestige is ludicrous."
Fremie asks, "Whas that got to do with you being a pain in de arse?"
Grendeg says, "He's killed Alisin, Fireblaze, and Ceracy."
Fremie cocks his head at Simp.
Mikhyzabela quietly asks, "Is that an insult directed to me, Simp?"
Simp seems slightly different. The stench of decay is growing more pervasive.
Grendeg says, "Bekke, Devilslove, Selania and Damaron are stunned."
Fremie covers his nose tightly.
Fremie says, "Bloo'y rottin stench"
Ganlin blinks.
Fremie scowls.
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "No, it's an insult to the moron who tried to equate power into being recognized."
You clearly ask, "Who killed what?"
Devilslove just went south.
Grendeg says, "If he gets a chance, he'll get me too."
>You peer quizzically at Grendeg.
Grendeg says, "Alfador."
Grendeg says, "I got Heidi."
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Alligator mouths and butterfly asses."
Mikhyzabela blinks at Simp.
Fremie raises an eyebrow in Simp's direction.
'Nice work.>You clearly say, "Nice work."
Grendeg says, "Thank you."
Grendeg nods to you.
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Hey, Bob."
Mikhyzabela quietly says, "Simp, you make me question my personal vow."
You clearly say, "Die, Simp."
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp exclaim, "But, sir!"
>Edaarin whispers, "I'm sooooooooooo glad I was stalking him"
>Soilir says, "oh dear"
>Fremie shrugs.
>Fremie just went south.
Darkocelot just arrived.
Darkocelot just went south.
Kallistan just arrived.
>whis edaarin Huh?You quietly whisper to Edaarin, "Huh?"
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Hm."
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "I need lifekeep."
You force Simp's mouth open, and pour in a small amount from your white flask.
A luminescent web briefly forms around Simp, then fades into the body.
You only have one dose left.
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Thanks, champ."
Edaarin whispers, "He major e-waved."
Kallistan says, "Poor chum."
Kallistan asks, "What fell the fellow?"
whis edaarin Who?! I have no idea what you're talking aboutYou quietly whisper to Edaarin, "Who?! I have no idea what you're talking about"
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Bobmuhthol the wicked."
>Kallistan asks, "Oh?"
>Kallistan raises an eyebrow.
whis edaarin Hahaha.You quietly whisper to Edaarin, "Hahaha."
>wt app kallKallistan would have a slight advantage over you.
>Kallistan asks, "And what did he have to do with the whole scatter brained event?"
Detimus just arrived.
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Me and him were throwingdown."
>Kallistan asks, "I say. Throwing down?"
>Soilir rubs Simp.
>Soilir says, "poor feller"
Kallistan exclaims, "Pretentious indeed!"
You clearly say, "And you still lie dead."
Kallistan says, "Of all the nerve."
Kallistan exclaims, "To interupt someones..throwing down!"
>Edaarin whispers, "You loggin this?"
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Nice to see a sensible sort around here."
Grendeg says, "I dealt with who I wanted to."
>Grendeg says, "And that other fellow..."
Mikhyzabela stands up.
Grendeg says, "I'd love to deal with him as well, but posess not the skill."
Kallistan raises an eyebrow in Grendeg's direction.
Kallistan asks, "What skill do you posess, my good man?"
>Grendeg says, "I got the one I was interested in though."
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "My demand for a cleric is still in place, by the way."
Grendeg says, "His defenses are impressive."
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "I obviously have."
Bekke says, "he's refused two."
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp exclaim, "Heidi-ho!"
Heidi fades into visibility.
>Heidi giggles.
Heidi says, "hi"
>Kallistan nods.
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Heidibear, go fetch me a cleric."
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "None of this dragging business allowed."
Heidi exclaims, "okay!"
Heidi giggles.
As Heidi pulls on her crystalline amulet, her expression grows darker.
Bekke says, "Bad to be bully and all that."
Heidi says, "i not his keeper"
Kallistan says, "I say."
Devilslove removes a faenor-edged dark steel longsword from in her black leather thigh-sheath.
Brimzstone removes a silver-inlaid black locker manifest from in his spidersilk satchel.
>Devilslove leaps from hiding to attack!
Devilslove swings a faenor-edged dark steel longsword at Heidi!
AS: +364 vs DS: +35 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +60 = +428
... and hits for 130 points of damage!
Awesome shot skewers skull! Heidi blinks once and falls quite dead!
* Heidi drops dead at your feet!
>Brimzstone examines his black locker manifest carefully.
>* Heidi just bit the dust!
