View Full Version : Orbs and fodder

04-01-2011, 04:40 AM
Thanks for taking a look. I am open to trades. First reply or PM I receive will win get the item. For the items that do not show the level restrictions, I will add those as soon as possible. Multiple item discount also available.

What are these orbs? What is this fusion stuff? Click on this link to find out more information:


Essentially, the fusion fodder listed at the bottom of the page is converted into an orb with one of the enhancive properties. After this process, the fusion fodder item is no longer available. The orbs can then be used in fusion arms and weapons. Most of these have at least two orb slots each. There have been a few weapons released that have three and four slots. I have the 3 slot katar.

By 'put orb in <equipment>', the piece of equipment will then carry the same enhancive property of the orb. To remove the orb, first you must 'exhale my <equipment>' in order to remove ALL charges the orbs possess. Then by 'pry orb from my <equipment>', the orb can be removed.

IMPORTANT - While it is true that these orbs can be removed at any time, removing them early includes a slim chance to damage the orb resulting in -1 to the enhancive property. After some time, you'll notice that the orb in the chamber may be pried from the chamber easily, at this point, THERE IS 0 (ZERO) CHANCE of damaging the orb.

There has been only one fest to date that allowed the creation of orbs. There has been discussion that the Fusion Arms Merchant will be at the Spitfire, but only for a limited number of folks.

I hope this information helps in your understanding of Fusion Orbs and Fusion Arms.

That's it, nothing else to see here folks. Move along now.

04-01-2011, 04:44 AM
Holy spell aiming, Batman.

04-02-2011, 01:02 PM
updated information

04-03-2011, 06:57 PM
Back to the top. Added the info about fusion wares. Please ask if you have questions!


04-05-2011, 01:17 PM
Everyone read this yet?

04-05-2011, 03:18 PM
To the folks that have let me know in game that they appreciate this post, thank you.

To the folks bad repping me to stop spamming lnet, clearly there's a need, and thank you for helping me find a second reason to keep sharing the info.

04-07-2011, 05:27 PM

11-17-2011, 07:34 PM
Do you have any more mana recovery orbs for sale?