View Full Version : Least Favorite GMs
08-05-2003, 12:23 AM
Which one of these GM's do you dislike the most?
I'm throwing these names up because these are the names I hear come up the most with pissed off players. Not even sure if some of these folks are still GMs.
08-05-2003, 12:38 AM
Mahegh and Altiron
08-05-2003, 01:06 AM
08-05-2003, 01:11 AM
Warden, for killing any hope of my sorcerer every wearing FGB.
08-05-2003, 01:19 AM
The only time I've ever been banned was (deservedly, now that I look back on it) by Issigri, haven't really had to deal with any other GM's...guess I've been lucky in that respect.
08-05-2003, 02:00 AM
Mahegh all the way.. Andraste I've always had good encounters with, she's fun.
08-05-2003, 03:19 AM
Gotta say, Mahegh
08-05-2003, 03:27 AM
Brauden. He pulled me for an hour, taunted the hell out of me, harrassed me, threatened me, then turned into a psychotic murderer and spoke with me as if I was his friend. I ASSISTed (even though I could have sued Simu for what he put me through...) and told Khaladon what happened. Khaladon became my favorite GM that day.
08-05-2003, 03:31 AM
I give credit to Warden, granted many people probably dislike some of the changes he's made, but you can't deny two things about him:
He doesn't shove his arrogance onto others, I mean you'll never meet the guy as he just does his job and minds his own business.
Second is that he does an incredible amount of work. He plans things out, he programs, he posts on the official boards. The one time that really made a difference in terms of my perception of Warden was back when Haste II was changed, and GM Altiron was giving all these smart-ass answers that just pissed people off because we knew Altiron was being a jerk and wanted us to feel stupid. GM Warden pops in, and gives us a truthful and complete answer. He didn't dodge it, he didn't try and make us feel stupid for asking it, he just explained the situation respectfully and then went on his way.
The funny thing is that Altiron was the one responsible for the change, and yet Warden was the one to give us an honest answer.
08-05-2003, 06:23 AM
Warden for being a narrow-minded idiot.
Uliq for being a quim.
Mahegh for being a full of himself, cancer-ridden whore.
08-05-2003, 09:36 AM
Altiron. For knowing nothing about how his little wizard changes affect other professions. (I have a familiar instrument that did not work properly for approximately 1 year + after the original changes to the duration of call familiar).
Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-05-2003, 12:05 PM
Altiron, for breaking mages.
08-05-2003, 01:50 PM
Some guy named Jakai that must have worked in customer service. When someone got ahold of one of my characters a while ago and took him demonic, Jakai tells me that no character would ever be restored that wasn't destroyed due to a Simu system error (in retrospect, clearly a crock of shit), and then threatened to report me to my ISP if I e-mailed him any more about it
Don't even get me started! lol.
08-05-2003, 03:31 PM
I gotta say Khaladon, ihave so many problems with this guy, I could list about 40 and you would all shit your pants from disbelief
08-05-2003, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Solkern
I gotta say Khaladon, ihave so many problems with this guy, I could list about 40 and you would all shit your pants from disbelief
I bet.
Now would this be disbelief as in we can't believe Khaladon would be so mean to you.. or disbelief like "Sure.. we believe you"?
08-05-2003, 04:15 PM
disblief in how, that they warned/locked me for the dumbest reasons possible, such as I whispered to a friend on, how i thought all Gms were fucking asses, and how they can't do there job right, got 30 days for disrubtive behavior, or some shit happened a few years ago
[Edited on 8-5-2003 by Solkern]
08-05-2003, 04:21 PM
That's what you get for being disruptive. Crazy kid.
08-05-2003, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by Solkern
disblief in how, that they warned/locked me for the dumbest reasons possible, such as I whispered to a friend on, how i thought all Gms were fucking asses, and how they can't do there job right, got 30 days for disrubtive behavior, or some shit happened a few years ago
[Edited on 8-5-2003 by Solkern]
I've yet to see a case where someone was banned for simply whispering that GMs are asses. There is obviously something more to it than a simple whisper.
Come clean and cleanse your soul.
08-05-2003, 04:58 PM
Only if you knew the past me and khaladon had, he was looking for anything to get me locked was plain and simple, Gms can do what they want when they want, like someone said before it's likea club
08-05-2003, 08:25 PM
Solkern: Khaladon isn't a Senior GM, and thus does not have the ability to lock you. There's obviously more that you aren't telling.
