View Full Version : Best town for RP?
03-27-2011, 01:01 PM
Title says it all.
03-27-2011, 01:04 PM
River's Rest for general roleplay, Solhaven if you manage to be accepted as a serious player/character.
03-27-2011, 01:05 PM
Use the term "kthnxbai" profusely- the rp will be drawn to you like the force.
03-27-2011, 01:05 PM
Use the term "kthxbai" profusely- the rp will be drawn to you like the force.
03-27-2011, 01:13 PM
Solhaven if you manage to be accepted as a serious player/character.
He means if you can manage to be accepted into their "click", or if you even want to for that matter.
Don't get me wrong I like a few of them and they are fun to interact with, but also a few of them wouldn't bother me in the slightest if I never ran into their character(s) again.
03-27-2011, 01:20 PM
River's Rest has some good shit. If you AFK a lot, don't sit in the commons. Don't be a dick. It'll be all good. Come on out.
Solhaven's not as cliqueish as people make it out to be. Since my return last month I've actively tried to involve as many people as possible, and have had a lot of fun with many new people. I'll also admit that it's a serious place in that characters will act in character, and if that means giving you the cold shoulder they will do so.
03-27-2011, 01:31 PM
He means if you can manage to be accepted into their "click", or if you even want to for that matter.
Don't get me wrong I like a few of them and they are fun to interact with, but also a few of them wouldn't bother me in the slightest if I never ran into their character(s) again.
The whole "clique" thing isn't entirely true. I believe most of them have played together for years, and it's why they are so close. I love to RP, myself, and although only one of my characters was ever part of the Solhaven RP storyline, being "nobility" there, the other pretty much wasn't known at all.
I think what it comes down to is, if you enjoy RPing, just do it. Most times you are being regarded, just not acknowledged if it doesn't fit into someone else's RP at the time. If you keep a steady character going, everything will fall into place and people will eventually start noticing. I'll RP anywhere. Even if I am surrounded by people who don't.
03-27-2011, 01:34 PM
River's Rest has always been good for RP. Solhaven is good, my one character has had a lot of profound things happen to her there. Though, Ta'Illistim and Ta'Vaalor take the cake these days, I have had the most fun there in the 10+ years I've played gemstone.
03-27-2011, 01:50 PM
I'd agree with ViridianAsp and say Ta'Illistim and Ta'Vaalor. Lots of good (tempered with the not-so-good but that happens anywhere) stuff happening in the EN lately thanks to Itzel.
03-27-2011, 02:03 PM
River's Rest all the way. Unfortunately, you have to log on when there the people are actually active. I've made Teras my home before my hiatus and found that there are several people more than willing to keep RP alive. If you can manage to ignore the power hunters.
Rivers rest is awesome. It's got a nice closed off feeling and levels of critters perfect for you.
Solhaven is a bit boring compared. Don't worry about fitting into their clique, Be more worried if you do.
03-27-2011, 03:10 PM
I keep hearing about RR, but every time I log into game there aren't any people there (probably because I live in the GMT time zone).
I can't really drag my character out there any how since there isn't any like level hunting for a level 90 character (outside of GoS).
However, I did happen to meet a character coming from RR to hunt in Illistim, and the RP has been great so far. I guess that is what made me start this post in the first place.
Who all plays on GMT time or is in the time zone?
Wait WTF!?
You made it to 90?? lol wow
03-27-2011, 04:36 PM
I play lots of crazy hours.
03-27-2011, 04:37 PM
wheres the landing love? people RP sleeping in TSC constantly, not to mention the people RPing afk heal scripting
My character isn't terribly serious, he's pretty sarcastic and he's beloved in Solhaven (or at least he believes so). Serious characters are great because they make great foils. I really like Raelee for that reason, I've had some really funny moments interacting with her. Bristenn is not quite as serious but very earnest which makes him fun as well. Metadi isn't serious at all, and we have some groan inducing pun wars. Kilthal is serious but he's got a wry sense of humour. Aydan is relatively serious but helpful and will get in on a joke if he's in the mood. Katee is pretty funny and I wouldn't call her serious at all.
There are a few more people who folks perceive (and not wrongly so) as the "Solhaven clique" (and I don't want to break down how I feel about every Solhaven character) but honestly Solhaven could use some less serious types. I think part of what gives the place its dreary reputation is that it can be so quiet but that's partly because everyone can be pretty solemn and serious. A little spark actually makes the town a whole lot more fun.
So, in summation: visit Solhaven, have some fun.
Who all plays on GMT time or is in the time zone?
Me but the lag I am getting every late afternoon into evening currently makes the game unplayable other than early doors GMT. Can't work out where the bottleneck is, my local speed is fine but hits a wall somewhere in the US.
03-27-2011, 06:11 PM
Come to solhaven this week and see the less serious side of life!
A game of "drink like a sailor" will put everyone in a good mood.
