04-01-2011, 02:53 PM
As much as I like cake, a self-filling cake box really isn't something I can RP with my dark elves. That being said - this box is now officially up for grabs. This box doesn't run out of cake - constantly regenerates 5 pieces of cake for each rub. Last night I did 10-15 refills without issue in about 5 minutes (as TSC may be able to attest since I left a backpack full of cake there). Did a couple more refills today (as evidenced below).
Going to auction this through the weekend. Trade ideas are always welcome -
MB - 5m
CB - 11m - Jarvan - SOLD
BO -
>get box
You remove a small white velvet box from in your pale pink pack.
>open box
You open a small white velvet box.
>look in box
In the white velvet box you see a wedge of mocha fudge cake, a wedge of dark chocolate cake, a wedge of fresh banana cake, a wedge of iced orange cake, a wedge of warm pumpkin cake and a wedge of spiced carrot cake.
>empty box into backp
You try to empty the contents of your box into the backpack on the ground, and everything falls in quite nicely.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
R>close box
You close a small white velvet box.
>rub box
You rub your white velvet box.
Odd, the box suddenly seems a little heavier.
The cake box is full.
>open box
You open a small white velvet box.
>look in box
In the white velvet box you see a wedge of spiced carrot cake, a wedge of glazed lemon cake, a wedge of brandied plum cake, a wedge of mocha fudge cake, a wedge of gingered peach cake and a wedge of sweet coconut cake.
Going to auction this through the weekend. Trade ideas are always welcome -
MB - 5m
CB - 11m - Jarvan - SOLD
BO -
>get box
You remove a small white velvet box from in your pale pink pack.
>open box
You open a small white velvet box.
>look in box
In the white velvet box you see a wedge of mocha fudge cake, a wedge of dark chocolate cake, a wedge of fresh banana cake, a wedge of iced orange cake, a wedge of warm pumpkin cake and a wedge of spiced carrot cake.
>empty box into backp
You try to empty the contents of your box into the backpack on the ground, and everything falls in quite nicely.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
R>close box
You close a small white velvet box.
>rub box
You rub your white velvet box.
Odd, the box suddenly seems a little heavier.
The cake box is full.
>open box
You open a small white velvet box.
>look in box
In the white velvet box you see a wedge of spiced carrot cake, a wedge of glazed lemon cake, a wedge of brandied plum cake, a wedge of mocha fudge cake, a wedge of gingered peach cake and a wedge of sweet coconut cake.