08-05-2003, 09:25 PM
Well.he must have done something, due to the fact, that he was the one that pulled me up, into the lounge, and he was the one that put me in the cell, he was also the one that locked me ot a few months earlier, for cussing at a table by accident, brillies was with me at the time. So he must have some power involved
08-05-2003, 09:27 PM
Yeah, his power is he's a GameMaster. Look closely next time you get locked out. He doesn't do it. He says, "I have requested your account be locked out for 30 days." He can pull you, then he asks a Senior GM for the lockout approval.
08-05-2003, 09:41 PM
Has an SGM ever turned down a request?
08-05-2003, 09:54 PM
Yeah, but they don't tell you. I've had GMs constantly say that I'll be locked out, but end up with a warning to mask the refusal.
08-05-2003, 10:04 PM
<< I've had GMs constantly say that I'll be locked out, but end up with a warning to mask the refusal. >>
I don't mean a casual request, I mean an actual request for a lockout. When a GM makes a serious lockout request you're sent to the Cell where they leave you until your lockout is confirmed. If it's confirmed then you can't access your character, if it isn't confirmed then you remain in the cell until a GM lets you free.
By the sound of your post, it seems like whatever GM said he was locking you out was just joking around a bit.
[Edited on 8-6-2003 by Kranar]
08-06-2003, 01:33 AM
WEll this is what happened, After I blurted what i did about the gms and yes i whispered mainly about kahladon, He simply pulled me up, to the lounge, Told me what i was saying and doing, was being disruptive towards the game, and that he is going to request a lockout for 30 days, which in turn, i was yelling at him, what i whissper is my business and none of his, then he ranted on about, how it is my business, but what i was whispering, was being disruptive towards the game, and the Gms that help run it. So he then for, sent me to the infamous cell, where later that day, my acocunt was suspended for 30 days.
No Kranar. No SGM ever to this day has denied a request for a lockout. Want to know why? Because they would bet their life that the other SGMs could never make a mistake.... Ooops..... What is that? All the SGMs died all of the sudden. Go figure.
It would be alright if there was some type of checks and balances. But like the US government. They got a weak worthless leader that is to scared/spineless to make the real offenders responsible for their actions. Just like Saudi! Oh ya. Keep up the good work Melissa.
[Edited on 8-6-2003 by edge]
08-06-2003, 07:30 AM
Has an SGM ever turned down a request?
Actually, happened quite a few times with one particularly charming person in DR. I believe I know of it happening in GS as well, but I don't know the folks involved.
Usually, however. Like Solkern's case. People have a reason for being warned...a reason for being locked out. And Solkern, if you don't think you do...
08-06-2003, 07:32 AM
I've done my share of 'bad' things in the game when I was first starting out. I would kill people for the slightest reasons. I would thump. I would yell. I would be in Icemule and constantly bitch about the amulet changes and how we were being forced to use the black channel for selling. I would get those SEND messages all the time and get my amulet privledges taken away.
Never once was I ever banned or officially warned. I think I've been pulled up about 4 or 5 times.. but when I was, I was respectful and polite.
I never knew one GM at the time. I never went to Simucon. I never was one of those 'elite' roleplayers.
I'm sorry, but you have to be a real dumbass to get banned from this game. Think about it... they are telling you "Hey, we don't want your money because we believe you are so bad for business here, we never want you to return. Get out".
Now, I am sure some innocent people have been banned from the game in the past.. shit happenes sometimes. People make mistakes.... even GMs.
But I look extremely skeptically at those that claim they were banned for less than a normal reason. It's like going into a prison and everyone claiming they are innocent.
08-06-2003, 07:35 AM
Originally posted by edge
No Kranar. No SGM ever to this day has denied a request for a lockout.
Let's stick to the facts. Unless you are on staff, there would be no way for you to substantiate that claim.
Or a staffer made that statement while drunk. But hey. They lie about stuff all the time and that could be a lie to. Never know.
08-06-2003, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by edge
Or a staffer made that statement while drunk. But hey. They lie about stuff all the time and that could be a lie to. Never know.
Cause god knows that no one ever made a mistake and said something erroneous while inebriated.
08-07-2003, 01:07 AM
Have to say Andraste is my least favorite GM.
One of my littler characters was being harassed by some fat, hairy man, and he would not stop.
I reported, and eventually Andraste basically said something to the effect of 'You have to expect that sort of behavior when you roleplay a female empath."
Just short of calling my character a slut, she told me to deal with it. Later that week the guy got locked out for harassment by Khaladon or someone.
Still haven't forgiven her for that. What right does she have to say who does or doesn't deserve or invite harassment? It's not like she actually watches.
08-07-2003, 01:23 AM
Didn't Andraste used to post here?
08-07-2003, 12:08 PM
I dunno, Andraste has always been one of the few GMs who listen's and helps in my experiences. Ah well. People have bad days.