Ps thanks for the words about katee, I am glad she is not so serious... she was emo gal for several years, but Metadi seems to bring out the good side of her.
03-27-2011, 06:15 PM
Play everywhere with people that makes sense for your character. No reason to be biased.
03-27-2011, 06:20 PM
I think if you're talking about getting some actual solid GM-run stories the EN and the Landing have to be it. The logs I see of Itzel's events in the EN are stunning and (although I only know this through the unbearable read that is the Landing officials forum) the Landing seems like there's a pretty nice and intriguing, albeit twisty, storyline going on there.
I think the majority of RP that goes on throughout Gemstone, and that can be found anywhere, are little personal storylines you might be engaged in with one or two other people, building friendships and exploring things in the game you've never had the chance to before. I won't say that RR is some crazy place where we're all coming up with large encompassing personal storylines or anything, but we definitely try to spread all of the RR lore around and play with it with whoever is there. People are just so busy with so many different goals in this game.
That all said I think for general IC'ness, creative tone/speech verbiage use and just excellent roleplay, Solhaven still impresses me whenever I'm around there. I've always loved my time RP'ing in Ta'Vaalor, it might not be perfect or flawless but there's always the feeling that people there are willing and ready to RP, especially if it's something that works into natural vaalor elf RP. I really hope some storylines and GM interaction start coming to places like RR and Teras.
03-27-2011, 06:25 PM
I like Sylvarraend. I know it isn't a real town, but you see the same folk there, and I like them. I love rivers rest too, as soon as my rogue is a master in the guild, I'm moving her there.
03-27-2011, 06:51 PM
Sylvarraend has been suprisingly good, but it's few and far between when I see people.
I didn't know anyone rested there, interesting.
03-28-2011, 05:03 AM
Wait WTF!?
You made it to 90?? lol wow
Pssshh!! Hell no Drayal. I don't have that much time to play. I already had a high level rogue sitting around in Illistim. Loagan has just hit 42.
03-28-2011, 05:19 AM
I'd try out Solhaven but I am weak in camps... My rogue (lvl 90) joined GoS late and has been stuck not leveling in GoS because of it.
I really hate to think that hunting grounds are the real reason I don't get enough good "storyline" role play time in, but it seems to look that way.
Wait! I've got it! You all come to Illistim and we'll get the GM's to start a storyline there. Drayal, that means you need to buy back Shim and come back to GS.
Wait! I've got it! You all come to Illistim and we'll get the GM's to start a storyline there. Drayal, that means you need to buy back Shim and come back to GS.
Ta'Illistim already has GM-run storylines going in it. Don't worry, they're easy to join in on if you just hit the calendar'd events. And they're ALL on the calendar, so no excuses. Itzel has been really good for the town. Interesting things happen in Ta'Vaalor as well. Or, at least, dramatic things, heh.
I'm in a situation similar to yours. Soon, in a couple of levels, I won't be able to hunt in Ta'Illistim anymore (can't keep up with the Sabreon swarms in OTF) and I'll have to head to Landing or Solhaven. But I don't want to go because I've been really enjoying the RP in Ta'Illistim. And my character isn't in GoS.
03-28-2011, 11:30 AM
Ta'Illistim already has GM-run storylines going in it. Don't worry, they're easy to join in on if you just hit the calendar'd events. And they're ALL on the calendar, so no excuses. Itzel has been really good for the town. Interesting things happen in Ta'Vaalor as well. Or, at least, dramatic things, heh.
I'm in a situation similar to yours. Soon, in a couple of levels, I won't be able to hunt in Ta'Illistim anymore (can't keep up with the Sabreon swarms in OTF) and I'll have to head to Landing or Solhaven. But I don't want to go because I've been really enjoying the RP in Ta'Illistim. And my character isn't in GoS.
You can hunt in OTF just fine if you avoid the main areas. Stick to the West woods and pick off Ithzir there. There are atleast 6 separate gen areas in OTF, likely more. Sabreon stays in 1-2. Find someone that L likes and have them show you the ropes. Don't you hunt with a weapon as a pure? Or am I totally off-base? I seem to remember you pulling a lance out from time to time. That build is definitely not suited to OTF. A 7x-10x Shield does wonders for one's survivability.
Ta'Illistim storylines are excellent...if you like court intrigue. For combat based storylines, one had better look elsewhere, likely to the West.
03-28-2011, 11:35 AM
Fallen, are you directing this at DCSL or me?
03-28-2011, 11:38 AM
DCSL. Are you attempting to hunt OTF and having problems as well?
You can hunt in OTF just fine if you avoid the main areas. Stick to the West woods and pick off Ithzir there. There are atleast 6 separate gen areas in OTF, likely more. Sabreon stays in 1-2. Find someone that L likes and have them show you the ropes. Don't you hunt with a weapon as a pure? Or am I totally off-base? I seem to remember you pulling a lance out from time to time. That build is definitely not suited to OTF. A 7x-10x Shield does wonders for one's survivability.
