View Full Version : new old place curious

04-09-2011, 04:28 AM
so i was huntin dirges in the landing graveyard today and ran across something I have never noticed-A large grey stone slab.
LOOK SLAB--The slab looks as if it had been cleaned of layers of age-old soil and debris centuries ago, and grown over again with dust and moss that have not yet managed to obscure the legend engraved into its face. Though the words are unfamiliar, the characters are similar to those common in runes and magical writings, and it is possible to decipher their probable sound if not their meaning.
There appears to be something written on it.

READ SLAB--In the Common language, it reads:
~ Dha baes'irin dha shi ta liat shi hestos i siath a shidar ~ Oraesh'lan dha laediach ta geilach ~ Oraesh'lan'da ta Gosaena ~

now my elanthian languages arn't that great but from what i gather it looks to be dark elven (dha) and concerning the goddess Gosaena. Anyone able to help me translate? It doesn't do anything in-game that I know of but you never know.