Dighn Darkbeam
08-07-2003, 01:47 PM
Who ever was behind this recent tweak of spell defenses. Wall of Force is now a dueling spell. Im looking in Wardens direction.
<Cause god knows that no one ever made a mistake and said something erroneous while inebriated.>
Cool! Glad being drunk is now a justified reason to lie. So any of my posts that you don't like, was during a drinking binge and can't be held against me. GREAT! I am not accountable for anything I say when drunk...GREAT! WOOHOO!
08-07-2003, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by edge
<Cause god knows that no one ever made a mistake and said something erroneous while inebriated.>
Cool! Glad being drunk is now a justified reason to lie. So any of my posts that you don't like, was during a drinking binge and can't be held against me. GREAT! I am not accountable for anything I say when drunk...GREAT! WOOHOO!
Well thats the Edge we all know and....well that we all know.
So you've been drunk 24/7 since about the year 2000?
Way to be! Your liver may want to have a word with you about that though.
A GM off the clock and drinking recreationally and you want to hold him to every word? Yeesh man cut him some slack eh?
08-07-2003, 08:58 PM
<< Didn't Andraste used to post here? >>
Andraste, Khaladon, Uska, Andy, Melissa and yes, even Whatley have posted here.
And yes, they were ALL chased away. I think some other GMs may have posted here too.
08-07-2003, 09:33 PM
Oh yeah, I remember reading posts by Bardon...
Who chased them away? Heh.
08-07-2003, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
Oh yeah, I remember reading posts by Bardon...
Who chased them away? Heh.
Not so hard to see.
The old boards are still up. Go peek for yourself. Some of the names should come as no surprise.
08-07-2003, 10:24 PM
Where are the old boards...?
08-07-2003, 10:26 PM
It's open for referencing purposes.
08-08-2003, 02:48 AM
Hmmm...just browsed the old boards for like 20-30 minutes...where the heck did everyone go? And I guess I understand why GMs don't post anymore. With the boards the way they are now I guess right now it'd be a nonstop flame fest, heh. I'm sure there are some GM lurkers out there though...
08-08-2003, 02:52 AM
Mahegh definately is the worst GM ever.
08-08-2003, 02:53 AM
<< With the boards the way they are now I guess right now it'd be a nonstop flame fest, heh. I'm sure there are some GM lurkers out there though... >>
They do visit this BBS.
08-11-2003, 12:42 PM
I'm suprised they do. Considering how they run their own shitty boards where you have to agree or get pulled, I'd have thought this place would be a little too "true" for their liking.
08-11-2003, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I'm suprised they do. Considering how they run their own shitty boards where you have to agree or get pulled, I'd have thought this place would be a little too "true" for their liking.
I think you misunderstand the difference between "agreeing" with them and "insulting" them. I have disagreed with some things Simu has done for years and years...and was quite vocal about it. However, I argue my points. I don't insult people...and you know what? Alot of the things I argued for got changed, or I got reasons why not.
It's pretty simple. You can disagree all you want, just be nice about it and don't flame and you won't have any trouble at all.
08-11-2003, 09:38 PM
This is not good enough you limit me to just a few choices. I have more than one GM who is a joke. Brauden tops my list. Or should I call him Mr Ego? Khaladon is beligerant and doesnt have a polite bone in his body. Zyllah likes to assume and fails to fully check out things before ruling on issues. Kennesaw another ego maniac... Ok now for the GMS I think DO a good job even though I might not like their decisions. GM Wolv makes me laugh and he's a tough cookie. Andraste though she is at times can be difficult.. the lady works hard to be fair. And one cant' complain on that. GH Vince & GH Dirkay are nice too. But please someone give Mahegh some help. He tries. Bottom line to be a GM I think it should be required they have customer service experience and people skills as an earlier post is right Simu is lousy at customer service and folks.. if this continues I give them a year before Gemstone is done for good. People are fed up with the inconsistencies and blatant favortism.
08-11-2003, 10:10 PM
I think I've only dealt with a GM once or twice, I think someone's a trouble maker!
08-11-2003, 10:24 PM
How long have you been in the lands Snapp? 6 months? I was around for 7 years.. so I think that suffices.
08-11-2003, 10:26 PM
I was around long before you, thanks!
08-11-2003, 10:30 PM
Then you get the Standing "O" from me. Im just stating from experience based on encounters with all my characters not just one. And for those that didnt know I had more than one.. now you know :grins evily:
08-11-2003, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by Haashek
How long have you been in the lands Snapp? 6 months? I was around for 7 years.. so I think that suffices.