(I'll admit, I wanted to do that too, but I think I was hunting when she showed up the second time. Heidi's freaking annoying))
>Kallistan raises an eyebrow in Devilslove's direction.
Grendeg says, "Well done."
Grendeg nods to Devilslove.
>Brimzstone blinks.
Great Lord Evanescent just arrived.
>Devilslove says, "Dinna kill my property"
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
>Kallistan removes a short sword from in his traveller's cloak.
>A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Alisin.
>Grendeg says, "I was prepared to do so again."
Grendeg nods to Devilslove.
Alisin peers quizzically at Heidi.
>Devilslove says, "Now we're even"
Alisin asks, "How'd you die again?"
>Brimzstone says, "put mani in sat"
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Oh my, oh my."
Kallistan exclaims, "We've heathen killers about!"
You hear the ghostly voice of Heidi exclaim, "Hay you big ugly witch, no killin Heidi!"
Grendeg says, "She is unliked around these parts."
>Grendeg nods to Brimzstone.
>A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Barrdok.
Brimzstone glances at Devilslove.
You clearly say, "Shut up."
>Barrdok raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Rorge recites:
"'May thy soul be bound to thine body "
>Rorge raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
>Barrdok gestures at Heidi.
A luminescent web briefly forms around Heidi, then fades into the body.
>Rorge gestures at Heidi.
Nothing happens.
>Great Lord Evanescent went up the porch steps.
You frown at Rorge.
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp exclaim, "Hey, clerics!"
Devilslove asks, "Please take the little wench elsewhere te be raised?"
>Rorge says, "Hello"
Grendeg says, "My most abject apologies."
Grendeg says, "Indeed."
Barrdok smiles at Heidi.
>You hear the ghostly voice of Heidi exclaim, "no no here is fine!"
>Grendeg says, "I'll try to skip the bloodbath."
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp exclaim, "What a foul-tempered whore!"
Devilslove says, "Hi"
>Kallistan asks, "Is it safe to bein the open?"
Devilslove grins.
>You hear the ghostly voice of Heidi exclaim, "devilslove, get your hormones under control young lady!"
Barrdok gestures at Heidi.
A silvery translucent thread extends from Barrdok encompassing Heidi's corpse.
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "If someone kicked my dog, I wouldn't pierce their skull."
>Bekke glances at Simp.
>Aeillien asks, "Hath this town slipped into barbarism entirly at least, then?"
>Rorge says, "So if the..."
>Great Lord Evanescent just went south.
>Great Lord Kabriel just arrived.
>Simp seems slightly different. The stench of decay is growing more pervasive.
Devilslove asks, "Kabriel?"
Devilslove asks, "Can ye fog 'em out of here?"
>Grendeg says, "Although we would prefer she was raised elsewhere."
>Rorge says, "This appears to be under control."
>Selania stares at Heidi.
Brimzstone recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Brimzstone gestures at Karzak.
Karzak looks considerably more imposing.
>Kabriel nods.
You hear the ghostly voice of Heidi say, "heidi's innocent and beautiful."
>Alisin says, "Yes but leaving her stunned is a good idea."
You hear the ghostly voice of Heidi say, "let's stop all this ugliness! it brings tears to the eyes of oleani."
>You hear the ghostly voice of Heidi exclaim, "she weeps for your souls!"
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Cry for Koar."
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Murders make Koar cry."
>Rorge asks, "Religious war?"
Selania asks, "Can I remind everyone for a moment that she killed me, and rightfully, I should have first dibs on her head?"
>Barrdok nods to Heidi.
>Rorge says, "I can't."
>Barrdok gestures at Heidi.
Barrdok suddenly looks very drained.
A bolt of soft white light streaks down from the sky bathing Heidi in it.
A brilliant glow forms around Heidi, lingers for a moment, and finally fades. Heidi awakens looking somewhat confused and seriously drained.
Heidi seems slightly different.
>* Jessye Kasparatas joins the adventure.
Brimzstone says, "oh yeah"
Strands of webbing shoot forth towards Heidi.
CS: +372 - TD: +81 + CvA: +12 + d100: +22 == +325
Warding failed!
Heidi is firmly webbed in place.
Alisin chants a reverent litany and clasps her hands while tightly focusing her thoughts...
>Rorge says, "I can in a bit"
>Alisin gestures at Heidi.
CS: +425 - TD: +81 + CvA: +12 + d100: +47 == +403
Warding failed!
Her eyes cloud over, becoming a milky blue.
