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View Full Version : First time I ever broke the law for murder

05-05-2004, 08:16 PM
* Rasko joins the adventure.
Great Lord Yngvar just went west.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Dining Room]
Loud and abusive noises emanate from behind the swinging kitchen doors, much to the laughing delight of some of the customers, and to the chagrin of others. Tapestries hanging from the walls depict soothing idyllic wildlife scenes. Hard wooden tables and chairs are placed evenly, allowing enough space for the cook and wait servants to pass. You also see a cozy nook and some inviting tables.
Also here: a stunned Lord Rasko
Obvious exits: south, southwest
>705 rask
*** TypoHelp: Converted "705 rask" to PREP 705 and CAST AT rask

You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Disintegrate...
Your spell is ready.
You are visible again.
You gesture at Rasko.
CS: +344 - TD: +166 + CvA: +12 + d100: +67 - -5 == +262
Warding failed!
Both legs are frightfully stripped down to the bone marrow. Sadly, the small amounts of tissue remaining are nowhere near what is needed to support his body. +171 damage.
Rasko screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled right leg!

* Rasko drops dead at your feet!

Someone screams, "Murder by Arkans! Call the town constable!"

Was it worth it? I think so.


- Arkans

100% Wool
05-05-2004, 08:19 PM
Great job! How much was the fine though?

05-05-2004, 08:20 PM
Not sure, I knew I had about 15 seconds to avoid the auto arrest, so I just bolted out of town. I'll avoid it as long as I can, but if I get caught within a reasonable amount of time I'll let ya know.

- Arkans

05-05-2004, 09:21 PM
126k for two counts of murder.

- Arkans

The Cat In The Hat
05-05-2004, 09:45 PM
But he only died once! Who else did you kill?


05-05-2004, 09:49 PM

- Arkans

05-06-2004, 12:09 AM
Yanno, I thought this was gonna be a real life story....that's what happens when I don't look at the category.
