View Full Version : Alteration Box

04-07-2011, 10:38 AM
a faenor-inset purple mithril chest

Speaking to you, Droughtman says, "That is really unique. It will change items to look differently. Try putting a gem, shell, or pelt or jewelry item in with a weapon and see what happens."

It made this... an exquisite cherrywood runestaff set with a multi-color wyrdshard in it’s shaft.
And this....some black spike heeled boots set with whorls of deathstone chips

A fashionista’s delight, or great for a house/MHO officer to make prizes and gifts or offer services.

A pale, pearly-grey fog mists your vision, slowly clearing to reveal a view of an unfamiliar city, seen from a great height. A sense of vertigo sweeps over you as you swoop down into the city at impossible speed, flying through the narrow streets and into a tiny window near the foundation of a simple cottage. Your dream-like flight comes to a sudden halt within a cluttered workshop filled with gears, springs, and other contraptions. Seated on a high stool at the workbench in the middle of this mechanical maelstrom is a wizened gnome, busily tinkering with a faenor-inset purple mithril chest.

Even before the last notes of your song have finished, your vision clouds and clears again, returning you to the scene of the cluttered workshop. Some time seems to have passed since you last saw the wizened gnome, for now he is holding the purple mithril chest in his hands, turning it this way and that in clear pleasure with his handiwork. As he opens it, you hear a soft mechanical whirring, which increases in volume as the vision fades....

The last notes of your song twist into a mechanical whirr as your vision of the old gnome and his workshop return. The workbench is heaped with various weapons, cloaks, pouches, belts and shoes to the gnome's right, and a random collection of gems, pelts and buckles to his left. The wizened craftsman hums merrily as he selects one thing from each pile, pops them into the purple mithril chest perched on the workbench before him, and closes it. From deep within the chest, a mechanical whirring starts up, pushing you back into your natural time and place....

Almost before you can begin your song, your vision is swept away to the tiny workshop. A moment or two only seem to have passed, for the gnome has just reached into the purple mithril chest set before him. He dances about the room in a merry, disjointed little jig, holding up a spiked mithril mace with a star ruby set in its haft. You reach out towards the chest and wake from your revelry with a jolt, as the reality of the cold surface of the chest you are holding brings you out of your song.

CB: 20m Buckwheet ONCE

Also posted on the Officials..

(Acknowledgement of seriously channeling kookiegod’s alteration box sale.).

04-07-2011, 10:53 AM
I''ll go 20.

04-07-2011, 02:47 PM
20 mil to Buckwheet..

*Will be updating bids once or twice a day as I can.

04-07-2011, 02:52 PM
Was that a copy/paste?

desthstone ? shaftt ?

(do you need to hear yourself talk everywhere or what - RED REP)

No, but if I notice something out of the ordinary that someone else hasn't pointed out, I will ask about it.

A typo box would be pretty cool.

04-07-2011, 03:42 PM
It's human error typo, not an item typo.

I've seen the items, held em. She was merely typing from memory not copy pasting. The only copy pasting she might've done was from another post here for the loresong, I'd guess.

04-07-2011, 03:44 PM
Well, on the alters I cut/pasted them in but they were in a different font so I ended up retyping them because i kept getting all the formatting/font/whatever stuff in the post. My typo.

... And yes, if I could get a typo box that magically fixed my abysmal typing, that would be pure win.

04-07-2011, 03:47 PM
Oh, and no nitpicking! Bid!

04-07-2011, 05:40 PM
Any idea if this works on forged weapons?

04-07-2011, 09:48 PM
I tested it out, and no, it doesn't. Some weapons will not work, some gemstones appear not to. But a lot do. I don't think any of these boxes work on player forged weapons or cobbled footwear.

04-07-2011, 10:29 PM
20 mil to Buckwheet going once!

*will go once, twice, thrice and sold, in 24 hour increments.

04-08-2011, 09:23 AM
how much for a box of about 50 unique gems from ebons, etc to use in these? works for cobbling if you only have one of each?

04-08-2011, 11:47 AM
Thread hijacker! Get your own thread to sell gems for this thing. Was testing it out last night, and made some really neeftly clothing items using some of the new Mist Harbor gems. Looks like items that have special properties don't work in it. So far though, pretty neat.

04-08-2011, 04:44 PM
hijacking succesful!


also, it appears that enhancives weapons are a-ok for these boxes (i had a mace that adds dodge set with a nice moonglae opal)

04-08-2011, 06:01 PM
good to know, thanks, hadn't tried an enhancive weapon.

04-08-2011, 06:40 PM
ive also had an enhancive dagger and critter dropped knife altered with one of the boxes

04-08-2011, 07:48 PM
After some more testing last night, there seems to only be a few absolutes regarding what works and what doesn't. Player forged apparently don't work...which makes little sense to me. Items that already have longs will not work.

The corsets/half-bodices that you lace look great with the gems done, however, they slide onto the part of the script/item that is the laces. Upon relacing the gems went bye bye.

Some scripted items appear, so far, not to work. However, others absolutely do work. The dagger shirts, with the scripts, look absolutely great after working with the alteration chest.

It takes a LOT of playing around to get some things to work or not work. Plus, so far, we've only tried using gems. We've not even begun to try pelts and skins or buckles. Claws didn't work with what we were trying them on though. Additionally, some items clasp with a gem that you might expect to whorl or dust. These chests are flat out outstanding but it's out of my price range to buy.

04-08-2011, 08:47 PM
20 mil to Buckwheet ONCE

04-08-2011, 10:48 PM
Just did more testing tonight. The box WILL work on forged weapons if you either don't have it hilted or grind down the hilt. Then it will work.

An elegant rolaren maul with a swirling aetherstone set in its haft.

04-08-2011, 10:50 PM
That is really, really awesome.

04-08-2011, 11:28 PM
With the agreement of my one bidder, I am cancelling this auction. Thanks to all who expressed interest. This thing is just too much fun!

04-08-2011, 11:50 PM
I will post a bunch of the stuff we made, somewhere...maybe in this thread.

However, I wanted to point one thing out. Player forged weaponry does work with the boxes. It cannot already be hilted though. Perivan ground down some hilts off two weapons for us to test on tonight. So far, we found that gems work to add into the hilt of a maul and that you can add a pelt/fur/skin to wrap around a hilt on a forged weapon, at least on the estoc he handed me.

Things we were not able to get to work with anything include at least a couple kinds of scales, minotaur horn, skeleton bone, and some scripted containers.

Some items of interest, different gems do different things to containers/clothes. Some stud, some dust and some whorl...probably based off hardness. Some gems even clasp items, depending on the thing you put it on. I'll post the 10-12 items I've managed to create with it tomorrow after work if anyone is interested in what I've churned out. Just PM me or post here asking to see and I'll make a new thread or something for it.

04-10-2011, 12:05 PM
20 mil to Buckwheet going once!

*will go once, twice, thrice and sold, in 24 hour increments.

Is this still on going onice? Or has it sold? I'm waiting to sell mine..

04-10-2011, 02:11 PM
Is this still on going onice? Or has it sold? I'm waiting to sell mine..

See below.

With the agreement of my one bidder, I am cancelling this auction. Thanks to all who expressed interest. This thing is just too much fun!