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp ask, "Where's my cleric, you lazy whelps?"
>Kallistan chuckles.
>Alisin says, "No but now she's quiet."
Alisin says, "For a long time."
>Heidi makes a faint wheezing sound.
>Heidi makes a faint wheezing sound.
>Heidi makes a faint wheezing sound.
>Heidi says, "thats great alisin, yet pointless, you dog."
Heidi says, "i come to keep simp company"
>Heidi says, "to give him moral support"
Kabriel says, "A pleasure to meet you."
Heidi says, "in his time of need"
The webs dissolve from around Heidi.
Heidi exclaims, "and am persecuted!!"
Alisin says, "Oh shutup"
Kabriel says, "Please give Makenzie my best."
>Heidi hugs Simp.
>Grendeg says, "We have been having trouble with this one."
>Grendeg nods to Rorge.
>Rorge says, "I do know that the gods are not favorable to repeatedly murdering someone."
>Devilslove says, "And ye."
Kabriel smiles.
>Heidi says, "all we have is each other."
>Heidi giggles.
>Rorge says, "And that's all I'll say on that since I don't know what's going on here."
>You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Alisin's just a scabby tramp who's licking bum to gain favor."
>Alisin says, "Well then take him somewhere else."
>Karzak squints at an iron-banded ogre horn.
>Rorge says, "Whoa."
Heidi exclaims, "yeah really. i killed one person who cast on me first, now i got all the bored people who hang out around here givin heidi problems!"
>Bekke glances at Simp.
Kallistan says, "No reason to talk so rudely."
08-05-2003, 03:25 PM
>Selania says, "Then, I'll kill you, and we can be done with this entire thing."
>Selania nods to Heidi.
Devilslove says, "No, little pissant.. ye killed my property."
Devilslove says, "The matter is over."
>You hear the subdued thoughts of Takrek echo in your mind:
Rorge says, "Well you children, have fun."
>Devilslove nods to Selania.
Selania waves to Meritis.
Heidi says, "actually selania, you touch me and there's gonna be a problem."
Rorge starts chortling.
Heidi says, "i got killed twice for that"
Alfador just arrived.
>Alfador rubs his chin thoughtfully.
>Selania nods.
Rorge says, "Looks like you all are getting acquainted."
>Karzak just arrived.
>Selania shrugs.
>Karzak leans on Alisin, giving her a companionable grin.
Heidi fumbles about aimlessly!
Karzak taps an urglaes fang.
Selania blinks.
Alfador asks, "Someone attacked you again while I was away?"
>Alfador frowns.
>Devilslove says, "I said it's over."
Alisin raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Bekke traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Alisin gestures at Karzak.
The urglaes fang which Karzak is holding suddenly glows with an intensely bright light!
Selania nods.
>Selania says, "Yes, Mistress."
>You hear the subdued thoughts of Snook echo in your mind:
Alfador asks, "it's over?"
>Alfador peers quizzically at Devilslove.
Bekke says, "It's over. Go away."
Heidi fumbles about aimlessly!
Bekke waves a hand at Alfador, dismissing him indifferently.
Devilslove says, "It is."
Alfador asks, "Why is she stumbling around then?"
>Alfador asks, "Right after she was rezzed?"
Devilslove shrugs.
Devilslove says, "I dinna know."
>Heidi fumbles about aimlessly!
Kallistan says, "She's been blinded, of course."
You hear the ghostly voice of Simp say, "Declaring something over after you make some slap-ass cheap move isn't exactly fair."
Alfador asks, "You don't know?"
Bekke says, "Is it really any concern of yours? She says no."
Devilslove grins at Meritis.
You hear the subdued thoughts of Takrek echo in your mind:
n>[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Karzak disk, the Meritis disk, the Rorge disk, the porch steps and a hollow tree stump.
Also here: Gothique, Karzak, Alfador, Meritis, Selania, Shirkon, Rorge, Alisin, Devilslove, Heidi who is lying down, Grendeg, Bekke, Lord Brimzstone, Kallistan, Aeillien, the body of Simp who is lying down
Obvious paths: south
>Kallistan chuckles.
>Heidi exclaims, "alisin been casting stuff at me, and devilslove killed me again! i was just standin here!"
Gothique gives Brimzstone a friendly hug.
>Krisstim just arrived.
>Devilslove says, "Please raise him so he'll leave"
>Brimzstone hugs Gothique, who wraps him in a warm embrace.
Rorge says, "It don't look over to me."
>Gothique bounces her bright yellow ball on the ground several times, smiling happily.