Snapp has been around a lot longer then you. Please don't try to act like you are better because you have been around longer....... Not to mention, Snapp has been around a lot longer then you anyway.
08-11-2003, 10:36 PM
Who mentioned I was better? not I oh mouth of misinformation.. just made a statement I have more than one character that has had an encounter with a GM. And that I been around for 7 years. And Snapp's been around longer good. Nothing wrong with that at all. So where is your vote Sintik?
08-11-2003, 10:40 PM
I believe it's back in the start of this thread. However I don't blame GM's because they don't give me 10x super crit and damage padded armor for me and all 4,500 of my "super" kids. Or say they are bad GM's because they ban every guy that makes fun of me. Perhaps you need to realize that people picking on you does not mean they get banned. If I was a GM, I would be laughing the whole time I listened to you tell me about how people made fun of you......
08-12-2003, 12:28 AM
None of the ones I have issues with are up there.
Though Haashek hating anyone is sad. I pity the poor GMs for having to deal with him.
08-12-2003, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by Haashek
How long have you been in the lands Snapp? 6 months? I was around for 7 years.. so I think that suffices.
All this does is reinforce just how sad your learning curve is.
08-12-2003, 02:29 AM
Shouldn't be hard to spot your other characters Haashek..
Now let me skim my memory, who was that guy begging for spells in the Park..?
08-12-2003, 02:41 AM
Well Edaarin I really doubt you could guess since they are not warriors and not in the landing. And Sintik you disappoint me I thought you were smarter and you cant fight without 10x weapon? So who is the whiner now? And Skirmisher.. learning lessons? So you assume GM interaction is a problem.. perhaps it's more a question of mechanics or to inform them of something that isnt working correct.. there are many issues other than altercations that are assisted upon. I have had questions on scripts not working how to use new verbs why the blasted wedding tent not opening when you had an invitation.. like for my grandson's wedding recently.. you assume pal... wrongly.
08-12-2003, 02:48 AM
Apperently you are too stupid to realize when someone is making fun of you. I can use 4x gear and hunt just fine. My warrior uses a +2 claid and no spells......
08-12-2003, 03:07 AM
Yeah I bet he does Sintik and fights non casting creatures or ones that dont cause a great deal of harm. Regardless it's a style one decides upon. That doesnt mean Im right you're wrong or vice versa. It just means we're different in how we do things. Everyone should be respected for that and not poked fun at. Heck I see the same people die day after day regardless of profession. As for me I rarely die as I hunt smart. I know when to back off if Im getting my butt kicked in and I know when to push it to the limit. That's a smart hunter. Sintik Im not making fun of you I have respect for your intelligence. I just ask the same in return. And I dont hate everyone.. gees. I enjoy meeting people. I give respect where respect is due. All I ask is the same in return. Sadly people would rather poke fun at me on petty issues than stick to what's important to us all. The changing lands are hurting. We as adventurers have to stand and say to Warden/Melissa enough.. we wont pay for this crud and leave. If you want to stay cool your choice I respect it. But seriously folks it's a dying game. Time to move on unless Simu wakes up listens to the tax payers and gives them what they want... not what Simu wants
08-12-2003, 03:10 AM
Actually, my warrior hunted lots of casting critters. (He hunted Stone sentinals and Banshee's, what you seem to freak out about.) It's quite easy to tackle them before they cast. What you call "smart hunting" isn't. Spelling up with every spell is not "smart hunting, " It's pansy hunting.
08-12-2003, 03:18 AM
As I mentioned Sintik we hunt differently I warcry sents.. freeze em and pound them to the ground. That's not pansy or daisy hunting LOL again it's a different style. On Banshees heh I just beat em to a pulp no biggie there. But I hunt harbs who are tougher than sents in some ways. They cast at a higher level. So that is a bigger challenge to me. Again we are different no one is right or wrong here. Be respectful guy. Again Im not making fun of you and how you do things.
08-12-2003, 03:31 AM
I thought I went crazy for a second, because the last 15 posts had absolutely nothing to do with GMs, let alone the topic of the least favorite GM.
08-12-2003, 03:34 AM
Ok Bob then tell me which GM you really like and dislike to satisfy the topic?.. I like GM Wolv and hate about 4 of em.
08-12-2003, 03:47 AM
Khaladon. Don't like Brauden, or Kyalia. Also like Illusion. Neutral on Mahegh and Talisker.
08-12-2003, 07:19 AM
"Regardless it's a style one decides upon"
Yes. Neglecting guild skills even when we point out they're your path to survival. Buying spells. Wearing armor that is stupidly inadequate. Not learning how to stance dance in 7 years. Being stupidly defensive of your actions.