Ta'Illistim storylines are excellent...if you like court intrigue. For combat based storylines, one had better look elsewhere, likely to the West.
I've been thinking about taking her to pure but I haven't done so yet. It will be really hard for me to give up the polearms but I'll see what I can do.
03-28-2011, 11:55 AM
I've been thinking about taking her to pure but I haven't done so yet. It will be really hard for me to give up the polearms but I'll see what I can do.
I took Cappy over to pure at level 82 and never regretted it, she romps around the ducts easily enough. As for Strata hunting OTF main, I'd gladly have Roh accompany her if you wish.
03-28-2011, 12:01 PM
I've been thinking about taking her to pure but I haven't done so yet. It will be really hard for me to give up the polearms but I'll see what I can do.
Mutant builds get eaten up in OTF without a lot of spell tanking and/or toys. I guess shield using pures are mutant builds as well, but they work best in OTF IMO. If you need help with your build shoot me a PM and we will work on the numbers.
03-28-2011, 01:09 PM
I took Cappy over to pure at level 82 and never regretted it, she romps around the ducts easily enough. As for Strata hunting OTF main, I'd gladly have Roh accompany her if you wish.
You never take me hunting?? =(
Edit: Then again, I never asked.
03-28-2011, 03:14 PM
Then again, I never asked.
This! I'll gladly accompany you too. I could very well be returning to silly time in the next few months too so we can work out a more convenient time.
I'm particularly fond of the EN but I can't truly recommend one town over another as everywhere has RP opportunities.
Gnome Rage
03-28-2011, 04:53 PM
I've played a character in almost all of the towns - I've enjoyed RR the most. Currently in Illistim, it isn't so bad if you can get people to talk. While I've heard and seen a lot of good RP in Solhaven, I was never able to interject myself with the players there.
03-28-2011, 11:21 PM
wheres the landing love? people RP sleeping in TSC constantly, not to mention the people RPing afk heal scripting
Hence why I moved to RR some 10 years ago
03-28-2011, 11:32 PM
All aside I think you can find good RP in just about any town. Just depends on what you are looking for and what your personal flavor is really. For general IC'ness I have to say after 20 years of GS RR takes the cake.
If you want to get into the Tamzy Empire and be a knight or some such Sol is the place to go. You like the Elves and want to be courtly in that way and all hoity toity EN takes the cake. You want random stupid crap and OOC'ness heck stay in/go to Landing (not all bad but a damn solid 95%).
So really it's on you and what character you play, want to play.
As for storylines of greatness.... I'll be surprised when a GM tops Scribes, but he is retiring and leaving staff soon and already handed the reins of RR town Guru over to Nebhrail.
Although I have a lot of faith in Neb, tons of potential there for some epic GM town/storyline work.
edit: then again I bitch and moan about "mainlanders" whenever I play my main... and well yeah I do feel that way some of the time.
I have characters in different places (basically ever town), so it just depends on what my mood is as to who and how I play.
03-28-2011, 11:34 PM
I've played a character in almost all of the towns - I've enjoyed RR the most. Currently in Illistim, it isn't so bad if you can get people to talk. While I've heard and seen a lot of good RP in Solhaven, I was never able to interject myself with the players there.
It's against the law to speak on the dais.
03-28-2011, 11:41 PM
Mutant builds get eaten up in OTF without a lot of spell tanking and/or toys. I guess shield using pures are mutant builds as well, but they work best in OTF IMO. If you need help with your build shoot me a PM and we will work on the numbers.
Not true. I started hunting Rogane in OTF main at level 85. Back then, I was using 6x HCP brig and a 6x perfect maul. Sure I go in with wizard spells and a small statue, but that's hardly spell tanking.
03-28-2011, 11:55 PM
Way back when Icemule was pretty decent, but every time I've been there recently I couldn't get much out of people.
03-29-2011, 12:49 AM
Not true. I started hunting Rogane in OTF main at level 85. Back then, I was using 6x HCP brig and a 6x perfect maul. Sure I go in with wizard spells and a small statue, but that's hardly spell tanking.
Wearing 401, 406, 414, 503, 509, and 1712 isn't considered tanking?
03-29-2011, 03:25 AM
My favorite place to RP is Solhaven, but the GM run storylines have ground to a halt there for like the past year (though we have been promised they will shortly resume...[insert me holding my breath]). And that combined with the lack of high level hunting for non-GOS has kept me away during that interval. I'd gladly spend more time there if we can get the storylines going again, because when they are happening, they are the awesome-est.
Other than that, Ta'Vaalor is a lot fun, it's got a lot of potential to be great, but there are a few there who will just cold-shoulder you if you go against the grain. It's driven a number of good RPers away. (also my char there is a pure and i get bored playing a pure sometimes for extended periods...i just can't get used to dying from low endrolls after ca. 15 yrs playing a square)
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