>Gothique bounces her bright yellow ball on the ground several times, smiling happily.
You hear the subdued thoughts of Kiriania echo in your mind:
"Brimzstone, how much ye want for them?"
>Grendeg says, "Kindly be quite."
>Selania murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
>Selania concentrates.
Selania looks a little better.
Alfador casts Selania a stern warning glance.
(He pulled a Haashek!)
>Selania gestures.
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.
Heidi giggles.
>Grendeg says, "Get your friend raised and find something to do."
>Grendeg nods.
>Rorge nods to Alisin.
>Heidi exclaims, "grendeg, YOU be quiet!!"
>Heidi hugs Simp.
Rorge asks, "Alright shall I raise this dead person now and everyone can go on to more productive lives?"
Alfador asks, "Why are ten of you attacking one female?"
>Grendeg says, "Until I get bored with it."
Heidi says, "grendeg you are so eloquent"
>Grendeg says, "We aren't. I'm done, personally."
>Rorge says, "very well."
>Grendeg nods to Alfador.
Rorge recites:
"'Ourr souls shall walk this journey together "
>Rorge raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Rorge gestures at Simp.
>Alfador says, "Yup. You are done."
Devilslove says, "that way the two hobbits can find another courtyard te annoy"
Bekke says, "You, however, blew my leg off."
>Kallistan chuckles.
Bekke nods to Alfador.
Heidi says, "and that's all ive got to say about that."
Grendeg scowls at Alfador.
Alfador asks, "And?"
>Alfador peers quizzically at Bekke.
Devilslove chuckles.
Bekke says, "You should apologize."
>Kallistan exclaims, "Now we're getting creative!"
Shirkon glances at Heidi.
>Alfador says, "you got off easy."
>You hear the subdued thoughts of Gabrael echo in your mind:
"Selling a Striking Hawk pin, MB:1k"
* Zynaferus just bit the dust!
>Rorge recites:
"'From the fires of Eonak's forge...be recast and rise! "
>Devilslove says, "Oh... ye've injured me so"
Rorge taps an ora-winged eonake plated helmet.
Rorge taps a topaz-inset black invar symbol of Eonak.
Bekke asks, "Are you threatening me again?"
Rorge raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
>Rorge gestures at Simp.
Rorge suddenly looks very drained.
A bolt of soft white light streaks down from the sky bathing Simp in it.
A brilliant glow forms around Simp, lingers for a moment, and finally fades.
Simp awakens looking somewhat confused and seriously drained.
Simp seems slightly different.
Grendeg asks, "Why do you involve yourself, out of curiosity?"
Bekke says, "That's twice now."
Heidi exclaims, "good i meant to!"
Lord Brimzstone just went south.
>(Devilslove pats her armor just over her heart.)
>Alisin gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Alisin gestures at Rorge.
The glazed look leaves Rorge.
Devilslove grins.
Shirkon says, "ya needs ya mouth washed outs wids lye soap Heidi"
Heidi exclaims, "i hope i hurt your feelings as bad as you hurt mine!"
>Rorge says, "Thank you."
>Heidi bursts into tears!
>Heidi hugs Simp.
>Jaernal put a tarnished silver claim marker in his invar mesh tote.
Grendeg says, "I'm curious as to what your.... piece... is, so to speak."
>Alfador says, "I sat here and watched ten people bully some youngins..."
Alfador asks, "why wouldn't I?"
>Gothique rolls her bright yellow ball along the ground, chasing after it and scooping it up with a grin.
>Meritis winks at Devilslove.
>Heidi says, "no i dont"
Devilslove grins at Meritis.
Bekke asks, "Again, did I lay a finger on her?"
Bekke says, "No."
>Heidi says, "that's ludicrous"
>Heidi says, "stop being ludicrous"
>Bekke says, "Get all the facts."
>Grendeg says, "Mostly because you weren't here to see the earlier actions."
>Grendeg nods to Alfador.
Alfador says, "All the facts."
>Simp yells, "Heidi-Hoooo!"
>Alfador rolls his eyes.
>Heidi beams!
>Simp says, "Thanks, chief."
>Rorge says, "There."
>Kallistan chuckles.
Simp nods to Rorge.
Kallistan just went south.
>Alfador traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
>Alfador gestures.
Alfador suddenly disappears.
>You hear the subdued thoughts of Leandro echo in your mind:
Heidi yells, "simp you're alive!"
>Simp stands up.
>Alfador lunges forth and ambushes an unsuspecting porch steps mercilessly but to little effect.