What a style.
God. Poor GMs. I'm not seeing the game as what's a problem in your case. Hell, I even tried to help, but you still don't get it.
08-12-2003, 02:09 PM
Haashek, you seem slow.
When I read your posts, it's as if they should be written in crayon.
I feel bad for saying anything bad about you on these boards. It's like beating up an old person who uses a cane to walk.
I feel really sorry for any GM that had to deal with you.
Now, getting back on topic...
The only GM I ever interacted with was 9 years ago. It was when Gemstone was on AOL. I had some friends over, so I rolled up a warrior, got a nice two handed sword and decided to crack someone's head open with it for no good reason.
We both got pulled up, I was warned. I never played much after that.
About a year later, I created a real character, and I've not had an interaction with a single GM. GameHosts here and there, but no GMs.
08-12-2003, 04:32 PM
Haashek; from reading logs of how you hunt and behave, from listening to you speak in game and on the net, its plainly obvious you're an idiot. What kind of dumbfuck warrior wears brig when they are over 50 in GS3? What warrior has never heard of Stance Dancing? Cretin.
08-15-2003, 02:11 AM
I was also going to say, I've never had any bad experience with Brauden personally, but he can be a total arse on the boards. Most of the time, though, he's responding to someone who does deserve to get verbally smacked around a lil.
08-15-2003, 02:21 AM
For the record I havent worn brig in 20 trains so the slow mentally disabled underaged child is MIA on that. I wore Hauberk for 7 trains and since I was 50 I wore 5x plate. On the Stance Dance issue.. I do it all the time in Harbs/Sents.. Pyros on Teras.. So once again some slow slug has no clue.. On guild things.. I mastered warcry have ranks in battle barriers and tackle both around 15 or so. I was working on them during the Jant invasion.. oh and on that.. I was tackling a swordsman once I got all my reps yeah I killed em.. whoopie. I've seen plenty do that to kobs who got in the way during the kob invasion. At least I was helping better than most.. sitting at tables scared of the MarchLords walking around and I did kill a couple of them. No biggie. Lastly it's so irrelevent now. Im gone and we're all happy. I hate changing teenagers diapers in the lands since MOST of the lame comments are coming from them. And a few adults who forgot their age. On GMS.. again I state Wolv is the best and Andraste works the hardest.. she is stern but fair.
Red Devil
08-15-2003, 02:25 AM
Haashek, stfu, i'd have more respect if you actually killed people, but you just whine
08-15-2003, 02:28 AM
Killing people doesnt solve anything it just esculates matters. Although I have done it in the past I found it didnt do me any good. And if you ask a GM they prefer you dont too.. though some will refer you to the boulder.
08-15-2003, 09:27 AM
I was going to point out that I've never seen Haashek on teras.. much less hunting pyros..
but I promised Caels that I would let the lying horse lie...
So I'm not saying a word.
08-30-2003, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by Straight-up
I think you misunderstand the difference between "agreeing" with them and "insulting" them.
Why would they want to read the posts here? Some folks are just plain out harsh. Who wants to read personal attacks and insults, especially when made by people who don't even really know them. They're judged by a persona, one that is supposed to enforce policy and ensure people have an enjoyable time in the game, but not at the expense of others.
I'm sure plenty of you would be pleased to have your mun-self be judged by the demeanor of your characters and how you roleplay. I'm also guessing there are plenty of you that don't want people to think you are personally as much of an ass or a dick as your character either.
It cuts both ways.
I'd also bet that some of you folks who had bad experiences with GMs either asked to be treated the way you were, or you have pretty selective memories about what really happened or was said.
I'll even offer a dare. If you feel like a GM treated you horribly, go the extra mile and ask to discuss it with them now, now that some time has passed.
Any takers on how many occurred out of simple misunderstandings obscured by an emotional response?
Let's see who the first one is to take me up on it and report back.
08-30-2003, 09:42 PM
My least favorite GM is GMKlaive.
Oh wait....
08-31-2003, 02:05 AM
Caramia you make some valid points. But I am going to take you up on your dare. I have indeed gone to those GMS. I have felt that they've been out of line on many occasions and get zero respect from a few of them. Yet it's humorous they want everyone to respect them when their comments in speaking to people often times are tainted with personal comments that are inmaterial at the subject manner. And there are some whose egos are so huge that they take being a GM to an extreme. I bet many can agree with that. now on the flip side, there are a few that do a good job. And you are right often times they are put into difficult situations. This poll I feel is an excellent one for all to express their feelings, experiences, and opinions. And from reading the comments to date many are saying simular things.
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