View Full Version : HELP IS ON THE WAY FTW!!

03-30-2011, 07:23 PM
>;locate japh


Japhrimel: = dead

[Hidden Plateau] (6172)
A small pond rests in the center of the field, fed by a gently trickling stream to the east. Several brightly colored fish, ranging in hue from golden browns to pale white to vibrant reds, yellows, and golds, swim about in circles near the pond's bank. Small white flowers rest atop lily pads that float on the water's surface, and the occasional croak of a bullfrog breaks the silence in the air. You also see lesser minotaur, lesser minotaur (dead), curved silvery white greataxe, crystal amulet, yellow sapphire, golden beryl gem, curved silvery white greataxe, icy blue Boora disk.
Also here: Anemegus (dead lying down), Xorai (dead lying down), Boora, Zarston (dead lying down), Thornbein (dead lying down)
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, west


05-10-2011, 11:01 PM
Hehe... that WAS an interesting time.

No Gnomes Is Good News
05-11-2011, 12:10 AM
So how many people, other than myself, instantly though about Mrs. Doubtfire during this topic?