>Alfador nods to Grendeg.
>Alisin gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Edenmoon.
>Alisin gestures into the air.
Alisin momentarily gets a faroff look in her eyes, and then returns to normal.
Alfador says, "It's a powerful tool."
Meritis somberly exclaims, "ooo I know lets get Mustafo and LET him settle it HE so goot at settlin things!"
Shirkon clasps Edenmoon's hand tenderly.
>Alfador says, "Invisibility."
Rorge says, "It's so much easier for everyone to argue and be mean to each other..."
>Selania nods to Devilslove.
>Edenmoon softly says, "hiya"
>Shirkon's group just went south.
>Bekke traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
>Bekke gestures.
Bekke suddenly disappears.
Devilslove nods.
>Meritis snickers.
>You hear the voice of Bekke say, "Isn't it."
Simp exclaims, "Oh, Lawdy Koar be! I'se never roam again!"
>Grendeg says, "I'd gladly leave it in the hands of Mustafo."
Grendeg nods.
Rorge says, "...when all the parties are living."
Heidi says, "devilslove killed me, not bekke, it was very violent"
>wt tsheYou deftly twirl your vultite longsword around your finger and stuff it in your leather weapons harness.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>Grendeg says, "Unfortunately, he hasn't been seen for some time."
Rorge nods.
>Simp asks, "Oh yay, do we get to namedrop now?"
>put globe in my backYou put a smooth crystalline globe in your oilcloth backpack.
Heidi laughs!
>Alfador says, "Mustafo would put you ALL in your places."
>Jaernal stares off into space.
Alfador says, "much like I did."
>Alfador shrugs.
>Grendeg glances at Alfador.
Rorge waves.
>Devilslove says, "Mustafo woulda killed her first"
Grendeg sighs.
Grendeg shakes his head.
Alfador says, "And you second."
Heidi says, "false"
Rorge says, "I've had enough conflicts in one day."
Devilslove shakes her head.
>Grendeg glances at Alfador.
>Devilslove says, "Nawp."
>Simp exclaims, "I tell you, back in the olden days riffraff like this would be taken care of!"
>You hear the voice of Bekke say, "Simp, just shut the hell up and antagonize somewhere else. I hear the entrance to the catacombs collects idiots."
Simp exclaims, "Quick!"
>Alfador chuckles.
Devilslove says, "Mustafo was a friend."
Alfador says, "Couldn't be further from the truth."
Rorge says, "Already has someone murder me without cause."
Alfador says, "Mustafo had friends, sure."
>Rorge says, "I think I'll go now."
Alfador says, "But he also disliked bullying."
>Heidi says, "mustafo wouldn't have been trying to silence me for joking around with simp, not saying anything about anyone else, and not being rude or overly obnoxious. you were pickin on me cuz im a halfling and simp's friend"
>Grendeg snorts at Alfador.
Rorge just went south.
>Heidi says, "you shouldn't have silenced me in the first place"
>Heidi says, "you guys are bein jerks"
>Grendeg says, "I probably spent more time on the porch with him than you've spent with him in total."
Heidi asks, "all righty?"
>Grendeg shakes his head.
>Simp nods to Heidi.
>Meritis somberly says, "dinnae know Musty too well then"
>Selania says, "I didn't silence anyone."
Selania says, "Alisin silenced you."
Selania nods to Heidi.
>Grendeg says, "And I saw firsthand what he did."
>Simp says, "They sit on this porch for hours and babble on."
>Devilslove says, "Okay good.. he's up.. ye can go"
>Devilslove nods to Heidi.
>Grendeg says, "And how he dealt with everything."
>Simp says, "They're obviously superior to us."
>Heidi says, "i see the point flew right over your head"
Devilslove says, "Go"
Heidi smiles at Selania.
Simp sits down.
Alfador says, "I'm sure you have, kid... I'm sure you have."
Alfador nods to Grendeg.
>Grendeg says, "Kindly involve yourself in your own business."
Grendeg nods to Alfador.
Selania shrugs.
Simp clasps Heidi's hand tenderly.
Selania says, "It's over as far as I am concerned."
>Selania searches around for a moment.
>Bekke fades into visibility.
Grendeg nods to Jaernal.
>Meritis somberly says, "ooo me sup, ummms sirperior, ummmnot not quite right SUPOSITORY - NO not right either"
>Jaernal says, "I am sneaky like that."
Grendeg says, "As you may have gathered, we've had a bit of excitement here."
Simp says, "No, no.. at least two more people have to randomly kill you."
>Simp nods.
Simp exclaims, "Then we'll round up a posse!"
>Heidi nods.
Heidi giggles.
Alfador rolls his eyes.
Devilslove nods to Jaernal.
Simp exclaims, "Simp The Halfling has a posse!"
Alfador says, "All of you peons scatter."
(Heidi polish crown)
Simp exclaims, "Goodbye my love!"
>Alfador says, "I hear my forces coming."
>Alfador traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
>Simp gives Heidi a lingering kiss on the lips.
>Alfador gestures.
Alfador suddenly disappears.
Heidi giggles.
>Devilslove smirks.
>Bekke rolls her eyes.
>Heidi kisses Simp.
Heidi says, "goodbye friend"
>Grendeg asks, "Some people are rather preoccupied with themselves, aren't they?"
Grendeg raises an eyebrow in Bekke's direction.
* Alfador returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Bekke says, "It's unbelieveable."
Meritis leans softly against Selania.
>Simp yawns.
Meritis leans on Devilslove.
(Heidi steps on Devilslove's tail)
>Heidi exclaims, "IM leaving!"
>Simp says, "Hey, Bobmuhthol."
>Heidi just went south.
>Simp nods to you.
* Heidi returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Jaernal says, "She ran."
>Jaernal stares off into space.
Selania gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
>Simp says, "Actually, she had somewhere to be."
>Selania asks, "And, this does not apply to my Mistress.. but.. may I please get revenge for myself?"
>Selania gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Selania says, "Thank you."
>Devilslove says, "Oh.. I am gonna miss her"
>Selania nods.
Devilslove appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Lord Ilbren just arrived.
Simp yawns.
Simp says, "That was a lovely throwdown."
Meritis somberly says, "remember Selania - revenge is a dish best served with sparkling wines"
* Lord Edaarin Ariter joins the adventure.
Edaarin just arrived.
>Selania says, "Or a vat of whining."
Simp says, "I didn't whine at all."
>Simp shrugs.
>Simp says, "I casually observed from my stiff, but comfortable, state."
>Grendeg says, "Her."
>Meritis somberly asks, "ooo we gonna imbue her?"
Grendeg coughs.
Selania asks, "Are you done observing now?"
Selania cocks her head at Simp.
Alisin leans on Karzak.
Lady Amaranthyne just arrived.
>Simp shrugs.
Simp says, "No, I'm having fun."
Grendeg says, "And of course, halflings have so very many of those."
>Simp ponders.
Simp dusts off a heavy crossbow.
Alisin says, "I'm sorta back in the neighborhood."
Couple minutes pass...
Simp shrugs.
Simp says, "What the hey."
Simp yells, "Halfling Death Squad!"
>Simp moves to a kneeling position.
This is where I whisper to Alisin that the sanct screwed him up, heh. I can't believe no one else picked up on this.
Simp stands up.
Xolean just went south.
Simp squints.
Alisin peers quizzically at Edaarin.
Selania cocks her head at Tallula.
>Selania nods.
>The sense of peace and security passes away from the area.
>Alisin begins chuckling at Edaarin!
Bekke recites a series of mystical phrases while raising her hands...
>Bekke gestures.
Bekke looks considerably more imposing.
>Selania nods.
Selania cocks her head at Devilslove.
>Bekke recites a series of mystical phrases while raising her hands...
Bekke gestures.
Bekke looks considerably more imposing.
Simp moves to a kneeling position.
Simp fires a heavy crossbow bolt at Selania!
AS: +172 vs DS: -13 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +7 = +225
... and hits for 81 points of damage!
Shot to back shatters bone and vertebrae!
* Selania drops dead at your feet!
The heavy crossbow bolt sticks in Selania's back!
* Selania just bit the dust!
Simp stands up.
>Simp just went south.
Alisin groans.
Tallula gasps.
>Alisin raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Alisin gestures at Selania.
A luminescent web briefly forms around Selania, then fades into the body.
Bekke says, "Bastard."
>Karzak just went south.
Alisin says, "Edaarin"
You hear the ghostly voice of Selania say, "That's three.."
>Devilslove says, "Dammit"
Devilslove says, "Now I gotta kill that one"
Lord Edaarin just arrived.
Edaarin rolls his eyes.
Edaarin says, "I saw that one coming."
Karzak asks, "Didn't she just raise 'em?"
Bekke says, "I don't find this amusing."
Alisin nods to Edaarin.
Karzak scratches his head.
Devilslove says, "Nor do I"
more idle threats...then I went hunting again.
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